


作为贯彻落实全国公安机关执法规范化建设阶段总结推进会和市局第3次党委扩大会议精神,深入推进全局执法规范化建设,被十八大安保工作提供坚实执法保障。12月9日,市局召开深入推进执法规范化建设电视电话会议。会议对执法规范化建设,下一阶段将采取的加强执法信息一体化建设应用推进法制预审监管者执法队伍建设加强羁押场所软硬件建设改造的措施所以具体部署。 傅政华局长在讲话中指出,局属各单位要进一步深入推进执法规范化建设,狠抓日常执法办案执法关键环节执法办案指导执法办案平台应用和执法安全管理5个星计划,严格落实领导和部门2个责任,通过强化一流的执法能力一流的执法行为和一流的执法形象,确保实现十八大安保中不发生因执法制度规范不落实引发重大执法过错。 对发生执法过错,造成涉案人员伤亡的重大安全事故频发声音重大执法问题背心媒体曝光造成恶劣社会影响的事件不发生因重大执法过错,引发群体性事件等5个不发生的钢铁工作。目标推进全局执法官妆化建设整体工作再上新台阶,为十八大安保工作提供坚实的执法保障会议还对全局组织推动执法规范化建设执法质量考评工作成绩突出的集体和个人进行了表彰。 是局副局长东北青山志刚政治部主任李建华出席了会议。

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau TV and telephone conference to further promote the standardization of law enforcement, Fu Zhenghua and Duan Guiqing attended related video Standardization of Law Enforcement, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Legal System, Pre-trial, Detention Places, Fu Zhenghua, Exposure, Law Enforcement Errors, Mass Incidents, 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Duan Guiqing, Shan Zhigang, Li Jianhua In order to implement the spirit of the National Public Security Organ Law Enforcement Standardization Construction Stage Summary Promotion Meeting and the 3rd Party Committee Enlarged Meeting of the Municipal Bureau, and further promote the overall law enforcement standardization construction, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China provided a solid law enforcement guarantee for the security work. On December 9, the Municipal Bureau held a teleconference on further promoting the standardization of law enforcement. The meeting made specific arrangements for the standardization of law enforcement and the measures to be adopted in the next stage to strengthen the integrated construction and application of law enforcement information, promote the construction of legal pre-trial supervisors and law enforcement teams, and strengthen the construction and transformation of software and hardware in detention facilities. In his speech, Director Fu Zhenghua pointed out that all units under the bureau should further promote the standardization of law enforcement, pay close attention to the five-star plan of law enforcement and case guidance in the key links of daily law enforcement and case handling, and the application of law enforcement and case management platforms and law enforcement safety management, and strictly implement the two leaders and departments. Responsibility, by strengthening first-class law enforcement capabilities, first-class law enforcement behavior and first-class law enforcement image, to ensure that there will be no major law enforcement mistakes caused by non-implementation of the law enforcement system and norms during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Major safety accidents caused by law enforcement errors that caused casualties of persons involved were frequently voiced. Major law enforcement problems, vests, media exposure, and incidents that caused adverse social impacts did not occur. 5 iron and steel work that did not occur, such as mass incidents caused by major law enforcement errors. The goal is to promote the overall work of the make-up of law enforcement officials to a new level, and provide a solid law enforcement guarantee for the security work of the 18th National Congress. The conference also commended the collectives and individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the quality evaluation of law enforcement organized by the overall organization to promote the standardization of law enforcement. Li Jianhua, deputy director of the Northeast Qingshan Zhigang Political Department of the Bureau, attended the meeting.