










委员, GWP,中国科技委员会
工作经历 :
2010-2011.08 美国博瑞希国际发展有限公司,董事、首席代表、环境顾问
1999-2010 合乐集团,北京办事处: 首席代表
2008- 至今 中国:中国水力发电环境风险评估, 野村国际有限公司环境专家,项目经理主要负责评审及检查所有EIA报告和环境风险评估
2008- 至今: 中国:六个中国水力发电站的环境评审和风险评估
2007- 至今: 中国:九个中国污水处理厂的技术及环境评价(雷曼兄弟公司资助)项目经理,负责项目全程,包括中国水业政策评估,污水处理厂的审计和向雷曼兄弟公司董事会提供总结报告
2006-2008 中国:大都市地区的可持续都市化研究(ADB)经理,主要负责整个项目过程,组织当地团队撰写中国观察报告,做报告并组织研习班
2006 中国:松花江油污染突发事件治理研究 主要负责评审和检查财政报告
2006-至今 中国: 中国生态城市规划 (WB)环境培训专家, 项目中方负责人主要负责中国的三种类型的城市生态规划,比如,包头,武夷山和万州;提供报告并就可持续发展城市进行培训;组织研习班并做报告。
2006-2007 中国: 黄河水资源管理(ADB 资助)培训专家:ADB 环境管理国际环境管理组织助理;现场环境管理培训
2006-2007 中国: EAP 城市边缘区的可持续发展(WB 资助)中方负责人,环境专家,团队协调人,培训专家,主要负责中国城市边缘区的发展研究和案例研究。组织研习并作报告
2005 中国: 环境顾问,首都北京(IFC 资助)
2005 中国: 环境顾问,金州集团 (IFC 资助)
2003-2005 中国: 项目协调者,北京BRT和ITS项目
2001- 至今 China: Proj经理,北京环保二期项目A包(WB)
主要负责项目管理,项目报告书,项目过程控制和资金控制。主要负责陈述,现场管理,技术和经济建议,组织国内外顾问团队及项目管理团队。主要负责顾客与国际、国内顾问间的合同和谈判。委托方:北京排水集团 (WB)
2001- 2005 中国: 项目经理, 北京环保二期项目B包(WB) 主要负责现场管理、甲方以及其它国际公司的联络。委托方:北京排水集团 (WB)
2001- 2004 中国: 项目经理,北京能源与环境项目,主要负责:现场管理,技术和经济项目建议书,组织国内外顾问团队和项目管理团队。委托方:北京市环保局
2001- 2003 中国: 项目经理,北京地铁5号线,主要负责与合乐咨询公司合作提交项目技术报告。委托方: SNC拉瓦林国际公司
2001 中国: 污水处理项目,涉及大连和锦州污水处理项目发展的市场计划。委托方:大连政府
2001 中国:项目联系人,宁夏-沙坡头 水资源发展项目,主要负责现场管理,组织国内咨询团队,协助领导管理项目办公室和组织顾问团队参加ADB商谈并撰写技术报告。 项目开始后,负责在技术和经济管理。员工安置,项目办管理。委托方:亚洲发展银行
2000 中国:项目协调人,云南环境改善,负责现场管理,收集相关信息并安排与甲方协调沟通。委托方:DIFIT
2000 中国:环境化学家,云南滇池水污染控制技术研究,与清华大学合作研究面源污染控制技术。委托方:清华大学
1999-2000 中国: 环境顾问,新界东北堆填区,香港,负责检查垃圾站建设和环境监控。委托方:HKSAR
1999-2000 香港:环境审查员,氨洗涤项目和SBR试行及测试,新界东北堆填区,审查及检查垃圾渗滤液处理设计,检查项目计划及建设。委托方: HKSAR
1999-2000 中国:环境工程师,成都第六水厂B BOT项目,负责协助项目经理审查EPC合同及准备现场物品清单。委托方:里昂信贷
1999-2000 中国:环境工程师,朝阳供水项目,为水包销协议准备技术说明书
1998-1999 CEIS (中国环境信息服务)英国: 技术主管,负责向英国公司提供中国环境政策服务,市场战略规划等。促进英国设备和技术向中国出口,组织中国环境企业、政府代表和研究机构到英国商务考察。
1990-1997 帝国理工学院,英国:助理研究,环境技术中心,调查和监测放射性元素在水—土壤—农作物间迁移的关键路径
1991-1995 英国:团队领导人,研究微量元素和水在控制的水—土壤—植物系统中的迁移
1990-1991 英国:团队领导 通过实验调查固—液分配系数 (由英国政府的组织Nirex资助)通过调查放射性废物的处置,建立数据库和模型来建立监管框架。
1990-1991 英国:项目工程师,调查污泥、废水和土壤中微量元素的样品
1987-1990 中科院, 生态环境中心
1988-1990 中国:工程师,承担卫生体系和市政供水干管设计
1987-1990 中国:助理研究员,生态环境研究中心,研究PAC絮凝剂的原理和分子构造。研究也包括PAC絮凝剂起絮凝并沉降作用时最佳剂量和条件的调查。
