

《四川成都双流文件1: 十八大不稳定因素》









属地 不稳定      因素主体    诱因及主要诉求 诱因    类型 涉及人数 过激的言行          或主要活动 责任落实情况

公兴街办 亚丁小镇小区业主 亚丁小镇因一户多卖,未按时交房等问题,导致业主多次群体上访。另一部分业主入住后,因开发商未安装天然气,曾经堵断小区大门和小区外公路。施工单位与开发商也存在拖欠工程款引发的纠纷。 1-2、1-3、4、22 120 曾群体上访 县房管局、公兴街办

公兴街办 花样年别样城小区 花样年别样城小区居民因对现物管公司工作不满意,要求成立“业委会”,意在更换物业管理公司。目前,选举的业委会成员均系筹备组人员,业主对此持不同意见。 1-2 20 曾与物管公司发生冲突 县房管局、公兴街办

公兴街办 仁宝厂房5标段(勤信建筑公司承建)民工 仁宝厂房5标段于2011年4月份开始建设,2012年3月7日竣工,民工工资600余万元,现支付民工工资252万元,现还欠20余班组共300余民工工资300余万元,勤信建筑公司称其现无力垫付民工工资。 1-3 300 曾集体上访 西投公司

Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

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Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

Territory Instability Factor subject Inducement and main demands Inducement Type Number of people involved Excessive words and deeds or main activities Responsibility implementation

Gongxing Street Office Owners of the community in Yading Town In Yading Town, due to problems such as selling more than one household and failing to hand over the houses on time, the owners of Yading Town have repeatedly petitioned in groups. After another part of the owners moved in, because the developer did not install natural gas, they once blocked the gate of the community and the road outside the community. There are also disputes between the construction unit and the developer caused by arrears of project funds. 1-2, 1-3, 4, 22 120 Zeng petitioned in groups County Housing Management Bureau, Gongxing Street Office

Gongxing Street Office Fantasia Bieyangcheng Community Residents of Fantasia Bieyangcheng Community were dissatisfied with the work of the current property management company, and requested the establishment of a “property committee”, intending to replace the property management company. At present, the members of the elected owners’ committee are all members of the preparatory group, and the owners hold different opinions on this. 1-2 20 Had conflicts with property management companies County Housing Management Bureau, Gongxing Street Office

Gongxing Street Office Compal Factory Building Section 5 (constructed by Qinxin Construction Company) migrant workers Compal Factory Building Section 5 started construction in April 2011 and was completed on March 7, 2012. The wages of migrant workers are more than 6 million yuan, and the wages of migrant workers are now 252 More than 300 migrant workers in more than 20 teams are still owed wages of more than 3 million yuan. Qinxin Construction Company claims that it is unable to advance the wages of migrant workers. 1-3 300 Collectively appealed to Xitou Corporation