



也就是本来已经是cold case,无法破案了。



《北京犯罪報告9: 海淀》 





專案組參戰人員: 刑偵總隊一支隊偵查員李佳、何偉、王冰洲、高亮、薑承言、張新鵬
















經對死者物品進行清點發現:死者左手無名指佩戴的金屬戒指以及隨身攜帶的1部黑色三星牌直板手機(型號為S5830 ,號碼為13146276080)、1張公交IC卡、3000元左右現金被搶。





據死者同事曹治國(男,32歲,中國河北省唐山市豐潤區人 )、賈珍龍(男,32歲,北京市密雲縣人 )、魏欣(男,29歲,中國河北省唐山區豐潤區人 )、徐潮(男,21歲,北京市大興區人)等人反映:201110818時許,冷西偉和曹治國、賈珍龍、王大道(男,41歲,中國湖北省竹溪縣人)前往林業大學附近雙清路一家名為“皖魚”的飯館用餐。期間四人均有飲酒,2130分許,四人返回工地。曹治國獨自返回自己房間,賈珍龍、王大道和冷西偉回到冷的辦公室繼續聊天。22時許賈、王二人一同離開。冷來到隔壁辦公室與魏欣、徐潮、萬東方(男,45歲,中國江蘇省常州市金壇市人)、郝欣(男,33歲,北京市西城區人)四人聊天。2330分許,冷返回自己房間休息,魏等四人前往工地驗收檢查工程。109030分許,魏、徐再次返回辦公室。後徐先離開辦公室返回宿舍,魏于130分許離開辦公室返回宿舍,未發現異常情況。
























































































 “10.09” classic case analysis of the murder of Leng Xiwei in Haidian District

Dabao Dynasty Editor’s Note:

The difficulty of cleaning the floor is so high, Wang Ju is still enjoying it, and I am also drunk.

So many real fools or fake fools, still pretending that he is not a big propaganda?

Let’s take this case as an example. This case has been the best case to clear the ground for the Hu Xinyu case.

In this case, the suspect threw key evidence and bloody clothes on the roofs around the scene,

The police did not find it. The suspect hid under the victim’s bed before the murder.

The police did not investigate either.

This is already the best example of washing the ground for Hu Xinyu.

But where is the bug? The police solved the case!

That is, what is the motive of the police? Under normal circumstances, it is natural to do everything possible to solve the case.

However, there is another situation that is not uncommon, that is, the police collect black money.

That is the opposite, doing everything possible to cover up.

This is the theory of consequence. There are a hundred ways for the police to solve a case.

It doesn’t matter if you make low-level mistakes in the process of solving the case, the key is to solve the case.

In reality, the Chinese police rely heavily on technical investigation or online investigation to solve cases, that is, mobile phone location.

or a confession,

The police did not find key physical evidence, and the police did not know where the suspect was hiding, such details of the crime.

But as long as the suspect is caught, he will know as soon as he asks.

Therefore, the biggest doubt is that the police did not solve the case.

The police had already informed Hu Xinyu’s family to close the case, but this happened again.

That is to say, it is already a cold case and cannot be solved.

It is difficult to round up this case purely from criminal technology

The king’s game has to be washed as hard as Hu Diaopan.

related books

“Beijing Crime Report 9: Haidian”


【Case summary】

On October 9, 2011, a homicide occurred at the construction site of the Research Center of Forestry University in Haidian District, Beijing. Leng Xiwei, the project secretary and production manager of the construction site, was killed in the temporary construction office of the construction site. The case occurred at the construction site of a famous university campus, and leaders at all levels attached great importance to it. The Criminal Investigation Corps, Haidian Sub-bureau, together with technical investigation, network security, intelligence and other relevant departments, fought continuously for 16 days and nights, and finally identified the suspect through meticulous investigation and video tracking, and solved the case in one fell swoop.