1986-1987 清华大学,中国:毕业设计,化学萃取法在电镀废水处理中的可行性研究,承担电镀废水中提取重金属如Cu、Ni和Cr最佳处理技术的可行性研究。此项目由中国“八五”计划资助。
胡清,英国帝国理工大学环境化学、环境污染和水文学专业博士。现任南方科技大学教授,南科大工程技术创新中心(北京)主任,北京环丁环保大数据研究院院长(公益兼职)。2017年荣获国家科学技术进步奖二等奖,2021年环境保护科学技术奖一等奖,2020年度环境技术进步奖一等奖,2020年发明创业奖成果奖一等奖,2020年中国产学研合作创新与促进奖-产学研合作创新成果奖一等奖,2019年荣获环境保护科学技术奖二等奖,2016年荣获IBM全球杰出学者奖,2013年被授予“国务院政府特殊津贴专家”称号,2012年获教育部科技进步一等奖,2011年获得人保部高层次留学人才回国资助人才(全国十人)。先后担任生态环境部土壤生态环境保护专家咨询委员会委员,住房和城乡建设部科学技术委员会委员,中国发明协会院士专家咨询工作委员会首任专家,科技部与国家中医药管理局共建道地药材国家重点实验室暨中药资源中心学术委员会委员,深圳市先行示范区专家,新加坡李光耀水奖评委,IWA世界水资源大会组委会专家组成员/评委,瑞典斯德哥尔摩水奖技术委员会评委会委员。在生态环境保护领域拥有30多年的研究和工作经历,在大数据与生态环境、城市碳中和研究、城市环境工程、污染场地绿色可持续修复与管理、生态环境发展战略与政策标准研究、环境健康、绿色环保及循环技术等多个专业领域积累了深厚的理论知识和丰富的国内外实践经验。主持并参与二十余项国家及省部级科研课题,包括国家863计划、国家“水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项”、“固废资源化重点专项”、“场地土壤污染成因与治理技术重点专项”、“中医药现代化研究重点专项”、环境保护公益项目等;负责完成数十项场地调查与修复项目,涉及化工、农药、印染、石油及电镀等多个行业的复杂场地;具有丰富的国际合作经验,包括作为中方牵头专家参与科技部“中英土壤及地下水修复科技合作”项目 ,作为项目负责人组织完成多个世行、亚行项目;协助我国多个部委对我国污染场地修复行业进行顶层设计,主持并参与“十三五”土壤领域技术路线、国家环境保护标准项目“污染地块风险管控与土壤修复效果评估技术导则”及“污染地块土壤和地下水中挥发性有机物采样技术导则”等多项行业政策、标准规范与技术指南的编制工作。
来源:国际合作处 时间:2015-12-01
发布人:   时间:2015-07-29  点击数量:1769
国家自然科学基金委副主任刘丛强院士、深圳市教育局局长郭雨蓉、清华大学副校长杨斌教授、中国地质大学副校长万力教授、美国斯坦福大学Steve Gorelick院士、加州理工学院Michael Hoffmann院士、英国兰卡斯特大学Kevin Jones院士等出席,铁汉生态董事长刘水作为唯一的中国企业家代表出席。
Chen Jining, a newly promoted member of the Political Bureau of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, serves as the Minister of Environmental Protection, and his wife, Hu Qing, undertakes environmental protection projects for foreign companies. A typical example of collusion between officials and businessmen
Chen Jining (born February 4, 1964), secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee; former mayor of Beijing
Chen Jining’s relationship with Xi Jinping:
Li Ganjie and Chen Jining were both subordinates of Xi Jinping. The central environmental inspector is under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is in charge, and the State Council has no right to manage the central environmental inspector of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.
