

《北京犯罪報告10: 丰台》

























案件编号: A1101061413012012070001




2012年7月11日23时许,段文娟(女,22岁,中国甘肃省兰州市人,暂住北京市丰台区六圈菜市场北侧平房)与男友苏要南(男,27岁,中国河南省开封市人,同段文娟暂住地)饭后返回暂住地时,发现他们停放在门前的电动车左侧车把上绑有一类似铝制的包裹物。苏要南打开包裹物时发生爆炸, 当场被炸死亡。现场南侧六圈菜市场工作人员听到爆炸声响遂前往查看,遂打电话报案。












经询问死者女友段文娟得知,死者苏要南于2006年来京, 2010年开始在丰台区科技园六圈菜市场20、21号摊位卖水产品。2012年7月11日17时许,苏要南将三轮车停放于门前,回到六圈菜市场摊位。21时许,两人收摊返家未见三轮车上有异常物品捆绑,随后外出就餐。23时许,两人回到家中时,在门外电动车左侧车把上,发现绑有一类似铝制的包裹物。苏要南打开包裹物时发生爆炸,苏要南当场被炸身亡。












由市局情报中心对死者和反映出的重点人员查询网上信息, 由十二总队采集现场信息,并对的上述人员的相关通讯工具进行工作。


















“7.11” Fengtai District Science and Technology Park Explosion Case Solving Report

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Case number: A1101061413012012070001

At about 23:00 on July 11, 2012, an explosion occurred in the bungalow area of the Liuquan Vegetable Market in Fengtai District, Beijing, killing a man. After the incident, leaders at all levels of the Municipal Bureau paid close attention to it. Li Dong, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, Ye Guoqing, head of the criminal investigation team, Lu Baoquan, deputy head of the criminal investigation team, Heng Xiaofan, director of Fengtai Branch, and Geng Fei, political commissar, came to the scene to direct the investigation. The first team of the criminal investigation team led by Zhao Bin, the deputy team leader Qi Shiming, and the city bureau intelligence center, the network security team, the 12th team, the special police team, the 7th team, the 8th team, the 9th team and the Fengtai Branch formed a project team to carry out work. After careful work, the project team arrested the suspect Xu Hansheng (male, 33 years old, from Shangcai County, Henan Province, China) and his wife Zhang Lixia in a bungalow on the north side of the Liuquan Vegetable Market in Fengtai District, Beijing at 2:00 on July 12. (Female, 34 years old, Shangcairen County, Henan Province, China) Captured. At 13:00 on July 13, the suspect Li Guicai (male, 47 years old, from Fengtai District, Beijing) was arrested in Room 301, Gate 1, Building 5, District 1, Fujin Jiayuan, Fengtai District, and the case was successfully solved. The specific situation is reported as follows:

1. The circumstances of the incident

(1) Discovery and reporting

At about 23:00 on July 11, 2012, Duan Wenjuan (female, 22 years old, from Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, China, temporarily living in a bungalow on the north side of the Liuquan Vegetable Market in Fengtai District, Beijing) and her boyfriend Su Yaonan (male, 27 years old, from China A native of Kaifeng City, Henan Province, the same as Duan Wenjuan’s temporary residence), when returning to the temporary residence after a meal, they found a package similar to aluminum tied to the left handlebar of their electric car parked in front of the door. When Su Yaonan opened the package, an explosion occurred and he was killed on the spot. The staff of Liuquan Vegetable Market on the south side of the scene heard the explosion and went to check and called to report the incident.

(2) Basic information of the deceased

The deceased Su Yaonan, male, 27 years old, was from Tubaigang Village, Tubaigang Hui Autonomous Region, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, China. He temporarily lived in a bungalow on the north side of the Liuquan Vegetable Market in Fengtai District, Beijing. Market sales of aquatic products, ID number, mobile phone number: 13261678450.

(3) On-site inspection

After investigation, the scene was located in the Pingfang District on the north side of the Liuquan Vegetable Market in Fengtai District, Beijing. The center site is located in the open space in front of a rental house in the middle of the bungalow area. A green electric tricycle was placed on the ground, and the corpse was lying prone with its head east and feet west, and it was located on the ground between the door and the tricycle. The deceased was naked from the upper body to dark jeans, and a large pool of blood could be seen on the ground around the body.

