







全省各级公安交管部门把重点信访案件专项攻坚行动作为一项政治任务来抓,成立了主要负责同志任组长的“重点信访案件专项治理攻坚行动领导小组”,17个支队主要领导与总队签订了重点信访案件专项治理目标责任书,13个支队队制定了《重点信访案件专项治理攻坚行动实施方案》,6个支队下发了“领导包案”的专门通知,8个支队向总队上报了无赴省进京上访 “承诺书”。



































全省各级公安交管部门,要充分认识做好“十八大”安全保卫工作是当前压倒一切的首要政治任务,特别是各级主要领导干部,切实增强大局意识、忧患意识和责任意识,进一步加强对非正常上访重点人员的教育稳控,明确责任单位和责任领导、责任民警,逐人见面、逐人谈话、逐人落实稳控措施,加强重点人的日常管理、基础管理、动态管理,管住重点人,控住重点事,聚精会神、全力以赴,把接访下访作为信访安保工作的重要举措,突出接访重点、完善接访机制,最大限度地解决上访群众的诉求,最大限度地把上访群众吸附在当地。要建立民意研判和响应制度,及时把民意诉求转为警务工作决策部署,把人民群众的第一信号转为人民警察的第一行动,积极回应人民群众的新期待,新要求,以实际行动迎接“十八大”的胜利召开。 附件:全省公安交管部门重点信访案件化解进度表 

甘肃省公安厅交通管理局(印)                       二〇一二年八月七日




      (存档2份  共印20份)

承办单位:交管局法制处           2012年8月7日印发

签发人:党尕               审核人:陈吉勇           拟稿人:师建平

Notification on the resolution of key petition cases of the province’s public security and traffic management departments in the first half of 2012

“Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security Letters and Visits Case 17”

Ghana Bus Communication [2012] No. 344

About the province’s public security traffic management department in the first half of 2012

Report on the resolution of key petition cases

The traffic police detachments of the public security bureaus of each city and state, the traffic police detachments of the Public Security Bureau of Gansu Mining Area, and the detachments of expressways:

Since the province’s public security traffic police system launched a special campaign to deal with key letters and visits, the public security traffic management departments at all levels have attached great importance to it, carefully organized, and vigorously promoted it. The tough action meeting comprehensively sorted out key letters and visits cases assigned by the Central Political and Legal Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Traffic Management Bureau, implemented leadership package cases, and formulated resolution measures. A number of key cases of going to Beijing to the province were resolved. As of the end of June, all 13 key petition cases involving road traffic accidents assigned by the Central Political Committee and the Ministry of Public Security have been resolved, all 24 petition cases assigned by the traffic management bureau have been closed, and 17 of the 21 new cases have been closed. , The special treatment of key petition cases has achieved remarkable results. Among them, Jinchang, Pingliang, and the first and third detachments of the expressway have no major complaint cases; Baiyin, Wuwei, Dingxi, Qingyang, Longnan, Linxia, and the second detachment of the expressway have taken effective measures and the effect is obvious; Lanzhou, Jiayuguan, Tianshui, Jiuquan, The fourth team of Zhangye and Expressway implemented comprehensive policies, worked hard, and achieved practical results in special tackling operations. The relevant situation is hereby notified as follows:

