

公安部部署反四黑除四害专项行动以来,北京市公安局高度重视以民意为导向,抓住群众最为关注的制假贩假问题,主动出击,攻坚克难,发起了打四黑除4害的凌厉攻势,近日再添战果,打掉了一批制假贩假的犯罪团伙。8月30日,市局联合质检工商城管等部门,一举捣毁位于房山区的两处黑食品作坊,查获500余公斤已腐蚀变质的黄花鱼已久虾等食品原材料。 以及1400公斤的地沟油。9月9日下午,治安总队在前期周密侦查的基础上,会同市局12总队丰台石景山门头沟分局开展统一行动,一举打掉以其择生为首的制售假名牌高档白酒犯罪团伙,查获假冒白酒1400余箱共计11600余瓶,抓获涉案嫌疑人23名,依法刑事拘留19名,经初步合计涉案总金额达2100余万元。 截至目前,共打掉制假,贩假团伙17个,高或做拘留以上犯罪嫌疑人208人。下一步,市局将积极配合相关部门加强日常监测和监督检查,切实做到早发现早查处,最大限度减少危害,让人民群众吃得放心安心。

Since the Ministry of Public Security deployed the special campaign against four blacks and four evils, our bureau has attached great importance to the public opinion-oriented, seized the most concerned issue of counterfeiting and selling fakes, and took the initiative to attack and overcome difficulties. Pay attention to empty driving. Recently, we have added victory and defeated a group of criminal gangs that manufacture and sell counterfeit goods. On August 30, the Municipal Bureau, together with the quality inspection, industry, commerce and urban management departments, destroyed two black food workshops in Fangshan District in one fell swoop, and seized more than 500 kilograms of corroded yellow croaker and shrimp and other food raw materials. And 1400kg of waste oil. On the afternoon of September 9, the Public Security Corps, on the basis of the previous careful investigation, carried out a unified action with the Fengtai Shijingshan Mentougou Branch of the 12th Corps of the Municipal Bureau to destroy the criminal gang that produced and sold fake and famous brand high-end liquor headed by its choice of life, and seized counterfeit liquor. There were more than 11,600 bottles in more than 1,400 boxes, 23 suspects were arrested and 19 were criminally detained in accordance with the law. Up to now, a total of 17 counterfeit gangs have been eliminated, and 208 criminal suspects have been arrested or detained. In the next step, the Municipal Bureau will actively cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen daily monitoring, supervision and inspection, so as to achieve early detection and early investigation, minimize harm, and make people feel at ease.