




序号 案件来源 姓名 户籍地详细(现居住地)地址 问题管辖单位 简要案情 信访时间 案发时间 所涉地市 信访诉求 涉及警种 包案领导 承办单位

姓名 职务

1 中政委交办 周林山 江西省抚州市临川区 江西省     1992年9月16日,其儿子周荣华等一些村民去辛小荣家要求协商辛小荣开拖拉机压死同乡胥丽萍两岁儿子之事。被辛小荣带一些人手持石头、棍棒、铁锹、铳等凶器围攻。混乱之时,将周荣华逼到几个小山坡,辛小荣朝周华荣开铳击中周荣华肝脏,送县医院抢救无效死亡。上访人要求破案并生活救助。 2010年 1992年 抚州市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 舒晓琴 江西省委常委、政法委书记、公安厅在 抚州市公安局

3 中政委交办 郑维来 江西省上饶市弋阳县 江西省     来访反映,2009年12月30日晚20时左右,来访人妻子徐有根与舞伴严宝发从舞厅跳舞出来,在去往另一歌厅途中,遭到不明身份歹徒的凶杀,致使来访人妻子身中数刀,经医院抢救无效死亡。案发后至今,当地公安机关一直未破案。来访人强烈要求:当地公安机关查清事实,尽快破案,严惩凶手。 2010年 2009年 上饶市 查处案件-要求尽快破案 刑侦 曹根水、邓宸芳 厅党委委员、副厅长,副巡视员 上饶市公安局

5 中政委交办 陈才秀 江西省鹰潭市贵溪市 江西省     2007年4月24日,其女汪素芳因与公婆家庭矛盾发生争吵,被小叔子邓彩华伤害致死。鉴定结论为:汪素芳系由于左胸部受到他人使用尖端锐器刺杀,导致失血性休克死亡。来访认为公安机关不作为并有袒护、包庇杀人犯邓彩华之嫌。要求尽快破案,捉拿邓彩华归案,依法严惩。 2010年 2007年 鹰潭市 查处案件 – 抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 曹根水、邓宸芳 厅党委委员、副厅长,副巡视员 鹰潭市公安局

7 中政委交办 付年梅 江西省鹰潭市余江县 江西省 上访人的儿子邵和谐是景德镇江西信义房地产公司的董事长。2007年5月24日,邵和谐在家中死亡。经法医鉴定邵系生前自缢身亡,公安机关认定非刑事案件。上访人怀疑其子是被人杀害,要求公安机关立案侦查。 2010年 2007年 景德镇市 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 肖冬根 副巡视员 鹰潭市公安局

10 中政委交办 邱培秀 邱福添 刘永兵 赖晓林 江西省赣州市安远县 江西省     信访人来访反映其子刘永峰死亡一案无人过问,要求公安立案侦查。 2011年 2010年 赣州市 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 胡满松 赣州市副市长、公安局局长 赣州市公安局

13 中政委交办 陈春莲 江西省赣州市宁都县 江西省     2007年12月7日,因邻居纠纷被郭正秀等人打伤,2008年11月18日经赣州市司法鉴定为重伤。同年12月25日,赣州市公安局鉴定为轻微伤,2009年3月6日,省厅鉴定为轻微伤。来访对伤情鉴定不服,要求赔偿。 2011年 2007年 赣州市 申诉 – 伤情鉴定 刑侦 胡满松 赣州市副市长、公安局局长 赣州市公安局

14 中政委交办 杨世汉 江西省赣州市瑞金市 江西省     杨世汉,男,82岁,汉族,住:江西省赣州市瑞金市黄柏乡合溪村。  来访人反映,1999年1月,本村村民杨建明因建房问题与其侄子杨衍波发生纠纷,用火枪将他儿子杨北斗当场打死,将他打伤。他们打110报案,市公安局推委说应属地黄柏派出所管辖,他们又向派出所报案。公安干警1小时20分钟后才到达现场,致使犯罪分子杨建明逃离了现场。后公安局虽进行通缉,但是犯罪分子至今没有抓捕归案。来访人要求加大缉捕力度,尽快对犯罪者进行罚处,并给予赔偿。 2010年 1999年 赣州市 查处案件 – 抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 胡满松 赣州市副市长、公安局局长 赣州市公安局

16 中政委交办 赖愈江 江西省赣州市章贡区 江西省     反映当时黑社会谢光荣欺负他,而当地公安机关包庇等问题。 2010年 2000年 赣州市 控告 – 其他 刑侦 胡满松 赣州市副市长、公安局局长 赣州市公安局

18 中政委交办 胡西山侬 浙江省衢州市衢江区 江西省     2010年3月9日,胡西山侬所认识的均为哑巴的、来自贵州省毕节地区纳雍县的母女2人之中年龄13岁的女儿,流落到江西省上饶市玉山县横街镇下山头阳岩村320国道公路附近之时,被阳岩村的算命人拐骗抢走,该哑巴女孩的哑巴母亲曾向横山镇公安派出所、玉山县公安局、上饶市公安局、江西省公安厅信访,但却一直没有将该哑巴女孩追回返还给该哑巴母亲。来访要求在公安部刑侦局,即公安部五局,关注下,由江西省公安厅督促有关公安机关抓紧依法查办等。 2011年 2010年 上饶市 查处案件 – 抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 黎隆武 上饶市副市长、公安局局长 上饶市公安局

25 中政委交办 郭冬娥 江西省宜春市万载县 江西省     2006年12月12日,其子辛伟斌被以王民勇为首的黑社会犯罪团伙杀害。据江西省高级人民法院刑事附带民事判定书(【2009】赣刑三终字第58号)判定犯罪份子大部分已伏法,仍有陈海、郭荣、陈亮在逃。现要求公安机关抓捕陈海、郭荣、陈亮归案,依法处理。 2010年 2006年 宜春市 查处案件 – 抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局局长 宜春市公安局

36 中政委交办 饶娜 江西省抚州市临川区 江西省     2011年1月16日,来访人丈夫徐志敏在抚州市翰海龙蟠小区大门口对面玉茗花园三期入口处乘坐一辆蓝色出租车,欲前往其妈妈家,但从此便与家人失去联系,32天后,其尸体在沙场河中被发现。尸检结论为,生前入水,溺水死亡。来访人对此结论不服,要求立案侦查。 2011年 2011年 抚州市 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 勒世标 抚州市副市长、公安局局长 抚州市公安局

37 中政委交办 付香莲 江西省抚州市临川区 江西省 2000年7月25日,其子被杀,公安不作为,要求立案查处. 2010年 2000年 抚州市 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 勒世标 抚州市副市长、公安局局长 抚州市公安局