  1. The leadership attaches great importance to, comprehensively deploys, and solidly promotes special governance work
    The public security and traffic management departments at all levels in the province have taken the special tackling of key petition cases as a political task, and established the “Leading Group for the Special Action of Key Petition Cases” as the team leader. The main leaders of 17 detachments and the general team Signed a letter of responsibility for the special governance of key petition cases, 13 detachments formulated the “Implementation Plan for Special Governance of Key Petition Cases”, 6 detachments issued a special notice of “leadership package case”, and 8 detachments reported to the general team The “commitment letter” to not go to Beijing to appeal in the province. Baiyin, Qingyang, Jiuquan, and Gannan held video scheduling meetings in a timely manner, and made comprehensive arrangements for the assigned cases. The Baiyin detachment, in accordance with the notification of the traffic management bureau of the department, convened the accident and legal departments to sort out the cases one by one, and came up with solutions to resolve them, and issued the “Notice on Implementing the Spirit of Video and Telephone Conferences to Fully Promote the Special Action for the Treatment of Key Petition Cases” to all counties and districts. Propose specific solutions. The Qingyang detachment made comprehensive arrangements and deployments to implement the spirit of the “2.21” meeting of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Department, clarified the task objectives and completion time limit, and put forward specific work requirements. The Jiuquan detachment held a briefing meeting on the special governance of key petition cases, and commented and reported the progress of the 11 key petition cases assigned by all levels on a case-by-case basis. The Tianshui detachment issued a special notice on the implementation of leadership packages for key petition cases. According to the “five ones” and “five guarantees” requirements of the letter and visit package work, the Longnan detachment further quantified and refined work measures, and promoted the effective implementation of the resolution of key letter and visit cases.
  2. Take multiple measures simultaneously, focus on tackling key problems, and pay close attention to resolving key and difficult cases
    The 13 petition cases assigned by the Ministry of Public Security and the Central Political Committee and the 24 backlog cases assigned by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, most of which have a long time span, small work space, bone cases, nail cases, and multi-department “wrapping cases” On the other hand, we carefully analyzed and studied the actual appeals of petitioners, flexibly used various strategies and methods, adjusted the cracking plan in a timely manner, actively coordinated with relevant parties, comprehensively implemented policies, and fully resolved them. target task. The Longnan Detachment, together with the person in charge of the prosecution department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the person in charge of the unit where the petitioner is located, the main leaders of the responsible unit, and the police handling the case, held a coordination meeting on key petition work to analyze the crux of the key petition cases assigned, and how to cooperate with them. The strike resolution work proposed a solution. In response to Tang Dingyou’s letter-visit case assigned by the Ministry of Public Affairs, the detachment gave full play to the letter-visit coordination mechanism, actively reported to the government, actively coordinated with relevant departments, and solved the actual difficulties of the parties through multiple channels, successfully resolving a comprehensive criminal and traffic accident case. The Jiayuguan Detachment actively reported the cases assigned to the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Jiao Duohong, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a joint meeting attended by the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, the Court, the Judicial Bureau, the traffic police detachment and the heads of the petition department. Evaluation and analysis of letters and visits cases, research and supervision of unfinished key letters and visits cases. The Linxia detachment actively formulated a resolution plan, established a working group to investigate and sue, and carried out many home visits to do resolution and counseling work. In view of Ma Quanlu’s 16-year backlog of letters and visits, which has been petitioned every year and has not been completely resolved every year, the main leader of the detachment personally directs and dispatches the case, leads the team to guide, visits and visits the petitioning parties, and coordinates various forces in the social and religious circles Solve the backlog of letters and visits. The main leaders of the Jiuquan detachment personally took care of the case, and led the relevant department personnel of the detachment to visit the parties involved in the accident, the police handling the case, and the court personnel to coordinate all parties, and cooperated with the intermediate court before the appeal. The damage compensation agreement successfully mediated a letter-visit case of dissatisfaction with the determination of responsibility for a traffic accident.
  3. Implement policies according to the case, concentrate on resolving it, and work hard on “the case is closed”
    All localities strictly complied with the special management requirements of public security organs for key petition cases and the spirit of the video conference of the traffic management bureau of the department, with the goal of stopping visits and cessation of complaints, and taking source governance as the basis to promote the resolution of cases. One is to actively do the work of the parties concerned and guide the parties to solve the problem through judicial channels if they still petition for cases that have been transferred to the court or cases that have been ruled by the court. Baiyin, Wuwei, Longnan and the Second Detachment of Expressway actively carried out special campaigns to deal with key petition cases, actively coordinated with relevant departments or both parties involved in the accident, patiently explained the law, reasoned, and expressed feelings, and guided petitioners to transform their thinking. Relying on “reason” to solve knots and using “law” to resolve conflicts, successfully resolved many key petition cases supervised by the Ministry of Public Security, the Central Political and Legal Committee, and the Traffic Management