



《北京犯罪報告9: 海淀》 




























據報案人邱興望反映: 201112日上午1030分許,他在自己暫住地打開電腦登陸QQ,後發現他弟邱新念分別於201112日上午92054秒、92839秒、93436秒、94333秒給自己留言,大致內容為:自己和女友陳群在自己的暫住地把陳群的前男友殺害,並有了輕生的念頭。希望哥嫂將父親及自己的女兒照顧好,不要將自己殺人這件事告訴父親。


































2011 “1.02” Xisanqi Xisanqi Li Qing was murdered in Haidian District

Dabao Dynasty Editor’s Note:

Today’s story is definitely a bit too much. To put it simply, it was an employee of the mouthpiece of the Chinese propaganda agency who abandoned his wife and son. And the wife found a new lover and killed her ex-husband.

1. The Public Security Bureau is not as omnipotent as it is boasted. It was the murderer’s brother who called the police, and the police knew that he had killed, which was equivalent to half surrendering himself.

2. Employees of China Radio International, you say this matter is a private morality, right? The key to private affairs is public affairs. This is also a propaganda agency, a mouthpiece brainwashing and lying agency.

3. Unmarried (de facto marriage) gave birth to a son, because his wife concealed that he had hepatitis B and abandoned his wife

4. A 24-year-old divorced woman with a son finds a 35-year-old disabled new husband just to kill her ex-husband? This may have something to say about feminism.

5. Dragoons: The mountainous area of Sichuan did shelter the murderer for more than two months.

6. Regarding the affairs of China, I advise you not to know too much from the perspective of God.

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“Beijing Crime Report 9: Haidian”

Classic Case Phase 1


                              No.: BJ2011Z007



2011 “1.02” Xisanqi Xisanqi Li Qing was murdered in Haidian District

                          Haidian Criminal Investigation Detachment


【Case Summary】

On January 2, 2011, a murder case occurred under the bed in the basement of Qingyuanli Middle District, Qinghe Longgang Road, Haidian District, Beijing. After the death of the victim, Li Qing, his body was hidden under the bed where the case occurred. After receiving the police, the Serious Case Team of the Haidian Criminal Investigation Detachment immediately formed a special case team with relevant units such as the technical team of the detachment, the forensic doctor, the first team of the criminal police, the seventh team, the eighth team, and the technical investigation team. Gao Yanqing, the deputy head of the first team of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau, Lu Zhengming, the deputy director of the Haidian Branch, Lin Gang, the head of the criminal investigation team, and Sun Aijun, the deputy head of the criminal investigation team, went to the crime scene to direct the investigation. After investigation, the victim’s ex-wife Chen Qun and lover Qiu Xinnian were suspected of major crimes. In order to quickly arrest the two men, the special case team was divided into three groups to carry out work at the same time while investigating and controlling the communication tools of the two men. Based in Beijing, a group of investigators checked the criminal suspect’s trajectory in Beijing and carried out surveillance on his contacts in Beijing. Another group of investigators went to the suspect’s place of origin, and carried out monitoring of his place of residence through various methods such as the special situation of the property construction project. There is also a group of investigators who closely rely on technical investigation methods to carry out line tracking and on-the-ground investigation. After more than two months of arduous investigation by the task force, traveling tens of thousands of kilometers, the two suspects were finally arrested and brought to justice in Dazhou, Sichuan on March 8, and the case was successfully cracked. During the investigation of this case, the members of the special case team voluntarily gave up their rest time, stuck to their jobs day and night, overcame various difficulties, and demonstrated the loyalty of the capital’s criminal investigation police in the new era.

Main case-handling unit: Haidian Criminal Investigation Detachment

Project Commander: Lin Gang, Head of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Haidian Branch

Investigator in charge: Captain Cui Peng of the Northern Serious Case of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Haidian Branch


1. The incident

At 15:52 on January 2, 2011, the reporter Qiu Xingwang (male, 38 years old, registered permanent residence: Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, China, temporary residence: Qiyuan Dazhong Apartment, Shuangquanbao, Haidian District, Beijing) dialed 110 from his mobile phone Said: He received a QQ message from his younger brother Qiu Xinnian when he was surfing the Internet at the temporary residence, saying that he and his girlfriend Chen Qun killed Chen Qun’s ex-boyfriend on December 31, 2010. .