38 中政委交办 楼红宇 江西省南昌市东湖区 江西省     反映其因一起简单的民事纠纷被南昌市公安局青山湖分局刑侦大队以涉嫌故意伤害案被强行立案,并对他刑讯逼供,一审、二审对他都被判无罪。他被关押367天要求能给个说法并能得到赔偿。 2010年 2009年 南昌市 申诉 – 刑事拘留 刑侦 舒晓琴 江西省委常委、政法委书记、公安厅 南昌市公安局

41 中政委交办 盛永明 江西省抚州市南丰县 江西省     反映其两个子女可能在南昌市被人绑架,已经到南昌市公安局报了案。 2010年 2010年 南昌市 查处案件 – 受案立案 刑侦 王国强 省公安厅副厅长、南昌市政府党组成员、公安局长 南昌市公安局

55 中政委交办 万常吉 江西省南昌市新建县 江西省     来访人是江西省南昌市新建县象山镇曙光村农民。2010年5月8日,江西省南昌市新建县象山镇旱角村村支书万怡坤组织策划黑恶势力40多人将他的儿子万智杀杀害致死。当时报警,但派出所置之不理,造成一死两伤,要求铲除万怡坤等黑恶势力,惩罚民警不作为的行为。至今公安机关已抓获7名行凶犯罪嫌疑人,网以通缉了5人,而其其余的仍逍遥法外。来访人要求依法追究和罚处全体参预犯罪的人员。 2010年 2010年 南昌市 查处案件 -抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 王国强 省公安厅副厅长、南昌市政府党组成员、公安局长 南昌市公安局

62 中政委交办 徐长生 徐长水 石根妹 徐金炎 张艳香 江西省景德镇市乐平 江西省 徐长生[男,现年49岁]、徐长水[男,现年46岁]、徐金炎[男,现年23岁]、张艳香[女,现年42岁]、石根妹[女,现年36岁]5人,持有本村420位村民联合签名按手印要求依法追究杀死徐志英的徐河根、刘和英、徐矿明三个凶手的刑事责任的上访信,来公安部办公厅信访办上访反映:2009年11月27日,徐长生的侄女徐志英[当时20岁]被本村徐河根[男,现年45岁]、刘和英[女,现年43岁,系徐和根之妻]、徐矿明[男,现年22岁,系徐河根、刘和英夫妻2人的儿子]3人用砖头砸死;因乐平市公安局刑侦大队仅将徐河根、刘和英刑事拘留,而致徐矿明一直逍遥法外。来访5人要求在公安部刑侦局[即公安部五局]的关注之下,由江西省公安厅督促有关公安机关依法追究杀死徐志英的全部凶手的刑事责任。 2010年 2009年 景德镇市 查处案件 -抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 方府春 景德镇市副市长、公安局局长 景德镇市公安局

2018 公安部交办 陈辉娥 江西省抚州市东乡县 江西省 2000年8月15日,被吴鹏德夫妇打成重伤,至今未处理。求决。 2010年 2000年 抚州市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 勒世标 抚州市副市长、公安局长 抚州市公安局

2019 公安部交办 陈俊 江西省南昌市西湖区 江西省 举报江西洪大集团董事长徐小明为首的黑社会犯罪团伙的犯罪情况。 2010年 2010年 南昌市 查处案件-举报案件线索 刑侦 王国强 江西省公安厅副厅长、南昌市公安局局长 南昌市公安局

2023 公安部交办 程爱芳 江西省上饶市婺源县 江西省 反映其被婺源县工商局许伟松诈骗5万余元,要求公安机关查处。 2010年 2009年 上饶市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 “曹根水

邓宸芳” 江西省公安厅副厅长,副巡视员 上饶市公安局

2024 公安部交办 代克金 重庆市璧山县青杠街道办事处青明十三社 江西省     2006年4月,其女代梅在打工期间突然失踪,家人在其居住地发现带血迹的床单等物品,怀疑被害,遂向刑侦队报案,至今无果,求处。 2011年 2006年 南昌市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 辜水保 江西省公安厅党委委员、政治部主任 南昌市公安局

2025 公安部交办 邓军喜 江西省鹰潭市贵溪市流口镇双岭村邓家组3号 江西省 2011年2月20日,其被他人打伤,不服跺公法鉴定字2011第056号鉴定结论。 2011年 2011年 鹰潭市 申诉-伤情鉴定 刑侦 张荣先 鹰潭市副市长、公安局长 鹰潭市公安局

2028 公安部交办 邓占早 甘肃省庆阳市宁县 江西省 反映其子死于九江,至今未破案 2011年 2010年 九江市 查处案件 – 抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 章凯旋 江西省公安厅党委副书记、副厅长 九江市公安局

2029 公安部交办 丁仁和 江西省景德镇市乐平市乐港镇丁家村 江西省 2009年9月24日,邻里纠纷,对伤情鉴定结论不服。要求追究相关责任。 2010男 2009年 景德镇市 申诉-伤情鉴定 刑侦 方府春 景德镇市副市长、公安局长 景德镇市公安局

2037 公安部交办 何德成 四川省南充市 江西省 新余市公安局渝水区分局在办理谢勇诈骗案中没有管辖权,违法办案,要求移交有管辖权的公安机关。 2011年 2009年 新余市 控告-违规立案、撤案 刑侦 “李  煌

黄纪勤” 江西省公安厅党委委员、纪委书记,副巡视员 新余市公安局

2044 公安部交办 胡跃龙 江西省南昌市进贤县 江西省 2008年9月2日,其被人用刀砍成重伤,案件至今无进展。 2010年 2008年 南昌市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 王国强 江西省公安厅副厅长、南昌市公安局局长 南昌市公安局

2046 公安部交办 黄理达 江西省抚州市黎川县中田乡公村 江西省 卢福根遭遇婚姻诈骗,求处。 2010年 2010年 抚州市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 勒世标 抚州市副市长、公安局长 抚州市公安局

2050 公安部交办 蒋光荣 江西省宜春市樟树市楼门前路20号 江西省 2008年10月30日,恒星伟业员工将代廷发殴打致重伤,其他多名员工被打致轻微伤。求处。 2010年 2008年 宜春市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局长 宜春市公安局

2056 公安部交办 李志国 江西省南昌市进贤县 江西省 2010年11月16日,吴方苏在下班回家路上,被人殴打致死。案件至今未破,求处。 2010年 2010年 南昌市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 王国强 江西省公安厅副厅长、南昌市公安局局长 南昌市公安局

2058 公安部交办 林进国 江西省抚州市临川区上顿渡公园路19号 江西省 其亲属许满元死在单位电信大楼值班室内,案件至今未破,对尸检报告在异议,要求查清事实真相。 2010年 2010年 抚州市 申诉-死因鉴定 刑侦 勒世标 抚州市副市长、公安局长 抚州市公安局

