



3 缜密侦查准确分析 跨省作战勇擒凶犯





一、 发案情况


二、 侦破过程

(一)        现场勘查情况

现场位于北京市大兴区青云店镇小张本庄西南侧一玉米地内。尸体头南脚北仰卧于地面,除右腿外全身均呈炭化。上身残留有皮质和毛线类衣物残片,以及十三枚金属质印有CHINA POLICE字样扣子。右腿穿有深色长裤和白色秋裤,右脚穿一只棕色富贵驼牌皮鞋。尸体下方有三把钥匙和一把强人牌指甲刀。尸体南侧有一长约93公分红白相间棉绳,绳上有血迹。尸体西侧有一条宽38公分拖痕,拖痕上有一只左脚穿的富贵驼牌皮鞋,鞋大小为26号。拖痕上有一段宽5厘米透明胶带,透明胶带上有血迹。拖痕北侧有粗横条内碎方格条纹足迹,南侧有细横条纹足迹。皮鞋内有红面白底鞋垫,红面上印有金色 踩小人字样。尸体西侧4-5米处有一处宽13厘米的汽车轮胎痕迹,初步分析为小面类汽车。

(二)        法医检验情况


(三)        现场访问情况

经询问报案人张启增,其称:2011 1271530分许,其在北京市大兴区青云店镇小张本庄村西南田地放羊时发现一具尸体。尸体在田地的一条南北水沟里。上半身已经被烧没了,下半身有两条腿,遂拨打110报警。


(四)        现场分析与工作部署









(五)        案件破获经过









(六)        案件的诉讼结果


三、 案例评析

(一)        成功经验







(二)                   教训启示



 The Criminal Investigation Detachment of Daxing Branch Successfully Cracked the “1.27” Murder and Burning Case

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The Criminal Investigation Detachment of Daxing Branch Successfully Cracked the “1.27” Murder and Burning Case

Chapter 3 Meticulous investigation and accurate analysis

       ——The criminal investigation detachment of Daxing Branch successfully cracked the “1.27” murder and cremation case


【Case summary】

At about 15:40 on January 27, 2011, the Service Command Office of the Criminal Investigation Detachment Sub-bureau deployed police and found a dead body that had been severely carbonized in the southwest of Xiaozhangbei Village, Qingyundian Town, Daxing District, Beijing. On February 12, 2011, the Criminal Investigation Detachment, together with the Municipal Criminal Investigation Corps and other relevant units, carried out careful investigation, accurate analysis, and cross-provincial operations. After 16 days of continuous fighting, the case was successfully cracked. The two suspects Yao Jing and Zhang Xiaofei were arrested and brought to justice.

1. Situation of the incident

At 15:37 on January 27, 2011, the reporter Zhang Qizeng (male, 58 years old, from Daxing, Beijing) said that at about 15:00 on January 27, he was herding sheep in the southwest field of Xiaozhangbenzhuang Village, Qingyundian Town, Daxing District, Beijing When they found a burned body, they called 110 to call the police.

2. Detection process

(1) On-site investigation

The scene is located in a cornfield on the southwest side of Xiaozhang Village, Qingyundian Town, Daxing District, Beijing. The corpse was lying on its back on the ground with its head south and feet north, and its whole body was charred except for its right leg. There are leather and woolen clothing fragments left on the upper body, as well as thirteen metal buttons with the word “CHINA POLICE” printed on them. He wears dark trousers and white long johns on his right leg, and a brown “Fugui Camel” brand leather shoe on his right foot. Underneath the body were three keys and a “Strongman” brand of nail clippers. On the south side of the corpse was a red and white cotton rope about 93 centimeters long, with blood stains on the rope. On the west side of the body, there was a drag mark with a width of 38 cm. On the drag mark was a “Fugui Camel” brand leather shoe worn on the left foot, the shoe size was 26. There is a section of scotch tape with a width of 5 cm on the drag mark, and there is blood on the scotch tape. On the north side of the drag mark, there are footprints of broken square stripes in thick horizontal stripes, and on the south side of the traces are footprints of thin horizontal stripes. Inside the leather shoes are red-faced and white-soled insoles, and the words “Fu trampling villains” are printed in gold on the red face. 4-5 meters to the west of the corpse, there is a 13 cm wide car tire trace, which is preliminarily analyzed as a small noodle car.

(2) Forensic medical examination

After forensic examination, the deceased was male, about 40 years old, and about 1.72 meters tall. The teeth are relatively neat and clean. The upper left two molars and the upper right molar have metal crowns. The time of death was about two days without accelerant.

(3) On-site visits

After questioning the reporter, Zhang Qizeng, he stated that at about 15:30 on January 27, 2011, he found a dead body while grazing sheep in the southwest field of Xiaozhangbenzhuang Village, Qingyundian Town, Daxing District, Beijing. The body was in a north-south ditch in the field. The upper body had been burned, and the lower body had two legs, so he called 110 to call the police.

