胡鑫宇案的主办人胡满松 劣迹斑斑









3、杨世汉,男,82岁,汉族,住:江西省赣州市瑞金市黄柏乡合溪村。  来访人反映,19991月,本村村民杨建明因建房问题与其侄子杨衍波发生纠纷,用火枪将他儿子杨北斗当场打死,将他打伤。他们打110报案,市公安局推委说应属地黄柏派出所管辖,他们又向派出所报案。公安干警1小时20分钟后才到达现场,致使犯罪分子杨建明逃离了现场。后公安局虽进行通缉,但是犯罪分子至今没有抓捕归案。来访人要求加大缉捕力度,尽快对犯罪者进行罚处,并给予赔偿。


Hu Mansong, the host of the Hu Xinyu case, has a lot of misdemeanors


related books

“Weinan City, Shaanxi Criminal Police Detachment 2: A Petition Case Assigned by the Central Political Committee and the Ministry of Public Security”

Hu Mansong, the sponsor of the Hu Xinyu case, was formerly the deputy mayor of Ganzhou City and the director of the Public Security Bureau. In that year, four unjust cases were handled by the Central Political and Legal Committee. The case was not necessarily handled by Hu Mansong himself, but it was all handled by the Ganzhou Public Security Bureau.

Hu Mansong is the leader of the Bao case, that is, the first person in charge of the unjust case.


1. Four people including Qiu Peixiu, Qiu Futian, Liu Yongbing, and Lai Xiaolin came to visit and reported that no one was involved in the death of their son Liu Yongfeng, and asked the police to file a case for investigation.

2. On December 7, 2007, he was injured by Guo Zhengxiu and others due to a dispute with neighbors. On November 18, 2008, he was seriously injured by the judicial appraisal of Ganzhou City. On December 25 of the same year, the Ganzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau identified it as a minor injury, and on March 6, 2009, the Provincial Department identified it as a minor injury. Chen Chunlian came to visit and refused to accept the injury appraisal and demanded compensation.

3. Yang Shihan, male, 82 years old, Han nationality, living in Hexi Village, Huangbai Township, Ruijin City, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. According to the visitors, in January 1999, Yang Jianming, a villager in the village, had a dispute with his nephew Yang Yanbo over building a house. He killed his son Yang Beidou with a musket and wounded him on the spot. They called 110 to report the case, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau’s referee said that it should be under the jurisdiction of the local Huangbai Police Station, so they reported the case to the police station. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes for the police to arrive at the scene, causing the criminal Yang Jianming to escape from the scene. Although the Public Security Bureau made a wanted arrest, the criminals have not been arrested so far. The visitors demanded that the arrest should be strengthened, that the perpetrators should be punished as soon as possible, and compensation should be given.

4. Lai Yujiang reported that the underworld Xie Guangrong bullied him at the time, and the local public security organs covered him up.