2061 公安部交办 刘冬菊 江西省鹰潭市龙虎山舒家村 江西省 2009年9月11日,其子死亡,要求查明死因。 2009年 2009年 鹰潭市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 张荣先 鹰潭市副市长、公安局长 鹰潭市公安局

2064 公安部交办 刘怀财 江西省宜春市万载县黄茅镇大土村东风组 江西省 2004年2月10日,其妹死亡,对服毒自杀的结论不服,认为系被其妹夫害死,要求依法查处。 2010年 2004年 宜春市 查处案件-重新定性核查 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局长 宜春市公安局

2066 公安部交办 刘秋菊 江西省上饶市广丰县丰溪街道苏塘居自山塘4号 江西省 江西省上饶市广丰县丰溪街道苏塘村自山塘村民组妇女刘秋菊情绪异常激动但表述不清地反映:2007年8月1日、9月24日和2009年6月9日,刘秋菊与她的儿子韩志林[现年34岁]母子2人,三次被丰溪街道办事处主任杨惟水[男,现年39岁]率领指使多名强行征占土地的人员殴打受伤,其中刘秋菊被打成轻伤甲级、韩志林被打成轻微伤甲级;虽然广丰县公安局已受理此案,但因一直没有依法查处的结果,也没有针对刘秋菊、韩志林母子2人提出的诸多疑问予以解答说明,而导致刘秋菊、韩志林母子2人及亲友不断信访投诉等 。 2010年 2009年 上饶市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 黎隆武 上饶市副市长、公安局长 上饶市公安局

2069 公安部交办 刘艳风 江西省景德镇市乐平市文山乡石坪村 江西省 1998年1月4日,其女被杀,凶手张红光潜逃,至今未抓获。要求破案。 2010年 1998年 景德镇市 查处案件-抓捕在逃人员 刑侦 肖冬根 江西省公安厅副巡视员 景德镇市公安局

2076 公安部交办 彭金发 江西省南昌市 江西省 要求查破周衍平、彭素玲一家被杀案。 2010年 2010年 南昌市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 王国强 江西省公安厅副厅长、南昌市公安局局长 南昌市公安局

2077 公安部交办 彭朋才 江西省贵溪市志光镇信江村下边组36号 江西省 听父亲彭水根说,1988年,我母亲刘三姩被一叫老猪的人拐卖,2006年12月回家。听父亲说,1990年,父亲曾到志光派出所报案。2011年8月2日,江北派出所接我父母彭水根、刘三姩到派出所做笔录。求立案,求答复。 2010年 1988年 鹰潭市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 张荣先 鹰潭市副市长、公安局长 鹰潭市公安局

2080 公安部交办 任发树 江西省宜春市丰城市张巷镇草溪村左埠组 江西省 2001年正月14,其子任志剑邹志勇等人三人持刀砍死,任志乐、任义亮被砍伤。其本人也被砍伤。来信要求抓捕凶手,依法严惩。 2010年 2001年 宜春市 查处案件-抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局长 宜春市公安局

2081 公安部交办 邵国标 江西省鹰潭市余江县潢溪镇丁山村委会柯树底村 江西省 2007年5月24日,其子邵火皆死亡。公安机关出具了一份生前缢死未加盖公章的鉴定结论。认为死因可疑,要求查明死因。 2008年 2007年 景德镇市 查处案件-重新定性核查 刑侦 方府春 景德镇市副市长、公安局长 景德镇市公安局

2083 公安部交办 盛建敏 江西省上饶市余干县 江西省 2009年11月8日,其女盛升被杀害。要求尽快破案。 2010年 2009年 抚州市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 “李  煌

黄纪勤” 江西省公安厅党委委员、纪委书记,副巡视员 抚州市公安局

2086 公安部交办 宋梅田 江西省宜春市万载县 江西省 1996年3月14日,上访人的儿子被人伤害致死,案件至今未破。 2010年 1996年 宜春市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局长 宜春市公安局

2092 公安部交办 涂石咸 江西省南昌市 江西省 2009年12月12日,涂国升在南昌市广场南路被害。案件至今没有实质进展,要求公安机关加大力度,尽早破案。 2010年 2009年 南昌市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 辜水保 江西省公安厅党委委员、政治部主任 南昌市公安局

2093 公安部交办 晚中育 江西省宜春市袁州区 江西省 6月,袁雪荣被公安机关拘押。来信反映其的违法犯罪问题,要求公安机关依法严处。 2010年 2010年 宜春市 查处案件-举报案件线索 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局长 宜春市公安局

2096 公安部交办 王必灵 江西省上饶市五三道兴业豪宅 江西省 2009年7月2日,其驾车途经区政府门口路段时,被一辆无牌照轿车拦截,车上下来两名持枪蒙面人,其中一人开两枪击中其右腿、左腿膝盖后迅速逃离。当事人报警后,刑侦大队董忆警官作了简单笔录。案发至今,其奔波于上饶市各单位,请求立案侦查,至今无人问津。求处。 2010年 2009年 上饶市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 黎隆武 上饶市副市长、公安局长 上饶市公安局

2098 公安部交办 王龙财 江西省上饶市上饶县 江西省 2002年刘忠斌抢劫在逃,要求抓捕归案。 2010年 2002年 上饶市 查处案件-抓捕在逃人员 刑侦 黎隆武 上饶市副市长、公安局长 上饶市公安局

2099 公安部交办 王青山 江西省南昌市青云谱区十字街 江西省 1998年12月28日下午五时许,涂福清纠集人员,持铁棍等凶器将其殴打致重伤甲级。多年来案件无进展,要求缉拿凶手,尽快破案。 2010年 1998年 南昌市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 王国强 江西省公安厅副厅长、南昌市公安局局长 南昌市公安局

2100 公安部交办 王荣华 江西省吉安市吉州区阳明山72栋 江西省 2003年2月8日,其子王剑酒后因乘车与摩的司机陈冬秀发生争执,后倒地死亡。经法医鉴定系酒后自发性蛛网膜下腔出血,继发双侧脑室及第四脑室积血,小脑扁桃体疝形成,压迫生命中枢死亡。对不予立案决定不服。 2010年 2003年 吉安市 查处案件-重新定性核查 刑侦 涂建生 吉安市副市长、公安局长 吉安市公安局

2103 公安部交办 吴荷莲 江西省吉安市吉水县 江西省 2008年12月19日,因业务纠纷,其夫黄军被人打伤。2009年11月27日,黄军因索要医药费,被公安机关拘捕。历经丙次补充侦查,两次退查。要求查明情况,依法处理。 2010年 2008年 吉安市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 涂建生 吉安市副市长、公安局长 吉安市公安局

2108 公安部交办 肖林发 江西省吉安市吉水县冠山乡本上村36号 江西省 其被严茂华为首的黑社会团伙打伤,要求公安机关依法查处该团伙 2010年 2010年 吉安市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 涂建生 吉安市副市长、公安局长 吉安市公安局

