


在全市深入开展打四黑除4害打防管控一体化专项行动中,海淀分局按照市局部署,积极开展打击整治工作,查处了一处专门制造假冒三星还硒鼓的黑窝点。前不久的一天,根据群众的举报,中关村大街派出所民警前往苏家坨的南安河村,都隐藏在村内的一只专门制造假冒的三星硒鼓的窝点进行查处。 这是一栋简易的两层小楼。一楼的客厅里,到处都堆放着已经包装好的打包装箱的三星牌硒鼓和惠普牌硒鼓。经过清点,共有600个。经过专业人员的鉴定,这些全都是假的。 送这么多很什么之类的孙子应该是有没有在孙子的另外一端,民警找到了这副假三星牌硒鼓的制假工厂。这个工厂坐落在山脚下,平时大门紧闭,周边几乎没有人来往。 据工人介绍,他们先将回收来的废旧硒鼓经过清洗风干,然后手工灌装硒鼓粉末,随后再用玻璃胶封好用工具往里填充各种螺丝组装完毕后贴包装盒。这些原本应该是机器来完成的工作,现在却成了纯手工。根据相关的出货单反映,这里每天至少能出货200个以上的假硒鼓。王某就是这家公司的法人,看见警察上门,他一口咬定自己销售的都是正牌三星产品。 但经过专业人员的鉴定,储存在这里的硒鼓正是那些手工作坊的成品。我是做的是政府相关国家。 要从生意不好做。经过调查,王某公司的货物就是从这个手工作坊件的生产。民警算了一笔账,回收一个就硒鼓只需要40元左右,经过简单的教皇贴标,便可以名牌硒鼓销售,其过程中每个硒鼓净赚至少200元以上,查获的假冒名牌硒鼓涉案价值达70万元。目前,嫌疑人王某李某等4人因涉嫌假冒注册商标被公安机关刑事拘留,此案正在进一步审理中。

Beijing Haidian Public Security Bureau eradicated a production den of counterfeit Samsung and HP toner cartridges

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In the city’s in-depth special action of cracking down on four crimes, eliminating four harms, combating prevention, control and integration, Haidian Branch actively carried out crackdown and rectification work in accordance with the deployment of the Municipal Bureau, and investigated and dealt with a black den that specially manufactured counterfeit Samsung toner cartridges. One day not long ago, according to reports from the masses, the police from the Zhongguancun Street Police Station went to Nan’anhe Village in Sujiatuo, and they all hid in a nest in the village that specializes in manufacturing counterfeit Samsung toner cartridges to investigate and deal with it. This is a simple two-story building. In the living room on the first floor, packed Samsung toner cartridges and HP toner cartridges are piled up everywhere. After counting, there are 600 in total. After the identification of professionals, these are all fake. The grandson who sent so many things should be at the other end of the grandson. The police found the counterfeit factory of this pair of fake Samsung toner cartridges. The factory is located at the foot of the mountain, the gates are usually closed, and there are almost no people around. According to the workers, they first cleaned and air-dried the recycled used toner cartridges, then manually filled the toner cartridges with powder, then sealed them with glass glue, filled them with various screws and assembled them, and then pasted the packaging boxes. These tasks, which should have been done by machines, are now done by hand. According to the relevant shipment list, at least 200 fake toner cartridges can be shipped here every day. Wang is the legal person of this company. When he saw the police coming, he insisted that all the products he sold were genuine Samsung products. However, through the identification of professionals, the toner cartridges stored here are the finished products of those manual workshops. What I am doing is government-related countries. To avoid bad business. After investigation, it was found that the goods of Wang Company were produced from this manual workshop. The police made a calculation. It only costs about 40 yuan to recycle an old toner cartridge. After simple labeling by the pope, it can be sold as a brand-name toner cartridge. In the process, each toner cartridge has a net profit of at least 200 yuan. up to 700,000 yuan. At present, four suspects including Wang Mou and Li Mou have been criminally detained by the public security organs on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks, and the case is under further trial.