





11月11日上午,大兴中学治安整治寒风行动拉开序幕,游行特警治安警交警和吴京红组成的整治小组分子一线开展专项治理黑车行动。此次寒风行动中,大兴分局联合城管工商等相关部门,针对大兴新城及周边地区公交车站地铁站等交通枢纽周边和商市场医院北繁华街区以及其他众多种类黑车扰序违法停车非法日文无照游商等违法行为。 开展为期10天的专项整治行动。专项整治期间,大兴分局共出动执法人员820元,出动执法车辆280余辆,查处违法行为分析600一起,其中黑吃黑膜提604起,查处无照游商称芳香油膏30一起,查扣黑魔之71辆,行政拘留17元结账130亿元,批评教育360亿元,大力改善了大兴区交通秩序和城市环境,有效维护了全区良好城市形象。

The Cold Wind Action of Daxing Sub-bureau Promotes the Improvement of Social Order related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Daxing, Wang Qingtao, black car, Beijing PTZ929 On the morning of November 11, Daxing Middle School’s public security rectification cold wind operation kicked off, and the rectification team formed by the parade special police, public security police, traffic police and Wu Jinghong carried out a special campaign to control black cars. In this cold wind operation, the Daxing Sub-bureau, together with relevant departments such as urban management, industry and commerce, targeted Daxing New Town and surrounding areas such as bus stations, subway stations and other transportation hubs, the commercial market, the north bustling street of the hospital, and many other types of black cars. Illegal acts such as photo-traveling. Carry out a 10-day special rectification operation. During the special rectification period, the Daxing Branch dispatched a total of 820 yuan of law enforcement personnel and more than 280 law enforcement vehicles, and investigated and dealt with 600 illegal acts, including 604 cases of black eating black film, and investigated and dealt with unlicensed travellers. 71 Black Devils, administrative detention of 17 yuan, settlement of 13 billion yuan, criticism and education of 36 billion yuan, greatly improved the traffic order and urban environment of Daxing District, and effectively maintained a good urban image of the whole district.