The police from the Xisanqi Police Station found a male body under the bed in No. 12, basement, Qingyuanlizhong District, Qinghe Longgang Road, Haidian District, Beijing, where Qiu Xinnian temporarily lived.

2. Detection process

(1) On-site investigation

The crime scene is located at No. 12, Basement 12, Qingyuanlizhong District, Haidian District, Beijing. In the house, place a double bed against the north wall, a TV cabinet against the east wall, a wardrobe against the south wall, and a computer desk and a cabinet against the west wall. There are signs of cleaning in the house. The corpse was located under the double bed, with its head facing east and feet facing west. There are two black plastic garbage bags on the upper body, and the hands are crossed in front of the chest and tied with a green backpack belt. The head and chest were wrapped with yellow tape seven times and three times respectively. The body was wearing a blue-gray jacket, black trousers, and black leather shoes, and the ankles of both feet were tied with green backpack belt slipknots. A black plastic garbage bag containing a pair of medical rubber gloves and four rolls of toilet paper was found on the north side of the corpse’s feet. In the left pocket of the corpse’s coat, a badge with the words “China Radio International” No. 4138, “Guangdong Fang” and “Li Qing” printed on it with a photo of “Li Qing” and “Li Qing”‘s personal ID card were found. After comparison, the deceased was indeed Li Qing himself.

The yellow tape used to bind the corpse, two green backpack straps, and four rolls of toilet paper were extracted at the scene. A single-edged stainless steel table knife with a length of about 20 cm was found on a cabinet on the west wall.

After retrieving the surveillance video in the corridor where the crime occurred, it was learned that at 15:49 on December 31, 2010, the deceased entered the scene carrying a black computer bag. At 18:28 on the same day, a man and a woman went out from the locked door of the crime scene, carrying a black computer bag and two travel bags with them. No one else entered or exited the room until the police entered the scene. After identification, the suspects Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun, a man and a woman who left the crime scene last.

The black HP compaq510 notebook computer, fake Nokia N971 mobile phone and other belongings carried by the deceased were not found at the scene. (how to know that the deceased had these things)

(2) Forensic medical examination

After a preliminary forensic examination, the cause of death of the deceased was hemorrhagic shock caused by a sharp instrument injury on the right side of the chest. The contents of the stomach were 400 ml, and the time of death was estimated to be 1 to 2 hours after the meal.

(3) Survey visits

The deceased Li Qing, male, 27 years old, Han nationality, registered permanent residence: Baoding City, Hebei Province, China, work unit: staff of China Radio International.

According to the reporter Qiu Xingwang, at about 10:30 am on January 2, 2011, he turned on his computer and logged into QQ at his temporary residence, and found that his younger brother Qiu Xinnian was at 9:20 am on January 2, 2011 54 seconds, 9:28:39 seconds, 9:34:36 seconds, 9:43:33 seconds to leave a message to myself, the general content is: I and my girlfriend Chen Qun killed Chen Qun’s ex-boyfriend in their temporary residence, And had the idea of committing suicide. I hope my elder brother and sister-in-law will take good care of their father and their daughter, and not tell their father about their murder.

Qiu Xingwang also reflected: his younger brother Qiu Xinnian started living together with his girlfriend Chen Qun at the end of May 2010, and he was not clear how the two met. According to Li Meigang (male, 41 years old, from Chongqing, China), the basement manager of the crime site, Qiu Xinnian has lived here for almost three years, and Chen Qun moved here for nearly half a year. At around 18:00 on December 31, 2010, Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun left the room together. But I didn’t pay attention to what I was carrying with me, and I haven’t seen the two of them since. At about 17:00 on January 2, 2011, the police from the Xisanqi Police Station asked him and another guard on duty, Chen Xuelong, to pry open the door of Qiu Xinnian’s room.

Qiu Xinnian, male, 35 years old, Han nationality, registered permanent residence: Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, China, temporary residence: the basement of Qingyuan Lizhong District, Haidian District, Beijing. He was disabled in both lower limbs due to a car accident when he was young, walking slowly and limping serious.

Chen Qun, female, 24 years old, Han nationality, registered permanent residence: Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, China, temporary residence: the basement of Qingyuanlizhong District, Haidian District, Beijing.

