

小小指路条连接90星舰西城分局白纸坊派出所进入重新寻找工作。除了提高群众满意度,推出了1系列便民利民措施,其中推出的便民指令条受到了群众的广泛好评。有拿着这个便民时主要送我拿着在这个地方找了挺方便的,挺实惠的哈,挺方便的,而且也挺清晰,一看能看明白,特别是老百姓的欢迎写到上面的这个办公的位置啊。 就是咱们老百姓问了相对集中的这些部位就是办公的场所,它可以通过拿着咱们的便民条,不用很很费劲地就可以找到他办税的这个地点。为了方便市民出行,派出所民警利用工作之余制作指路店名条,将辖区内主要公共设施详细列出,使公交设置行走路线,距离长短一目了然,既方便了群众出行,又节省了警力资源,赢得群众的赞许。

Xicheng Baizhifang Police Station is a convenient guide for people to ask passers-by

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Xiaoxiao pointed the way to the Baizhifang Police Station of the 90th Starship Xicheng Branch to enter and look for a job again. In addition to improving the satisfaction of the masses, a series of measures to facilitate the people and benefit the people have been introduced, among which the convenience instructions introduced have been widely praised by the masses. It is very convenient to find it in this place, it is very affordable, it is very convenient, and it is also very clear. It can be understood at a glance, especially the common people welcome to write the above The location of the office. That is, we ordinary people asked that these relatively concentrated places are office places. They can find the place where they do taxes without much effort by holding our convenience notes. In order to facilitate the travel of the citizens, the police of the police station used their spare time to make a list of guide shops, listing the main public facilities in the area in detail, so that the bus routes can be set up, and the distances can be seen at a glance, which not only facilitates the travel of the masses, but also saves police resources. approval of the crowd.