Bureau of Gu Mingcui, Liu Shengming, Zhou Jia, Wang Bowen, Tang Dingyou, Zhang Guangxing, etc. . Second, for some road traffic hit-and-run cases that were unconditionally solved, actively implement the work of “the case is not closed” and “the matter is settled”. Lanzhou detachment handled Wang Wanxia’s traffic accident and escape petition case. In view of Wang Wanxia’s family’s difficulties, she actively coordinated and raised medical expenses for her and took the initiative to find a job for her. After patient and meticulous work and sincere help, the petitioner voluntarily wrote down Letter of Guarantee for Suspension, guaranteeing that there will be no more petitions in the future; in the case of Zhu Xiquan’s hit-and-run traffic accident, although the petitioner understood the work of the traffic police department and promised not to petition again, the Lanzhou Detachment continued to do everything possible to solve the case and bridge the gap with true feelings , strive for understanding with sincerity. The third is to deal with cases where the facts are clear and the appeal is obviously unreasonable, patiently reasoning and interpreting the law, so that petitioners can understand policies, laws, and the truth of the facts, clarify the causal relationship between petition matters, open up “knots” and urge them to stop visiting Sue. The Tianshui detachment handles the case of a traffic accident between Lei Wentian, a teacher of Weinan Middle School in Tianshui City, and Wu Xixi, a drunk driver, who was handed over by Wang Xilin, a specially invited supervisor of the Ministry of Public Security. On the basis of clear facts and sufficient evidence, the unit involved in the case sent police to Yan’an, where the petitioner was located, to personally explain the case and the handling of the case. Do the work of the parties involved in petitioning and urging them to suspend their complaints and stop their visits. Zhangye detachment actively cooperates with the Municipal Bureau to enforce the law impartially in the handling of police-related petition cases. The responsibility is investigated and the recovery and assistance are in place, so that a case supervised by the Ministry of Public Security is quickly and decisively handled, and a mediation agreement is reached, which has achieved good legal results. and social effects. The Dingxi detachment can answer the questions reported by the petitioners one by one, guide the parties to resolve the grievances with evidence and facts, and actively help the petitioners solve the actual difficulties of the family through the joint village and household action to help the petitioners solve the actual difficulties of the family. Complaint by the parties. The Jiuquan Detachment was able to strictly handle Xiao Zhansheng’s traffic accident case in accordance with the law. In response to the fact that Xiao Zhansheng gathered more than 150 relatives to besiege and make trouble to visit the Suzhou Traffic Police Brigade, the Jiuquan Detachment was able to be serious in accordance with the law when explanations, persuasion, and warnings failed. The instigators were dealt with, 15 people were forcibly taken away from the scene, and criminal detention and administrative detention were given as appropriate. During the detention process, Xiao Zhansheng and his relatives realized their illegal behavior, admitted their mistakes, and wrote a letter of dismissal, and no longer appealed to any public security or judicial organs in this case.
  4. Strengthen supervision, vigorously promote, and speed up the process of case resolution
    After the provincial traffic police system promoted the special treatment of key letters and visits cases, after the teleconference, each detachment followed the requirements of the “five uniforms” of the department’s traffic management bureau to resolve key letters and visits cases. However, bone cases and nail cases in some areas have not been effectively resolved, and the resolution of key and difficult petition cases in some units has progressed slowly without substantial progress. In order to further speed up the process of case resolution, from April 17th to June 1st, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Department sent a working group to visit the cases and resolve them case by case. They went to 11 detachments and 23 brigades in 4 districts to investigate 24 cases. Carried out full supervision, “three-level face-to-face consultation”, to find out the crux of the problem, investigate the cause, and study the resolution measures of the outstanding complaints on a case-by-case basis. The main leaders of Lanzhou, Jiayuguan, Tianshui, Jiuquan, Linxia, and Gannan detachments took advantage of the favorable period of departmental supervision to personally participate in the evaluation meeting of key petition cases, analyze and find out the causes of petition problems on a case-by-case basis, and research and put forward handling opinions. Eight detachments including Linxia, Baiyin, Dingxi and Expressway Second Detachment successively dispatched working groups to visit the parties to understand the demands, resolve doubts, and actively resolve conflicts between the parties, which played a positive role in resolving conflicts and disputes in a timely manner. Units such as Dingxi, Longnan, Tianshui, Wuwei, Linxia, and the Fourth Expressway Detachment included the resolution of key petition cases into the scope of the annual appraisal of petition work objectives, and carried out quantitative assessments. Jiuquan, Qingyang, Baiyin, Jiayuguan, Tianshui, Zhangye and other detachments held special case conflict resolution promotion meetings, held several case evaluation meetings, and dispatched key accident handling business experts to form an expert group. communication, interviewing parties and other measures to fully promote the resolution process.
  5. Requirements for the next step
    Since the special treatment of key letters and visits, with the joint efforts of the public security traffic control departments at all levels in the province, the special treatment has achieved remarkable results, but we must be soberly aware that as the party’s “18th National Congress” is approaching, some There is still a possibility that the key petition cases that have been resolved will be repeated, and the tendency of the parties to go to the province to appeal in Beijing may become more obvious. In addition, the total number of new petition cases in some areas has increased significantly since this year, and individual cases have not been effectively resolved. The pressure to maintain stability cannot be underestimated. In view of this, the Ministry of Traffic Management Bureau requires:

