


为深入贯彻全国公安机关社会管理创新工作会议和环首都七省城市区域警务合作会议精神,日前,延庆县局组织召开延张两地公安区域警务合作会议。延庆县局局长刘泽和张家口市公安局杨春光局长进行了签字仪式。区域警务合作机制建立以来,延张两地警方立足首都稳定大局,深化两地对接并轨重大行动,密切配合,取得了突出的成绩。今年2月份以来,延庆县110国道新线连续发生多起手持凶器对大车司机实施抢劫案件,涉案金额高达数万元,影响十分恶劣。案发后,延庆县局经过缜密侦查,于5月13日将丁某等三人抓获。丁某等三人被抓获后,田某某闻讯逃跑。在对田某某的抓捕过程中,延庆县局网安中队立即对其涉网信息进行梳理比对,及时启动延张两地公安网安警务合作机制。两地公安机关密切配合,一举将在张家口上网的田某某抓获。据统计,延张两地公安警务合作机制建立以来,共破获刑事案件二十五件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人五人,查获网上在逃人员四人,查获被盗系统车一辆。 延庆张家口区域警务合作显成效,抢劫在逃嫌疑人落网

Zhangjiakou, Yanqing, Beijing cooperated with Zhangjiakou, Hebei, and the fugitive suspect was arrested for online robbery related video Capital Police Report, Yanqing, Liu Ze, Zhangjiakou, Li Dong, Net Security In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Public Security Organs Social Management Innovation Work Conference and the Regional Police Cooperation Conference of Seven Provinces Around the Capital, the Yanqing County Bureau recently organized a regional police cooperation conference between the public security organs of Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. Liu Ze, director of the Yanqing County Bureau, and Yang Chunguang, director of the Zhangjiakou Public Security Bureau, held a signing ceremony. Since the establishment of the regional police cooperation mechanism, the police of Yanzhang and Zhangzhou have based themselves on the overall stability of the capital, deepened the major operations of the docking and merging of the two places, cooperated closely, and achieved outstanding results. Since February of this year, there have been several cases of robbery against cart drivers with weapons in Yanqing County on the new line of National Highway 110. After the incident, the Yanqing County Bureau arrested Ding and three others on May 13 after careful investigation. After Ding and the other three were arrested, Tian fled after hearing the news. During the arrest of Tian XX, the Cyber ​​Security Squadron of the Yanqing County Bureau immediately sorted out and compared his cyber-related information, and promptly started the cooperation mechanism between the public security and cyber security police in Yanqing and Zhangzhou. The public security organs of the two places cooperated closely and arrested Tian XX who was surfing the Internet in Zhangjiakou in one fell swoop. According to statistics, since the establishment of the public security and police cooperation mechanism between Yanzhang and Zhangzhou, a total of 25 criminal cases have been solved, five suspects have been arrested, four fugitives on the Internet have been seized, and a stolen system vehicle has been seized. Police cooperation in Zhangjiakou area of ​​Yanqing has achieved results, robbery suspects at large were arrested