Commanders of the special case team: Fan Hongyu, political commissar of the first team of the Criminal Investigation Corps, Song Shuyong, the leader of the fourth squadron of the first team, Zhang Yong, the political commissar of the seventh team, Zhong Tao, the deputy leader, Liu Yingjie, the director of the trace room of the seventh team, Liu Li, the captain of the eighth team, and Liu Liu, the deputy team leader Hua, Jiao Zhangping, Director of the DNA Office, Wu Zhenjiang, Head of the Haidian Criminal Investigation Detachment, Sun Aijun, Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, Cui Peng, Squadron Leader of the Serious Crime Squad

Participating personnel of the special case team: Investigators Li Jia, He Wei, Wang Bingzhou, Gao Liang, Jiang Chengyan, Zhang Xinpeng, investigators of the first team of the Criminal Investigation Corps

Meng Xin, technician of Team Seven

Forensic Doctor Li Changrong of the Eighth Team




1. The circumstances of the incident

According to the discoverer Du Huanyu (male, 41 years old, from Nankai District, Tianjin City, China, construction site project manager): At 8:00 on October 9, 2011, Du found the deceased Leng Xiwei (male, 37 years old, place of residence: Hebei, China) Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Province, work unit: China Construction Second Bureau Third Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.) did not arrive for work. Then he called his mobile phone and found that the other party was turned off. At about 11 o’clock, Du found Li Xuan (male, 27 years old, from Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China), an employee of the construction site’s fire protection department, and went to Leng Xiwei’s room to check. Li Xuan opened the outer door of the room with a spare key. After Li pushed open the inner door (unlocked), he found that Leng Xiwei was dead with blood on his body, so he called the police.

2. Basic situation of the deceased

Leng Xiwei, male, 37 years old, born on July 18, 1974, household registration: Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China, ID number: , current address: 31-2, Shidailonghe Community, Zhongli, Huangcun, Daxing District, Beijing -1301, mobile phone number: 13146276080. Employer: China Construction Second Bureau Third Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

As the project production manager and secretary of the Research Center of Forestry University, Leng Xiwei’s main responsibilities include: security management, labor disputes, canteen logistics, sign making, fire safety, coordination with government departments, and dealing with disturbance issues.

According to Leng Xiwei’s relatives and colleagues: Leng Xiwei is extroverted, responsible, and has a harmonious family. Life is simple and casual, and the economic conditions are average. Daily contacts with people are more complicated.

3. On-site investigation and forensic examination

(1) On-site investigation

The site is located at the construction site of the teaching building of the Learning and Research Center of Forestry University, Haidian District, Beijing. The center site is located in the third room from the west on the first floor of the temporary office building on the north side of the construction site. The door of the room faces south, and the number plate of “Project Secretary” is hung on the door. The door lock is in good condition, but the tightness of the door lock is poor. After technical tests, it can be opened with a plastic card. The interior structure is the inner and outer rooms, the outer room on the east side is the office, and the inner room on the west side is the bedroom. The deceased was lying on the south side of the single bed (the head of the bed facing west) in the northwest corner of the bedroom, with his head on the west, feet on the east and left side lying on the ground. He was wearing only a pair of red underwear all over his body, and a quilt with a blue grid pattern was pressed between his legs, and blood stains were visible on the bottom of his feet. There was a lot of blood on the single bed. Suspicious blood footprints, about 29.5 centimeters in length, can be seen on the indoor floor. A large number of blood spatters can be seen on the wall near the deceased and on the bedroom door. Blood dripped profusely on the ground. In addition, traces of rubbing of bloody textiles can be seen on the wall near the head of the deceased. Bloody touch marks were found on the carton near the head of the deceased, on the wardrobe on the east side of the bedroom, and on the drawer of the boss desk on the north side of the office, and there were traces of flipping in the room. In addition, a three-dimensional footprint from west to east was found on the ground between the outdoor display board and the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, which is the same as the dust footprint and blood footprint on the indoor ground.

After analyzing the suspicious blood footprints at the scene, it was preliminarily deduced that they were footprints of tourist shoes, and the shoes were about 80% new. The suspect may be a young male, between 1.70 meters and 1.77 meters tall, with experience in theft.

After an inventory of the deceased’s belongings, it was found that the metal ring worn by the deceased’s left ring finger, a black Samsung brand straight mobile phone (model S5830, number 13146276080), a bus IC card, and about 3,000 yuan in cash were robbed.

