




































沪公松〔2011814     签发:赵伟雄






































主题词:信访  诉法涉诉进京访  潘正清  报告

 上海市公安局松江分局指挥处          20111212日印发



司法救助如雪中送炭 天寒地冻却人心温暖





















Never believe that suffering is worth it
Suffering is Suffering
Suffering does not bring success
Suffering is not worth pursuing
To hone the will is because there is no escape from suffering
I would like to quote this text, probably because it is famous. It may also be because there is a sentence in this text that says what I want to express. The first controversy in this passage may be “fake book” and “fake book”, the old problem of Chinese literati. The second Chinese value “Successful Learning” is a joke in my opinion. Can anyone in China succeed with Jack Ma? How can it be successful? Didn’t the Communist Party/Xi Jinping go bankrupt with a single word? Talking about success in China is a joke.
What I’m trying to convey is that suffering is suffering, and Chinese suffering will not bring freedom/social progress.
According to Mi Rabbit’s famous saying, the victim should not be blamed.
If I can only tell the facts, it is these stories. There are two facts, the suffering of the Chinese people and the shamelessness and cruelty of the Communist Party.
As for whether the suffering of the Chinese people will lead to the downfall of the Communist Party, this is a personal opinion.
I can only say that the information is asymmetric, and most of the people who can see the documents are not anti-communist.
People who are anti-communist or eat melons can’t see these documents.
I’m just here to show you these documents.
Pan Zhengqing’s brother-in-law Lu Jingzhong was involved in a traffic accident, and the Shanghai police could not solve the case.
Then, it was shamelessly written by the Shanghai police as a help in the snow, which warms people’s hearts.
The extent of their shamelessness is beyond the bottom line of human beings.
Pan Mou petitioned in Beijing, and used a fellow villager to trick him into Shanghai. A fellow countryman, a shot in the back.
In the end, the Public Security Bureau lost money. It didn’t write how much money, but it should be tens of thousands of dollars. Written promise not to petition again.
Video Abridged Version: Never Believe Suffering Is Worth It
Suffering is Suffering
Chinese suffering will not bring freedom
According to Mi Rabbit’s famous saying, the victim should not be blamed.
There are two facts in this story, the suffering of the Chinese people and the shamelessness and cruelty of the Communist Party.
As for whether the suffering of the Chinese people will lead to the downfall of the Communist Party, this is a personal opinion.
Pan Zhengqing’s brother-in-law Lu Jingzhong was involved in a traffic accident, and the Shanghai police could not solve the case.
Then, it was shamelessly written by the Shanghai police as a help in the snow, which warms people’s hearts.
The extent of their shamelessness is beyond the bottom line of human beings.
Pan Mou petitioned in Beijing, and the Shanghai police used fellow villagers to trick them into going to Shanghai. A fellow countryman, a shot in the back.
In the end, the Public Security Bureau lost money. It didn’t write how much money, but it should be tens of thousands of dollars. The victim made a written promise not to petition again.
Internal documents
Songjiang Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau
Hu Gongsong [2011] No. 814 Issued by: Zhao Weixiong
About repeated visits to Beijing involving laws and lawsuits
Resolution report on Pan Zhengqing’s petition
District Political and Legal Committee:
The investigation and handling of Pan Zhengqing’s petitions involving repeated visits to Beijing involving law and litigation are reported as follows:
1. Basic information of the petitioner
Petitioner: Pan Zhengqing, male, born on August 26, 1981, ID number: , domicile: Shuigan Group, Dingcheng Village, Sandong Township, Sandu Shui Autonomous County, Guizhou Province, contact number: 18611298358.
2. Main demands
The petitioner Pan Zhengqing reported to the State Bureau of Letters and Calls: On December 15, 2010, his brother-in-law Lu Jingzhong died in a traffic accident while walking on the Dongxin Highway in Chedun Town, Songjiang, and the vehicle escaped. He requested the public security department to solve the case as soon as possible.