After questioning Zhang Qizeng’s wife Chang Guizhen (female, 55 years old, from Daxing, Beijing), she said: He usually goes out to herd sheep, every day from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and from 2:30 pm to 5 pm. Generally, sheep are herded on the south and west sides of Xiaozhang Village. A few days before the incident, he had not been near the scene and found no abnormalities when herding sheep.

(4) On-site analysis and work deployment

Based on the above circumstances, the project team believes that this case is a homicide and cremation case, and the number of perpetrators should be more than 2, and formulate the following work arrangements:

1. Investigation and visit work

(1) Query the information of the missing person and determine the identity of the deceased.

(2) Visit the residents and gas stations around the site to find insiders.

2. Surveillance video retrieval work

  Call the monitoring of roads and gas stations around the scene, and try to find the images of suspected vehicles and the entry and exit routes.

3. Assisted investigation work

  The whole city issued a notice of assisted investigation to find the missing persons with matching characteristics.

(5) The process of cracking the case

Just as various tasks were being carried out rapidly, on January 28, a case of a van being burned occurred on the south side of the river in the West Guangde Industrial Zone, Demao District, Daxing District, Beijing. The technicians extracted suspicious footprints during the investigation of the scene. After careful comparison, it was found that the extracted footprints and the footprints left at the scene of the “1.27” cremation case should be left by the same person. The project team immediately carried out joint investigations, focusing on follow-up investigations around the burned vehicles.

By inquiring the frame number of the small car, it was found that the license plate number of the small car was Beijing JYU169, a gray Songhuajiang car, the owner was Beijing Qixing Lianqiang International Trading Co., Ltd., and the car was purchased in February 2008. Through online investigation, the address of Beijing Qixing Lianqiang International Trading Co., Ltd. is Room 512, Building 1, Kaichi Building, No. 2, Jinfu Road, Industrial Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing. The business scope of the company is sales of cosmetics, daily necessities, electronic products, etc. and information consultation Waiting for business. The company was established on January 25, 2007, and its license was revoked in December 2010. The main personnel of the company are Liu Yibin (male, 48 years old, from Beijing) as the director of the company, Chen Jie (male, 43 years old, from Fujian, China) as the legal person of the company, and Liu Wanchun (male, 47 years old, from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China) as the director of the company . Liu Wanchun temporarily lives at 722-2-501, Sanli, Tianbao Garden, Yizhuang, Daxing, Beijing. Mobile phone numbers: 13426389667, 13911546948.

Through the investigation and control of the company’s personnel communication tools by the technical investigation department, it was found that Liu Wanchun and Jiang Hengqing’s mobile phone (13701307918) communicated closely, and this mobile phone signal had appeared in Daxing Qingyun Store during the time of the incident. Through work, it was discovered that a woman, Yao Jing, with a mobile phone number of 13269310734, was in close contact with Jiang Hengqing before the incident. Moreover, this number is dedicated to the special card, only to contact Jiang Hengqing, and the two also had contact before the incident. As a result, a man named Jiang Hengqing and a woman named Yao Jing came into the sight of the project team.

Through in-depth work, the project team obtained an important piece of information. The reporter, Jiang Bingxin, went to the Yizhuang Police Station to report that his father Jiang Hengqing (male, 59 years old, from Haidian District, Beijing, temporarily residing in Taiheyuan Community, Yizhuang Town, Daxing District, Beijing) disappeared on January 26 and his whereabouts are still unknown. According to the situation obtained in the early stage, the project team immediately carried out DNA comparison and identified the identity of the deceased in one fell swoop, which was Jiang Hengqing. Jiang Hengqing: Male, 59 years old, registered permanent residence: No. 29 Bungalow, Xiaozu Tower Courtyard, Haidian District, Beijing, ID number: , mobile phone number: 13701307918, lives at 36-2-402, Sanli, Taiheyuan Community, Yizhuang Town, Beijing.

While the project team was vigorously working on Jiang Hengqing’s associates, the technical department compared the fingerprints extracted from the tape at the scene of the crime with Yao Jing’s fingerprints. It is determined that Yao Jing is one of the suspects in this case. After investigation, Yao Jing, female, from the 11th Committee of Beishan Street, Xinxing District, Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province, China, ID number: 2006 registered temporary residence at No. 31, Jiugong West Road, Jiugong Town, Daxing District, Beijing , has a criminal record, and his usual mobile phone number is 15910703699.

Through the work of the Internet Security Department, it was discovered that Yao Jing had logged in to QQ three times after the incident, at about 23:50 on January 27, at the Qingyuan Internet Cafe in Bazhou City, at 10:00 p.m. on the 28th, in Kaifeng, Henan, and at noon on the 29th. Log in at Hebi at 12 o’clock. After retrieving the video from Bazhou Qingyuan Internet Cafe, it was found that Yao Jing was walking with a man, carrying luggage with him. After investigation and comparison by the network surveillance department, it was determined that the man’s name was Zhang Xiaofei, male, 22 years old, from Beizhang Village, Dingji Administrative Village, Banqiao Town, Taikang County, Henan Province, China, mobile phone number 13021252499, temporarily living in Yinghai San, Daxing, Beijing Huaitang Village. He left after the incident and was suspected of committing a major crime.

