






2012年是党的十八大召开,实施“十二五”规划承上启下的重要之年,也是全县公安工作承前启后、奋发进取的关键之年。于都县公安局法制室以贯彻落实全局公安工作的总体要求:以 “推动科学发展、建设幸福于都”,深入推进“三项重点工作”和公安“三项建设”,大力实施“五大警务”(即实施民意警务、合成警务、创新警务、信息警务、规范警务),着力提升“五个能力”(即提升公安机关的社会服务力、治安驾驭力、发展内驱力、核心战斗力、队伍凝聚力),为指导思想,团结拼搏,扎实工作,较好地完成了今年全年的各项执法任务。





































124上午,我局在长征公园开展“12.4全国法制宣传日”宣传活动。活动中, 由法制室牵头组织我局各服务执法单位,通过摆放展板向过往群众宣传法律和安全防范知识,设立咨询台为广大群众提供法律咨询服务。宣传活动取得了很好的效果,受到广大人民群众的欢迎,尤其是精美的展板,丰富的内容,吸引了众多群众驻足观看,得到了群众的称赞。







于 都 县 公 安 局




Summary of the 2012 legal work of Yudu County Public Security Bureau
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Summary of the 2012 legal work of Yudu County Public Security Bureau
Summary of the 2012 legal work of Yudu County Public Security Bureau
2012 is the convening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the implementation of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. The Legal Office of Yudu County Public Security Bureau implements the overall requirements of the overall public security work: to “promote scientific development and build happiness in the capital”, further promote the “three key tasks” and the “three constructions” of public security, and vigorously implement the “five major police “Public affairs” (i.e. implementation of public opinion policing, synthetic policing, innovative policing, information policing, and standardized policing), and focus on improving the “five capabilities” (i.e., improving the social service capabilities of public security organs, controlling public security, and developing internal drive Strength, core combat effectiveness, team cohesion), as the guiding ideology, unite and work hard, and work hard, and completed various law enforcement tasks throughout the year.
1. Promoting the standardization of law enforcement
    (1) Continue to fully implement online law enforcement and case handling.
Our bureau earnestly summed up the successful experience of online law enforcement and case handling in the past years, that is, our bureau uses informatization as a means, focuses on police training, takes rigid assessment as a breakthrough, and takes systems as guarantees to establish “information online, cases online, law enforcement A new model of law enforcement case handling and law enforcement supervision. At present, it is found that all criminal and administrative cases have passed the review and approval of the network circulation of the case event information management system. The informatization level of law enforcement supervision has realized timely, efficient and full-process supervision. Throughout the year, a total of 298 criminal cases, 542 people, and 258 administrative cases, 621 people were reviewed and approved through the police platform. The upload rate of evidence in criminal cases and administrative cases is over 95%.
    (2) Complete the construction of functional divisions of law enforcement and case handling sites on schedule.