(2) Forensic medical examination

Preliminary forensic examination revealed that the deceased was a male with a body length of about 170 centimeters. Three wounds were seen on the head and face, and one crescent-shaped stab wound was found on the skull, piercing the skull, and the width of the wound was about 0.3 cm. A stabbing wound was seen in the left armpit, which ran through the heart and lungs from the left chest to the right chest, and the length of the wound was about 26 cm. There were 13 stab wounds on the trunk, including 11 on the back. Through inspection, it was found that the wound and the wound path contained trace amounts of iron and zinc elements, and the front end of the wounding tool should be able to form a crescent-shaped wound. The cause of death was analyzed as acute hemorrhagic shock, and the time of death was around 2:00 on October 9, 2011.

Later investigators found a tubular tool with a sharpened front section at the construction site. The tool is used by construction personnel to grind one end of the galvanized pipe into a pointed shape with a grinder at a certain inclination, similar to a pipe fork, and is often used in woodworking drilling operations. According to forensic research and analysis, this kind of tool can cause trauma on the body of the deceased.

4. Survey visits

According to the deceased’s colleagues Cao Zhiguo (male, 32 years old, from Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China), Jia Zhenlong (male, 32 years old, from Miyun County, Beijing), Wei Xin (male, 29 years old, from Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China People), Xu Chao (male, 21 years old, from Daxing District, Beijing) and others reported: At 18:00 on October 8, 2011, Leng Xiwei, Cao Zhiguo, Jia Zhenlong, Wang Dao (male, 41 years old, Hubei, China People from Zhuxi County, Zhejiang Province) went to a restaurant named “Wanyu” in Shuangqing Road near Forestry University for dinner. During the period, all four of them drank alcohol. At about 21:30, the four of them returned to the construction site. Cao Zhiguo returned to his room alone, while Jia Zhenlong, Wang Daodao and Leng Xiwei returned to Leng’s office to continue chatting. At 22:00 Xu Jia and Wang left together. Leng came to the office next door to chat with Wei Xin, Xu Chao, Wan Dongfang (male, 45 years old, from Jintan City, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China), and Hao Xin (male, 33 years old, from Xicheng District, Beijing). At about 23:30, Leng returned to his room to rest, and four people including Wei went to the construction site to accept and inspect the project. At about 0:30 on October 9, Wei and Xu returned to the office again. Later, Xu left the office and returned to the dormitory. Wei left the office and returned to the dormitory at about 1:30. No abnormalities were found.

V. Case Analysis and Next Step Work Deployment

Based on the above circumstances, the special case team initially analyzed that the case was a case of intentional homicide with property infringement. The suspect should be a male. The suspect has a certain understanding of the construction site and is likely to have the experience of working on a construction site. In view of this, the special work is as follows:

(1) Technical and forensic work

1. The technical department will re-survey the scene, inspect the traces and evidence extracted, study and determine the way the suspect entered the door, and carry out surveys and searches around the scene at the same time.

2. The forensic center will examine the extracted biological samples and re-study the bloodstain distribution.

(2) Physical evidence investigation work

Find a shoe sample of the same species as the suspicious blood trail.

(3) Internal investigation work

Conduct a one-by-one investigation of the migrant workers on the site.

(4) Calling for monitoring work

Retrieve the surveillance video of the scene and the surrounding area, and pay attention to any suspicious situations.

(5) Technical investigation work

The Twelfth Corps will carry out related work on the communication information of the deceased.

6. Technical reconnaissance work

After technical investigation, it was found that the signal position of Leng Xiwei’s lost mobile phone was located near the scene at about 1:40 on October 9, 2011. At about 2:40, it was turned off. At this time, the signal position moved to the northwest area, including the north side of Jingshuyuan Road and the living area of migrant workers on some construction sites.

  7. Surveillance Video Situation

After investigation, there were 14 monitoring probes in the surrounding area of the scene. Among them, there is one at the south gate of the construction site, and the rest are distributed at the intersections around the construction site.

After inspection, it was found that at about 2:30 on October 9, 2011, on Jingshuyuan Road, a person wearing a yellow helmet walked from south to north, passed the probe at the gate of No. 14 courtyard of Linda University, and walked towards the shutdown area. The whereabouts are very suspicious. When he passed the surveillance camera, another young man entered the courtyard gate of No. 14 Linda University in front of him.