The relationship between Chen Jining and Chen Xi:
Chen Jining → Tsinghua University → Chen Xi
——Wife: Hu Qing, Director, Chief Representative and Environmental Consultant of Boruixi International Development Co., Ltd. in the United States. Husband Chen Jining serves as the minister of environmental protection, and his wife Hu Qing registered a fake foreign leather bag company to undertake environmental protection projects. The whole is a typical example of government-business collusion.
After being picked up by Fang Zhouzi, he may have gone to the Southern University of Science and Technology in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to become a professor in order to wash his whites, continuing academic corruption.
Hu Qing
Expert unit: American Boruixi International Development Co., Ltd.
Expert positions: Director, Chief Representative, Environmental Consultant
Expert title: senior engineer
Areas of Expertise: Planning, Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation, Budgeting, Environmental Economics
Educational Experience:
PhD, Environmental Pollution and Hydrology, Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College Medical University, UK, 1998
Master, Water Treatment and Environmental Chemistry, Eco-Environmental Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 1990
Bachelor, Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, 1987
Professional Field Membership
Member, Stockholm Water Prize Nomination Committee
Member, Environmental Technology Association, China
Member, GWP, China Science and Technology Committee
work experience :
2010-Present, Director, Chief Representative, Environmental Consultant, American Borrish International Development Co., Ltd.
1999-2010 Hele Group, Beijing Office: Chief Representative
2008- present China: China Hydropower Environmental Risk Assessment, Nomura International Co., Ltd. Environmental expert, project manager is mainly responsible for reviewing and checking all EIA reports and environmental risk assessments
2008-present: China: Environmental review and risk assessment of six Chinese hydropower plants
(Funded by Semora Energy Europe) Environmental expert, mainly responsible for reviewing and inspecting all EIA reports and environmental risk assessments
2007-Present: China: Project manager for technical and environmental assessment of nine Chinese WWTPs (funded by Lehman Brothers), responsible for the entire project, including China water industry policy assessment, WWTP audit and presentation to the Lehman Brothers Board of Directors Provide summary report
2006-2008 China: Sustainable Urbanization Research (ADB) Manager in Metropolitan Areas, responsible for the entire project process, organizing local teams to write China Observation Reports, giving presentations and organizing workshops
2006 China: Songhua River Oil Pollution Emergencies Treatment Research Mainly responsible for reviewing and inspecting financial reports
2006-present China: China Eco-city Planning (WB) environmental training expert, Chinese project leader is mainly responsible for three types of urban ecological planning in China, such as Baotou, Wuyishan and Wanzhou; provides reports and trains on sustainable cities ; Organizing workshops and giving presentations.
2006-2007 China: Yellow River Water Resources Management (ADB Funded) Training Expert: ADB Environmental Management International Environmental Management Organization Assistant; On-site Environmental Management Training
2006-2007 China: EAP Sustainable Development of Urban Fringe (WB Funded) Chinese Head, Environmental Expert, Team Coordinator, Training Expert, mainly responsible for development research and case studies in China’s urban fringe. Organizing studies and making reports
2005 China: Environmental Consultant, Capital Beijing (Funded by IFC)
Mainly responsible for environmental technical inspection, review and project coordination. The project includes one sewage treatment plant and six waterworks.
2005 China: Environmental Consultant, Golden State Group (IFC Funded)
Mainly responsible for management, environmental technical inspection, review and project coordination. This project includes water, sewage and solid waste treatment plans.
