

《中國警察文件彙編23: 四川查緝蘇湘渝系列持槍殺人案周克華》


















 Dazhou Municipal Public Security Bureau’s report on the implementation of the provincial department’s “Su Xiangyu” case emergency assistance investigation and notification work

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Dazhou Municipal Public Security Bureau’s report on the implementation of the provincial department’s “Su Xiangyu” case emergency assistance investigation and notification work


Ministry of Criminal Investigation Bureau:

     At 11:21 a.m. on August 10, 2012, Geng immediately reported to the main leaders of the Municipal Bureau after receiving the emergency investigation notification of the “Su Xiangyu” case from the provincial department. The Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau attached great importance to it. Xu Cheng, deputy directors Wang Yongli, and Wen Pengfei instructed the public security bureaus at all levels in the city to immediately start the work plan, and launched a series of work such as setting up checkpoints and social interrogation within the city. The relevant work is reported as follows:

1. Seven counties, cities, and districts in the city, especially the five counties of Kaijiang, Wanyuan, Dazhu, Xuanhan, and Quxian bordering on Chongqing, immediately activated the emergency plan organization after receiving an urgent fax from the Municipal Bureau at 12:00 on August 10 A capable police force has set up 23 armed checkpoints on major traffic arteries, and conducted strict checks on passing vehicles and people one by one. Daxian and Tongchuan District have also set up 7 armed checkpoints at expressway exits. At present, the checkpoints continue to stick to their posts.

2. All parts of the city have arranged elite police forces to guard the ticket gates, security checkpoints, ticket gates, and entry and exit gates of major local stations and wharves, and to carry out in-depth mobilization of all sales staff and related practitioners at the stations. The passenger cars in the direction of Chongqing and the local buses to other places have been checked one by one.

3. According to the arrangement and deployment of the provincial department and the municipal bureau, all parts of the city conducted a drag-net investigation on complex places such as local guest hotels, entertainment venues, bathing centers, and rental houses.

4. The five prefectures of Qu County, Da County, Tongchuan District, Xuanhan District, and Wanyuan District of our city will organize police forces and railway police to conduct serious investigations on passenger and freight trains passing through the local area.

5. Up to now, the whole city has received a total of 11 reports related to this case. After careful investigation one by one, all of them were rejected.

6. After receiving the arrest warrant from the Ministry of Public Security, all parts of the city will widely post it at various stations, docks and densely populated places.

7. The Municipal Bureau organized an emergency commando team of 200 police officers including special police, armed police, and patrol police, which will quickly deal with various emergencies.


hereby report

                                Criminal Investigation Detachment of Dazhou Public Security Bureau

                                August 11, 2012