


一个神秘的大小电话先出,才山西人的今天答案如何导出修改手中被劫持群众的生命安全? 12月3日,市集英伦指挥中心值班民警与河南警方千里携手,上演了一场惊心动魄的紧急大营救。请问大家,12月份1月17时43分视频,请勿指挥部的110接警服务台接待一名姓齐的男子打来的电话。 你是哪里的?北京市在河南周口市杀了好几个人,并说自己打来电话之前,比许多省市的110打过电话,但都被对方当成***化冻了。 同上来就说了一句,我杀了我的孩子,杀了5个人,到年化成那个说话就能模拟比较随便发的都是什么人呢?大家都是小孩啊,现在还想杀,然后我按照这个,咱们到有人说的话,详实的作业记录,我这给你转的,咱们省公安厅的领导,你把这个血管跟他说一下,你是哪里的,都是河南吗?河南哪里河南省冠军? 就在奇遇指挥部的民警发情况紧急通报给河南警方的时候,洛宁县涧的男子的电话又打进来。 应该指出,描记龙的男子说自己这个杀了人2万年的话。 管不了谁啥的呀? 继续交谈过程中,他的一个突然提到,他说现在他还写了两结束2个人质就不会。2个人就给我。最爱整洁是2个人的性格饭吃。 应该。 你是被劫持的人质,马。 第一指挥中心民警在电话中与并安抚其情绪,尽可能了解更多的情况,一边将情况迅速上报值班领导,并通报给河南警方。人呢?在初步整理了一下这个企业的这个情况以后,第一时间通过咱们的币12点30分,呃,咱们马上把这一个情况通过当时的河南省省会2天,所以给他们也争取了时间,把这个嫌疑人抓获。根据我局提供的线索,河南警方迅速找到并一举抓获了打电话的犯罪嫌疑人靳某,一名重症群众和两名被劫持人质。 终于成功获救。其实这是一个整个我们分析团队的工作。是否河南省公安厅专门给,若取出来了感谢函,高度赞扬我局勤务指挥部民警运用素质和精力两地并且配合的协作精神,对此设置政治会决定给予协助,指挥部民警协助河南警方推测重大刑事案件通道转张要求全集回答民警学习,他们始终坚持淡化行者历史,强化检查所有思想。 为感谢严惩暴力犯罪,保护人民群众生命财产安全做出的突出贡献。

Beijing-Henan police join hands with the murderer for thousands of miles to arrest the masses related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Xu Jie, Henan, Zhoukou City, Zhou Heng, Wang Hao, Jin Long A mysterious big and small phone comes out first, how can the Shanxi people derive the answer today and modify the lives of the hijacked people in their hands? On December 3, the on-duty police of the British Command Center in the market and the Henan police joined hands to stage a thrilling emergency rescue. I would like to ask everyone, in the video at 17:43 on January 12, please do not receive a call from a man surnamed Qi at the 110 police service desk of the headquarters. Where are you from? Beijing City killed several people in Zhoukou City, Henan Province, and said that before calling, they had called 110 in many provinces and cities, but they were all treated as police and thawed. I just said the same thing as above, I killed my child and killed 5 people, who will be the one who can imitate and post casually by the end of the year? Everyone is a child, and now they still want to kill, and then I will follow this, what someone said, detailed homework records, I will forward this to you, the leader of our Provincial Public Security Bureau, please tell him about this blood vessel, Where are you from, are you from Henan? Where in Henan is the Henan Provincial Champion? Just as the police from the Qiyu headquarters issued an emergency report to the Henan police, a call came in from the man in Jian, Luoning County. It should be pointed out that the man who described the dragon said that he had killed people for 20,000 years. Who cares? In the process of continuing the conversation, one of his sudden mentions that he said that he will not end two hostages now that he has written two. Just give me 2 people. The favorite is tidiness, which is the character of two people. should. You are taken hostage, Ma. The police of the first command center talked with and calmed his emotions on the phone, and learned as much as possible about the situation, while quickly reporting the situation to the leader on duty and notifying the Henan police. What about people? After preliminarily sorting out the situation of this company, we passed our currency at 12:30 at the first time, uh, we immediately passed this situation to the capital of Henan Province for 2 days at that time, so we also bought time for them. The suspect was captured. According to the clues provided by our bureau, the Henan police quickly found and captured the suspect Jin who made the phone call, a seriously ill person and two hostages. Finally successfully rescued. In fact, this is the work of our entire analysis team. Whether it is specially given by the Henan Provincial Public Security Department, if a letter of thanks is taken out, it highly praises the police of our service headquarters for using their quality and energy and cooperating with each other. A political committee has been set up to decide to provide assistance, and the police of the headquarters will assist the Henan police It is speculated that the passage of major criminal cases asked the complete works to answer the police study. They always insisted on downplaying the history of Xingzhe and strengthening the inspection of all thoughts. Thank you for your outstanding contribution to severely punishing violent crimes and protecting the safety of people’s lives and property.