





习 仲 恺 在 安 康
作者:   发布时间:2018年11月01日15时01分
习 仲 恺 在 安 康
张宗富  杨光
他到公社后,首先认真查看公社“两代会”各组讨论的会议记录,群众揭摆和大字报鸣放的意见,收集各管理区谈及基层干部作风的突出问题线索,然后日夜兼程深入吉阳公社各个管区和问题突出的生产队作调研、访民情,每到一处都要找到社、队干部、社员代表分别交谈,查证问题,了解基层干部社会背景、违法乱纪的具体表现,并深入剖析其思想根源。他在调查中发现,有打、骂捆绑群众及其他违法乱纪行为的干部达96名,占干部总数的28.7%;八里管区共30个支书、队长,23个有违法乱纪行为,11个会计就有6个贪污;长安管区47个支书、队长,有21 个违法乱纪;城关管区9名队会计,就有5名当过伪保长,其余4名分别是伪县府科长、保队副、巡官和国民党党员。调查中,他为公社基层出现这些严峻问题而揪心,看到出身农民的基层干部刚刚取得政权,即蜕化变质,背信党的宗旨,骑在人民头上作威作福,更是痛心不已,也让他认识到加强基层干部教育管理的紧迫性;同时,他特别担忧从旧职人员过渡而来的人员,在没有得到彻底改造之前,一旦掌握实权,便会动摇党在农村阵地的社会基础。
发布时间:2018-02-12        浏览次数:       返回列表
2018-09-09 16:01
  周恩来侄孙周日和、习仲恺孙女婿周维、陶铸外孙李戟、郭沫若外孙张鼎立、 陈士榘上将孙女婿王懿等红色后代,9月8日下午共同亮相内蒙古锡林郭勒盟足球场。他们代表红色足球队,先后与锡林郭勒学生代表队、牧民代表队进行了45分钟比赛,最终红色足球队以微弱优势获胜。
2018-09-08 21:55
他说自己是一个比较正统的民族团结的产物,“当年父母在这里相识、一起插队、工作、生活……” 周日和小时候,也在锡林郭勒生活了近十年。
快手与锡林郭勒达成战略合作 开启扶贫与旅游宣传新模式
发布时间:2018-07-25 18:37:50丨来源:中国网草原频道丨作者: 丨责任编辑:阿艺思

此次发布会锡林郭勒盟与快手公司达成战略合作,将是锡林郭勒旅游宣传工作的又一项重要进展,为此,锡林郭勒盟政府在快手发起了#发现锡林郭勒#短视频征集活动,来展现锡林郭勒的自然风光、民俗特色等。 锡林郭勒盟旅发委、团委、扶贫办特别针对这次征集活动设立了专项奖金池,将选拨出170名参与活动的快手用户进行奖励。获奖用户可获得锡林郭勒短视频金像奖,收获官方颁发的现金奖励。
Xi Zhongkai, the second uncle of Xi Jinping, was appointed as the director of the Party Member Management Division of the Organization Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee in 1953, the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1959, and the director of the Organization Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee in 1975.
Xi Jinping’s niece-in-law Zhou Wei, Zhou Enlai’s grand-nephew Zhou He, Tao Zhu’s grandson Li Ji, Guo Moruo’s grandson Zhang Dingli, Chen Shiju’s grandson-in-law Wang Yi, and other three generations of the red generation on September 8, 2018 Xilingol League held a football match, football commentators Liu Jianhong and host Aqiu also participated. Through this game, Qu Weiguo, deputy leader of Xilin Gol League, and Yang Wensheng, deputy leader of the League, got to know these three generations of red. Pulled Kuaishou to Xilin Gol League to help the poor.
Why did the listing of Didi make such an uproar, but the listing of Kuaishou is all right? Kuaishou sent shares to Zhou Wei, Xi Jinping’s nephew-in-law, and got Xi Jinping.