1. Frying point and material extraction

After investigation, the bombing point was located at the left handlebar of the electric tricycle parked outside the north gate of the rental house, about 1 meter above the ground. Two pieces of cast iron fragments and three stumps of single-strand white plastic wires were extracted from the body of the deceased. A number of black attachments were extracted from both arms, which were tested to be pyrotechnic powder explosion residue components. In the series of inspection materials extracted from the center of the explosion point, several cast iron fragments with threads, several spherical metal particles (lead-antimony alloy), three stumps of iron nails that were artificially twisted, and one handlebar of a charging tricycle were detected. (The handlebar is wrapped with a yellow single-strand wire, one end of the wire is connected to two white wires, and the other end of the white wire has traces of high temperature), some stumps of single-strand white plastic wires, and a jacket of the deceased.

2. Recovery of explosive devices

After splicing and calculating the cast iron fragments extracted at the site, the explosive device used at the site is a plumbing pipe fitting composed of a 40 mm diameter plumbing pipe collar and two plugs, with a volume of about 80 milliliters. The main charge is pyrotechnic powder, to which iron nail stubs and lead-antimony alloy metal balls are added. The detonation method should be a pull-type friction ignition detonation. After technical analysis, the suspect should hang the explosive device on the left handlebar of the tricycle, and possess primary explosive skills.

(4) Forensic medical examination

After forensic examination, the body surface of the deceased showed irregular distribution of wounds such as fragments of explosives, large-area abrasions caused by high temperature and shock waves, open contusions, and gunpowder smoke wounds. A number of fragments of explosives were extracted from the body of the deceased, a penetrating wound was seen in the left abdomen, an arc-shaped metal fragment was extracted from the subcutaneous to the muscle layer of the left upper limb, and most of the right hand was incomplete. Skin damage was seen 1 cm above the protruding anterior chest of the deceased, the lower sternum was defective, and the pericardium was ruptured. The cause of death was rupture of the right heart and aortic arch leading to hemorrhagic shock.

(5) On-site visits

After questioning the deceased’s girlfriend, Duan Wenjuan, she learned that Su Yaonan, the deceased, came to Beijing in 2006 and began selling aquatic products at stalls 20 and 21 in the Six Circle Vegetable Market in Fengtai District Science and Technology Park in 2010. At about 17:00 on July 11, 2012, Su Yaonan parked his tricycle in front of the door and returned to the stall in the Liuquan vegetable market. At about 21 o’clock, the two men closed the stall and returned home, but did not find any unusual items tied up on the tricycle, and then went out to eat. At about 23 o’clock, when the two returned home, they found a package similar to aluminum tied to the left handlebar of the electric car outside the door. When Su Yaonan opened the package, an explosion occurred, and Su Yaonan was killed on the spot.

According to Duan Wenjuan, her neighbors Xu Hansheng and his wife also sell aquatic products in the Liuquan vegetable market. The two stalls are close to each other, and there are always conflicts due to competition in the same industry. One month before the incident, a large number of fish died in the stall run by Xu Hansheng and his wife. It is suspected that Su Yaonan did it. He once abused the deceased Su Yaonan and his girlfriend Duan Wenjuan in the vegetable market, and there was a fierce quarrel between the two families.

2. Case analysis and work deployment

Based on the above situation, the project team analyzed and concluded that: this case is a retaliatory bombing case caused by contradictory factors and with a clear target. The suspect should have elementary explosive knowledge and skills, and have access to the materials used to assemble explosive devices. Accordingly, the project team proposes the following tasks:

(1) Technical work

The technical department re-surveyed the site, expanded the search area, and extracted fragments of explosive devices and explosive residues. Examine the extracted bloodstains and other biological samples, and fix the DNA.

(2) Visit work

1. Focusing on the contradictory factors that may lead to the case, conduct in-depth interviews with the deceased’s family members, related parties and others.

2. Interview the residents around the site and the employees of Liuquan vegetable market, and conduct road visits around the site at the same time, trying to find witnesses and suspicious situations.

(3) Video viewing work

Take the surveillance video of the time of the crime, the surrounding area of the scene before the crime and the Liuquan vegetable market, pay attention to find suspicious situations, and at the same time pay attention to discover other suspicious situations such as people who stepped on the spot before the crime.

(4) Intelligence and technical investigation work

The Information Center of the Municipal Bureau inquired about the deceased and the key personnel reflected on the Internet, and the Twelfth Corps collected on-site information, and worked on the relevant communication tools of the above-mentioned personnel.

(5) Special investigation work

Investigate people with contradictory factors such as Xu Hansheng.