(4) Case analysis and work deployment

Based on the above situation, the task force believes that Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun are suspected of major crimes, and has formulated the following work plan:

(1) List Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun as online fugitives, and carry out nationwide arrest and escape work.

(2) Screen information about Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun’s stay in Beijing through intelligence agencies.

(3) Investigate and prosecute the communication tools and QQ numbers of Qiu Xinnian, Chen Qun and their family members.

(4) Inquiry into the bank account numbers of Qiu Xinnian, Chen Qun and their family members.

(5) Conduct investigations and interviews with Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun’s relatives and family members to obtain their whereabouts.

(6) Pay close attention to the dynamics of Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun’s origin of the property construction project.

(5) The process of solving the case

Through the work of the intelligence department, it was discovered that at 22:00 on December 31, 2010, Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun flew to Chongqing. The task force immediately organized investigators to go to Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, China to arrest Qiu and Chen.

The mobile technology detachment of Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, China, confirmed that the mobile phones of Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun had been connected to the Internet in Dazhou, but they were shut down on January 2, 2011 and stopped being used. Investigators heading to Chongqing Airport found that Qiu and Chen were picked up at the airport gate by a man who looked like a “husband” after they arrived in Chongqing by retrieving the video of flight 3U8834 arriving on January 1, 2011. After interviews, the investigators found the man Qin Shibing (male, 40 years old, from Chongqing, China). According to Qin’s report: at around 0:40 am on January 1, 2011, he encountered a man in the Jiangbei Airport in Chongqing. For young men and women who just got off the plane, the man has a disability in his legs. The two said they planned to go to Dazhou, so Qin Sui contacted the “black car” driver Huang Chenyun (male, 29 years old). Later, Huang Jinyun sent the two to Dazhou North Bus Station. After photo identification, Huang Jinyun confirmed that the two were the suspects Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun in this case.

Feedback from the network monitoring department: Qiu Xinnian sent a QQ message to his brother Qiu Xingwang on January 2, 2011. The IP address is: After the work of the network monitoring department of the Dazhou Public Security Bureau, it was found that the corresponding address of the IP is: No. 507, Tongchuan North Road, Dazhou City. Investigators went to the above address and found that the address was Xiang’an Guest House of Dazhou North Bus Station.

Through an interview with Ran Longguo (male, 51 years old), the person in charge of the guest house, we learned that at 7 or 8 am on January 1, 2011, a man and a woman came to the hotel to stay. Ran told them 40 yuan a room, with a telephone and free Internet access. After the two agreed to live. Ran asked the two to show their ID cards for registration. The two claimed that they were a married couple and did not bring their ID cards when they came here to find relatives. Ran didn’t insist anymore, and checked into room 103 without letting the two of them register. Ran Longguo said: The man and the woman carried a black computer bag and a luggage bag with them, and stayed there until they left the store around 15:00 on January 2. After Ran Longguo identified the photos of the two suspects, it was confirmed that the two were indeed the suspects in this case. Through investigators’ visits to the hotel and its surrounding areas, no surveillance video equipment was found in the hotel and its surrounding areas, so it was impossible to find out where Qiu and Chen went after they left the hotel.

Based on the above situation, the task force focused on conducting in-depth interviews with all the suspect’s contacts in Dazhou. On March 8, when investigators interviewed a local related person through the phone call list of suspect Qiu Xinnian’s father, the person claimed to be Qiu Changwei (male, 38 years old, from Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, China, individual driver), and reported to The investigator reported that he had seen Qiu Xinnian and a woman at his cousin Qiu Linchi’s house a few days before the 26th of the twelfth lunar month (January 29). At that time, Qiu Xinnian said that the woman was his girlfriend. Then one day during the Spring Festival, he saw his cousin-in-law Wang Jicheng (male, over 50 years old) on the street and asked about Qiu Xinnian’s situation. Wang Jicheng said that the two left after the Chinese New Year. After learning of this situation, the investigators explained Qiu Changwei’s ideological work by explaining to him the bad nature of the case and the stakes. Qiu Changwei agreed to assist the public security organs, and went to his cousin Qiu Linchi’s house to check whether Qiu and Chen were still there. In the afternoon of the same day, Qiu Changwei went to his cousin’s house again on the grounds that he was taking passengers up the mountain and stopping by, while the investigators of the special case team waited in hiding at the entrance of a nearby village. When Qiu Changwei reported that Qiu and Chen were still at his cousin’s house, the investigators of the special case team immediately started arresting them. Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun were arrested at the home of Qiu Linchi, Hongzhuan Village, Beimiao Town, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province.