3. Investigation work
After investigation, at about 14:30 on December 15, 2010, the traffic police detachment of the branch rushed to the scene of the traffic accident after receiving the alarm. The scene is located on the new car highway in this district. The party involved, Lu Jingzhong (male, born on December 3, 1963, from Guizhou Province) lay motionless in the middle of the road. When the ambulance personnel arrived at the scene, it was confirmed that Lu Jingzhong was injured, and he was immediately sent to the Songjiang District Central Hospital for rescue. After the rescue was ineffective, Lu Jingzhong died that day. The traffic police detachment of the sub-bureau conducted an investigation on the accident scene, and there were no traces, no scattered objects, and no witnesses at the time of the accident. After identification, Lu Jingzhong was hit by a vehicle, causing closed chest injuries, resulting in death. On June 26, 2011, Lu Jingzhong’s wife Pan Xiaofeng (female, 38 years old, from Guizhou Province) applied to the branch for an accident responsibility appraisal. On July 7, 2011, the traffic police detachment of the branch made a road traffic accident determination: after investigation and evidence collection, no violation of road traffic safety was found by Lu Jingzhong. Lu Jingzhong is not responsible for the accident. Due to the lack of effective clues in the case, it has not been solved so far.
4. The work since the launch of the special resolution activities
Since the launch of the branch’s centralized resolution of law-related and lawsuit-related repeated visits to Beijing, the branch has taken the following measures in order to resolve the petition issue raised by Pan Zhengqing in a timely manner: First, the branch’s leading group for petition work held a special meeting to determine that the case should be handled by Zhou Yongjun, deputy director of the branch. Responsible for resolving cases, specifically responsible for the resolution work; secondly, Deputy Branch Director Zhou Yongjun convened a meeting on November 17, 2011 for the Letters and Calls Office and the leaders of the Traffic Police Detachment to listen to reports on the resolution of petition cases, study relevant next steps, and request Relevant units take the initiative to visit petitioners and carry out explanation and reply work in person; thirdly, the petitioning office of the branch receives petitioners, listens to the petitioners’ opinions and suggestions on the handling of the case, understands the current living conditions of the deceased’s family members, helps solve the actual difficulties of the family members, and strives for The petitioner’s understanding and support of the public security work, and strive to make the petitioner satisfied with the public security work and stop the petition. During the special work of resolving repeated cases involving law and litigation in Beijing, the petition office of the branch contacted and communicated with Pan Zhengqing by phone many times, kept abreast of his relevant appeals, patiently carried out explanation and ideological counseling, and invited him to the branch to conduct face-to-face interviews. communicate. On December 3, the petitioning office of the branch, together with the traffic police detachment, received the petitioner Pan Zhengqing and the wife of the traffic accident victim Pan Xiaofeng, and patiently explained and answered the investigation and handling of the traffic accident. Zhou Yongjun, the deputy director of the branch, specially received Pan Zhengqing’s sister and brother on that day, patiently listened to their demands, and asked about their actual living conditions. Through work, the petitioner Pan Zhengqing agreed with the branch bureau’s investigation conclusion on the traffic accident. However, due to the sudden death of his brother-in-law Lu Jingzhong, problems such as the renovation of the dilapidated house of his sister’s house, child rearing, and elderly care could not be solved, and urgently needed the help of government departments. An application for assistance was filed. In view of the fact that Lu Zhongjing’s wife Pan Xiaofeng is an ethnic minority and the family is in financial difficulties, the sub-bureau actively coordinated with the relevant government departments to provide economic assistance from the perspective of humanitarianism. On behalf of Pan Xiaofeng’s family, Pan Zhengqing expressed his gratitude and satisfaction for the work done by the branch, and promised in writing that he would not go to any department in any way for this matter. So far, the petition of Pan Zhengqing’s repeated visit to Beijing involving law and litigation has been properly resolved.
Hereby report.
