


8月24日,昌平分局在工作中了解到,昌平区回龙观镇城北市场有人销售假冒的苏州稻香村月饼。办案民警经侦查,初步确定在回龙观城北市场周边存在着一个以山西来京人员张某为首的涉嫌销售假冒月饼的犯罪团伙。该团伙主要销售假冒苏州稻香村品牌的至尊鼎羽系列月饼,且涉案金额巨大8月29日,昌平分局组织民警果断出击。 在回龙观一小区的底商仓库内,将犯罪嫌疑人张某抓获。 

这个母亲。 随后又将准备销售假冒月饼的同伙阴谋抓获。 我现在发货客户明天不是我。 您买的都是什么吗?此次行动查获假冒的苏州稻香村,至今仍以系列月饼526箱,共计4208和涉案金额高达70余万元。经北京苏稻食品有限公司鉴定,上述月饼均系假冒苏州稻香村食品工业有限公司商标的侵权产品。现张某因某2人因涉嫌销售假冒注册商标商品罪被昌平分局刑事拘留。

Beijing Changping Public Security Bureau smashed the illegal dens of fake mooncakes in Daoxiang Village from Shanxi
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Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Lin Zhen, Huilongguan, Daoxiang Village, Suzhou, Chengbei Market, Shanxi, Ritianzhao Technology and Trade, Counterfeit
On August 24, the Changping Sub-bureau learned at work that someone was selling counterfeit Suzhou Daoxiang Village mooncakes in the North Market of Huilongguan Town, Changping District. After investigation, the police handling the case preliminarily determined that there was a criminal gang suspected of selling counterfeit moon cakes, headed by Zhang, a person from Shanxi who came to Beijing, around the north market in Huilongguan. The gang mainly sold the Supreme Dingyu series of mooncakes counterfeiting Suzhou Daoxiangcun brand, and the amount involved was huge. On August 29, the Changping Branch organized the police to attack decisively. The criminal suspect Zhang was arrested in the bottom store warehouse of Huilongguan No. 1 Community.
this mother. Then he conspired to arrest the accomplice who was preparing to sell counterfeit mooncakes. I ship now to a customer tomorrow not me. Did you buy everything? In this operation, the counterfeit Daoxiang Village in Suzhou was seized, and 526 boxes of mooncakes are still in series, with a total of 4208 and the amount involved is as high as more than 700,000 yuan. Appraised by Beijing Sudao Food Co., Ltd., the above-mentioned moon cakes are all infringing products that counterfeit the trademark of Suzhou Daoxiangcun Food Industry Co., Ltd. Now Zhang is under criminal detention by the Changping Sub-bureau on suspicion of selling goods with counterfeit registered trademarks.