Xi Zhongkai in Ankang
Author: Published: 15:01 on November 1, 2018
Xi Zhongkai in Ankang
Zhang Zongfu Yang Guang
In late May 1959, in order to correct some of the “Left” deviations and mistakes in the “Great Leap Forward” and the People’s Commune Movement, Comrade Xi Zhongkai, then the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, according to the unified arrangement of the Provincial Party Committee. Deployed, went to Ankang Special Area to investigate and guide the work, and lived in Pingli County for 33 days (including 22 days in the Dongfanghong production team of Jiyang People’s Commune). Comrade Xi Zhongkai, through in-depth investigation and research, timely reported the real situation at the grassroots level to the prefectural and provincial committees, and put forward suggestions for improvement and rectification, which played an important role in rural work in Pingli County, Ankang area and even the whole province during this period. The guiding role of cadres has also had a profound impact on the education and management of cadres.
1. Guiding local governments to carry out Party rectification and rectification campaigns
After arriving in Pingli County, Comrade Xi Zhongkai first exchanged opinions with Xue Ziyun, the first secretary of the county party committee, and proposed to organize an enlarged meeting of the county party committee to implement the research task, assign cadres to go down, and direct the production while helping the commune hold the “two generations meeting (the commune party representative). Association and member representative assembly)”, to listen to and collect the detailed situation after the county’s communeization. His proposal was approved by the leaders of the county party committee. On May 26, the county party committee held an enlarged meeting to arrange research work. The county party committee standing committee and the county people’s committee leaders divided their troops and went deep into the commune brigade and the commune members to conduct serious investigations and listen to the opinions of the masses. After the meeting, Comrade Xi Zhongkai went to Jiyang commune to observe the public sentiment.
After he arrived at the commune, he first carefully checked the meeting minutes of the discussions of the “two generations meeting” of the commune, the opinions of the public and the posters, and collected clues about outstanding issues in the management districts talking about the style of grass-roots cadres, and then went to the depths of the day and night. Each district of Jiyang Commune and the production teams with outstanding problems conduct research and interview people’s sentiments. Everywhere they go, they have to find the commune, team cadres, and commune member representatives to talk to each other, verify the problem, and understand the social background of the grass-roots cadres and the specific manifestations of violations of law and discipline. And deeply analyze its ideological roots. During his investigation, he found that there were 96 cadres who beat, scolded and bound the masses and other illegal behaviors, accounting for 28.7% of the total number of cadres; there were 30 party secretaries and captains in the Bali district, 23 of them committed illegal behaviors, and 11 6 accountants were corrupt; 21 of the 47 branch secretaries and captains in the Changan District violated the law; 5 of the 9 team accountants in the Chengguan District were fake security chiefs, and the remaining 4 were the fake county section chiefs, The deputy of the security team, the inspector and the Kuomintang party member. During the investigation, he was worried about these serious problems at the grassroots level of the commune. He was even more heartbroken when he saw that the grassroots cadres from peasants had just taken power, that is, they had degenerated into bad things, betrayed the purpose of the party, and rode on the heads of the people to make a fortune. Let him realize the urgency of strengthening the education and management of grass-roots cadres; at the same time, he is particularly worried that the personnel who have transitioned from the old staff will shake the social foundation of the party’s position in rural areas once they have gained real power before they have been thoroughly reformed.
From May 31st to June 4th, Comrade Xi Zhongkai personally instructed the county party committee secretary, committee members and party members and leading cadres of county-level departments to participate in the 4-day expanded meeting of the county party committee. The meeting implemented the Party Central Committee’s “Eighteen Issues Concerning the People’s Communes” and Chairman Mao’s 6 instructions. Based on the situation reflected by the two representative conferences in various places and the investigation of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, the experience and lessons of the commune movement were conscientiously summed up, and the cadres Work style issues, contract production, distribution, finance and trade, etc., have been analyzed and studied in detail, and effective rectification measures and methods have been proposed on the basis of extensive democratic discussions.