Since 2011, when the functional zoning of law enforcement and case-handling sites was carried out, our bureau has followed the requirements of the higher-level public security organs, closely focused on the construction requirements of “perfect functions, complete facilities, and outstanding practicality”, combined with reality, strengthened measures, and completed the functions of law enforcement and case-handling sites on schedule Subdivision construction. First, raise awareness and strengthen responsibility. The county bureau set up a work leading group, with the director personally serving as the team leader, and the bureau leader in charge of the legal system and police security as the deputy team leader. The members include legal system, inspectors, and logistics-related personnel. Do the top leader to grasp it personally, the leader in charge to grasp it specifically, and the leader to assist in grasping it. By holding meetings from time to time, listening to reports, coordinating the problems encountered in the construction, and ensuring the orderly progress of the district construction work. Second, adapt measures to local conditions and plan carefully. According to its actual situation, our bureau adopted multi-party certification based on the principles of safety, practicality, standardization and economy, and proposed a renovation plan. In terms of planning and design, the police stations of our bureau were basically built in the 1990s, and the construction models of each station are different. , Bring greater difficulty to the construction, but we do “seeking common ground, reserving minor differences”. At the same time, self-raised funds, according to the requirements of the plan, carry out the renovation of law enforcement and case handling sites according to the plan, step by step, and in batches. Finally, effective measures were taken and the project was completed on schedule. The number of functional divisions of our bureau’s law enforcement and case handling sites should be built to be 27 (including 1 county bureau case handling center, 1 traffic police, 1 criminal investigation squadron stationed abroad, and 24 police stations in total). The number is large and the requirements are high. As of July 2012, our bureau has only completed 3 tasks, which is far from the requirements of the superiors. For this reason, at the promotion meeting of law enforcement and case handling places organized by the Municipal Bureau in early August, our bureau also made a statement. Time is tight and tasks are heavy. Our bureau adjusts the plan in time, puts forward practical opinions, seizes the progress of the project, and arranges the work compactly. Communicate with the construction party about the problems encountered by the construction party and discuss solutions. Due to our tight organization and effective measures, we have ensured that the task of transforming law enforcement and case handling sites will be completed before November.
    (3) Actively prepare and organize the examination for intermediate law enforcement qualifications.
According to the unified deployment of the provincial department and the municipal bureau, in the mid-level law enforcement qualification examination held on December 2, the Legal Affairs Office specifically organized the political department, the inspection brigade and other units to provide comprehensive services for the examination work. Reference to the police successfully passed the exam laid the foundation. Before the exam, the police were actively mobilized to take the exam. The number of applicants for the bureau reached 269, with a reference rate of over 50%. The number of applicants ranked first in the city. Because of this exam, our bureau was uniformly arranged to take reference in Ruijin City. Due to the large number of references, the county bureau specially formulated a logistics support plan, mobilized 3 passenger vehicles, and was responsible for picking up and returning reference policemen to ensure that each policeman took the exam on time. During the exam, the majority of policemen dressed in a standard dress code, strictly abide by the discipline of the examination room, obey the invigilator’s command, and answer the questions carefully and meticulously. This reflects the strict discipline style and super professional quality of the Yudu public security police, and has won unanimous praise from the inspection team. Due to the strong organization and sufficient preparation of the reference police, the intermediate-level law enforcement qualification examination was a complete success.
    (4) Information on rectification activities for outstanding law enforcement issues.
In order to further promote the standardization of law enforcement by the public security organs in the city, further standardize law enforcement behavior, solve prominent law enforcement problems, and comprehensively improve the law enforcement level and law enforcement credibility of public security organs, from April to September 2012, the rectification of outstanding law enforcement problems was carried out in the overall scope special events. Focusing closely on the requirements for the standardization of law enforcement, in-depth search for outstanding problems in law enforcement by public security organs, analyze the causes, research and introduce relevant systems and measures to rectify outstanding law enforcement problems. Give full play to the role of methods such as law enforcement quality evaluation, administrative reconsideration, petition case handling, and selection of high-quality and low-quality cases. Through in-depth analysis of typical cases, carry out warning education, and effectively rectify prominent problems such as extensive law enforcement, random law enforcement, and simple law enforcement in the law enforcement process, Improve the level of law enforcement, prevent improper issuance of law-related letters and visits or mass incidents due to improper law enforcement, and promote rational, peaceful, civilized, and standardized law enforcement.
    (5) The situation and effect of conducting hearings.
In order to standardize law enforcement behavior, promote justice in law enforcement, enhance the police’s awareness of procedure, evidence awareness, timeliness awareness, and litigation awareness, improve the overall quality and level of law enforcement in our bureau, and achieve the goal of leading law enforcement awareness, leading law enforcement technology, and leading law enforcement level, Throughout the year, the County Bureau organized and participated in 4 court hearings, allowing the police to sum up their experience in handling cases in a timely manner and receive law enforcement education.
    (6) Carry out special inspections of “handling in separate cases” criminal cases.