After interrogation, Chen Qun confessed that he and the deceased Li Qing were husband and wife (no certificate was obtained). The two had a son after their marriage, and Chen Qun was diagnosed with hepatitis B after giving birth. Li Qing abandoned her and her child after learning that she had hepatitis B. Therefore, Chen Qun has always held a grudge and planned to kill Li Qing. In July 2010, Chen Qun met Qiu Xinnian and developed a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. Because she couldn’t ask Li Qing to come out with any excuse, in order to implement her revenge plan, she told Qiu about her experience and her desire to take revenge on Li Qing. After gaining Qiu’s sympathy, he used Qiu as a stranger to get to know the deceased through QQ chat and waited for an opportunity to meet. Then she would come forward to discuss compensation with Li Qing, and if Li Qing disagreed, she would kill Li Qing. On the morning of December 31, 2010, Qiu Xinnian called Li Qing and invited Li Qing to the crime scene in the name of an interview to build a website. At about 15:00 on the same day, Li Qing went to Qiu’s rented house in Qingyuanli, Haidian District according to the address provided by Qiu Xinnian. After entering the house, Li Qing was surprised to see Chen Qun. Later, when the conversation between Chen Qun and Li Qing about child support and other compensation issues broke down, Chen Qun picked up the sharp knife placed on the cutting board in the house and stabbed Li Qing in the chest. Because Li Qing kicked him, Chen stabbed him in the leg again. Afterwards, Chen Qun threw the knife aside, stepped forward and grabbed Li Qing’s neck, and Li Qing immediately fell to the ground. Chen continued to pinch Li Qing’s neck until Li Qing couldn’t breathe. Later, Chen Qun asked Qiu Xinnian to help dispose of the corpse. The two used the tape in the house to bind the wounds on Li Qing’s hands, feet and chest, sealed her mouth with tape, and wrapped Li Qing’s body in a black plastic bag used for garbage at home. Pull it up and push it under the bed in the room. After cleaning the blood on the ground and the sharp knife used in the crime, he left the scene with Li Qing’s laptop and mobile phone. After purchasing a plane ticket to Chongqing, the two fled to Sichuan, where Qiu Xinnian was originally from, until they were captured. Qiu Xinnian also confessed to the above plot.

The current suspects Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun have been criminally detained by our bureau on suspicion of intentional homicide. So far, the case has been successfully solved.

3. Case analysis

(1) Successful experience

1. Unity and cooperation, not afraid of hardships are important guarantees for the successful detection of this case.

During the whole process of solving the case, all the investigators of the Cui Peng team, the host team of the special case team, carried forward the criminal police fighting spirit of unity and cooperation, forging ahead bravely, and overcoming difficulties. Overcoming many difficulties such as long business trips, acclimatization, and humid weather, especially when the Spring Festival is approaching, the whole team has the confidence that “the murder case will be solved”, and they are all ready to spend the holidays outside. The suspect Qiu Xinnian’s hometown is located in the mountainous area of Sichuan. In order to interview every related person, the investigators of Cui Peng’s team have to travel by car every day in Chengdu, Dazhou, Yibin, Bazhong and other places in Sichuan. Not to mention the bumpy roads, if you want to go deep into the villages and houses, you can only walk and climb mountains on two legs. The rugged mountain roads and frequent rain and snow may be life-threatening for investigators who are used to walking on flat roads in the city at any time. But the scouts of the Cui Peng team persisted with the fighting spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and going forward forever. He conducted door-to-door visits, and finally obtained key clues in the process of visiting related parties, and finally arrested Qiu and Chen and brought them to justice.

2. Opening up ideas and being brave in innovation are the basic guarantees for opening up ways to investigate and solve crimes.

The suspect in this case, Qiu Xinnian, has been following the habit of logging on to QQ after the incident. According to conventional thinking, after the incident, the network security department’s monitoring of Qiu Xinnian’s QQ Internet IP address became the key point to solve the case. However, with the rapid development of mobile communications, it is becoming more and more common to log in to the Internet through mobile terminals, which brings a lot of inconvenience to our detection work.

