


为贯彻落实市局党委爱警工作的指示精神,进一步丰富民警文化生活,市局情报信息中心专门开辟一间网吧图书室,作为民警文化活动年的精心打造,具有首都公安情报信息特色的文化育警工程。9月19日,杨晓毅副局长参加了文化活动年的的揭牌仪式,代表市局党委向中心赠送书籍,并为中心和谐家庭颁发了奖状文化活动原地具有阅览学习休闲交流等功能。 既满足业务工作需要,也方便民警开展自主学习。此外,民警可以从开放式书架自由窃取各类图书,学习丰富知识,提高个人修养。主要就是这个岩壁呢,我们希望民警能够把它称为1种自己在这里的,主要是要有一种学习的一种分配,还有大家互相可以交流的一种氛围。

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Intelligence Information Center opened a police cultural activity garden

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Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Sui Xianghua, Yang Xiaoyi, Li Qian, police number 018919

In order to implement the guiding spirit of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau to love the police and further enrich the cultural life of the police, the Intelligence and Information Center of the Municipal Bureau has specially opened an Internet cafe library. police engineering. On September 19, Deputy Director Yang Xiaoyi participated in the unveiling ceremony of the Year of Cultural Activities, presented books to the center on behalf of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, and awarded a certificate to the harmonious family of the center. It not only meets the needs of business work, but also facilitates the police to carry out independent learning. In addition, the police can freely steal all kinds of books from the open bookshelves, learn a wealth of knowledge, and improve personal cultivation. The main thing is this rock wall. We hope that the police can call it a kind of place where they are here. The main reason is to have a kind of distribution of learning and an atmosphere where everyone can communicate with each other.