


为切实深化爱警工作,加强民警健康保护,9月27日上午,市局在小汤山首都公安民警疗养中心举行了首都人民警察健康指南书籍发放仪式。为切实深化爱警工作,加强永久健康保护,9月27日上午,市局在小汤山首都公安民警任务中心举行了首都人民警察健康指南书籍发放仪式。一直以来,我局高度重视民警健康保护工作。 专门邀请中国人民公安大学北京体育大学同仁医院安贞医院阜外心血管病医院北京急救中心解放军309医院的著名专家教授编写了这本首都人民警察健康指南。这本书针对首都警察这一特殊群体,对身体健康心理健康健康生活健康修复自救互救体能训练等方面进行了全面细致的阐述,既有预防知识,又有治疗方法。 是。一部集知识性实用性和操作性于一体的综合性健康书籍,将发放到全区每年09级家庭手中。此次印制的首都人民警察健康指南书籍受到了著名慈善家李春平的大力支持和协助。市局副局长段桂青政治部主任李建华出席了仪式。

The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau pushes forward the work of caring for the police and distributing police health handbooks

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In order to earnestly deepen the work of caring for the police and strengthen the health protection of the police, on the morning of September 27, the Municipal Bureau held a distribution ceremony for the health guide books of the capital police at the Xiaotangshan Capital Police Sanatorium. In order to effectively deepen the work of caring for the police and strengthen permanent health protection, on the morning of September 27, the Municipal Bureau held a distribution ceremony for the capital police health guide books at the Xiaotangshan Capital Public Security Police Mission Center. All along, our bureau attaches great importance to the health protection of civilian police. Specially invited famous experts and professors from People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing Sports University Tongren Hospital, Anzhen Hospital, Fuwai Cardiovascular Disease Hospital, Beijing Emergency Center, PLA 309 Hospital to compile this Health Guide for the Capital People’s Police. This book is aimed at the special group of the police in the capital. It comprehensively and meticulously expounds on physical health, mental health, healthy life, health restoration, self-rescue, mutual rescue, physical training and other aspects. It contains both prevention knowledge and treatment methods. Yes. A comprehensive health book integrating knowledge, practicability and operability will be distributed to the hands of 09-level families in the whole district every year. The Beijing People’s Police Health Guide book printed this time has received strong support and assistance from the famous philanthropist Li Chunping. Duan Guiqing, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, and Li Jianhua, director of the Political Department, attended the ceremony.