After interviewing the residents of Linda No. 14 Courtyard, investigators found the young man Zhang Xingdong (male, 19 years old, from Huludao City, Liaoning Province, China) who was under surveillance. According to the person’s report: at around 2 o’clock on October 9, he left from Beijing Hongda Sifang Internet Service Center (the third floor of the back building of the Institute of Electronics, No. 25 Qinghua East Road, Haidian District) and was about to return to his temporary residence (that is, Linda No. 14 Courtyard) )rest. When walking to Jingshuyuan Road (100 meters from the south exit), I heard abnormal noises behind me. When he looked back, he saw a man (about 1.7 meters tall, thinner, with small eyes) dressed as a migrant worker in a yellow hard hat walking quickly on the west side of the road. Zhang analyzed that the man might turn inside out from the construction site on the west side of the road, and then the man walked northward.

8. Internal inspection of the construction site

The site where the incident occurred covers an area of about 8,200 square meters, and the contractor of the project is the Third Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Construction Second Bureau. The project started on January 18, 2011, and various construction teams began to move in at the end of March 2011. It is expected to be completed on March 10, 2013.

After investigation, the construction site project department currently has 9 departments including the manager department, technology department, and safety department, with a total of 52 employees. The security team has 11 members. Among them, 8 people are responsible for guarding the two southwest gates, daily patrols and sanitation cleaning on the construction site. The other three are responsible for the security of the living quarters. The construction party currently has 9 construction teams including the Jintan Jinming Team. There are a total of 645 people living in the living area of migrant workers on the north side of the construction site among the above-mentioned units.

  On the one hand, the special case team organized the above-mentioned project department and the person in charge of the construction unit to identify the man wearing the yellow hard hat in the surveillance video. On the other hand, more than 600 people were investigated one by one, focusing on the following types of personnel:

(1) Time is suspicious

The staff on duty the night of the incident.

On the day of the incident, the surveillance video entered the construction site, but the personnel who left were not monitored.

After the incident (October 9th), those who were late for work and asked for leave.

People who left without reason after the incident.

(2) Persons with suspicious speech behavior

The personnel who had polished the intubation tools before the incident.

A person who spends money suddenly after the incident.

The personnel who took a bath and did laundry on the night after the incident.

People who discarded clothes and shoes after the incident.

Those who actively inquired about the case after the incident occurred.

He once expressed dissatisfaction with the leaders of the construction site, especially those who had conflicts with the deceased Leng Xiwei.

(3) Other suspicious persons

People with suspected bloodstains on their bodies, clothing, and objects.

After the incident, the person who held the robbed mobile phone and gold ring.

People who are emotionally abnormal after the incident.

People with recent injuries.

Nine, the process of solving the case

(1) Sources of clues

Combining surveillance video, construction site overtime schedule and mutual verification among personnel, the special task force focused on the regular positioning of the personnel who worked overtime on the construction site on October 8 and 9. After entering the construction site at 17:44, no surveillance video of him leaving the construction site was found.

The workers who interviewed him learned that: Zhou Xian worked overtime at the construction site at around 17:00 on the 8th, but no one saw him working after 22:00, and no one knew when he left the construction site and returned to the living area. Until 3 o’clock on the 9th, the co-workers in the same dormitory discovered that Zhou Xian had returned to the dormitory. His hair was wet and he may have taken a shower. And after the incident, Zhou Xian once invited his workers to go to the karaoke bar for consumption, and the money was relatively generous.

Based on this, the task force interviewed Zhou Xian. Zhou said: On the evening of the 8th, he had been working overtime on the construction site with his co-workers, and returned to the dormitory together, with a flustered look while speaking. Based on various circumstances, the task force determined that Zhou Xian was suspected of committing a major crime.

At 19:30 on October 25, 2011, investigators arrested the suspect Zhou Xian (male, 16 years old, from Yunnan, China) in the living area of the construction site of the teaching building of the Forestry University Research Center in Haidian District, Beijing.

(2) Basic information of the criminal suspect

Zhou Xian, male, 16 years old, Han nationality, elementary school education, registered residence: Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, is currently a signal worker at the construction site of the teaching building of the Learning and Research Center of the Forestry University of Jiangsu Jinming Construction Labor Service Company, and lives on the construction site Living Area.