2109 公安部交办 肖予春 江西省宜春市奉新县赤田镇桃树村株树岗小组 江西省 反映其子邓小根于2007年农历五月初五左右被人杀害等问题。 2010年 2007年 宜春市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局长 宜春市公安局

2110 公安部交办 熊薇 江西省赣州市 江西省 其遭遇电话诈骗,被骗几万元。报案时,发现当天有四、五人同时被骗。 2010年 2010年 赣州市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 梁小康 江西省公安厅副厅长 赣州市公安局

2111 公安部交办 熊新老 江西省南昌市青云谱区 江西省 举报本村村支书傅海林贪污,组织黑社会团伙对村民打砸抢,要求公安机关查处。 2010年 2010年 南昌市 查处案件-举报案件线索 刑侦 王国强 江西省公安厅副厅长、南昌市公安局局长 南昌市公安局

2112 公安部交办 徐亨柏 江西省上饶市广丰县博明律师事务所 江西省 2011年3月7日,在回家途中其夫妻二人被人报复砍伤。目前,仅抓获三名犯罪嫌疑人,要求加大力度抓捕涉案嫌疑人。同时反映,该县处在2月5日以来,发生多起凶杀案,要求彻查幕后黑手。 2011年 2011年 上饶市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 黎隆武 上饶市副市长、公安局长 上饶市公安局

2113 公安部交办 徐前进 江西省鹰潭市贵溪市 江西省 提供拐卖人口的案件线索。 2011年 2011年 鹰潭市 查处案件-举报案件线索 刑侦 张荣先 鹰潭市副市长、公安局长 鹰潭市公安局

2114 公安部交办 徐享柏 江西省上饶市广丰县博明律师事务所 江西省 今年3月日被人雇凶持刀砍成重伤,目前仍有几名嫌疑人员在逃,要求尽快抓获嫌疑人员,并查明主谋。 2011年 2011年 上饶市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 黎隆武 上饶市副市长、公安局长 上饶市公安局

2117 公安部交办 许根元 江西省抚州市临川区上顿渡公园路19号 江西省 其亲属许满元死在单位电信大楼值班室内,案件至今未破,对尸检报告在异议,要求查清事实真相。 2010年 2010年 抚州市 申诉-死因鉴定 刑侦 勒世标 抚州市副市长、公安局长 抚州市公安局

2120 公安部交办 许子华 福建省厦门市同安区凤南农场土楼村 江西省 其亲属余福水因涉嫌诈骗被刑拘并逮捕。申诉。 2010年 2010年 江西省 申诉-刑事拘留 刑侦 黎隆武 上饶市副市长、公安局长 上饶市公安局

2125 公安部交办 叶玉成 广东省深圳市 江西省 反映其在宜丰县代理一起民事案件,遭到的那个地黑社会人员拦截恐吓殴打,要求查处。 2010年 2010年 宜春市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局长 宜春市公安局

2128 公安部交办 余安武 江西省九江市 江西省 2005年元月,其兄余安顺死亡,认为死因可疑。 2010年 2005年 九江市 查处案件-重新定性核查 刑侦 陈光明 九江市副市长、公安局长 九江市公安局

2132 公安部交办 张运长 江西省萍乡市上栗县 江西省 2011年1月1日其被村主任陈诗海纠约他人将其右眼打失,造成重伤,要求公安机关追究陈诗海的刑事责任。 2011年 2011年 萍乡市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 邓忠平 萍乡市副市长、公安局长 萍乡市公安局

2136 公安部交办 周奎岳 辽宁省丹东市凤城市 江西省 2000年10月13日,其女周艳华被人从宜春市凤凰舞厅的楼上扔至楼下摔死,凶手一直在逃,要求公安机关将凶手缉拿归案。 2010年 2000年 宜春市 查处案件-抓捕嫌疑人员 刑侦 罗永银 江西省公安厅党委副书记、副厅长 宜春市公安局

2140 公安部交办 祝禾良 江西省鹰潭市月湖区童家乡观山祝家村 江西省 ”    2008年9月27日,祝禾良的儿子祝华胜在江西省鹰潭市月湖区月湖花园菜市场,因猪肉生意的纠纷,而被曾加良等人[将祝华胜]杀死,曾加良作案后潜逃,月湖区公安分局已立案,并且已上网追逃。来访人祝禾良求尽快将曾加良抓捕归案。

    祝禾良到省赴京上访、来信近百次。” 2010年 2008年 鹰潭市 查处案件-抓捕在逃人员 刑侦 张荣先 鹰潭市副市长、公安局长 鹰潭市公安局

2141 公安部交办 卓仅春 江西省宜春市 江西省 要求对卓小林之死立案侦查。 2010年 2010年 宜春市 查处案件-作出案件结论 刑侦 万秀奇 宜春市副市长、公安局长 宜春市公安局

Jiangxi has 61 outstanding cases of petitioning public security organs, which were assigned by the Central Political Committee and the Ministry of Public Security

related books

“Weinan City, Shaanxi Criminal Police Detachment 2: A Petition Case Assigned by the Central Political Committee and the Ministry of Public Security”

Dabao Dynasty Editor’s Note:

I announced 61 outstanding petition cases against the public security organs in Jiangxi, so that everyone can have an intuitive impression of the average level of Jiangxi public security.

With such a level of case handling, whether it is possible to handle Hu Xinyu’s case fairly can be judged by common sense.

No. Case source Name Detailed household registration (current place of residence) Address Jurisdiction of the problem Brief case information Time of petition Time of incident Time of case Involved prefectures and cities Complaints and appeals Involved types of police Involved case leader Undertaker

Name Title

1 Assigned by the Central Political Committee Zhou Linshan Linchuan District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province On September 16, 1992, his son Zhou Ronghua and other villagers went to Xin Xiaorong’s home to ask for consultation on Xin Xiaorong driving a tractor and crushing to death the two-year-old son of fellow villager Xu Liping. Xin Xiaorong led some people to besiege with stones, sticks, shovels, guns and other weapons. During the chaos, Zhou Ronghua was forced to several hillsides. Xin Xiaorong shot at Zhou Huarong and hit Zhou Ronghua’s liver. He was sent to the county hospital and died. The petitioner asked for the case to be solved and life assistance. 2010 1992 Fuzhou City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Shu Xiaoqin Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Public Security Department in Fuzhou Public Security Bureau