In order to thoroughly implement the relevant requirements of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security’s “Work Plan on Carrying out Special Inspection Activities for “Separate Case Handling” Cases”, further standardize criminal law enforcement activities, and improve the credibility of law enforcement, combined with the actual work of our county, from May to October In 2011, special inspections were carried out on criminal cases involving “handling in separate cases” among the cases submitted by the public security organs for arrest and transfer for examination and prosecution accepted by the procuratorial organs of the county in 2011.
2. System construction and training
    (1) Invite professors from colleges and universities to give special lectures to the county bureau.
The new “Criminal Procedure Law” will come into effect on January 1, 2013. This is the second overhaul after the promulgation and implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law. The preparatory work before the implementation of the law ensures that the law is fully implemented in public security law enforcement. The leaders of the county bureau decided to invite one of the leaders of criminal procedure law in Jiangxi Province to specialize in the teaching and research of criminal procedure law. Jiangxi Professor Tan Jiangping, deputy director of the Police Department of the Judicial Police Academy, went to the county bureau to give a half-day special lecture. On the morning of May 18, in the conference room on the seventh floor of the county bureau, more than 200 people attended the lecture. Based on the actual situation of public security work, Professor Tan gave a differentiated key explanation, and elaborated in detail from three aspects: the background of the revision of the Criminal Procedure Law, the main content of the revision, nine highlights, and the main changes in the content of public security work. Professor Tan’s lecture clarified the difference between the old and new “Criminal Procedure Law” for the police, sorted out the working ideas of the police, and was well received by all the lecturers. After class, Professor Tan’s lecture videos were specially recorded into CDs and distributed to each law enforcement and case handling unit so that everyone can learn at any time.
(2) Actively carry out training on the operation of the interrogation system platform.
In order to implement the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security on promoting the standardization of law enforcement and the implementation of the newly revised Criminal Procedure Law, strengthen the requirements for the deployment of security and prevention work in law enforcement and case handling, further standardize interrogation work, and improve the efficiency and quality of case handling, our bureau specially organizes law enforcement and case handling The unit police participated in the interrogation system platform operation training meeting. At the meeting, Deputy Director Zeng Qiang emphasized: the simultaneous audio and video recording of the interrogation work puts forward higher requirements for our interrogation work, which can realize the effective supervision and management of the interrogation and inquiry process, and ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of the case handling and evidence collection process . Everyone is required to study hard, master this operating system as soon as possible, and be a small instructor in the unit, responsible for the training of other personnel in the unit. Afterwards, the training teacher of the installation company gave a lecture on how to master the application of the system, and all the policemen listened carefully to the lecture and asked relevant questions on the spot. After the meeting, the police were also organized to the case-handling area for on-site guidance.
3. Handling of reeducation through labor and reconsideration litigation cases.
(1) Handling of reeducation through labor cases.
Throughout the year, our bureau has handled 4 cases of labor education approval and 11 persons. Among them, 10 people are executing outside the institute, and 1 person is applying for executing outside the institute. A total of 8 people were sentenced to 1 year of reeducation through labor, 1 person was sentenced to 1 year and 3 months, and 2 people were sentenced to 1 year and 6 months. No public hearing was held.
(2) Handling of reconsideration cases.
Throughout the year, 1 reconsideration case was accepted, and the plaintiff withdrew the application for reconsideration; 2 litigation cases were accepted, 1 was upheld by the court, and 1 was dismissed; there was no state compensation case.
Fourth, the supervision of law enforcement.
(1) Conscientiously carry out the 2012 annual law enforcement quality evaluation work.
In accordance with the evaluation requirements of the “Implementation Measures for the Evaluation and Evaluation of Law Enforcement Quality of Public Security Organs in Jiangxi Province”, we will comprehensively do a good job in the evaluation of law enforcement. The results and problems of each evaluation will be reported to the overall situation in a timely manner, and the law enforcement evaluation team of the county bureau will evaluate all the law enforcement situations. A total of 29 case-handling units were inspected throughout the year, and a total of 270 administrative cases and criminal cases were evaluated, which basically guaranteed the quality of case handling.