In this case, the suspect Qiu Xinnian’s QQ account used to frequently surf the Internet through Sichuan Mobile with his mobile phone and log in to QQ from January 13 to February 21. However, according to the existing technology of the network security and technical investigation departments, the parameters and numbers of mobile phone Internet access cannot be grasped, and investigators cannot be provided with corresponding clues. So the task force had to put aside the existing investigative methods, and with the assistance of Sichuan Provincial Mobile Company, retrieved daily online data that matched the suspect’s online time, totaling more than 330 million pieces. Professional and technical personnel are hired, and it is planned to obtain the mobile phone number held by the suspect to access the Internet through screening and collision. Although the data is too large and the result has not yet been collided when the suspect is captured, this method of investigation is the only new way to find the suspect when the working method is exhausted.

3. The successful construction of special circumstances in different places is of great significance to the promotion of case-solving work.

The hiding place of the criminal suspects Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun is located in the mountainous area of Sichuan. Residential houses are scattered on various hilltops, and the population is sparsely populated, making it easy to escape and hide. Moreover, the local residents have blood relations with each other, and their xenophobic feelings are relatively serious, so it is difficult to carry out the work of investigation and visits normally. In order to arrest Qiu and Chen and bring them to justice as soon as possible, the task force decided to adopt the method of “making side-effects” and “from far to near”. Starting from the neighbors of Qiu Xinnian’s original relatives, starting from the relatives of Qiu Xinnian’s immediate relatives, infiltrating layer by layer, timely establishing special information and placing eyeliner in the middle, discovering the whereabouts of Qiu and Chen, and finally arrested them .

(2) Lessons and Enlightenments

1. The focus of the investigation deployment is clear but not comprehensive enough, resulting in a lag in obtaining clues.

The public security organ already knew the basic situation of the criminal suspect at the beginning of accepting the case, so it put the escape work in the first place. In particular, after knowing that Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun had flown to Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China on December 31, 2010, they immediately rushed to Sichuan to carry out the work of arresting and escaping, and invited the technical and network supervision departments The mobile phones and QQ numbers of Qiu and Chen were monitored. On the surface, with these tasks, Qiu and Chen were captured very quickly. It is this kind of fluke mentality of “taking shortcuts” that caused the special case team to ignore the important basic work that must be carried out after the murder, “carefully interviewing the suspect’s related persons”. No corresponding and detailed visit outline has been formulated. As a result, the investigators only discussed the facts in the process of interviewing the suspect’s family members, and the questions raised were only superficial. However, no detailed inquiries were made about Qiu Xinnian’s emotional experience, work history, and life trajectory before and after the incident. It was not until half a month after the incident that the network monitoring department reported that Qiu Xinnian had worked in Beijing Shangyu Sishu Education Consulting Co., Ltd. near Qinghe before the incident, and conducted an investigation and interview with Qiu Xinnian’s colleagues. Work. Although the task force did not learn any important clues to the direct capture of Qiu and Chen, it should not have been conducted inadvertently as a basic work.

2. The lax registration management of hotels in other places delayed the fighter plane to a certain extent.

Through airport video recordings, interviews with relevant personnel, and IP address checks, the task force found Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun’s foothold in Dazhou, Sichuan—Xiang’an Guest House at North Bus Station. However, through interviews, the person in charge of the hotel categorically denied the check-in of the two, and there was no record of check-in registration. As a last resort, the task force combed through the clues they had already got, but the final result still pointed to this small hotel. When the person in charge of the store was interviewed for the fourth time, the investigators of the task force aggravated the tone of the conversation, and made clear their policies and interests to him. Only then did he admit that Qiu and Chen had lived in the store. However, because the two lied about visiting relatives without carrying their ID cards, they did not register for passenger accommodation. The few times I lied to the investigators of the special case team was also based on the fear of being investigated by the local public security organs because there was no information about the hotel. But at this time, it has been more than half a month since Qiu Xinnian and Chen Qun left the hotel. Even if witnesses were found, the memory of Qiu and Chen had faded due to the long time, and they lost the reason to continue to trace the escape route of the two. The clues delayed the fighter plane.