At the discussion meeting, Comrade Xi Zhongkai regarded listening to everyone’s speech as an excellent opportunity to understand the basic situation of the county. In order to allow the Standing Committee and the participants to speak freely, he listened humbly and rarely interjected. Whenever he talked about the good practices of the grassroots and the problems of violation of law and discipline among cadres, he would make detailed records. The cadres at all levels of the commune, management area, and production team reported by the participants used subjugation instead of persuasion under the pretext of “militarization of organization, militarization of action, and collectivization of life”, and rude administrative orders instead of meticulous ideological work; Obedient, or even slightly faulty, they are often labeled as “disobedient to communalization, disobedience to leadership”, ranging from suspension of work (no food), beating and scolding, even feeding feces, urinating, tying and hanging. The practice of beating, sitting on a tiger bench, burning the mouth with tongs, etc., as well as exaggerating and exaggerating reports, reporting too much for less, deceiving the top and the bottom, cadres not participating in labor, and specializing in life caused him to be highly vigilant. The facts are also reflected in his report to the relevant leaders of the Provincial Party Committee. The problems revealed at the enlarged meeting of the county party committee made Comrade Xi Zhongkai feel a lot of pressure in his worries. When discussing the rectification, he interjected and warned the comrades at the meeting: “Our party and the people are inseparable and inseparable, and everything is for the people. This is our starting point. The serious problems in the style of some cadres in Pingli County are outrageous. If they are not rectified and contained effectively, they will not only directly affect the process of socialist construction, but also erode the body of our party, which is related to the party. Life and death!” Although the voice was low, it made every participant feel deafening. According to Comrade Zhong Kai’s proposal, the participants fully promoted democracy and put forward a series of practical measures to rectify the work style of cadres and improve the relationship between cadres and the masses in accordance with the principle of serious treatment and proper handling. Under his proposal, the county party committee made a decision. After the meeting, a party rectification campaign was launched in the county to comprehensively rectify the problems in leadership style, contract production, distribution, finance and trade. It can be said that this meeting was an important turning point for the people’s commune in Pingli County.
2. Go deep into the Dongfanghong production team to participate in labor and dissect sparrows
On June 5, just after the expansion meeting of the county party committee ended, Comrade Xi Zhongkai immediately asked the county party committee to join the Dongfanghong production team in Jiyang Commune to participate in labor, conduct on-the-spot investigations, find out the root cause of the problem, and study the solution to the problem. As soon as he got off the team, he threw himself down, and together with the members, according to the labor tasks assigned by the captain every day, he started and ended work on time, never arrived late or left early, and did not engage in specialization. He lives in the commune’s house, sleeps on a temporary wooden bed, eats in the team’s collective canteen, queues up for meals with the commune’s meal ticket, and drinks cold water like the commune members who are sent to the construction site during labor breaks. Among them, no one can find the shadow of the Minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. In order not to affect the daytime work, he made full use of the night and rainy days to hold party member meetings, commune member meetings, and youth commando meetings together with Party branch secretary Chen Zhiming, and took all the time to go to the commune members’ homes to talk about family affairs, and to solicit public opinions on production team cadres and laborers. Management and collective canteen advice. It is the busy season of “Three Summers”, which is the time to rush to harvest and rush to plant. After the wheat in the afternoon season is recovered, the paddy fields must be quickly destroyed to plant rice in the dry land, and the stubble of the sloping land must be destroyed to plant corn. The slogan put forward by the team at that time was “Raise the sunny day, fight the rainy day, rush to harvest, rush to plant and work at night. Harvest a piece of yellow early and plant a piece of green late.” After 22 days, Comrade Xi Zhongkai lost weight, his face darkened, and his hands were worn out. The blood blisters grew out of calluses, and the feelings of farmers were close.