3 Zheng Weilai, assigned by the Political Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yiyang County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province The visitor reported that at around 20:00 on December 30, 2009, the visitor’s wife Xu Yougen and his dance partner Yan Baofa came out of the ballroom after dancing. The murder by unknown gangsters caused the visitor’s wife to be stabbed several times, and she died after being rescued by the hospital. Since the incident, the local public security organs have not solved the case. The visitors strongly demanded that the local public security organs find out the facts, solve the case as soon as possible, and punish the murderer severely. 2010 2009 Shangrao City Investigate and deal with the case – request to solve the case as soon as possible Criminal investigation Cao Genshui, Deng Chenfang Party committee member, deputy director, deputy inspector Shangrao Public Security Bureau

5 Chen Caixiu, assigned by the Political Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Guixi City, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province On April 24, 2007, her daughter Wang Sufang was injured to death by her brother-in-law Deng Caihua because of a quarrel with her parents-in-law. The conclusion of the appraisal is: Wang Sufang died of hemorrhagic shock due to stabbing on the left chest with a sharp-pointed instrument. The visitor believed that the inaction of the public security organs was suspected of shielding and shielding the murderer Deng Caihua. It is required to solve the case as soon as possible, arrest Deng Caihua and bring him to justice, and punish him severely according to law. 2010 2007 Yingtan City Investigate cases – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Cao Genshui, Deng Chenfang Party committee member, deputy director, deputy inspector Yingtan Public Security Bureau

7 Entrusted by the Central Political Committee Fu Nianmei Yujiang County, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province The petitioner’s son, Shao Hexie, is the chairman of Jiangxi Xinyi Real Estate Company in Jingdezhen. On May 24, 2007, Shao Hehe died at home. According to forensic identification, Shao hanged himself before his death, and the public security agency determined that it was not a criminal case. The petitioner suspected that his son had been killed and asked the public security organ to file a case for investigation. 2010 2007 Jingdezhen City Investigate and deal with the case – accept the case and put it on file Criminal investigation Xiao Donggen Deputy Inspector Yingtan Public Security Bureau

10 Assigned by the Central Political Committee Qiu Peixiu, Qiu Futian, Liu Yongbing, Lai Xiaolin Anyuan County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Petitioners came to report that the case of the death of their son Liu Yongfeng was left alone, and asked the police to file a case for investigation. 2011 2010 Ganzhou City Investigate and deal with the case – accept and file criminal investigation Hu Mansong Deputy Mayor of Ganzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau

13 Chen Chunlian, assigned by the Political Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ningdu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On December 7, 2007, was injured by Guo Zhengxiu and others due to a dispute with neighbors. On November 18, 2008, the judicial appraisal by Ganzhou City was seriously injured. On December 25 of the same year, the Ganzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau identified it as a minor injury, and on March 6, 2009, the Provincial Department identified it as a minor injury. The visitor was dissatisfied with the appraisal of the injury and demanded compensation. 2011 2007 Ganzhou City Appeal – Injury Appraisal Criminal Investigation Hu Mansong Deputy Mayor of Ganzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau

14 Assigned by the Political Committee of the CPC Central Committee Yang Shihan Ruijin City, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Yang Shihan, male, 82 years old, Han nationality, lives in Hexi Village, Huangbai Township, Ruijin City, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. According to the visitors, in January 1999, Yang Jianming, a villager of the village, had a dispute with his nephew Yang Yanbo over building a house. He killed his son Yang Beidou with a musket and wounded him on the spot. They called 110 to report the case, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau’s referee said that it should be under the jurisdiction of the local Huangbai Police Station, so they reported the case to the police station. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes for the police to arrive at the scene, causing the criminal Yang Jianming to escape from the scene. Although the Public Security Bureau made a wanted arrest, the criminals have not been arrested so far. The visitors demanded that the arrest should be strengthened, that the perpetrators should be punished as soon as possible, and compensation should be given. 2010 1999 Ganzhou City Investigate cases – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Hu Mansong Deputy Mayor of Ganzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau

16 Lai Yujiang, assigned by the Central Political Committee, Zhanggong District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province Reflected that the underworld Xie Guangrong bullied him at the time, and the local public security organs shielded him and other issues. 2010 2000 Ganzhou City Indictment – Other Criminal investigation Hu Mansong Deputy Mayor of Ganzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau

18 Entrusted by the Central Political Committee Hu Xishannong Qujiang District, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province Jiangxi Province On March 9, 2010, Hu Xishannong knew a middle-aged mother and daughter from Nayong County, Bijie Prefecture, Guizhou Province, both of whom were dumb. The 13-year-old daughter was abducted by a fortune teller in Yangyan Village when she was living near National Highway 320, Yangyan Village, Xiashantou, Hengjie Town, Yushan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. Yushan County Public Security Bureau, Shangrao City Public Security Bureau, and Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau complained, but they never recovered the mute girl and returned it to the mute mother. The visit requires the attention of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, that is, the Fifth Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. 2011 2010 Shangrao City Investigate cases – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Li Longwu Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Director of Public Security Bureau Shangrao City Public Security Bureau

25 Assigned by the Central Political Committee Guo Dong’e Wanzai County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On December 12, 2006, her son Xin Weibin was murdered by a criminal gang headed by Wang Minyong. According to the Jiangxi Provincial Higher People’s Court’s Criminal Supplementary Civil Judgment ([2009] Gan Xing San Zhong Zi No. 58), most of the criminals have been brought to justice, and Chen Hai, Guo Rong, and Chen Liang are still at large. We now request the public security organs to arrest Chen Hai, Guo Rong, and Chen Liang and bring them to justice and deal with them according to law. 2010 2006 Yichun City Investigate cases – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

36 Assigned by the Central Political Committee Rao Na, Linchuan District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province On January 16, 2011, Xu Zhimin, the husband of the visitor, took a blue taxi at the entrance of the third phase of Yuming Garden opposite the gate of Longpan Community in Hanhai, Fuzhou City , wanted to go to his mother’s house, but since then lost contact with his family, 32 days later, his body was found in the Shachang River. The conclusion of the autopsy was that he entered the water before his death and died by drowning. The visitor refused to accept this conclusion and requested to file a case for investigation. 2011 2011 Fuzhou City Investigate and deal with cases – accept and file criminal investigation Le Shibiao Deputy Mayor of Fuzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Fuzhou Public Security Bureau

37 Fu Xianglian, assigned by the Political Committee of the CPC Central Committee, Linchuan District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On July 25, 2000, her son was killed, the police did not act, and requested to file a case for investigation. World Standardization Deputy Mayor of Fuzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Fuzhou Public Security Bureau

38 Lou Hongyu, assigned by the Political Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Donghu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province Reported that due to a simple civil dispute, he was forcibly registered by the Criminal Investigation Division of the Qingshanhu Branch of the Nanchang Public Security Bureau on suspicion of intentional injury, and he was tortured to extract a confession. He was found not guilty at the second trial. He was detained for 367 days and asked for an explanation and compensation. 2010 2009 Nanchang Appeal – Criminal Detention Criminal Investigation Shu Xiaoqin Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Public Security Department Nanchang Public Security Bureau