(1) Consolidate the achievements and conscientiously organize and carry out special governance “look back” activities. For cases that may be repeated, it is necessary to find out the bottom line, understand the situation, do a good job of ideological work at any time, consolidate the existing achievements, and prevent rebounds and recurrences; for the follow-up problems of key petition cases, the measures must keep up with the problems promised to be solved , to solve it as soon as possible, and not to further intensify the conflict; for new unresolved cases, it is necessary to concentrate and make every effort to tackle the problem. Measures should be taken to combine legal principles and circumstances, and the petitioners should be satisfied with complaints; each detachment should organize a comprehensive review of resolved cases, learn lessons, and prevent similar problems from happening again.

(2) Comprehensively investigate and resolve new conflicts and disputes and complaints in a timely manner. The public transport management departments at all levels should carefully organize the investigation of conflicts and disputes in light of the local reality, mediate and resolve various conflicts and disputes and complaints in a timely manner, ensure that they arise and resolve at any time, leave no dead ends, and focus on solving small disputes, small problems, and small hidden dangers In the initial stage and in the embryonic state, resolutely prevent small things from protracting, big things procrastinating, causing extreme incidents or mass incidents. We must attach great importance to the resolution of initial letters and visits, and with responsibility and affection, accept, resolve, and respond to the appeals of the public’s letters and visits at the first time and at the first pass, and ensure that the letters and visits are resolved at the first receiving and first handling stage, and earnestly Solving problems in a timely and local manner is the fundamental measure to prevent and reduce skipping visits, repeated visits, visits to Beijing and abnormal visits.

(3) Strengthen measures to do a good job in the “18th National Congress” petition security work. The public security and traffic control departments at all levels in the province must fully understand that doing a good job in the safety and security work of the “18th National Congress” is the overriding political task at present. Strengthen the education and stability control of key persons who petition abnormally, clarify the responsible units, responsible leaders, and responsible police, meet each person, talk to each person, and implement stability control measures one by one, strengthen the daily management, basic management, and dynamic management of key persons, Control the key people, control the key things, concentrate on and go all out, take the reception of petitions as an important measure in the security work of petitions, highlight the key points of reception, improve the reception mechanism, and solve the appeals of petitioners to the greatest extent. Absorb the petitioners locally. It is necessary to establish a public opinion research and response system, timely turn public opinion appeals into police work decision-making arrangements, turn the first signal of the people into the first action of the people’s police, actively respond to the new expectations and demands of the people, and take practical actions To welcome the victory of the “Eighteenth National Congress”.

Attachment: The province’s public security traffic control department’s key petition case resolution schedule

Gansu Provincial Public Security Bureau Traffic Management Bureau (India)

                    August 7, 2012

CC: Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.

Yao Yuan, Executive Deputy Director, Department Office, Letters and Visits Office.

             Members of the party committee of this bureau, all departments and offices.

(Archive 2 copies, 20 copies in total)

Organizer: Legal Affairs Office of the Traffic Management Bureau, issued on August 7, 2012

Issuer: Dang Ga Reviewer: Chen Jiyong Drafter: Shi Jianping