Attachment: Letter of Commitment
                          December 12, 2011
Key words: petition, litigation, law-related litigation, visit to Beijing, Pan Zhengqing, report
 Shanghai Public Security Bureau Songjiang Branch Command Office issued on December 12, 2011
                                    (8 servings in total)
High-quality case application materials
Judicial assistance is like sending charcoal in the snow
                                ——Lu Mou traffic fatal accident case
    In October 2011, Mr. Pan’s petition issue was included in the case of the Central Political Commission’s repeated visits to Beijing to supervise the handling of cases involving law and litigation, and was later listed by the Ministry of Public Security as a key case for supervision. . The principle of resolving the problems beyond the law and the rationale is to try our best to resolve the work, work in-depth and meticulously, fully release the goodwill of the public security organs, and properly resolve the contradiction between the petition and the petition. The petitioner Pan made a special letter to express his gratitude to the Songjiang Public Security Bureau. Good social effects have been achieved.
Going to work and encountering disasters
In June 2010, a certain Lu from a poor mountainous area in Guizhou went to Shanghai to work as an apprentice in a machinery company in Songjiang District. Although his salary was not much, he was very frugal and could still save some money to pay for his children’s tuition fees. . Only half a year has passed since such a peaceful and quiet day, and a traffic accident broke the tranquility of the family. At about 17:00 on December 15, 2010, Pan received a call from his sister, saying that her brother-in-law Lu died in a car accident in Songjiang. Songjiang Public Security has carried out a lot of investigation and evidence collection around this case. The police visited the company where Lu worked during his lifetime. Colleagues reported that Lu was withdrawn, slow to respond, and seldom communicated with the outside world. Lu submitted his resignation to the company the day before the accident, and the company went through the resignation formalities for him that day, and his mood was relatively stable when he left. The Forensic Appraisal Center of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University conducted a forensic identification of Lu’s body, and believed that the cause of Lu’s death was in line with the closed chest injury caused by a road traffic accident. The police visited a number of callers on the day of the accident, but were unable to obtain any clues about the vehicle that caused the accident. The public security organ, based on the situation of the scene, the conclusion of the appraisal and the investigation and visit, determined that the case was a traffic accident, and filed a case for investigation. The public security organ informed the family of the deceased about the investigation and patiently explained the questions raised by the family.
Wife and brother petition for explanation for brother-in-law
    The sudden death of Lu Mou brought a huge blow to the family. The family held back their grief and handled Lu Mou’s funeral, for which they took on a lot of debt. If Lu did not resign, or resigned one day later, the situation would be very different. The company where Lu worked would provide some necessary help to the family members of the deceased employee and help them solve some practical difficulties. The pillar of a family suddenly disappeared without any warning. No one person or unit was responsible for the incident. This poor family fell into an abyss of pain. Lu’s wife did not dare to go home, because the debt collector was waiting at home to ask her for money to repay the debt, so she could only come to her mother’s house to ask her younger brother Pan for help. Pan looked at his sister, who washed her face in tears every day, and decided to seek an explanation for her deceased brother-in-law. He then petitioned the State Bureau of Letters and Calls, the Shanghai Municipal Government, the Songjiang District Government, and the Songjiang Public Security Bureau, requesting the public security organs to solve the case as soon as possible, threatening If the case is not solved, I will not give up. Songjiang Public Security Bureau has been working hard to investigate the case, but due to the lack of effective clues, the case has not been solved so far.
Leaders personally study the resolution work
In October 2011, after Pan’s petition issue was assigned in the second batch of repeated visits to Beijing by the Central Political Commissar, the Ministry of Public Security was listed as a key petition case for supervision, requiring the responsible unit to quickly implement work measures and properly resolve the conflict between petitions. The Songjiang Public Security Bureau turned pressure into a driving force and decided to take the initiative and go all out to resolve conflicts in the shortest possible time. Political commissar Zhao Weixiong organized relevant units to hold a special research meeting, personally participated in the study and analysis of the case, formulated resolution measures, and determined Zhou Yongjun, the deputy director of traffic management, as the leader of the case, and established the Rear Security Office, the Legal Affairs Office, and the Letters and Calls Office. A resolution team composed of the traffic police detachment is fully responsible for various resolution measures. Political commissar Zhao Weixiong asked the resolution team to immediately start the resolution work, actively communicate with the petitioners, listen to their demands face-to-face, fully understand the petitioners’ demands and the actual situation of their lives, fully release the goodwill of the public security organs, narrow the distance with the petitioners, and strive for letters and visits. human understanding and support. After identifying the breakthrough point to resolve the contradiction, comprehensively use various means such as law, policy, economy, administration, and mediation, education, counseling and other methods to properly resolve the case as soon as possible, and urge petitioners to stop visiting and suspend their complaints.