2003-2005 China: Project Coordinator, Beijing BRT and ITS projects
2001- present China: Manager Proj, Package A (WB) of Beijing Environmental Protection Phase II Project
Mainly responsible for project management, project report, project process control and capital control. Mainly responsible for presentation, on-site management, technical and economic advice, organizing domestic and foreign consultant teams and project management teams. Mainly responsible for contracts and negotiations between customers and international and domestic consultants. Client: Beijing Drainage Group (WB)
2001- 2005 China: Project Manager, Beijing Environmental Protection Phase II Project Package B (WB) Mainly responsible for site management, liaison with Party A and other international companies. Client: Beijing Drainage Group (WB)
2001-2004 China: Project Manager, Beijing Energy and Environment Project, mainly responsible for: site management, technical and economic project proposals, organizing domestic and foreign consultant teams and project management teams. Client: Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
2001-2003 China: Project Manager, Beijing Subway Line 5, mainly responsible for submitting project technical reports in cooperation with Hele Consulting Company. Client: SNC Lavalin International
2001 China: Wastewater Treatment Project, involving market plans for the development of Dalian and Jinzhou Wastewater Treatment Projects. Client: Dalian Government
2001 China: Project Contact, Ningxia-Shapotou Water Resources Development Project, mainly responsible for site management, organizing domestic consulting team, assisting in leading the management project office and organizing consulting team to participate in ADB negotiations and write technical reports. After the start of the project, responsible for the technical and economic management. Staff placement, project management. Client: Asian Development Bank
2000 China: Project coordinator, environment improvement in Yunnan, responsible for site management, collecting relevant information and arranging for coordination and communication with Party A. Client: DIFIT
2000 China: Environmental chemist, research on water pollution control technology in Dianchi Lake, Yunnan, research on non-point source pollution control technology in cooperation with Tsinghua University. Client: Tsinghua University
1999-2000 China: Environmental Consultant, North East New Territories Landfill, Hong Kong, responsible for inspection of refuse station construction and environmental monitoring. Client: HKSAR
1999-2000 Hong Kong: Environmental Examiner, Ammonia Scrubbing Project and SBR Trial and Testing, North East New Territories Landfill, Review and Check Landfill Leachate Treatment Design, Check Project Plan and Construction. Client: HKSAR
1999-2000 China: Environmental Engineer, Chengdu No. 6 Water Plant B BOT project, responsible for assisting the project manager in reviewing the EPC contract and preparing the on-site item list. Client: Credit Lyon
1999-2000 China: Environmental Engineer, Chaoyang Water Supply Project, preparation of technical specification for water underwriting agreement
1998-1999 CEIS (China Environmental Information Service) UK: Technical Director, responsible for providing Chinese environmental policy services, market strategic planning, etc. to UK companies. Promote the export of British equipment and technology to China, and organize Chinese environmental companies, government representatives and research institutions to visit the UK for business visits.
1990-1997 Imperial College London, UK: Research Assistant, Environmental Technology Centre, Investigating and monitoring critical pathways of radioactive element transport between water-soil-crops
1991-1995 UK: Team leader, research on trace elements and water transport in controlled water-soil-plant systems
1990-1991 UK: Team lead Investigating solid-liquid partition coefficients through experiments (funded by Nirex, an organisation in the UK government) Establishing a regulatory framework by investigating radioactive waste disposal, building databases and models.
1990-1991 UK: Project Engineer, investigation of samples for trace elements in sludge, wastewater and soil
1987-1990 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Ecological Environment
1988-1990 China: Engineer, sanitation system and municipal water mains design
1987-1990 China: Assistant Researcher, Eco-Environmental Research Center, researching the principle and molecular structure of PAC flocculants. The study also included an investigation of the optimum dosage and conditions for PAC flocculants to flocculate and settle.
1986-1987 Tsinghua University, China: Graduation project, Feasibility study of chemical extraction method in electroplating wastewater treatment, undertook the feasibility study of the best treatment technology for extracting heavy metals such as Cu, Ni and Cr from electroplating wastewater. This project is funded by China’s “Eighth Five-Year Plan”.
