


按照公安部的统一部署,目前全国公安机关正在集中开展打四黑除4害专项行动,这是公安机关为民服务,把您平安宝贝于爱民实现。近日,我局针对群众和权利人反映强烈的销售假冒汽车配件行为展开了秋风行动1号专项清理整治行动,许多初步成效打响了北京警方打四黑除4害行动的第一枪。 今天8月29日,市局经侦总队根据举报线索,在前期大量调查的基础上,会同朝阳海淀丰台等相关部门集中统一行动,对多个侵略市场的十多家涉嫌销售假冒伪劣汽车配件的商户公司进行了查处。海淀分局在西郊汽配城一家商户查获了仿冒大众品牌的部分汽车配件。 大众银行办下来是怎么样?你看它的那个包装的质量是非常差的。丰台分局查处了北达汽车配件经销公司及4个下属分公司。 朝阳分局查处了北京城环城汽配城内经营的3家公司和8个库房。我们现在所处的这个现场就是其中有,已经对他这里面存放着大量的这种呃,假冒的伪劣的这种激烈佩戴。呃,现在的相关人员呢,也正在紧张的那种,像清理这些配件都是从其他厂家购进后,在库房内重新贴上日产公司的商标,以副厂的名义出售。当天行动中共查获存放涉嫌假冒伪劣的汽车配件库房20余个。 抓获涉嫌违法人员130余人,查获涉嫌假冒汽车配件价值1200余万元。此次行动被称为秋风行动1号战役秋风行动全1号战役,然后是因为汽配市场,呃,进行的这种是源于我们在整体的侦查摸排的过程之中,发现北京的汽车市场也确实也存在着很多问题。 那么这些问题的存在就有讲到有商品的存在,那么使消费者呃受到很大的伤害。所以呢,我们决定加大打击的力度。据介绍,今年年底前,我局还将针对群众反映问题,突出关系民生的黑作坊黑市场黑窝点展开全面打击。 

The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau fired the first shot against the four gangsters and the four evils

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Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, International Auto Parts City around the city, Operation Autumn Wind, Economic Investigation Corps, Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai, Xijiao Auto Parts City, Volkswagen, Wang Wenjie, 001231, Nissan, auto parts, counterfeit, Wang Yongli

According to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, the public security organs across the country are currently carrying out a special campaign to crack down on the four crimes and eliminate the four evils. Recently, our bureau launched the Autumn Wind Operation No. 1 special clean-up and rectification operation against the sales of counterfeit auto parts that the masses and rights holders have strongly reported. Many preliminary results have fired the first shot of the Beijing police’s crackdown on four gangsters and four evils. Today, August 29th, based on the clues of the report, and on the basis of a large number of investigations in the early stage, it will cooperate with relevant departments such as Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai and other relevant departments to conduct a unified action against more than a dozen companies suspected of selling counterfeit and shoddy auto parts in multiple markets. The merchant company conducted an investigation. The Haidian branch seized some counterfeit Volkswagen brand auto parts from a merchant in the auto parts city in the western suburbs. How is Public Bank doing? The packaging you see it in is of very poor quality. Fengtai Sub-bureau investigated and dealt with Beida Auto Parts Distribution Company and its four subsidiaries. The Chaoyang Sub-bureau investigated and dealt with 3 companies and 8 warehouses operating in Beijing Huancheng Auto Parts City. The scene we are in now is one of them, and there are already a lot of such, er, fake and shoddy intense wearing. Uh, the current relevant personnel are also nervous, such as cleaning out that these parts are purchased from other manufacturers, and then re-labeled Nissan’s trademark in the warehouse and sold them in the name of a sub-factory. During the operation that day, the CCP seized more than 20 warehouses storing suspected counterfeit and shoddy auto parts. More than 130 people suspected of violating the law were arrested, and suspected counterfeit auto parts worth more than 12 million yuan were seized. This operation is called the Autumn Wind Operation No. 1 Campaign, the Autumn Wind Operation No. 1 Campaign, and because of the auto parts market, er, this kind of operation is due to the fact that we found that the Beijing auto market is also in the process of overall investigation and investigation. There are indeed many problems. Then the existence of these problems means the existence of commodities, and consumers, er, suffer great harm. So, we decided to intensify our efforts. According to reports, before the end of this year, our bureau will also launch a comprehensive crackdown on black workshops, black markets, and black dens that are related to people’s livelihood in response to the problems reported by the masses.