(3) Confessions of the suspect

After interrogation, the criminal suspect Zhou Xian made a preliminary statement: he was reprimanded by the deceased for his work mistakes and violation of construction site discipline. So he held a grudge and waited for an opportunity to kill the deceased to vent his anger. And prepare gloves, water and electricity pipes (one end beveled to a pointed end) and steel bar (one end sharpened). At about 23:00 on October 8, he sneaked into the room of the deceased and hid under the bed in the bedroom while the deceased was chatting in the next room. After the deceased returned to the house and fell asleep, he crawled out from under the bed, went to the computer desk in the outside room of the deceased, and saw that the computer time was “1:45”. Finally, he put on gloves, held the water pipe in his left hand, and the steel bar in his right hand, and went to the bed of the deceased, and stabbed the dead man’s neck with the steel bar, causing the deceased to wake up. There was a fight between the two, during which Zhou Xian repeatedly stabbed the victim’s back and abdomen with a water hose until the deceased fell to the ground and died. Zhou Wei created the illusion of robbery and murder by flipping through drawers, wardrobes, and pockets of the deceased’s boss desk, and stole the deceased’s ring, 4,700 yuan in cash, and a black straight cell phone. Afterwards, he locked the door, turned out from the east wall of the construction site, returned to the living area, and discarded the clothes, tools, mobile phones and rings of the deceased when he committed the crime.

Later, the task force found a water and electricity pipe used by Zhou Xian in the grass on the north side of the living area of the construction site, and found the light green long-sleeved T-shirt he was wearing in the crime on the roof of the south side of the living area.

