


《陕西渭南市刑警支队5: 渭南市公安局高新分局重点信访案件专项治理行动领导小组成员》










省厅刑侦局集中交办的第三批办7 起信访案件汇总表



抓逃犯 破积案 刑侦大队成功化解省督信访案

No. 277 “Shaanxi Weinan City Criminal Police Detachment 5”

The 277th book of my breaking news book “Shaanxi Weinan City Criminal Police Detachment 5” has been published. Everyone is welcome to buy and support, and it is a sneak peek. It doesn’t matter if you don’t buy it. About 3 months later, I will post most of the content in the book for everyone to read for free.

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“Weinan City, Shaanxi Criminal Police Detachment 5: Members of the Leading Group for the Special Action of the Special Treatment Action for Key Petition Cases of the High-tech Branch of the Weinan Public Security Bureau”

Sneak peek:

The disgusting official words are actually just one sentence. The gangsters reported by the villagers were covered up, and they were not found out. Instead, they threatened the parties not to let them petition

On August 25, 2011, the Ministry of Public Security supervised the handling of a criminal investigation petition case: a villager in Zhengjia Village, Chongye Road Office, our district, reported the relevant village cadres of Zhengjia Village and the Zheng brothers’ gang-related issues in real name, and demanded investigation and punishment. Our bureau attached great importance to it, and immediately set up a task force headed by Wang Tao, the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation, Ma Hongyun, the captain of the criminal police team, and Xue Hongfa and Zhao Hang, the backbone of the police, to investigate the case. Preliminary verification: Since 2007, the Zheng brothers of Zhengjia Village and others have forcibly seized projects at the construction site near Zhengjia Village many times, picking quarrels and provoking troubles. However, this problem has not been resolved for a long time, causing very bad influence in the local area. However, the incident took a long time and it was quite difficult to obtain evidence, and the case was once deadlocked. The police of the special case team adjusted their working ideas in time, and divided their troops into two groups. On the one hand, they carefully sorted out the clues of the original case without giving up. They went to Zhengjia Village and nearby construction sites many times, visited the masses, asked insiders, and collected relevant Evidence, launched a difficult investigation and evidence collection work on the behavior of the two Zheng brothers. Everything is investigated from the beginning, the case is handled in strict accordance with the requirements of standardized law enforcement, and no clues are missed. A chain of evidence must be formed between cases to lay a solid foundation for the future handling of the case. On the other hand, we actively contacted the villagers who complained and visited, and truly realized that “someone handles the case, someone manages the bureau, and progress is made from time to time.” Combined with the relevant situation of the petitioner in this case, the task force formulated a case-handling idea of “enforcement with warmth and resolution of conflicts” , looking for the “root of the disease”, went to the petitioner’s home many times to patiently and meticulously do ideological work for him, and mobilized all available forces, township cadres, village group cadres, relatives and friends of both parties, used our warmth to emotionally appeal to the petitioner, and Repeatedly explain to the parties involved in the letter and visit, and strive for their understanding, trust and support. After our long-term and unremitting sincere efforts, the petitioners are very satisfied with the work of the leaders of our bureau and the police handling the case, and finally promise not to petition again.

book catalog

Member of the leading group for the special governance action on key petition cases of the High-tech Branch of the Weinan Public Security Bureau

High-tech Public Security Bureau successfully resolved a criminal investigation petition case supervised by the Ministry of Public Security

Member of the Leading Group for the Special Treatment Action on Key Petition Cases of the Linwei Branch of the Weinan Public Security Bureau

Response to the Investigation into the Unnatural Death of Lu Yanming

Pucheng County Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Key Petition Cases Special Action Leading Group

The summary table of the third batch of 7 letters and visits cases assigned by the criminal investigation bureau of the provincial department

Reporting materials on Shi Hongying’s report on the issues related to the injury case of Wei Teng and Li Xiang

Statistical Table of Results of “Special Governance Action for Key Criminal Investigation Cases of Letters and Visits”

Catch fugitives and solve accumulated cases. The criminal investigation team successfully resolved the provincial governor’s letter and visit case