

在今年5月份,公安部部署开展清网行动以来,全局各单位积极响应,其中怀柔分局创新工业思路,强化工作措施,清网行动综合排名位列前茅。在清网行动中,怀柔分局通过探索注重搜集线索抓逃发挥科技手段查考利用亲情感化,将讨使用见效的三招抓捕手段,抓获网逃效果突出。在6月份市局网上追逃专项督察考核评比。 综合排名中,怀柔分局有认识6个风险学第一名,希望以达到17.1%,提前实现了分局提出的8月底期望率达到10%的阶段目标。怀柔分局通过对网上在逃人员的梳理发现部分犯罪嫌疑人年纪小浪潮时间长的特点,充分发挥驻军民警的群众工作优势,积极配合侦查员对犯罪嫌疑人家属和亲属进行政策宣讲落实,定期恳谈。 说服教育敲打震慑措施,并采取网上发布致在逃家属一封信等形式,营造浓厚的追逃氛围和强大的社会舆论工时。截至目前,通过亲情感化迫使八名在逃人员投案自首。

Beijing Huairou Sub-bureau has an outstanding record in clearing the Internet, ranking first among the 16 county bureaus

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In May of this year, since the Ministry of Public Security deployed the network cleanup operation, all units in the world have responded positively. Among them, the Huairou branch has innovated industrial ideas and strengthened work measures. The comprehensive network cleanup operation ranks among the best. In the net clearing operation, the Huairou Branch Bureau explored and focused on collecting clues to catch and escape, and used scientific and technological means to investigate and use family affection, and will discuss the use of three effective arrest methods, which have achieved outstanding results in capturing cyber escapes. In June, the Municipal Bureau’s online pursuit of special inspectors assessed and appraised. In the comprehensive ranking, the Huairou branch has recognized 6 first placers in risk studies, hoping to reach 17.1%, and achieved the stage goal of reaching 10% by the end of August proposed by the branch ahead of schedule. The Huairou branch found out that some criminal suspects were young and long-lived through sorting out the fugitives on the Internet. They gave full play to the mass work advantages of the garrison and police, and actively cooperated with investigators to implement policies to the families and relatives of criminal suspects and conduct regular talks. Convince and educate the deterrent measures, and take the form of publishing a letter to the family members of the fugitives online to create a strong atmosphere of chasing fugitives and strong public opinion. So far, eight fugitives have been forced to surrender through family affection.