

随着市局警务改革的深入,市局内保局积极探索内保警务工作新方向,在原有内保工作职能定位基础上,提出了实施内部重点单位驻警制的工作构想。驻警制是在驻区制,站巡制之后的又一项警务创新。内部重点单位驻警制是在内部重点单位设立警务工作室,以工作室为点,纵向牵动行业系统,横向支撑社会面网格化警务队。对辖区单位进行全天候,不间断检查指导。 及情报信息搜集和内部矛盾化解等各项警务活动。推进驻警制工作以来呢,我们感觉最大的变化是,原来我们的干警是不定期的到这里来进行检查和工作。发生应急事件后呢?是靠通讯联系,这样呢,不便于快速反应。现在呢,我们是24小时在北京电力公司警务室有民警驻勤,使得我们的沟通和工作起来更方便,真正起到了快速反应,精准打击的这么一个目的,得到了企业的肯定和欢迎。目前,内保警务工作室建设工作已全面推开。48个警务工作室已基本建设完成,300名民警深入一线。

With the deepening of the police reform of the Municipal Bureau, the Internal Security Bureau of the Municipal Bureau actively explored the new direction of the internal security police work. Based on the original internal security work function positioning, it proposed the work concept of implementing the police system for internal key units. The stationed police system is another police innovation after the stationed system and the station patrol system. The police station in key internal units is to set up police studios in key internal units. Taking the studio as a point, it affects the industry system vertically and supports the social grid police team horizontally. All-weather, uninterrupted inspection and guidance of units in the jurisdiction. and intelligence information collection and internal conflict resolution and other policing activities. Since the promotion of the police station work, we feel that the biggest change is that our police officers come here from time to time for inspection and work. What about after an emergency? It depends on communication, so it is not convenient to respond quickly. Now, we have police stationed in the police office of Beijing Electric Power Company 24 hours a day, which makes our communication and work more convenient, and the purpose of quick response and precise strike has been affirmed and welcomed by the enterprise. At present, the construction of the internal security police studio has been fully rolled out. The basic construction of 48 police studios has been completed, and 300 police officers have gone to the front line.