41 Assigned by the Political Committee of the CPC Central Committee Sheng Yongming Nanfeng County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Reported that his two children may have been kidnapped in Nanchang City, and reported the case to the Nanchang City Public Security Bureau. 2010 2010 Nanchang City Investigate and deal with cases – accept and file criminal investigation Wang Guoqiang Deputy Director of Provincial Public Security Department, member of the Party Leadership Group of Nanchang Municipal Government, Director of Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

55 Assigned by the Central Political Committee Wan Changji Xinjian County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province The visitor is a farmer from Shuguang Village, Xiangshan Town, Xinjian County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. On May 8, 2010, Wan Yikun, Party Secretary of Hanjiao Village, Xiangshan Town, Xinjian County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province organized more than 40 gangsters to kill his son Wan Zhisha to death. At that time, the police called the police, but the police station ignored them, resulting in one death and two injuries. They demanded that Wan Yikun and other evil forces be eradicated, and the police should be punished for their inaction. So far, the public security organs have captured 7 suspects for the murder, and 5 people are wanted on the Internet, while the rest are still at large. The visitors demanded that all those involved in the crime be investigated and punished in accordance with the law. 2010 2010 Nanchang City Investigate and deal with cases – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Wang Guoqiang Deputy Director of Provincial Public Security Department, member of the Party Leadership Group of Nanchang Municipal Government, Director of Public Security Bureau Nanchang Municipal Public Security Bureau

62 Assigned by the Central Political Committee Xu Changsheng Xu Changshui Shigen sister Xu Jinyan Zhang Yanxiang Leping, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province 42 years old], Shi Genmei [female, 36 years old], 5 people, who hold the joint signatures of 420 villagers in the village and follow the fingerprint requirements to investigate the criminal responsibility of Xu Hegen, Liu Heying, and Xu Kuangming, the three murderers who killed Xu Zhiying according to law Petition letter, petition to the Petition Office of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security: On November 27, 2009, Xu Changsheng’s niece Xu Zhiying [20 years old at the time] was killed by Xu Hegen [male, 45 years old] and Liu Heying [female, 43 years old] from this village. , the wife of Xu Hegen], Xu Kuangming [male, 22 years old, the son of Xu Hegen and Liu Heying] were stoned to death by bricks; As a result of criminal detention, Xu Kuangming has been at large. The five visitors requested that under the attention of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security [that is, the Fifth Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security], the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department urged the relevant public security organs to investigate the criminal responsibility of all the murderers who killed Xu Zhiying according to law. 2010 2009 Jingdezhen City Investigate cases – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Fang Fuchun Deputy Mayor of Jingdezhen City, Director of Public Security Bureau Jingdezhen City Public Security Bureau

2018 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Chen Hui’e Dongxiang County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On August 15, 2000, was severely injured by Wu Pengde and his wife, and has not been treated so far. Seek a decision. 2010 2000 Fuzhou City Investigate and deal with cases – make case conclusions Criminal investigation Le Shibiao Vice Mayor of Fuzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Fuzhou City Public Security Bureau

2019 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Chen Jun Xihu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Reported the crimes of the underworld criminal gang headed by Xu Xiaoming, chairman of Jiangxi Hongda Group. 2010 2010 Nanchang City Investigate cases-report case clues Criminal investigation Wang Guoqiang Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, Director of Nanchang Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

2023 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Cheng Aifang Wuyuan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Reported that she was defrauded of more than 50,000 yuan by Xu Weisong from the Industry and Commerce Bureau of Wuyuan County, and requested the public security organs to investigate and deal with it. 2010 2009 Shangrao City Investigate and deal with cases – make case conclusions Criminal investigation “Cao Genshui

Deng Chenfang” Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department Deputy Director, Deputy Inspector Shangrao City Public Security Bureau

2024 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Dai Kejin Qingming Thirteen Society, Qinggang Sub-district Office, Bishan County, Chongqing City Jiangxi Province In April 2006, his daughter Daimei disappeared suddenly while working, and her family found blood-stained sheets in her residence suspected of being killed, so he reported the case to the criminal investigation team, but no results have been found so far, and he seeks punishment. 2011 2006 Nanchang City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Gu Shuibao Member of the Party Committee and Director of the Political Department of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

2025 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Deng Junxi No. 3 Dengjiazu, Shuangling Village, Liukou Town, Guixi City, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On February 20, 2011, he was injured by others, and he refused to accept the appraisal conclusion No. 056 of 2011. 2011 2011 Yingtan City Appeal-Injury Appraisal Criminal Investigation Zhang Rongxian Deputy Mayor of Yingtan City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yingtan City Public Security Bureau

2028 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Deng Zhanzao Ningxian County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province Jiangxi Province Reported that his son died in Jiujiang, and the case has not been solved so far 2011 2010 Jiujiang City Investigate the case – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Zhang Kaixuan Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department Director Jiujiang Public Security Bureau

2029 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Ding Renhe Dingjia Village, Legang Town, Leping City, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province September 24, 2009, Neighborhood dispute, dissatisfied with the conclusion of the injury appraisal. demand that relevant responsibilities be pursued. 2010 Male 2009 Jingdezhen City Appeal-Injury Appraisal Criminal Investigation Fang Fuchun Deputy Mayor of Jingdezhen City, Director of Public Security Bureau Jingdezhen City Public Security Bureau

2037 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security He Decheng Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, Jiangxi Province Xinyu City Public Security Bureau Yushui District Branch has no jurisdiction in handling the Xie Yong fraud case, handles the case illegally, and requests to transfer it to the public security organ with jurisdiction. 2011 2009 Xinyu City Prosecution – Violation of regulations and withdrawal of criminal investigation “Li Huang

Huang Jiqin” Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department Party Committee Member, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Deputy Inspector Xinyu City Public Security Bureau

2044 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Hu Yuelong Jinxian County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On September 2, 2008, he was hacked with a knife and seriously injured. The case has not progressed so far. 2010 2008 Nanchang City Investigate and deal with the case-make case conclusion Criminal investigation Wang Guoqiang Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, Director of Nanchang Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

2046 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Huang Lida Public Village, Zhongtian Township, Lichuan County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Lu Fugen encountered marriage fraud and asked for help. 2010 2010 Fuzhou City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Le Shibiao Vice Mayor of Fuzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Fuzhou City Public Security Bureau

2050 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Jiang Guangrong No. 20, Loumenqian Road, Zhangshu City, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On October 30, 2008, an employee of Xingxing Weiye beat Dai Tingfa, causing serious injuries, and several other employees were slightly injured. Ask for a place. 2010 2008 Yichun City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

2056 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Li Zhiguo Jinxian County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On November 16, 2010, Wu Fangsu was beaten to death on his way home from get off work. The case is still unsolved, please seek help. 2010 2010 Nanchang City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Wang Guoqiang Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, Director of Nanchang Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