Opening the dusty archives, the magnificent labor scene seems to reappear in front of you across time and space. On June 9, 1959, the front page headline of the “Pingli Daily” published: Comrade Xi Zhongkai, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and the secretary of the county party committee of our county and other leading comrades worked together with the members of the commune to grab the harvest, which inspired the enthusiasm of the cadres and the masses, and the 50,000-strong army, Concentrating on looting yellow, fighting hard for three days and nights, the county has harvested 18,000 mu of early-maturing wheat. More than half a century has passed, and the past has disappeared in the memory of several generations. The Dongfanghong Brigade (now Pujisi Village, Chengguan Town) has undergone great changes, showing a thriving atmosphere. Most of the members who worked together with Comrade Xi Zhongkai passed away, and only a few Jiancheng old people have entered their old age. The old man Wang Bosen, who was the deputy secretary of the county Party committee at the time, recalled his personal experience, and said in high spirits: “I led the way to send Minister Xi to the Dongfanghong brigade that day, and the county Party committee secretary Xue entrusted me with the task, and I was afraid at first. , this is the first time for me to accompany such a big leader to the countryside. I didn’t know that when I met Minister Xi, my nervousness was relieved. He was dressed very simply, tall and spirited, harmonious and amiable, approachable, he patted My shoulder said, “Lead the way to go ahead. When he got to the team, he kept stopping at people’s houses, and said that I was a new member and would eat in a pot. Finally, when he returned to the team, he saw The walls were covered with pennants. He knew that the Dongfanghong Brigade was a model at all levels, and had received many awards and honors year after year, but he said in a low tone to the party secretary, Chen Zhiming, that your team has done a very good job in the past. If you can’t hang it, let’s choose a few representative pictures to hang. It is intended to warn the team to be humble and cautious.” Luo Fanghua, the youth commando captain of the year, said: “At the team cadre meeting, Minister Xi spent most of the time at the meeting. Listen, it’s not like some cadres do long speeches, sometimes interjecting, and the most important thing is: I think the grain that should be harvested should be collected earlier, and the crops that should be planted should be planted earlier. For example, sesame, mung bean, adzuki bean, Radishes, cabbage, etc. are all things in the daily life of the masses. The members think that he is very practical, and the members like to hear him, and they all say that he is a good cadre.” Chen Xingyou, a staff recorder at the time, recalled the situation at that time and felt very much. Excited, he said: “What I will never forget in my life is that when I joined the Party, it was what Minister Xi and Party Secretary Chen told me together. The Minister asked me why I joined the Party. I recited the oath, and he told me that I would always listen to the Party. If so, follow the party, love the collective, actively take the lead, and be a good member of the community.”
Comrade Xi Zhongkai practiced the fundamental purpose of the party, kept in close contact with the masses, and worked as a member of the commune in Pingli County. . As a cadre assigned by the provincial party committee, he felt a heavy burden on his shoulders. He looked into the style of cadres in Jiyang commune, and reflected the severe reality of a county, a region, and even the whole province during the period of communeization. How to do it well The slander was uploaded, and the rectification opinions that could guide the overall situation were put forward, which made Comrade Xi Zhongkai sleepless. After thinking over and over again, he wrote hard, a true portrayal of the “people’s commune movement”, a detailed record reflecting the voice of the peasants – “About Several Grass-roots Cadres in the Jiyang People’s Commune in Pingli County” The investigation report on the problem was formed.
3. Truthfully report the basic situation of the provincial party committee and prefectural party committee and propose solutions
In order to prevent the party’s various undertakings from being suffered from greater deficiencies, Comrade Xi Zhongkai felt that he should report the real situation he had learned in depth to the provincial and regional leaders in a timely manner, and put forward feasible suggestions for improvement on the existing problems, so as to make decisions for the leaders. Provide evidence. He knows that correcting errors and dealing with problems is not so simple, but it is more difficult to build a team of cadres who are courageous and pragmatic and close to the people. Therefore, he focused on the management of cadres, selecting and assigning cadres from improving the organizational structure, paying close attention to system construction, Strengthening cadre training and other aspects put forward a set of practical solutions, and submitted the report to the provincial party committee leaders for decision-making.