Through the cooperation of the technical investigation department of the Beijing Municipal Bureau, the project team quickly learned that Yao Jing and Zhang Xiaofei had fled to Kaifeng, Henan. After research and analysis, the project team immediately adjusted the work deployment. While continuing to carry out the investigation and evidence collection work, the police force was organized to rush to Yao Jing’s hometown Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province, China and Kaifeng City, Henan Province, China on January 30 to conduct follow-up investigations.

Through careful investigation, the investigators who went to Heilongjiang, China learned that Yao Jing had contacted his family after the incident and told his family that he was in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, and the project team immediately rushed to Shenzhen for work. On February 12, with the strong cooperation of the technical investigation department of the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau, the project team accurately obtained the specific hiding place of the suspect. After careful deployment and quick action, the suspects Yao Jing and Zhang Xiaofei were arrested in a rental house in Longgang District, Shenzhen. After review, the two confessed the criminal facts of killing Jiang Hengqing with a knife in the southwest of Xiaozhangbei Village, Qingyundian Town, Daxing, Beijing, and burning his body on the evening of January 26, 2011 due to conflicts.

(6) Proceedings of the case

Now the case is being heard by the No. 1 Criminal Department of the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court, and the lawsuit is in progress.

3. Case analysis

(1) Successful experience

The success of this case has the following points: the leadership attaches great importance to it, and the superior police force is deployed, which laid the foundation for the successful detection of this case. Accurately identifying the source of the corpse provided an important basis for the successful cracking of the case, and careful on-site investigation and investigation visits played a key role in delineating the scope of investigation. Summarize the following experience:

First, the branch party committee attached great importance to the detection of homicide cases, and implemented a policy of inclination towards criminal investigation, which was the basic condition for the case to be solved. Since 2005, the branch has invested millions of yuan in the purchase of investigative equipment for criminal investigation, providing a strong guarantee for the investigation and solving of cases. In particular, the high-end laptops, photographic binoculars, digital cameras, and video cameras equipped for our team this year have played an irreplaceable role in the on-site investigation, secret shooting and secret recording, and tracking and evidence collection of homicide detection.

The second is to rely on clues and persevere in finding the source of the corpse is an important part of successfully cracking the case. After the incident, the project team searched for the source of the corpse by checking the missing population online, sending out investigation reports, and DNA comparison. Report the case to the relevant units of the sub-bureau, and make every effort to obtain information about the missing person. Finally, through unremitting efforts, the information reported by Jiang Hengqing’s family was obtained at the first time.

The third is to conduct detailed analysis and verification of the traces and physical evidence left on the scene, so as to lock the suspect is the key link to solve the case. The verification of the leather shoes extracted on the spot involved more than 150 shopping malls and units in the city. The investigators conducted detailed visits and investigations one by one with a high sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for work. Finally, two fingerprints were extracted from the tape left at the scene, and one of the fingerprints was compared to that of the criminal suspect Yao Jing. This is the key to successfully cracking the case.

Fourth, the hard work and selfless work of all the policemen participating in the war is a necessary condition for solving this case. With a highly responsible attitude towards work, the comrades in the project team did not sleep well for more than ten days, did not eat a stable meal, and went out to visit every day. During the Spring Festival when tracking criminal suspects in other provinces, many members of the project team went on business trips for more than 20 consecutive days and gave up reunion with their families. Carry forward the work style of not being afraid of hardship, not being afraid of being tired, and continuously fighting, and work without sleep and food, thus ensuring the successful detection of the case.

Fifth, the strong guidance and support of the Municipal Bureau of Criminal Affairs and relevant departments played an important role in the detection of this case. In the process of solving this case of homicide and cremation, from the initial on-site investigation to more than a dozen case analysis, to the organization of arrest in the later stage, relevant units and leaders such as the Major Criminal Detachment of the Municipal Bureau, the Technical Department, the Forensic Center, etc. All of them gave great help and gave strong guidance to crack the case.

(2) Lessons and Enlightenments

The project team paid more attention to solving the case than to the procedure, and failed to strictly control the case. I didn’t carefully sort out every job, just stayed at the requirements, but didn’t check and check the evidence of the case, and didn’t effectively hand over and communicate effectively with the investigators who handled the case. As a result, the case did not form a good chain of evidence. And in the later stage, the technical investigation department mainly provided clues to the suspect’s pursuit, but it could not be used as evidence. As a result, it was difficult for the procuratorate and the court to verify the evidence of the case during the trial process of the case, which to a certain extent affected the smooth progress of the lawsuit.