2058 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Lin Jinguo No. 19 Shangdundu Park Road, Linchuan District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province His relative Xu Manyuan died in the duty room of the telecommunications building of his work unit. 2010 2010 Fuzhou City Appeal-death cause identification Criminal investigation Le Shibiao Deputy Mayor of Fuzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Fuzhou City Public Security Bureau

2061 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Liu Dongju Shujia Village, Longhu Mountain, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On September 11, 2009, his son died, and the cause of death was requested to be ascertained. 2009 2009 Yingtan City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Zhang Rongxian Deputy Mayor of Yingtan City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yingtan City Public Security Bureau

2064 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Liu Huaicai Dongfeng Group, Datu Village, Huangmao Town, Wanzai County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On February 10, 2004, his sister died. He refused to accept the conclusion that he committed suicide by taking poison and believed that he was killed by his brother-in-law. Investigate. 2010 2004 Yichun City Investigate and deal with cases – re-qualification verification Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

2066 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Liu Qiuju No. 4, Zishantang, Sutang, Fengxi Street, Guangfeng County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Liu Qiuju, a woman from Zishantang Villager Group, Sutang Village, Fengxi Street, Guangfeng County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, was extremely emotional but could not express clearly Local reflection: On August 1, 2007, September 24, and June 9, 2009, Liu Qiuju and her son Han Zhilin [34 years old], mother and son, were arrested three times by Yang Weishui [male, now aged], director of the Fengxi Sub-district Office. 39 years old] led and instigated a number of people who forcibly seized land and beat and injured them. Liu Qiuju was beaten as a minor injury and Han Zhilin was beaten as a minor injury. Although the Guangfeng County Public Security Bureau has accepted the case, it has not been legally As a result of the investigation, there was no answer to the many questions raised by Liu Qiuju, Han Zhilin’s mother and son, which led to Liu Qiuju, Han Zhilin’s mother and son, as well as their relatives and friends continuing to complain. 2010 2009 Shangrao City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Li Longwu Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Director of Public Security Bureau Shangrao City Public Security Bureau

2069 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Liu Yanfeng Shiping Village, Wenshan Township, Leping City, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On January 4, 1998, his daughter was killed, and the murderer, Zhang Hongguang, fled. He has not been captured yet. Ask to solve the case. 2010 1998 Jingdezhen City Investigate and deal with cases – arrest fugitives Criminal investigation Xiao Donggen Deputy inspector of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau Jingdezhen City Public Security Bureau

2076 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Peng Jinfa Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Request to investigate the murder of Zhou Yanping and Peng Suling’s family. 2010 2010 Nanchang City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Wang Guoqiang Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, Director of Nanchang Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

2077 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Peng Pengcai No. 36, Xiabian Group, Xinjiang Village, Zhiguang Town, Guixi City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province I heard from my father, Peng Shuigen, that in 1988, my mother, Liu Sannie, was abducted and trafficked by a man named Laozhu, and she returned home in December 2006. I heard from my father that in 1990, my father went to the Zhiguang Police Station to report the crime. On August 2, 2011, the Jiangbei Police Station took my parents Peng Shuigen and Liu Sanxi to the police station to take notes. Ask to file a case, ask for an answer. 2010 1988 Yingtan City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Zhang Rongxian Deputy Mayor of Yingtan City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yingtan City Public Security Bureau

2080 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Ren Fashu Zuobu Group, Caoxi Village, Zhangxiang Town, Fengcheng City, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On January 14, 2001, his son Ren Zhijian, Zou Zhiyong, and others hacked to death with knives, and Ren Zhile and Ren Yiliang were hacked. He himself was also hacked. The letter demands that the murderer be arrested and severely punished according to law. 2010 2001 Yichun City Investigate cases – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

2081 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Shao Guobiao Keshudi Village, Dingshan Village Committee, Huangxi Town, Yujiang County, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On May 24, 2007, his son Shao Huojie died. The public security organ issued an appraisal conclusion that he was hanged before his death without an official seal. The cause of death was considered suspicious and requested to ascertain the cause of death. 2008 2007 Jingdezhen City Investigate the case – re-qualification verification Criminal investigation Fang Fuchun Deputy Mayor of Jingdezhen City, Director of Public Security Bureau Jingdezhen City Public Security Bureau

2083 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Sheng Jianmin Yugan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On November 8, 2009, his daughter Sheng Sheng was killed. Request to solve the case as soon as possible. 2010 2009 Fuzhou City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation “Li Huang

Huang Jiqin” Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department Party Committee Member, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Deputy Inspector Fuzhou Public Security Bureau

2086 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Song Meitian Wanzai County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On March 14, 1996, the petitioner’s son was injured and died. The case has not been solved yet. 2010 1996 Yichun City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

2092 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Tu Shixian Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On December 12, 2009, Tu Guosheng was murdered on Guangchang South Road, Nanchang City. The case has not made substantial progress so far, and the public security organs are required to intensify their efforts to solve the case as soon as possible. 2010 2009 Nanchang City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Gu Shuibao Member of the Party Committee and Director of the Political Department of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

2093 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Wan Zhongyu Yuanzhou District, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province In June, Yuan Xuerong was detained by the public security organ. The letter reflected his illegal and criminal problems, and asked the public security organs to deal with it strictly according to law. 2010 2010 Yichun City Investigate the case-report the clues of the case Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Deputy Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

2096 Handled by the Ministry of Public Security Wang Biling Mansion in Xingye, Wusan Road, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On July 2, 2009, when he was driving by the gate of the district government, he was stopped by a car without a license plate, and two masked men with guns got out of the car , one of them shot twice and fled quickly after hitting his right leg and left knee. After the parties reported to the police, Police Officer Dong Yi of the Criminal Investigation Brigade made a brief statement. Since the incident, he has traveled to various units in Shangrao City, requesting to file a case for investigation, but no one has cared about it so far. Ask for a place. 2010 2009 Shangrao City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Li Longwu Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Director of Public Security Bureau Shangrao City Public Security Bureau

2098 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Wang Longcai Shangrao County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province In 2002, Liu Zhongbin was on the run for robbery and requested to be arrested and brought to justice. 2010 2002 Shangrao City Investigate and deal with cases – arrest fugitives Criminal investigation Li Longwu Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Director of Public Security Bureau Shangrao City Public Security Bureau

2099 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Wang Qingshan Shizi Street, Qingyunpu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province At 5:00 p.m. on December 28, 1998, Tu Fuqing gathered people and beat him with iron rods and other weapons, causing serious Class A injuries. There has been no progress in the case for many years, and it is required to arrest the murderer and solve the case as soon as possible. 2010 1998 Nanchang City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Wang Guoqiang Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, Director of Nanchang Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