Distinguished Professor
Environmental Science and Engineering
Qing Hu, PhD in Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Pollution and Hydrology from Imperial College London. He is currently a professor of Southern University of Science and Technology, director of the Engineering Technology Innovation Center (Beijing) of Southern University of Science and Technology, and dean of Beijing Huanding Environmental Protection Big Data Research Institute (part-time for public welfare). Won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2017, the first prize of the 2021 Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award, the first prize of the 2020 Environmental Technology Progress Award, the first prize of the 2020 Invention and Entrepreneurship Award Achievement Award, and the 2020 China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation and Promotion Award – First Prize of Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award, Second Prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award in 2019, IBM Global Outstanding Scholar Award in 2016, and “Special Government Allowance Expert of the State Council” in 2013, 2012 In 2011, he won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, and in 2011, he was awarded the subsidized talents of high-level overseas students returning to China from the Ministry of People’s Insurance (ten people in the country). He successively served as a member of the Soil Ecological Environmental Protection Expert Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, a member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the first expert of the Academician Expert Advisory Committee of the China Invention Association, and the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine to jointly build a country for authentic medicinal materials Member of the Academic Committee of Key Laboratory and Traditional Chinese Medicine Resource Center, expert of Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Zone, judge of Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize in Singapore, member/judgment of the Organizing Committee of IWA World Water Conference, and member of the jury committee of Stockholm Water Prize Technical Committee in Sweden. He has more than 30 years of research and work experience in the field of ecological environmental protection. He has worked in big data and ecological environment, urban carbon neutrality research, urban environmental engineering, green and sustainable restoration and management of polluted sites, research on ecological environment development strategies and policy standards, environmental He has accumulated profound theoretical knowledge and rich domestic and foreign practical experience in many professional fields such as health, green environmental protection and recycling technology. Presided over and participated in more than 20 national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, including the national 863 plan, the national “water pollution control and treatment major science and technology projects”, “solid waste recycling key projects”, “site soil pollution causes and key technologies for treatment” Special Project”, “Key Special Project of Modernization Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, environmental protection public welfare projects, etc.; responsible for completing dozens of site investigation and restoration projects, involving complex sites in chemical, pesticide, printing and dyeing, petroleum and electroplating industries; International cooperation experience, including participating in the Ministry of Science and Technology’s “Sino-UK Soil and Groundwater Remediation Technology Cooperation” project as the leading expert in China, organizing and completing several World Bank and ADB projects as the project leader; assisting many Chinese ministries and commissions in the remediation industry of contaminated sites in my country Carry out top-level design, presided over and participated in the “13th Five-Year Plan” soil field technical route, the national environmental protection standard project “Contaminated Land Risk Control and Soil Remediation Effect Evaluation Technical Guidelines” and “Volatile Organic Compound Sampling in Contaminated Land and Groundwater” “Technical Guidelines” and other industry policies, standards and technical guidelines.
Hu Qing, a professor at the School of Environment of SUSTech, won the second prize of the 2019 Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award
      Recently, the project “Key Technologies and Applications of Groundwater Pollution Risk Monitoring and Emergency Disposal” participated by Professor Hu Qing from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering (“School of Environment”) of Southern University of Science and Technology won the second prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award.
      As the highest award in the field of ecological and environmental science and technology, the Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award is selected once a year. The 2019 Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award Committee approved 39 achievements to win the 2019 Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award, including 4 first prizes, 33 second prizes, and 2 popular science awards.
      The “Key Technologies and Applications of Groundwater Pollution Risk Monitoring and Emergency Response” project aims at the scientific problems and technical difficulties faced by groundwater pollution monitoring, early warning and emergency response in my country. Three key technologies of groundwater pollution risk source identification, pollution monitoring and early warning, and accident emergency response in China.
      Hu Qing is a professor at the School of Environment of SUSTech and director of the Engineering Technology Innovation Center (Beijing) of SUSTech. He won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2017, the IBM Global Outstanding Scholar Award in 2016, and the first prize of the Ministry of Education’s Science and Technology Progress in 2012. prize. He is currently a member of the Soil Ecological Environmental Protection Expert Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, a member of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, a specially-appointed expert for medium and long-term strategic planning of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the President of Beijing Huanding Environmental Protection Big Data Research Institute (NPO).
Contributed by: School of Environmental Science and Engineering
Correspondent: Yan Zitian
Editor: Cheng Wenjing