(2) Actively carry out the selection of the top ten high-quality and low-quality cases.
At the end of December 2011, our bureau organized the selection of ten high-quality cases and ten low-quality cases of public security organs in the county. After careful selection, the top ten high-quality cases and ten low-quality cases of the county’s public security organs in 2011 were determined. In the selection of high-quality and low-quality cases this time, the reviewers carefully reviewed the case files, fully discussed, and selected the “Top Ten High-quality and Low-quality Cases”. Through the selected high-quality and low-quality cases, we can see what kind of cases we are handling. As long as our case-handling unit pays attention to it, the case-handling personnel are careful and meticulous, have a good sense of responsibility, and have a strong sense of evidence and procedure. A beautiful case can be handled, but if there is a lack of due work responsibility, even a simple case will be handled as a poor quality case. At the same time, it also makes the case-handling units realize the concept of firmly establishing law enforcement, so as to continuously improve the quality and level of law enforcement by public security.
(3) Handling of letters and visits.
This year, the county bureau has added a policeman for the petition work, and redecorated the lobby on the first floor of the county bureau, and set up a petition reception room to ensure that there are leaders on duty every day to receive petitioners. Irregularly clean up, investigate and deal with legal-related and litigation-related petition cases, check for unstable factors, and appoint people and responsibilities on major holidays to carry out petitions and visits on a regular basis to ensure that there are no problems. Throughout the year, a total of 67 letters from the people were received, 90 batches of visits from the masses were received, 75 letters and visits were accepted, and 72 were completed, with a completion rate of 96% and a cessation rate of 95%. No visits to Beijing throughout the year, no abnormal petitions.
5. The construction of the legal team.
(1) After studying the “Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security on Further Strengthening the Capacity Building of Public Security Legal Teams to Perform Duties”, the Legal Affairs Office promptly organized all police officers to hold special work meetings. At the meeting, Director Huang Rongzhou organized the police to seriously study and implement the “Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security on Further Strengthening the Construction of the Public Security Legal Team’s Duty Performance”, and emphasized that it is necessary to closely integrate the actual situation of the local public security legal work, comprehensively strengthen the public security legal system, and effectively improve the performance of the public security legal team. To fully utilize the functions and functions of the public security and legal departments, and effectively reflect the effectiveness in doing a good job in various public security work, do our best to maintain national security and social stability, complete the responsibilities and missions entrusted by the party and the people, and welcome the party’s tenth anniversary with excellent results. The Eighth National Congress was successfully held. At the same time, in accordance with the spirit of the document “Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security on Further Strengthening the Construction of the Public Security Legal Team’s Ability to Perform Duties”, combined with the actual situation of local public security work, specific work opinions for the implementation of this opinion have been formulated, each task objective has been refined, and the progress arrangement has been clarified. Pay close attention to the implementation of the work to ensure that it achieves actual results.
(2) Carrying out “three visits and three evaluations”, deepening “big visits”, and organizing “regular law enforcement police camp open days” and other work.
1. Since the launch of the “Three Visits and Three Comments” activity, the leaders of our department have attached great importance to it, held a meeting of all personnel, organized the police to study and implement the spirit of the provincial, city, and county meetings, communicated the county bureau’s document plan, and actively carried out the “Three Visits and Three Reviews” The “evaluation” practice activity of loving the people requires every policeman to keep in mind the guiding ideology, objectives, tasks, work priorities and method steps of this activity, and earnestly carry out the “three visits and three comments” practice activities of loving the people by the public security police. Since the launch of the activity, a total of 130 households have been visited in the jurisdiction, including 24 migrant workers, 11 poor households and low-income households, 6 key populations, 6 people released from labor, 45 people who were involved in the case, and 46 other people. , so that the “three visits and three comments” activities achieved practical results and were well received by the people.