2100 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Wang Ronghua Building 72, Yangmingshan, Jizhou District, Ji’an City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On February 8, 2003, his son Wang Jian got drunk and got into a dispute with the motorcycle driver Chen Dongxiu, and then fell to the ground and died. According to forensic identification, it was spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage after drinking, secondary to bilateral ventricle and fourth ventricle hemorrhage, cerebellar tonsillar herniation, oppression of life center and death. Dissatisfied with the decision not to file a case. 2010 2003 Ji’an City Investigate and deal with cases – re-qualification verification Criminal investigation Tu Jiansheng Deputy Mayor of Ji’an City, Director of Public Security Bureau Ji’an City Public Security Bureau

2103 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Wu Helian Jishui County, Ji’an City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On December 19, 2008, her husband Huang Jun was injured due to a business dispute. On November 27, 2009, Huang Jun was arrested by the public security organ for demanding medical expenses. After three supplementary investigations, the investigation was withdrawn twice. It is required to find out the situation and deal with it according to law. 2010 2008 Ji’an City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Tu Jiansheng Deputy Mayor of Ji’an City, Director of Public Security Bureau Ji’an City Public Security Bureau

2108 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xiao Linfa No. 36, Benshang Village, Guanshan Township, Jishui County, Ji’an City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province He was injured by a gangster gang headed by Yan Maohua, and asked the public security organs to investigate and deal with the gang according to law. Jiansheng Deputy Mayor of Ji’an City, Director of Public Security Bureau Ji’an City Public Security Bureau

2109 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xiao Yuchun, Zhushugang Group, Taoshu Village, Chitian Town, Fengxin County, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Reported that his son Deng Xiaogen was killed around the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 2007 and other issues. 2010 2007 Yichun City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

2110 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xiong Wei Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province She was defrauded of tens of thousands of yuan by telephone fraud. When reporting the crime, it was found that four or five people were cheated at the same time. 2010 2010 Ganzhou City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Liang Xiaokang Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau Ganzhou Public Security Bureau

2111 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xiong Xinlao Qingyunpu District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Reported the village party secretary Fu Hailin for corruption, organized gangsters to beat, smash and rob villagers, and asked the public security organs to investigate and deal with it. 2010 2010 Nanchang City Investigate cases-report case clues Criminal investigation Wang Guoqiang Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, Director of Nanchang Public Security Bureau Nanchang Public Security Bureau

2112 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xu Hengbai Boming Law Firm, Guangfeng County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On March 7, 2011, on the way home, his husband and wife were revenged and chopped. At present, only three suspects have been arrested, and more efforts are required to arrest the suspects involved in the case. At the same time, it reflects that since February 5th, there have been many homicides in the county, and it is required to thoroughly investigate the mastermind behind the scenes. 2011 2011 Shangrao City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Li Longwu Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Director of Public Security Bureau Shangrao City Public Security Bureau

2113 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xu Jinjin Guixi City, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Provided clues to cases of human trafficking. 2011 2011 Yingtan City Investigate the case-report the clues of the case Criminal investigation Zhang Rongxian Deputy Mayor of Yingtan City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yingtan City Public Security Bureau

2114 Handled by the Ministry of Public Security Xu Xiangbai Boming Law Firm, Guangfeng County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province On March this year, he was hired by a murderer and stabbed him seriously with a knife. Several suspects are still at large. We demand that the suspects be arrested as soon as possible and the mastermind be identified. . 2011 2011 Shangrao City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Li Longwu Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Director of Public Security Bureau Shangrao City Public Security Bureau

2117 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xu Genyuan No. 19, Shangdundu Gongyuan Road, Linchuan District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province His relative Xu Manyuan died in the duty room of the telecommunications building of his work unit. 2010 2010 Fuzhou City Appeal-death cause identification Criminal investigation Le Shibiao Deputy Mayor of Fuzhou City, Director of Public Security Bureau Fuzhou City Public Security Bureau

2120 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Xu Zihua Tulou Village, Fengnan Farm, Tongan District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province Jiangxi Province His relative Yu Fushui was criminally detained and arrested on suspicion of fraud. appeal. 2010 2010 Jiangxi Province Appeal-Criminal Detention Criminal Investigation Li Longwu Deputy Mayor of Shangrao City, Director of Public Security Bureau Shangrao City Public Security Bureau

2125 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Ye Yucheng Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, Jiangxi Province Reported that he represented a civil case in Yifeng County, and was intercepted, threatened and beaten by gangsters there, demanding investigation and punishment. 2010 2010 Yichun City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

2128 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Yu Anwu Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province In January 2005, his brother Yu Anshun died, and the cause of death was considered suspicious. 2010 2005 Jiujiang City Investigate the case – re-qualification verification Criminal investigation Chen Guangming Deputy Mayor of Jiujiang City, Director of Public Security Bureau Jiujiang City Public Security Bureau

2132 Zhang Yunchang assigned by the Ministry of Public Security, Shangli County, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province On January 1, 2011, Chen Shihai, the village director, ordered others to knock out his right eye, causing serious injuries. The public security organs were required to hold Chen Shihai criminally responsible. 2011 2011 Pingxiang City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Deng Zhongping Vice Mayor of Pingxiang City, Director of Public Security Bureau Pingxiang City Public Security Bureau

2136 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Zhou Kuiyue Fengcheng City, Dandong City, Liaoning Province Jiangxi Province On October 13, 2000, his daughter Zhou Yanhua was thrown from upstairs to downstairs of the Phoenix Ballroom in Yichun City and fell to her death. brought to justice. 2010 2000 Yichun City Investigate cases – arrest suspects Criminal investigation Luo Yongyin Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau

2140 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Zhu Heliang Zhujia Village, Guanshan, Tongjia Village, Yuehu District, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province “On September 27, 2008, Zhu Heliang’s son Zhu Huasheng was at the Yuehu Garden Vegetable Market in Yuehu District, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province due to a dispute over the pork business. He was killed by Zeng Jialiang and others [Jiang Zhu Huasheng]. Zeng Jialiang fled after committing the crime. The Yuehu District Public Security Bureau has filed a case and chased him online. The visitor Zhu Heliang asked Zeng Jialiang to be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible.

     Zhu Heliang went to the province to appeal in Beijing and wrote nearly a hundred times. ” 2010 2008 Yingtan City Investigate the case – arrest fugitives Criminal investigation Zhang Rongxian Deputy Mayor of Yingtan City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yingtan City Public Security Bureau

2141 Assigned by the Ministry of Public Security Zhuo Jichun Yichun City, Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province Requested to investigate Zhuo Xiaolin’s death. 2010 2010 Yichun City Investigate and deal with the case – make a case conclusion Criminal investigation Wan Xiuqi Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Director of Public Security Bureau Yichun City Public Security Bureau