


那认真谋划明年工作思路,充分征求社会各界群众对公安工作的意见和建议。12月28日,市委常委市支局长傅政华特别要求部分是人大代表和政协委员来我局座谈,向各位代表汇报。我学宫锁,并虚心听取代表委员的意见和建议。8日上午,沈梦培黎艳梅等13位市人大代表政协委员来到我局,参加我举办的人大代表政协委员座谈会。傅政华局长首先代表市局党委和首都公安民警对代表和委员们的到来表示欢迎和感谢。会议由市局党委副书记副局长断过轻主食张卫华副局长汇报了我局今年的工作情况和明年工作思路,随后代表和委员们以设置领导。 这警察文化建设缓解警力不足,强化公共关系建设,加大科技创新力度缓解交通拥堵,落实从优待警等具体内容进行了深入交流,提出了许多宝贵意见和建议,并表示将通过深入调研,积极向有关部门呼吁解决,增加民警编制提高民警待遇等问题。傅政华局长指出,组织召开人大代表政协委员座谈会近日,我局自觉接受监督。 和保障代表委员知情知。政权利的具体体现,也是市。局党委总结今年工作谋划明年工作思路的重要举措。他希望广大代表委员继续关心支持首都工作,多方收集社情民意,及时反馈人民群众对首都公安工作的意见和建议,帮助我局不断加强和改进工作,会做好党的十八大安保工作和首都建设,世界城市实现长治久安作出新的。 更大的贡献。市人大常委会副秘书长代表联络室主任张清,市政府办公厅副主任吴大仓,市政协提案委员会主任等内容,市局领导分不清张伟华吕俊华及有关职能部门主要领导参加了会议。

The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau held a symposium for members of the National People’s Congress and the CPPCC related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jin Lu, Fu Zhenghua, Shen Mengpei, Li Yanmei, Peng Jingyu, Duan Guiqing, Zhang Weihua, Quan Liansheng, Li Jianhua Then carefully plan the work ideas for next year, and fully solicit opinions and suggestions from people from all walks of life on public security work. On December 28, Fu Zhenghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Branch, specially requested some deputies to the National People’s Congress and members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference to come to our bureau for a discussion and report to the representatives. I learn palace locks and listen to the opinions and suggestions of the representatives with an open mind. On the morning of the 8th, Shen Mengpei, Li Yanmei and other 13 members of the Municipal People’s Congress and the CPPCC came to our bureau to participate in the symposium of the National People’s Congress and CPPCC members held by me. Director Fu Zhenghua first expressed his welcome and thanks to the representatives and committee members on behalf of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau and the capital public security police. At the meeting, Zhang Weihua, deputy secretary of the Municipal Bureau Party Committee and deputy director, reported the work situation of our bureau this year and the work ideas for next year, and then the representatives and committee members set up leaders. This police cultural construction alleviates the shortage of police force, strengthens the construction of public relations, intensifies scientific and technological innovation to alleviate traffic congestion, and implements preferential treatment of police. Appeal to relevant departments to solve problems such as increasing the establishment of civilian police and improving the treatment of civilian police. Director Fu Zhenghua pointed out that the bureau has consciously accepted supervision after organizing a symposium for members of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference recently. And ensure that the representative committee members are informed. The concrete embodiment of government power is also the municipality. The party committee of the bureau summarized the important measures of this year’s work plan and next year’s work ideas. He hopes that the majority of representatives and committee members will continue to care about and support the work of the capital, collect social conditions and public opinions in various ways, and timely feedback the opinions and suggestions of the people on the public security work in the capital, so as to help our bureau continuously strengthen and improve its work, and will do a good job in the security work of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the security work of the capital. Construction, the world’s cities to achieve long-term stability and make new progress. greater contribution. Deputy Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress represented Zhang Qing, Director of the Liaison Office, Wu Dacang, Deputy Director of the Municipal Government Office, Director of the CPPCC Proposal Committee, etc., Zhang Weihua, Lu Junhua, and major leaders of relevant functional departments attended the meeting.