
















德钦县公安局副局长和小华同志于2010126日受德钦县委、县政府及县公安局的指派进驻云岭派出所负责处理德维二级油路工程“9.23”案件后续工作, 128日早830分左右,和小华同志跟同屋住宿的都吉(抽调在德维路指挥部的德钦县公安局民警)说要去案发现场看一下便出门,9时左右接到工地民工报案,发现和小华同志不幸摔下悬崖因公殉职,英年40岁。




德钦县人民政府县长                扎西顿珠


德钦县人民政府副县长、县公安局局长 张学东

德钦县政法委书记                   张陆金


德钦县法院院长                     毛振斌

德钦县检察院检察长                 彭利红

德钦县公安局政委                   和德康



德钦县人事局局长                   和永坚



德钦县国家安全局局长               马国强



德钦县公安局副局长                 李海山

德钦县公安局副局长                 李俊波

德钦县纪委书记                     金贵华

德钦县公安局交警大队大队长         阿春荣


和小华同志家属     和小雷    区顶    白顶








和小华同志后事处理的工作正在有条不紊的开展。按照治丧委员会部署,129日,已在全县范围内发布讣告,将于 12101030在河香中路和小华家中举行追悼会,在追悼会结束后,治丧委员会将按照家属要求将和小华遗体运回老家德钦县燕门乡巴东村,同时按照当地风俗,和小华同志遗体将在老家设灵堂摆放3天,于13号在上山入土安葬。和小华同志后事处理的所有费用将由德钦县公安局全部承担。







About the Deputy Director of the Deqin County Public Security Bureau and Comrade Xiaohua died in the line of duty and the basic situation of the aftermath


Dabao Dynasty Editor’s Note:

Xinjiang President Tuniyazi’s plan to visit Europe has been shelved. Is Tunyaz a Communist Party cadre or a Uighur?

Will he speak for the Uighurs, or will he speak for the Communist Party?

You can look at the example of Tibetans. In Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan, one-third of the population is Tibetan. The Tibetan Communist Party cadres have been completely assimilated, and they cannot see any difference from the Han nationality.

Comrade He Xiaohua was born in Badong Village Committee, Yanmen Township, Deqin County on January 1, 1970. From September 1977 to July 1993, he studied in Badong Wan Primary School, Yanmen Middle School, Diqing Minority Technical Secondary School, and Yunnan Police Academy. After graduating from the Yunnan Police Academy in 1993, he was assigned to work in the Deqin County Public Security Bureau. He has successively served as a policeman, director, chief of the security brigade, and deputy director of the police station. In 2007, due to his outstanding work, he was appointed by the organization department of the county party committee as a member of the party committee and deputy director of the Deqin County Public Security Bureau of the Communist Party of China.

1. Died in line of duty

On December 6, 2010, the deputy director of the Deqin County Public Security Bureau and Comrade Xiaohua were appointed by the Deqin County Party Committee, the county government and the County Public Security Bureau to be stationed in the Yunling Police Station to handle the follow-up work of the “9.23” case of the Dewei Secondary Oil Road Project. At about 8:30 a.m. on December 8, Comrade He Xiaohua and Du Ji (a policeman from the Deqin County Public Security Bureau transferred from the Dewei Road headquarters) who stayed in the same room said they were going to the scene of the crime and went out. At around 9 o’clock, a report was received from migrant workers on the construction site, and it was discovered that Comrade He Xiaohua fell off a cliff and died on duty at the age of 40.

2. Aftermath treatment

After the incident, with the consent of the Deqin County Party Committee and the county government, on December 8, 2010, Comrade He Xiaohua’s funeral committee was established in time.

