


10月1日上午,市局党委书记局长傅政华,党委副书记副局长段桂青,杨晓毅,丁世伟出席了北京市公安局第一党支部办公室揭牌仪式市局党委委员政治部主任李建华主持仪式。仪式上,杨晓毅同志宣读了中共北京市公安局委员会关于成立第一党支部办公室的决定。 大家都会心疼,是共同那去一场师傅造出世界牌科室伟同志点击开通了市局第一党支部办公室网站。市局第一党支部办公室由市局党委直接领导,隶属市局政治部,负责第一党支部日常工作。随后出席仪式的全体领导视察了办公室的建设情况。傅政华同志要求,第一党支部办公室要充分发挥协调作用,组织承办好党支部组织生活。 在协助支部委员会全面抓好党支部的思想建设制度建设阵地建设,推进落实组织生活制度和管理监督措施,全力保障党支部的正常运行。

The Office of the First Party Branch of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau was officially inaugurated

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Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Fu Zhenghua, Duan Guiqing, Yang Xiaoyi, Ding Shiwei, Li Jianhua, Chen Guoqing, Li Tongren, Jia Ting, Jia Chunming, Liu Zemin, He Angang, Tian Yunsheng, Wang Yanping, Wang Yichun, Tang Guowei

On the morning of October 1st, Fu Zhenghua, Secretary and Director of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, Duan Guiqing, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Committee, Yang Xiaoyi, and Ding Shiwei attended the unveiling ceremony of the First Party Branch Office of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau. At the ceremony, Comrade Yang Xiaoyi read out the decision of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Committee of the Communist Party of China on the establishment of the First Party Branch Office. Everyone will be distressed, it is a joint trip to the master to create a world brand Comrade Wei clicked to open the website of the First Party Branch Office of the Municipal Bureau. The Office of the First Party Branch of the Municipal Bureau is under the direct leadership of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, subordinate to the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau, and responsible for the daily work of the First Party Branch. Then all the leaders who attended the ceremony inspected the construction of the office. Comrade Fu Zhenghua requested that the office of the first party branch should give full play to its coordinating role and organize and manage the organizational life of the party branch. In assisting the branch committee to comprehensively grasp the construction of the ideological construction system of the party branch, promote the implementation of the organizational life system and management supervision measures, and fully guarantee the normal operation of the party branch.