

根据市局321打防管控一体化工作的总体部署,丰台分局以群受罪公司影响群众安全感危害群众利益的突出问题为主攻方向,联合相关部门全力开展盗窃机动车燃油案件的侦破工作,成功打掉一个特大指引到销机动车燃油的犯罪团伙。7月初,丰台分局刑侦支队会同市局刑侦总队12总队成立专案组,对朱家坟派出所提供了一条道销机动车柴油犯罪团伙的情报线索开展侦查。 经过近一个月的秘密观察,外线跟踪案件串并等工作,锁定了多个到宵禁车柴油的犯罪团伙。7月29日上午九时,专案组组织刑侦巡警特警派出所警力开展集中统一抓捕行动,一举抓获23名嫌疑人,起获多部涉案机动车和1吨被盗柴油。据涉案人员供述,从今年6月以来,以盗窃机动车茶油100余次,非法获利10万余元。 中药表彰在案件侦破过程中,全体参战民警连续奋战,全力投入,成功打掉这一特大职业盗销机动车柴油犯罪团伙,极大地震慑了犯罪分子的嚣张气焰,得到了人民群众的高度赞扬。为此,试图政治部决定给予丰台分局等单位成功打掉特大职业盗销机动车柴油犯罪团伙。全体参战民警通报了张。 2011年3月10日本期节目就到这里,感谢您的

According to the overall deployment of the city bureau’s 321 integrated work of combat, prevention, control, and control, the Fengtai Branch focused on the prominent problem that a group of victimized companies affected the public’s sense of security and endangered the interests of the public. Drop a monstrous criminal gang that sells motor fuel. At the beginning of July, the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Fengtai Branch and the 12th Division of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Municipal Bureau established a special task force to investigate the intelligence clues provided by the Zhujiafen Police Station to a criminal gang selling motor vehicles and diesel. After nearly a month of secret observation, the outside line tracked the case in parallel, and locked down a number of criminal gangs to curfew diesel cars. At 9:00 a.m. on July 29, the task force organized the police force of the Criminal Investigation Patrol Police Station to carry out a centralized and unified arrest operation, arresting 23 suspects in one fell swoop, and seized many motor vehicles involved and 1 ton of stolen diesel. According to the confession of the person involved, since June this year, he has stolen more than 100 times of camellia oil from motor vehicles, and illegally made more than 100,000 yuan. Chinese Medicine Commendation During the detection of the case, all the participating policemen fought continuously and devoted all their efforts to successfully destroy this extraordinarily large professional gang of stealing motor vehicles and diesel, which greatly deterred the arrogance of the criminals and was highly praised by the people. To this end, the political department decided to give Fengtai Branch and other units to successfully destroy the super-large professional criminal gang of stealing motor vehicles and diesel. All the participating policemen informed Zhang. That’s it for the March 10, 2011 issue, thank you for your support