


近日,由市委宣传部科委经信委和信息化协会举办的2010信息化北京十大应用成果奖评选结果揭晓,由我局勤务指挥部开发建设的扁平化勤务指挥科技系统平台获此殊荣,市局政治部予以通报表彰。8月5日,北京市委宣传部科委经信委和信息化协会举办的2010信息北京十大应用成果奖评选结果揭晓,由市局勤务指挥部开发建设的。 扁平化勤务指挥科技信息系统平台从数百个大选对象中脱颖而出,获此殊荣,全面展示了近年来我局依托科技强警不断提高指挥管理信息化水平的成绩。这套系统平台融合了大量国内外先进技术和管理理念,在指挥调度进行监测勤务管理方面实现了重大突破,具有科学管理警力,精确掌握警情,动态指导指挥三大功能系统,现在应该是在这个全局的2级指挥机构。 大概是50家的2级指挥机构,还有这个上千一战,荆轲对所赢来的全部在使用套系统,呃,整个这个平台呢,应该是成功的,这个研发了一些岗位,其实就是管理系统,这套系统呢,应该说是改变了,我们以前警力抵触,不知那一个情况,应该说是填补了整个国内警力资源管理的一个困排。第2个特点呢,应该是我们有一套非常这个呃智能的一个矩形监测系统,应该是通过热点图,还有说是锦旗封闭。 分布图还有这个警情对比图,实现了一个警力部署和警情这个发案同步浮动的这么一个最佳的一个效果。第3个呢就是在指挥上面,就是国内首创,成为提出了这种扁平化的这种指挥控制的理念。现在呢,通过我们的精确掌握警情以及对警力的这个精确管理,我们相当于能够把我们所有的警力拉伸到一个战线上,能够顶住敌人指挥,同时整合公安信息资源。 加大无线通信图像视频GPS卫星定位系统的应用力量,最大限度地将高科技手段应用到指挥调度和勤务组织管理系统中。感觉最深的呢,就是我们的反应时间,我们的出警速度都非常的快,比以前增加了不少。像我们的报警那样,从2000年到现在,他是增长将将近5倍,但是呢,民警呢,只是翻了一番,这个人员和这个报警量它是不成正比增长的。 怎么能够保障元?完全就是依靠这个科技系统的支撑。扁平化勤务指挥科技系统平台是一套技能用于重大突发事件的应急指挥,又能当做日常城市安保工作平战结合资源共享的技术系统,在十七大,奥运会,残奥会,国庆60周年安保和日常社会面防控工作中发挥了突出作用。呃,主要就是使这个指挥系统啊,就是我们在日常工作当中啊,对这个当前的警力设置,岗位设置啊,包括警力。 温度执行状态有了,更为直观地准确地了解和掌握。呃,另外一块儿呢,提高了我们的对全局警力态势的这种驾驭能力和掌控能力。本期的节目就到这里,感谢您收看再见。

The flat service command platform of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau won the Beijing Top Ten Application Achievement Award

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Recently, the results of the 2010 Beijing Top Ten Application Achievement Awards for Informatization held by the Science and Technology Commission of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Information Technology Association were announced. The flat service command technology system platform developed and constructed by the service headquarters of our bureau won this honor. The Political Department of the Municipal Bureau gave a notice of commendation. On August 5th, the selection results of the 2010 Information Beijing Top Ten Application Achievement Awards held by the Science and Technology Commission of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Information Technology Association were announced. It was developed and constructed by the Service Headquarters of the Municipal Bureau. The flat service command science and technology information system platform stood out from hundreds of candidates in the general election, and won this honor, which fully demonstrated the achievements of our bureau in recent years relying on science and technology to strengthen the police to continuously improve the level of command management information. This system platform integrates a large number of advanced technologies and management concepts at home and abroad, and has achieved a major breakthrough in command and dispatch for monitoring and service management. It has three functional systems: scientific management of police force, accurate grasp of police situation, and dynamic guidance and command. It should now be in This global level 2 command structure. There are about 50 second-level command organizations, and this thousand-one battle. Jing Ke is using a system for all the wins. Uh, the entire platform should be successful. This has developed some positions, which are actually The management system, this system, should be said to have changed. We used to have conflicts in the police force. I don’t know what the situation is. It should be said that it has filled a difficult row in the management of the entire domestic police force resources. The second feature should be that we have a very, er, smart rectangular monitoring system, which should be closed through heat maps and pennants. The distribution map and this police situation comparison map have achieved the best effect of a simultaneous fluctuation of police force deployment and police situation incidents. The third is on the command, which is the first in China, and it has become the concept of this flat command and control. Now, through our accurate grasp of the police situation and the precise management of the police force, we are equivalent to being able to stretch all our police forces to a front, able to withstand the enemy’s command, and at the same time integrate public security information resources. Increase the application of wireless communication, image, video, and GPS satellite positioning systems, and apply high-tech means to the command and dispatch and service organization and management systems to the greatest extent. The deepest feeling is our reaction time, our speed of dispatching police is very fast, which has increased a lot compared to before. Like our police, from 2000 to the present, it has increased by nearly five times, but as for the civilian police, it has only doubled, and the number of personnel and the number of police reports has not increased proportionally. How can we protect Yuan? It is entirely dependent on the support of this technological system. The flat service command technology system platform is a set of skills used for emergency command of major emergencies, and can also be used as a technical system for daily urban security work combined with resource sharing in peacetime and wartime. It has played a prominent role in annual security and daily social prevention and control. Uh, the main thing is to use this command system, that is, in our daily work, we set up the current police force and position, including the police force. With the temperature execution status, it is more intuitive and accurate to understand and master. Uh, the other piece has improved our ability to control and control the overall police situation. That’s all for this episode, thank you for watching. Goodbye.