

由我局主办的首届平安北京视频拍和大赛已于芭蕾雨正式启动,截止到8月4日,已经有24个由网友拍摄拍摄的参赛作品上传到大赛主页供网友浏览。其中,北京郊区寂寞了守卫白庙检查站巡警日查2万车运行120里路交通协管员冒雨指挥交通等作品,反映了群众眼中的平安北京形象,得到了网友的好评,向所有参赛作品的总点击量。 已经超过10万,网友评论200余条。酷六网已经推出拍客大赛推广征集篇及更平安酷六网联合北京市公安局北京电视台新京报中国传媒大学共同举办首届平安北京拍客大赛吉林家所长影像评选活动。目前拍客大赛已经正式启动,快快拿起你手中的摄像机手机,用镜头记录下你们身边为平安北京做出贡献的普通人平凡事儿,它可以是街头执勤的民警。 他证实帮你找回爱猫的小区保安,它可以是胡同里爱管闲事的翅膀,大妈才可以是公车站十字路口的交通协管员,他更可以是见义勇为轮骑自行车砸向劫匪的路人战车。一切以自己的点滴行动维护社会秩序,守护他人平安的人都可以成为以镜头里的主角。如果他们感动了你,请你的TV作品点赞大家讲述他们的工作他们的生活他们的情感他们的故事。大赛设立了丰厚的奖品作品,征集期截止到2011年。 11月31号热情的网友们切勿错过,让我们一起来分享感动,共创平安。

24 videos of Ping An Beijing Shot Contest launched

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The first Ping An Beijing Video Shooting and Contest sponsored by our bureau has officially started in Ballet Rain. As of August 4, 24 entries shot by netizens have been uploaded to the competition homepage for netizens to browse. Among them, the lonely outskirts of Beijing guarded the Baimiao checkpoint, the patrol police checked 20,000 vehicles a day and ran 120 miles. The total number of clicks on the work. It has exceeded 100,000, with more than 200 comments from netizens. Kuliu.com has launched a solicitation article for the Paiker Contest and is more safe. Kuliu.com and the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Beijing TV Station, Beijing News, Communication University of China jointly held the first safe Beijing Paike Contest Jilin Director’s video selection event. At present, the photoshoot contest has been officially launched. Quickly pick up the camera phone in your hand, and use the lens to record the ordinary things of ordinary people around you who contribute to a safe Beijing. It can be a policeman on duty on the street. He confirmed to help you find the cat-loving community security guard, it can be the nosy wings in the alley, the aunt can be the traffic coordinator at the intersection of the bus station, and he can even be the one who rode a bicycle and smashed the robbers for righteousness Pedestrian chariot. Anyone who maintains social order and protects the safety of others with his own little actions can become the protagonist in the camera. If they have moved you, please like your TV work. Everyone tells their work, their life, their emotions, and their stories. The competition has set up rich prize works, and the collection period ends in 2011. Don’t miss the enthusiastic netizens on November 31, let us share the touch and create peace together.