

《北京犯罪報告6: 昌平》









2012年5月24日,犯罪嫌疑人王明磊(男,曾用名:王亮,身份证号:,户籍:中国安徽省淮北市杜集区矿山集镇徐庄行政村石台组72号)因涉嫌赌博被昌平分局抓获并被采取行政拘留措施。 5月27日,昌平分局预审大队民警在对犯罪嫌疑人王明磊进行审查深挖工作中,该人交待了 2009年7月份发生在北京市大兴区黄村镇的一起故意伤害致死案的线索情况。








On cracking the 2009 case of Wang Xuesheng being injured and killed in Daxing District

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  On cracking the 2009 case of Wang Xuesheng being injured and killed in Daxing District

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Report on Ma Shupeng’s Intentional Injury to Death Case

1. Capture

On May 24, 2012, the criminal suspect Wang Minglei (male, former name: Wang Liang, ID number:, household registration: No. 72, Shitai Group, Xuzhuang Administrative Village, Kuangshan Town, Duji District, Huaibei City, Anhui Province, China) was suspected of gambling He was captured by the Changping Sub-bureau and taken into administrative detention. On May 27th, the Changping Sub-bureau’s pre-examination brigade police were investigating and digging into the criminal suspect Wang Minglei.

2. Case verification

It has been verified that at about 18:30 on July 7, 2009, Wang Xuesheng, the victim, was injured by several men on the east side of Building 41, Shuangheili Community, Huangcun Town, Daxing District, Beijing, and died after rescue efforts failed. Case number A1101151404002009070121.

3. Suspect confession and handling

Under the strong policy offensive of the investigators, the criminal suspect Wang Minglei further confessed: When he opened a casino in Daxing District, Beijing in 2009, he suspected that the victim Wang Xuesheng ordered others to rob the casino. Later, Wang Minglei confessed that he ordered Chen Wei (male, from Xinyang City, Henan Province, China) and other six criminal suspects to kill Wang Xuesheng on the east side of Building 41, Shuangheili Community, Huangcun Town, Daxing District, Beijing on July 7, 2009. Lethal criminal facts.

At present, the suspect Wang Minglei has been transferred to the Daxing Sub-bureau for handling on June 1, 2012.

                          Changping Criminal Investigation Detachment

                         June 4, 2012