


进一步规范首都保安服务市场新秩序,加强和创新社会管理。我局将联合市工商局市人力社保局市住建委等部门,开展为期6个月的清理整顿打击规范保安服务市场专项行动,建立管辖严密则全民至6月清晰的保安服务监管体系。11月30日,我局召开全市清理整顿法制规范保安服务市场专项活动动员部署大会。 会议宣读了加强保安服务行业监管工作意见,并且清理整顿打击规范保安服务市场专项活动进行了动员部署。会议强调,要充分认识清理整顿打击规范专项活动的重要性和现实意义,切实把清理整顿打击规范中项活动置于更加突出的位置,抓好抓实,要清楚的认识保安服务行业现状,着重解决当前保安服务行业中存在的突出问题。 要抓好组织领导和实施女工商人力社保建委两政府相关职能部门密切协作,进一步规范全市保安服务市场秩序,为维护首都社会和谐稳定作出新的更大贡献。市局副局长张斌出席了会议。

The special action to rectify the security service market will be carried out throughout the city related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Li Ruihua, security guard, Zhang Bing, police number 032938, police number 051396 Further standardize the new order of the capital security service market, strengthen and innovate social management. Our Bureau will cooperate with the Municipal Administration of Industry and Commerce, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Housing and Construction Commission and other departments to carry out a 6-month special action to clean up and rectify the crackdown on the standardization of the security service market, and establish a security service supervision system that has strict jurisdiction and is clear to all people until June. On November 30, our bureau held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the city’s special campaign to clean up and rectify the legal system and standardize the security service market. The meeting read out the opinions on strengthening the supervision of the security service industry, and mobilized and deployed the special activities of cleaning up and cracking down on the standardization of the security service market. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to fully understand the importance and practical significance of the special activities of cleaning up, rectifying, cracking down and regulating, and put the activities of cleaning up, rectifying, cracking down and regulating in a more prominent position. Solve the outstanding problems existing in the current security service industry. It is necessary to do a good job in organizing leadership and implementing close cooperation between the relevant functional departments of the Women’s Industrial and Commercial Human Resources and Social Security Construction Committee and the two governments to further standardize the order of the city’s security service market and make new and greater contributions to maintaining social harmony and stability in the capital. Zhang Bin, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, attended the meeting.