It took a lot of trouble to contact Pan
Pan did not leave contact information and contact address in the letter and visit, and the identity information was unknown, so the public security organs could not directly contact him. The resolution team looked up the contact information of Mr. Pan’s sister in the investigation materials of Lu’s traffic accident, and tried to find the petitioner through her sister. The resolution team dialed the mobile phone number ending in 3717 left by Sister Pan, indicating that the phone number was empty. In an inquiry transcript of Lu’s traffic accident materials, there is a mobile phone number ending in 8100 left by Pan. The resolution team called Pan’s home number 0410 several times, but no one answered. The resolution team did not give up, but continued to call Pan’s house number at different times. The hard work pays off. At about 7:00 pm on October 19, 2011, someone answered the phone at Pan Mou’s house. However, because Pan Mou is a minority family in a remote mountainous area, there is very little contact and communication with the outside world, and the person who answers the phone He could not understand Mandarin and could not communicate, and the resolution team could not obtain information about Pan.
Fellows get closer and gain trust
When the resolution team encountered a language barrier, the police from the Letters and Calls Office, originally from Guizhou, took the initiative to ask Ying, and proposed to communicate with Pan’s family in Guizhou dialect. After the phone was connected again, the police communicated with the other party in dialect, which reduced the distance with the other party emotionally while eliminating communication barriers. Pan’s family said that Pan had just set off to work in Beijing, and was also going to continue to petition in Beijing for her brother-in-law Lu’s affairs. After learning of this situation, the resolution team decided that it should not be too late to find Pan immediately and dissuade him from petitioning in Beijing. Later, the police contacted Pan in Beijing through Pan’s father, younger brother, and second brother. The police called Pan, concerned about him as a fellow from Guizhou, and asked about his working and living conditions in Beijing. Pan said that he had been to Shanghai several times, and his brother-in-law’s problem had not been resolved, so he decided to petition in Beijing. The police proposed to go to Beijing to find Pan, but Pan was concerned and did not want to disclose the specific address. The police carried out the persuasion work patiently by telephone many times, expressing the sincerity of the public security organs. The sincerity of the fellow finally moved Pan Mou. Pan decided to trust this fellow once, gave up the idea of ​​continuing to petition in Beijing, and went to Shanghai to meet this fellow to see if the problem could be resolved.
Sincere concern to release the goodwill of the police
The Songjiang Public Security Bureau bought train tickets for Pan and his sister, and drove to the station to pick them up. When Pan and her sister just arrived in Shanghai, they received a text message from the police. As soon as they walked out of the station, they saw the police who came to pick them up. After receiving Pan, the police knew that they had been bumpy on the train all night and didn’t eat, and immediately sent them to a restaurant for dinner, and arranged accommodation in a nearby hotel. The day Pan Mou and his sister arrived in Shanghai was on a Saturday, and all the resolution team worked overtime. The resolution team jointly received Pan and her sister, and patiently explained and responded to the investigation and handling of Lu’s traffic accident. Zhou Yongjun, the deputy branch director of the Bao case, also made a special trip to the branch to receive the two brothers and sisters Pan Mou, learned about their demands in detail, and asked them about their actual living conditions. Pan said that her sister has two children who are going to school, and a mother-in-law in her 70s who needs to be supported. The dilapidated house in the family is no longer sheltered from the wind and rain. The sister is already in debt, and the creditors come to collect the debt every day.
Economic rescue solves urgent need
Pan confessed to the public security organs