Director of the Funeral Committee:

Tashi Dundup, Magistrate of Deqin County People’s Government

Deputy Director of the Funeral Committee:

Zhang Xuedong, deputy magistrate of the People’s Government of Deqin County and director of the County Public Security Bureau

Zhang Lujin, secretary of Deqin County Politics and Law Committee

Funeral committee members:

Deqin County Court President Mao Zhenbin

Chief Prosecutor of Deqin County Procuratorate Peng Lihong

He Dekang, Political Commissar of Deqin County Public Security Bureau

Qu Bin, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Deqin County Party Committee

Director of Civil Affairs Bureau of Deqin County An Wu

Director of Personnel Bureau of Deqin County He Yongjian

Qi Jin, director of Deqin County Judicial Bureau

Deqin County Forest Public Security Bureau Director

Director of the National Security Bureau of Deqin County Ma Guoqiang

A Chu, Deputy Political Commissar of Deqin County Public Security Bureau

Ji Cheng, deputy director of Deqin County Public Security Bureau

Li Haishan, deputy director of Deqin County Public Security Bureau

Li Junbo, deputy director of Deqin County Public Security Bureau

Jin Guihua, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of Deqin County

A Chunrong, Captain of the Traffic Police Brigade of Deqin County Public Security Bureau

Director of Police Department of Deqin County Public Security Bureau Wang Hao

He Xiaohua’s family members He Xiaolei District top White top

After the incident, the funeral committee immediately arranged for the aftermath to transport Comrade He Xiaohua’s remains from Yunling Township to Deqin County according to the wishes of the family members.

On the morning of December 9, according to the aftermath work plan, the director of the funeral committee, Tashi Dundup, and the deputy director, Zhang Xuedong, and other main leaders quickly went to He Xiaohua’s home to appease the family members, discuss the aftermath matters, and explained in detail to Comrade He Xiaohua’s family members and Comrade Xiaohua died in the line of duty, and at the same time, he said that he and Comrade Xiaohua’s family members could solve the practical difficulties to the greatest extent without violating the principle. The family members of Comrade He Xiaohua expressed their gratitude for this repeatedly, so they put forward three hopes to the funeral committee:

1. I hope that the funeral committee will handle the funeral affairs with Comrade Xiaohua well, and as family members, I will actively cooperate with the funeral committee.

2. I hope that the funeral committee will help coordinate and arrange a more relaxed position for Xiaohua’s widow A Zong after the funeral affairs are over. Because A Zong is a doctor in Deqin County Hospital, he often has to work night shifts, so the children in the family are left unattended, so he made this request.

3. I hope that the funeral committee will report to the next level according to the procedure of death in line of duty in view of the fact that Comrade He Xiaohua died in the course of performing official duties.

4. On December 16, 2010, the Deqin County Government has determined that Comrade He Xiaohua died on duty.

According to the three wishes put forward by Comrade Xiaohua’s family members, the funeral committee is also in contact with various parties to try their best to negotiate a solution.

The work of dealing with Comrade Xiaohua’s funeral is proceeding in an orderly manner. According to the deployment of the funeral committee, on December 9th, an obituary was issued throughout the county, and a memorial service will be held at Hexiang Middle Road and Xiaohua’s home at 10:30 on December 10th. After the memorial service, the funeral committee will follow the The family members requested that He Xiaohua’s body be transported back to his hometown, Badong Village, Yanmen Township, Deqin County. At the same time, according to local customs, Comrade He Xiaohua’s body will be placed in a mourning hall in his hometown for 3 days, and he will be buried on the mountain on the 13th. All expenses related to Comrade Xiaohua’s funeral will be fully borne by the Deqin County Public Security Bureau.

On December 9, according to the arrangement of the funeral committee, on December 10, Zhang Xuedong, deputy head of the Deqin County People’s Government and director of the Public Security Bureau, and Wang Yuexin, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Deqin County, will lead a team of 20 policemen, 12 vehicles, escorts and The body of Comrade Xiaohua was returned to Badong Village, Yanmen Township. At the same time, a memorial service will be held in Comrade He Xiaohua’s hometown.

The funeral committee quickly reported the progress of Comrade He Xiaohua’s funeral affairs to the county party committee and government of Deqin County. And the Dewei (Tower) Coordinating Headquarters actively cooperated with the funeral committee to ensure the smooth development of the aftermath of Comrade Xiaohua.



Comrade He Xiaohua Funeral Committee

December 20, 2010