

8月1日建军节当天,市委常委市公安局长傅政华来到市局机关武警驻地,亲切慰问了驻勤武警官兵。首先,傅政华局长向全体武警官兵致以节日祝贺,并代表示市局党委向长期以来为维护首都稳定作出突出贡献的驻市局武警官兵,表示衷心的感谢和致以崇高的敬意。傅政华局长指出,在过去的一年里广大武警官兵立足自身岗位,坚决的履行了使命,圆满的完成了任务,取得了优异的成绩。为首都公安工作顺利开展提供了坚实的保障。希望大家再接再厉,继续发扬武警部队的光荣传统,为军旗增辉添彩,为人民军队的建设作出更大的贡献。市局党委副书记副局长丁世伟,武警北京总队总队长魏哲,及有关部门领导一同参加了慰问。 傅政华局长慰问驻市局武警官兵

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Fu Zhenghua, Ding Shiwei, Beijing Armed Police Corps, Armed Police, Chief Captain, Wei Zhe, Sui Xianghua

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On August 1, the day of the Army’s Founding Day, Fu Zhenghua, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, came to the city bureau’s armed police station and cordially expressed condolences to the officers and soldiers of the stationed armed police. First of all, Director Fu Zhenghua extended his holiday congratulations to all the armed police officers and soldiers, and expressed on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee that he would like to express his heartfelt thanks and high respect to the armed police officers and soldiers stationed in the Municipal Bureau who have made outstanding contributions to maintaining the stability of the capital for a long time. Director Fu Zhenghua pointed out that in the past year, the majority of armed police officers and soldiers based on their own posts, resolutely fulfilled their mission, successfully completed the task, and achieved excellent results. It provides a solid guarantee for the smooth development of the capital’s public security work. I hope everyone will make persistent efforts, continue to carry forward the glorious tradition of the armed police force, add splendor to the military flag, and make greater contributions to the construction of the people’s army. Ding Shiwei, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, Wei Zhe, captain of the Beijing Armed Police Corps, and leaders of relevant departments attended the condolences.

Director Fu Zhenghua expressed his condolences to the officers and soldiers of the armed police stationed in the Municipal Bureau