2. In order to directly demonstrate to the general public the regrettable changes made by the public security organs in our county in law enforcement since the construction of law enforcement standardization, strengthen contact and communication with the people, discover the shortcomings of the public security organs in law enforcement work, and promote public security organs And the police firmly establish the awareness of regulating law enforcement, standardize law enforcement behavior, further improve work, and improve the credibility of law enforcement by public security organs. Our bureau carries out the “Standard Law Enforcement Police Camp Open Day” activities by holding regular public security situation briefings. On the morning of April 27, our bureau held a public security situation briefing to report on the public security work in the first quarter of 2012, the social security situation and the current social security situation. Lai Zhengwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Yudu County Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Yang Beiqin, deputy county magistrate of the county government and director of the Public Security Bureau, Lei Yihui, chief prosecutor of the county procuratorate, and other leaders attended the meeting. A total of more than 130 representatives participated in the meeting and actively offered advice and suggestions for the development of public security work in Yudu County. The representatives of the Yudu County Public Security Bureau fully affirmed the various public security work this year, and spoke highly of the work of the new leadership team in grasping the team and business. At the same time, the representatives at the meeting put forward specific opinions and suggestions based on the current social security situation in Yudu County. The participants hoped that the County Public Security Bureau will continue to increase the crackdown on illegal crimes in the future work, strengthen the management of industry sites, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system, effectively maintain social security and order, and enhance the sense of security and satisfaction of the people. , Create a safe, stable and harmonious social environment for the economic and social development of the county.
(3) Carry out the “12.4 National Legal Publicity Day” publicity campaign.
On the morning of December 4th, our bureau launched the “12.4 National Legal Publicity Day” promotional activity in Long March Park. During the event, the Legal Affairs Office took the lead in organizing various service law enforcement units of the Bureau to publicize the law and safety precautions to the passing public through display boards, and set up a consultation desk to provide legal consulting services for the general public. The publicity activities achieved good results and were welcomed by the masses, especially the exquisite display boards and rich content, which attracted many people to stop and watch and were praised by the masses.
6. 2013 public security legal work plan.
One is to focus on training and promote capacity improvement. Strictly implement the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security’s “three mandatory trainings”, the legal study and training system for leading cadres, and “ensure that each policeman accumulates no less than 15 days of training each year”, and divide the overall public security police into leading cadres, ordinary policemen, and professional and technical personnel 1. Newly recruit four types of policemen, formulate different training key subjects for different positions, highlight actual effects, and strive to improve the actual combat capabilities of policemen. Focus on innovative training methods in specific training, and the Legal Affairs Office took the lead in setting up the “Explaining Forum”, through case analysis, explaining the law with cases, and summing up experience. At the same time, some cases are sampled from time to time for case evaluation and analysis, and the police are guided to standardize the handling of cases. the
The second is to grasp the evaluation and promote the mechanism. In order to further standardize the law enforcement of the police, the county bureau regularly or irregularly organizes the quality evaluation of law enforcement to make the evaluation activities normalized and institutionalized. Through the evaluation, the county bureau promptly discovered the problems and deficiencies of the police in the process of law enforcement, and urged the relevant units and the police to make corrections. At the same time of evaluation, discover typical models, establish typical models, and give full play to the role of typical benchmarks. the
The third is to pay attention to rewards and punishments and promote accountability. Establish a law enforcement quality evaluation and reward and punishment mechanism, and clarify that the work performance of law enforcement units and civilian police is linked to the evaluation of the first and the best, promotion, meritorious service rewards, economic treatment, and accountability. On the one hand, through the establishment of law enforcement files of units and civilian police, the quality of law enforcement of all case-handling units and police is scored and ranked, and the police who are lagging behind in law enforcement quality are judged first. Those who make mistakes in law enforcement shall be investigated in strict accordance with the “Regulations on Accountability for Law Enforcement Errors of Public Security Organs”; Through a series of reward and punishment measures, the motivation of the police to regulate law enforcement has been further stimulated, and the overall quality of law enforcement has been improved.
Yudu County Public Security Bureau
                             December 5, 2012