

下面请看详细内容。按照市局争取全面主动创新管理体制的工作要求,列表局积极创新工作机制,推出了611工作制度,在维护企业和社会的和谐稳定,发挥了减压阀和缓冲性的积极作用。保安行业是公安机关重要的辅警力量,也是一直饱受社会风雨的队伍。为加强保安行业的有效管理,日前,卫宝局在全市保安系统中全面推行611保安管理新机制。 取得初步成效。611的主要寓意啊,就是通过这个在全市建立六项日常的基本管理制度明察暗访案件调查每月例会网上巡检等1系列的制度。2个一就是在企业当中设立一个矛盾化学者,另一个一呢是设立法人接待日611新机制。 强调各项规章制度的配套衔接,有利于及时发现行业隐患的苗头,引导企业树立守法经营观念,强化主动接受公安机关监管和行业自律的意识,建立起企业信用信息公示制度。同时,通过网上巡检等制度,积极配合市局做好清网行动等中心工作,为进一步化解行业内部矛盾纠纷,内保局建立完善了法定代表人接待史接待日机制。 诚通企业已到欧盟的沟通渠道,将劳资纠纷和隐患最大限度地化解在企业内部,确保保安定位的稳定,增强凝聚力,从而促进企业健康发展。通过在我们公司建立这个11日的4点工作,我们感觉到更能够了解员工的一些呼声,呃,能够在前沿解决一些员工的诉求,对我们保险来说其实是非常好的一件事,因为它实际解决了我们一线导演轻微呃,一些时。 现在的想法需要这个反映的问题都给我们11地解决解决了。目前此项工作机制已在20个企业中试点实行,累计接待保安员500余人次,解决劳资纠纷当时一起涉及金额15万余元。

The Internal Security Bureau of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau innovates the working mechanism and fully implements the 611 working system

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See below for details. In accordance with the work requirements of the Municipal Bureau to strive for a comprehensive and proactive innovation of the management system, the List Bureau actively innovated the working mechanism and launched the 611 work system, which played a positive role in maintaining the harmony and stability of the enterprise and society, and played a positive role in reducing valves and buffers. The security industry is an important auxiliary police force of the public security organs, and it is also a team that has been suffering from social storms. In order to strengthen the effective management of the security industry, a few days ago, the Health Bureau implemented a new 611 security management mechanism in the city’s security system. achieved initial results. The main implication of 611 is to establish six daily basic management systems in the city through a series of systems such as open investigation, unannounced visits, case investigation, monthly regular meetings, and online inspections. The two ones are to set up a contradictory scholar in the enterprise, and the other one is to set up a new mechanism for the reception of legal persons on 611. Emphasizing the matching of various rules and regulations is conducive to timely detection of signs of hidden dangers in the industry, guiding enterprises to establish a concept of law-abiding operations, strengthening the awareness of actively accepting the supervision of public security organs and self-discipline of the industry, and establishing an enterprise credit information disclosure system. At the same time, through online inspections and other systems, it actively cooperates with the Municipal Bureau to do a good job in central work such as the network cleanup operation. In order to further resolve internal conflicts and disputes in the industry, the Internal Security Bureau has established and improved the legal representative reception history reception day mechanism. Chengtong Enterprise has entered the communication channel of the European Union to resolve labor disputes and hidden dangers within the enterprise to the greatest extent, ensure the stability of security positioning, enhance cohesion, and thus promote the healthy development of the enterprise. Through the establishment of this 11-day 4 o’clock work in our company, we feel that we can better understand some of the voices of employees, er, and be able to solve some employees’ demands at the front, which is actually a very good thing for our insurance, because It actually addresses us first-line directors slightly uh, some of the time. The current thinking needs to reflect the problems that we have solved in 11 days. At present, this working mechanism has been implemented on a pilot basis in 20 enterprises, and has received more than 500 security guards in total, and the settlement of labor disputes involved an amount of more than 150,000 yuan.