


按照市局统一部署,自12月1日起,我就全面启动户籍派出所和社区民警晚上述职述廉工作。12月7日,特定头局长和相关领导出席了东城分局交道口派出所主要社区民警王义军的数值数列绘本。 12月7日,北京市公安局东城分局交道口派出所菊儿社区的社区民警以情景剧的新颖形式,向辖区单位和居民群众述职述廉。 我。来。为啥手机主题女民警王一星从组建社区英语巡逻小分队和阴阳熊林以青春化解等方面,向辖区群众汇报了一年来角社区治安总体情况及下一步努力,分享辖区单位和居民代表现场对他的工作进行了评议。 推振华局长出席了述职述廉活动并与辖区群众亲切交谈。傅振华说,公安机关开展驻区民警述职述廉就是为了广泛征求群众意见以建议主动接受群众评议以监督了解群众所需所想损害并进一步改进工作通过警民共同努力推进平安社区和和谐警民关系建设。 朱振华感谢广大群众对首都公安工作的理解和支持并表示有权是2800年驻区民警的守护广大人民群众的理解支持和参与一定能够携手共创平安北京为明年十八大等各项安保工作创造更加和谐稳定的社会环境使其副局长高煜出席了活动最后社区民警和辖区群众共同演唱了紧邻改编的歌曲咱们的派出所。

Leaders of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau participated in the work report of the police stationed in the district related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, Research Office, Jiaodaokou Police Station, Juer Community, police number 021559, Wang Yijun, Fu Zhenghua, Gao Yu, Liu Tao According to the unified deployment of the Municipal Bureau, since December 1st, I will fully start the work of the household registration police station and the community police. On December 7, the director of the specific head and relevant leaders attended the numerical series picture book of the main community policeman Wang Yijun of the Jiaodaokou Police Station of the Dongcheng Branch. On December 7, the community policemen of the Juer Community of the Jiaodaokou Police Station of the Dongcheng Branch of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau used a novel form of sitcom to report their work to the units and residents in the area under their jurisdiction. I. Come. Why is Wang Yixing, a female police officer with a mobile phone theme, reporting to the people in the area under his jurisdiction the overall situation of public security in the Jiaojiao community and his next steps in terms of setting up a community English patrol team and Yin Yang Xiong Lin with youth, and sharing the on-site feedback from units and residents in the area under his jurisdiction. work was reviewed. Director Zhenhua Zhenhua attended the activity of debriefing and incorruptibility and had a cordial conversation with the people in the jurisdiction. Fu Zhenhua said that the purpose of the public security organs to carry out the work report of the police stationed in the area is to extensively solicit the opinions of the masses and make suggestions. To actively accept the comments of the masses, to supervise and understand the needs and thoughts of the masses, to further improve the work, and to promote a safe community and a harmonious relationship between the police and the people through the joint efforts of the police and the people. building. Zhu Zhenhua thanked the general public for their understanding and support of the public security work in the capital, and said that the right is to be the guardian of the police stationed in the area in 2800. The understanding, support and participation of the broad masses of the people will definitely be able to work together to create a safe Beijing. The more harmonious and stable social environment made Gao Yu, the deputy chief, attend the event. Finally, the community police and the people in the jurisdiction jointly sang the adapted song next to Our Police Station.