On July 5, Comrade Xi Zhongkai walked into the prefectural committee with a heavy heart, shouldering the responsibility and mission of a leading cadre and a Communist. The Ankang Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China held a standing committee and listened to his report collectively. The comrades present at the meeting agreed that the current problems in Pingli County are not only local problems, but global problems, which are related to the relationship between the party and the masses, and are more related to the success or failure of the socialist construction cause, and must be contained and rectified in time. In order to help the prefectural party committee and county party committee do a good job of rectification, he put forward strong principles and practical suggestions and countermeasures to the prefectural party committee standing committee. Conduct a review, admit mistakes, apologize, and indeed change your mind. As for general coercive orders, as long as they admit their mistakes, make serious corrections, and get the understanding of the masses, they can be forgiven. Those who take the opportunity to undermine the Party’s policies and harm the people should be severely punished. Those who cause human life should be investigated for criminal responsibility, and the people will be outraged. Second, on the basis of rectifying the ideological and work style, we must continue to improve the organizational structures at all levels below the commune, focus on strengthening the staffing of cadres in the basic accounting units, and resolutely maintain the absolute advantage of the poor and lower-middle peasants in the members of the team committees and team committees; The bad elements among the cadres, the class dissident elements, are all eliminated. Third, strengthen the education and training of grass-roots cadres, run the county party school well, and often send cadres above the production team leader to the county party school for training. Where conditions permit, night schools and literacy classes should be held to comprehensively improve the thinking of grass-roots cadres. , work and cultural level; the commune should hold a member representative meeting every quarter. At the meeting, more member representatives should speak and express their opinions, and the ideological style of inspection cadres should be listed as one of the main topics. Master the working methods of implementing the mass line. After reporting to the Ankang Prefectural Party Committee, he reported the problem and the investigation report to the relevant leaders of the Provincial Party Committee respectively to truthfully reflect the situation and strive to attract the attention of the main leaders of the Provincial Party Committee.
On July 14th and 15th, he once again participated in the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ankang Prefectural Committee, and together with the leaders of the prefectural committee, he jointly studied the issue of rectification of cadres’ work style. On the day of the meeting, the Ankang Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China quickly issued the “Instructions on Rectifying the Work Style of Cadres”, and on July 16, it issued the “Supplementary Instructions on Rectifying the Work Styles of Cadres”. Immediately, the counties in Ankang quickly launched a vigorous rectification movement based on self-examination and self-correction. Under his appeal, provincial and local leaders also went down to the grassroots to investigate and research, grasp the situation, and supervise the rectification work. In order to prevent the rectification movement from becoming a mere formality, the Ankang Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China sent the “Investigation Report on Several Issues Concerning the Basic-level Cadres of the Jiyang People’s Commune in Pingli County” written by Comrade Xi Zhongkai on August 3 to the Provincial Party Committee Zhang, Zhao and Li. The Secretary’s Report” was approved and forwarded to the county and commune party committees, and clearly required all localities to conduct cadres’ rectification efforts to do a good job of cross-examination, to deal with problems in a timely manner, to improve cadres’ ideological awareness and policy level through rectification, and to improve cadres’ work style and style. work method. We must resolutely purge the individual impure elements who have infiltrated the revolutionary camp and the party! It can be said that Xi Zhongkai’s opinions and suggestions have played a very important role in the development of the rectification movement and the fundamental improvement of the cadres’ work style after the people’s communes in Ankang area. For a time, Comrade Xi Zhongkai was in love with the people, and he was loyal and frank. The story of asking for life for the people quickly spread, and everyone ran to tell each other, saying that “Xi Qingtian” came to Ankang.
Although Comrade Xi Zhongkai worked in Ankang for a short period of time, his attitude of daring to face problems head-on, sticking to the spirit of the party spirit, approachable and caring about the suffering of the masses has left a mark on the local people.