



针对国庆节前的交通状况及节日期间的交通形势,9月28日,交管局在全市开展了十一节前最大规模的交通秩序整治行动,交管局全体停休全警上路,在持续严查酒后驾车等违法行为的同时,针对白天和夜间不同的交通违法特点,针对涉牌涉证货车客车载货占压消防通道违法停车以及摩托车违法行驶等重点违法行为开展专项整治行动。 与此同时,交管局坚持日常执法与专项整顿相结合,以严查严办快查快办不留隐患为准则,加大节前交通秩序的维护和整治,本着严管就是关爱的理念,日酒驾等严重交通违法行为发现一起,依法处置一起,绝不姑息,全力为首都市民欢度佳节,营造安全有序的交通氛围。 

Beijing Traffic Management Bureau launched a large-scale night inspection before the festival to rectify various traffic violations

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In view of the traffic situation before the National Day and the traffic situation during the festival, on September 28, the traffic management bureau launched the largest traffic order rectification operation in the city before the 11th festival. While driving under the influence of alcohol and other illegal acts, according to the different characteristics of traffic violations during the day and at night, special rectification actions are carried out for key illegal acts such as illegal parking of licensed and licensed trucks and passenger vehicles occupying fire exits and illegal driving of motorcycles. At the same time, the Traffic Management Bureau adheres to the combination of daily law enforcement and special rectification, and takes strict investigation and strict handling as the criterion to quickly check and quickly handle no hidden dangers, and increase the maintenance and rectification of traffic order before the festival. Serious traffic violations such as drunk driving were discovered and dealt with in accordance with the law. We will never tolerate it, and we will do our best to celebrate the festive season for the citizens of the capital and create a safe and orderly traffic atmosphere.