


目前,两会安保工作进入了最后冲刺阶段,全局民警连续奋战,顽强拼搏,克服着身心疲惫等各种困难,始终标准不降状态不减,坚守在安保岗位上。社区党委10分关心广大参战民警,要求各级领导要把爱警工作作为第一责任,党委成员更是深入一线,手递手向完美的关怀传递到民警的心头,请客大家。3月10日,市委常委市局党委书记局长傅政华。 实际党委委员政治部主任李建华等领导专程来到两会代表驻地,均切慰问郑执行全国两会安保任务的民警武警和治保积极分子。傅政华局长对我局民警始终保持高昂的斗志良好的精神状态,积极投入两会安保工作给予充分肯定。他亲手将慰问品送到民警武警联合制导积极分子手中,向他们的精心做出不懈努力表示衷心感谢。 已完成语音识别 我父母滑稽的高度重视泰囧工作,那么,特别是两会安保工作启动以来,始终坚持把的ID作为战术思想当中的第一责任狠抓落实五要求各级党委各级领导干部要进一步的深化爱警工作,那么以此来调动广大人民通过军训增强队伍的凝聚力和战斗力,这个确保两会任务的顺利开展。 按照市局党委的工作要求,当前,全局各单位积极开展形式多样的爱警工作,以务实的举措将组织的关爱传递到民警的心中。一是坚持科学用警,通过合理安排两会每一项情务,坚持领导干部一线带班执勤等举措,既保证工作任务的完成,又是队伍能够做到张弛有度。二是通过成立医疗保障组和家庭服务小分队等多种形式,想方设法为民警解决后顾之忧。 三是加大资金的投入,搞好民警的伙食,保证广大民警能有更充沛的精力和体力投入到两会安保工作之中。

The security of the two sessions has entered the final stage of the decisive battle, and the Party Committee of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau has strengthened the work of caring for the police during wartime related video Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Capital Police Report, Jinlu, Li Jianhua, Beijing B07835, police number 650107 At present, the security work of the two sessions has entered the final sprint stage. The overall policemen have been fighting continuously and tenaciously, overcoming various difficulties such as physical and mental exhaustion. The community party committee is very concerned about the policemen who participated in the war, and requires leaders at all levels to take love for the police as their first responsibility. On March 10, Fu Zhenghua, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Li Jianhua, member of the actual party committee and director of the Political Department, and other leaders made a special trip to the residence of representatives of the two sessions. Director Fu Zhenghua fully affirmed that the policemen of our bureau have always maintained a high fighting spirit and a good mental state, and actively participated in the security work of the two sessions. He personally delivered the condolences to the activists under the joint guidance of the civilian police, armed police, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to them for their meticulous and unremitting efforts. Voice recognition has been completed. My parents are funny. They attach great importance to the work of Thai 囧. Then, especially since the two sessions of the security work started, they have always insisted on taking ID as the first responsibility in the tactical thinking. To further deepen the work of loving the police, then use this to mobilize the broad masses of the people to enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team through military training, which ensures the smooth development of the tasks of the two sessions. In accordance with the work requirements of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, at present, all units in the overall situation are actively carrying out various forms of police love work, and conveying the organization’s care to the hearts of the police with pragmatic measures. The first is to insist on using the police scientifically. By rationally arranging each of the affairs of the two sessions and insisting on measures such as leading cadres to lead shifts on duty, it not only ensures the completion of work tasks, but also enables the team to relax. The second is to find ways to solve the worries for the police through various forms such as the establishment of medical security groups and family service teams. The third is to increase capital investment, improve the food for the police, and ensure that the police can have more energy and physical strength to devote to the security work of the two sessions.