



2011年11月18日下午,北京市公安局召开全市城市秩序百日整治总结表彰暨环境秩序整治秋风行动电视电话推进会。会上,第一城市秩序百亿者之工作中涌现出的西城海淀大兴等3个区县,海淀区音乐街道办事处等7个几道办事处,以及朝阳区高碑店乡联合执法小分队等石墨执法小分队进行了表彰奖励,就环境秩序整治秋风行动推进工作进行部署。 市委常委市公安局局长傅政华,副市长刘敬民是局副局长高玉华出席会议。

The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau summarized and commended the 100-day improvement of urban order to comprehensively promote the Autumn Wind Action The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau summarized and commended the 100-day improvement of urban order to comprehensively promote the Autumn Wind Action Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, Xicheng, Haidian, Daxing, Li Runhua, Xueyuan Road Sub-district Office, Gaobeidian Township, Autumn Wind Action, Environmental Order, Fu Zhenghua, Liu Jingmin, Gao Yu related video On the afternoon of November 18, 2011, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau held a 100-day city order rectification summary commendation and environmental order rectification autumn wind action TV and telephone promotion meeting. At the meeting, 3 districts and counties including Xicheng, Haidian, Daxing, etc. emerged from the work of the first city order tens of billions of people, 7 several offices including the Music Street Office of Haidian District, and the joint law enforcement team of Gaobeidian Township, Chaoyang District Waiting for the graphite law enforcement team to commend and reward, and deploy the promotion work of the autumn wind action for environmental order rectification. Fu Zhenghua, director of Municipal Public Security Bureau, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Liu Jingmin, deputy mayor, and Gao Yuhua, deputy director of the bureau, attended the meeting.