Three, the process of solving the case

(1) The source of clues and the situation of capture

According to the deployment of the project team, when interviewing Xu Hansheng and his wife Zhang Lixia, both of them concealed that they had conflicts with the deceased Su Yaonan. And the situation of the people who were in contact with them on the night of the incident did not match the video, and the two were taken to the police station for review. After interrogation, there was a contradiction between Xu Hansheng’s preliminary confession and the deceased Su Yaonan, and he had discussed with his friend Li Guicai that he should teach Su Yaonan a lesson. After retrieving the video at the time of the incident, it was found that Li Guicai was holding a white object in his right hand, entered the Liuquan vegetable market at 20:53 on July 11, and walked to Xu Hansheng’s stall in the market at 21:04. During this period, there was a track missing for 11 minutes, and there was no white object in the hand when it reappeared. After on-the-spot inspection, it was found that there was only one passage leading to the explosion site at the location where its trajectory disappeared, and Li Gui was suspected of committing a major crime. After work, investigators arrested the suspect Li Guicai in Room 301, Gate 1, Building 1, District 1, Fujin Jiayuan, Fengtai District, at 13:00 on July 13.

(2) Basic information of the suspect

1. Xu Hansheng, male, 33 years old, registered permanent residence: Datun Village, Xiaoyuesi Township, Shangcai County, Henan Province, China, temporarily lives in No. 1 bungalow on the north side of Liuquan Vegetable Market, Fengtai District, Beijing, and works with aquatic products in Liuquan Vegetable Market , ID number: , mobile phone number: 13522060458.

2. Zhang Lixia, wife of Xu Hansheng, 34 years old, same household registration and temporary residence of Xu Hansheng, ID number: , mobile phone number: 13264350169.

3. Li Guicai, male, 47 years old, household registration: No. 1, Guogongzhuang Village, Fengtai District, Beijing, temporarily living in Room 301, Gate 1, Building 5, District 1, Fujin Jiayuan, Fengtai District, ID number: , released after serving his sentence , Dismiss the previous convictions of the labor camp.

(3) Confessions

After examination, Xu Hanxing and Zhang Lixia made a preliminary statement: In March 2012, the couple rented two stalls in the West Hall of the Liuquan Vegetable Market in Fengtai District, Beijing, selling live fish, frozen chicken, and frozen duck. In May of the same year, live fish sold by Xu Hansheng and Zhang Lixia were poisoned to death many times. The two suspected that Su Yaonan, the owner of another fish seller diagonally across from their stall, had poisoned them, and then they had a quarrel over the matter. In mid-May, the two brought up the fish poisoning incident to their friend Li Guicai, and asked Li Guicai to help him avenge Su Yaonan. He also informed Li Guicai of Su Yaonan’s temporary residence address, and then Li Guicai proposed to beat Su Yaonan with a pickaxe, or plant a homemade explosive device to scare Su Yaonan. In the early morning of July 12, when Xu Hansheng and Zhang Lixia were arrested and taken away by the police, they learned that something had happened to Su Yaonan.

Li Guicai’s preliminary account: In mid-May 2012, when Li Guicai was passing through Liuquan Vegetable Market in Fengtai District, Beijing, chatting with fish stall owners Xu Hanxing and Zhang Lixia, Zhang Lixia mentioned that the fish she sold was often poisoned to death recently. It was Su Yao, the owner of another fish stall diagonally opposite his own stall, who went south to poison him, and wanted Li Guicai to help him take revenge. Li Guicai acquiesced to this at the time. At the beginning of July, Li Guicai had the idea of making an explosive device to retaliate against Su Yaonan and Duan Wenjuan. On July 10, in the basement of his temporary residence, Li Guicai used pipe clamps, plugs, nails, lead sand, matches, matchboxes, and leftovers from the Spring Festival purchased at Beijing Huaxiangxiangfa Hardware and Building Materials Store in Fengtai District, Beijing. The gunpowder in firecrackers is made into a pull-type explosive device. At about 21:00 on July 11, Li Guicai sneaked to Su Yaonan’s temporary residence, and tied the explosive device to the left handlebar of Su Yaonan’s tricycle with a white string. Afterwards, he fled the scene and returned to his temporary residence. The next day, Li Gui learned that Su Yaonan had been bombed until he was captured.

According to the suspect’s confession, investigators found several yellow wires, 6 cut nails, wire clamps, electric drills, pliers, wrenches, shotgun shell casings and other physical evidence in Li Guicai’s temporary residence and basement, and have sent them to relevant departments for inspection.

(4) Processing situation

At present, the suspects Xu Hansheng, Zhang Lixia, and Li Guicai have been criminally detained, and further examination, inspection and identification are in progress.

Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment Serious Case Team Three

July 13, 2012