

下面请看一组简讯。当友谊与北京市消防局正式开通微博由4名消防警官专职维护,北京消防微博实行24小时轮流值班制度,他们将第一时间以文字图片视频等形式向网友发布重大火灾或抢险救援事故中火灾扑救疏散救援和伤亡情况等信息。此外,微博还将发布消防部门消防演练消防培训剖析火灾事故案例等信息。 今天市民体会消防咨询,短短一天就有10万名粉丝关注了北京消防微博。

100,000 followers on the first day of Fire Department Weibo

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See below for a set of newsletters. When Friendship and the Beijing Fire Department officially opened Weibo, it was maintained by 4 fire police officers full-time. The Beijing Fire Weibo implemented a 24-hour rotation duty system. They would immediately post major fire or emergency rescue accidents to netizens in the form of text, pictures, videos, etc. Information on fire fighting, evacuation, rescue and casualties. In addition, Weibo will also publish information on fire drills, fire training and analysis of fire accident cases by the fire department. Today, citizens experience fire protection consultation. In just one day, 100,000 fans followed Beijing Fire Protection Weibo.