10. Case analysis
(1) Success
In terms of technical investigation: the investigation method is appropriate, the judgment is accurate, the case is not solved, and the investigation does not stop
1. Appropriate on-site investigation method. The suspect’s dust footprints were extracted both indoors and outdoors at the scene, and the suspect’s blood footprints were extracted indoors. It lays a good foundation for analyzing the process of committing crimes and identifying suspects.
2. Detailed analysis of on-site access and access methods. According to the scene environment and the condition of the door, the method of violent entry was ruled out, and it was judged that the suspect had the possibility of using a card to open the door or slip into the room, which provided a certain basis for determining the crime committed by acquaintances.
3. Carefully investigate the flipped parts. The items at the scene were turned over, and the deceased’s gold ring, large amount of cash, and mobile phone were all lost, indicating that the suspect’s turned over was more detailed and had a certain intention of trespassing. According to the tidy arrangement of the flipped objects, it is judged that the suspect has a habit of resetting after flipping the objects, which effectively portrays the suspect’s psychological motivation.
4. Accurate analysis of the killing process. According to the way of entering the room, the switch of the indoor lighting, etc., it is determined that the suspect has premeditated, is familiar with the environment, and has a clear motive for killing, which provides strong support for the investigation work.
5. Follow up the case throughout the process. No important traces other than suspicious footprints were found at the scene, and the suspect may have committed the crime wearing gloves. In order to further discover valuable traces and physical evidence, criminal technology experts are invited to conduct re-examination. At the same time, in accordance with the investigation direction determined by the task force, actively cooperate with the investigation work of the investigators, conduct investigations on the construction site walls, dormitory areas and other places, and effectively ensure that the case is not solved and the investigation continues.
Forensic inspection: fine inspection, accurate analysis, extensive work ideas and methods
Through detailed checks and on-site inspections, the Forensic Medicine Center quickly determined that the injury tool was a metal pipe fork tool used by workers on the site where the case occurred, narrowing the scope of the investigation and providing a strong basis for the task force to carry out investigations around the workers on the site where the case occurred. Secondly, the accurate determination of the time of death lays a good foundation for the surveillance video review and investigation work deployed by the task force. The third is the pioneering test of DNA on a small amount on the electrostatic adsorption film, and it has been successful.
In terms of case investigation: the leadership attaches great importance to it, properly organizes it, combines investigation and surveillance images, has a plan for arrest and interrogation, and finally successfully solves the case
1. Leaders at all levels attach great importance to it and make precise deployments. Fu Zhenghua, the director of the Municipal Bureau, repeatedly asked about the progress of the case, and Jiang Liangdong, the deputy director, listened to the work situation every day and made arrangements. It is required that the case of the special case team should not be solved, and that the investigation and research should be carried out every day, so as to ensure that the understanding of all combatants will continue to deepen and their confidence will become more and more firm. Kui Fujie, the deputy head of the corps, visited the scene and surrounding areas many times, and vigorously organized internal investigations to ensure the correct direction of investigation. All comrades have a clear direction, have always focused on more than 600 people on the construction site, and firmly implemented the decision-making of the task force.
2. Proper organization of the survey work, clear internal division of labor, mutual cooperation, and responsibility at all levels. Aiming at the investigation work of the personnel on the construction site where the case occurred, the leader of the special case team personally explained the method, designed the form, drew up the outline of the investigation, and summarized ten key contents of the investigation. Combined with the lack of identification of personal evidence at the scene, formulate the work points for finding out the “five numbers” (i.e. ID number, mobile phone number, QQ number, shoe number, bus card number), etc., for dynamic investigation. At the same time, the traditional method of regular positioning is adopted The investigation method directly obtained the testimony of multiple witnesses who were not on duty on the evening of October 8.
3. Persistence in image tracking. Correctly delineate the image tracking area, study the correct viewing method, introduce and use imported screening software in a timely manner, and firmly believe that the suspect will definitely leave traces in the surveillance. After fifteen consecutive days of watching, the suspect was finally discovered.
4. Sufficient preparations for arrest and review work, decisive action, strong confidence, and good methods. After the suspect was identified, all the staff unified their thinking, collectively studied the plan, selected the breakthrough point, took advantage of its weakness, and succeeded in the sudden trial in one fell swoop.
(2) Deficiencies
The survey is not comprehensive and the search scope is limited
1. The survey is not comprehensive. The suspect confessed that he hid under the bed in the bedroom before the victim entered the scene, but the technicians ignored the investigation under the bed of the deceased at the scene and missed the opportunity to obtain further traces and physical evidence.
2. The surrounding search work is weak. The special case team focused on the investigation site and the migrant workers’ dormitory area, and deployed searches in the surrounding areas at the same time. However, technicians failed to find stolen evidence or valuable clues at the above-mentioned locations. After being identified by the criminal suspect, the task force found bloody clothes on the roof of the houses near the dormitory area, and found criminal tools and mobile phones in the garbage dump between the dormitory area and Linda University.
Summarize the experience of wound examination and strengthen the analysis and research of non-specific wounds
The suspect confessed to using two different tools to attack and kill the deceased, rather than the initial judgment of a wounding tool. This shows that the analysis and research on cadaveric wounds, especially non-specific wounds, needs to be strengthened, and practical experience should be summed up to improve the inspection level.
The investigation and interview work lacked meticulousness and in-depth
Due to the heavy workload, some problems were exposed during the investigation. In particular, the investigators were afraid of the difficulty of the investigation. During the investigation of more than 600 people, due to insufficient police force and other reasons, the fixed-time positioning of each person turned into a centralized registration, resulting in suspicious situations not being detected in time. On the other hand, the work of on-site visits is not in-depth. During the interviews with the foreman and management, the suspects were not punished by the deceased and went to karaoke clubs and supermarkets to shop after the case. As a result, the contradictions and abnormalities were not highlighted.
4. Project work requirements
The cracking of this case is another successful example of the comprehensive application of traditional investigation methods and modern technology, fully demonstrating the tenacious spirit and ability of the criminal investigation system to overcome difficulties. At the same time, passing this case, which tested the basic skills of criminal investigation, also reflected some problems. In view of this, the following three aspects should be paid attention to in the future special case investigation:
(1) Strictly implement the on-site survey specifications.
A system for homicide scene investigators to wear protective clothing has been implemented across the region. Investigators are all wearing disposable survey suits, hats, masks, and shoe covers to protect all kinds of traces and evidence at the scene, especially biological inspection materials, so as to improve the extraction rate and detection rate of DNA.
(2) Strengthen investigation, technology, and forensic information communication mechanisms.
The three departments of technology, forensic medicine, and investigation must actively communicate and communicate, establish a mature information communication mechanism, understand each other’s work progress, and report work progress and results at any time. Adhere to the fact that the case is not solved, the investigation is not stopped, and the inspection is not stopped.
(3) Promoting the “integrated” investigation model.
Investigation, technology, forensic, intelligence, network security, technical investigation, supervision and other departments must follow the case throughout the process. The task force divides each combat unit according to the case, the number of combatants, departments, work, etc., and determines the person in charge and job responsibilities of each combat unit. Summarize the progress of the work at any time and report to clarify responsibilities, cooperate with each other, and coordinate operations to fully realize the “integrated” investigation mode.
Criminal investigation team
July 5, 2012