



《中国公安部交管局文件汇编7: 王金伍提供线索》














2015年04月13日 16:31

中央警卫局局长曹清中将参加两会,佩戴北京军区臂章。 中央警卫局局长曹清中将参加两会,佩戴北京军区臂章。




中央警卫局长曹清亮相两会 佩戴北京军区臂章









这条新闻这样报道:“2012年10月23日,中办警卫局局长曹清,副局长李洪福、王庆、廖曹纲,北京市警卫局局长师雅峰,副局长赵光等一行来到梅地亚中 心,实地考察‘十八大’新闻中心住地安全警卫工作。台分党组副书记、副台长魏地春,台分党组成员、总公司董事长、总裁梁晓涛,台办公室主任李欣雁,台保卫 处处长高进印及梅地亚中心董事长滕云平等陪同考察。曹清分别听取了北京市警卫局关于‘十八大’警卫方案的汇报和梅地亚中心关于‘十八大’新闻中心安全保障 的汇报。曹清说,听取汇报后,感到‘十八大’新闻中心安全警卫方案细致、严谨,筹备工作全面、到位。感谢大家为‘十八大’新闻中心住地安保所做的工作。他 进一步指出,作为‘十八大’新闻中心,梅地亚中心具有不同于其它‘十八大’代表住地的特别之处,即侧重于为大会新闻中心和中外记者提供服务。因此在安全警 卫管理上要适配该特点,细化方案、完善流程,更好地服务于中外记者的采访。曹清还就我台工作人员克服困难、腾出房间,全力保障大会用房,向陪同检查的台领 导表示感谢。”




Wang Yang and Xi Jinping’s past: how Wang Yang licked his bag. Cao Qing, the then director of the Central Guard Bureau, accompanied Xi Jinping.
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After the 20th National Congress, Wang Yang was defeated, but at present, Xi Jinping’s spearhead is aimed at Wang Qishan and Hu Chunhua. Because there are too many people who need to be cleaned, it is not yet Wang Yang’s turn. On November 7, Hu Yifeng, president of the High Court of Inner Mongolia, was arrested. Li Jia, the former chairman of the Shanxi Political Consultative Conference, was held in high esteem. Both Li Jia and Hu Yifeng were former subordinates of Hu Chunhua. On November 4, the current deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, Fan Yilong, was taken directly from his office and detained for review. It is generally believed that this was directed at Wang Qishan.
Let’s take a look at the past of Wang Yang’s interaction with Xi Jinping. This is the steamed buns who have just taken the position and went to Guangdong for inspection. There are two time points to pay attention to, one is the Qingfeng steamed buns that Xi Jinping went to eat on December 28, 2013, and he has his current name.
Another time point is that the song “Xi Da Loves Peng Mama” was released in November 2014.
And one of the protagonists of our video, Cao Qing, was purged and replaced by Wang Shaojun in December 2014, along with Xi Jinping’s wave of praise.
Let’s take a look at the interaction between Wang Yang, Cao Qing, and Xi Jinping.
From December 7th to 8th, 2012, Xi Jinping came to Shenzhen for inspection, and the guard code name was “1006”.
Cao Qing, director of the Security Bureau of the Central Office, demanded that all efforts be made to maintain the good image of the chief in the eyes of the people.
Wang Yang, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, instructed: “According to Comrade Cao Qing’s request, when leaders are in contact with the masses, they must avoid pushing and reprimanding.
On the afternoon of December 11, Xi Baozi gave a special instruction before leaving Guangdong on a special plane: Comrades have worked hard, and I would like to convey my thanks to everyone!
Comrade Wang Yang, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, gave instructions on the summary of the Provincial Security Bureau: It is not easy to do well.
Cao Qing, director of the Security Bureau of the Central Office, specifically told Wang Rong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, on the “1006” security task: “Shenzhen’s security work has been done very well, and the chief is very satisfied.” That is, the buns are very satisfied.
Lieutenant General Cao Qing, Director of the Central Guard, was appointed Deputy Commander of the Beijing Military Region (Photo/Resume)
April 13, 2015 16:31
Lieutenant General Cao Qing, director of the Central Guard Bureau, attended the two sessions and wore the armband of the Beijing Military Region. Lieutenant General Cao Qing, director of the Central Guard Bureau, attended the two sessions and wore the armband of the Beijing Military Region.
According to the report of “Comrade-in-arms” published by the Political Department of the Beijing Military Region on April 10, 2015, “According to the work deployment of the Party Committee of the Military Region, on the morning of April 9, the first phase of the Military Region’s training to study and implement the spirit and theory of the All-Army Political Work Conference was held in Tianjin Sanatorium. The second quarter theoretical study of the Party Committee of the Military Region and the rotation training of leading cadres above the regiment in the entire region are carried out simultaneously in different places through the video conference system. The commander of the military region Song Puxuan and the political commissar Liu Fulian participated in the study. The deputy political commissar Gao Donglu mobilized the training. Deputy commanders Zheng Chuanfu and Cao Qing, Deputy Political Commissar Wang Jian, Deputy Political Commissar and Director of the Political Department Cheng Tongyi, Chief of Staff Shi Luze, Minister of Joint Logistics Department Hailis, Minister of Equipment Department Deng Hanqiao, leaders of the four major departments of the military region, all students of the training class, and all cadres of the military region Participate in the first phase of the training of leading cadres above the regiment in the whole district.”
The above report confirms that Cao Qing has been appointed as the deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region.
Further reading
Cao Qing, director of the Central Guard, appeared in the two sessions and wore the armband of the Beijing Military Region
According to China News Service, at 9:00 on March 5, the third session of the 12th National People’s Congress opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council made a government work report and reviewed the plan report and budget report. Cao Qing, director of the Central Guard Bureau, entered the field in the PLA column.
Lieutenant General Cao Qing, director of the Central Security Bureau, is also an alternate member of the 18th Central Committee and a deputy to the 12th National People’s Congress. During this year’s National People’s Congress, reporters from Hong Kong media, including “Sing Tao Daily” and Hong Kong Satellite TV, took photos of Cao Qing’s participation in the conference. The photo shows Lieutenant General Cao Qing wearing the armband of the Beijing Military Region.
Cao Qing, born in December 1952, is a native of Pingshan, Hebei Province. He graduated from Zhongnanhai Amateur University in administrative management with a university degree. Zhongnanhai Amateur University is directly under the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
According to public information, Cao Qing has served in the Central Guard Bureau for a long time. In his early years, he served as the guard of Marshal Ye Jianying. He also participated in the arrest of the “Gang of Four” that affected China’s political process.
Cao Qing, who used to be the deputy director of the Central Guard Bureau, was promoted to the executive deputy director of the Central Guard Bureau in 2006. In 2007, he took over from Xigui and became the director. Around 2010, he was promoted to the post of deputy military region. In July 2011, he was promoted according to procedures. The rank of lieutenant general, was elected as an alternate member of the 18th Central Committee in December 2012.
The Guard Bureau of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee (referred to as the Central Guard Bureau, the Guard Bureau of the Central Office, the Central Police Bureau, etc.) is subordinate to the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army and is a military-level unit under the Central Office. The main responsibilities of the Central Guard Bureau include protecting the safety of the main leaders of the party and the country, etc., and the director Chang Gao is accompanied by a deputy lieutenant general in the military region.
In addition, the media noticed that when Xi Jinping inspected the Nanjing Military Region in December 2014, Wang Shaojun, the then deputy director of the Central Guard Bureau, guarded Xi Jinping. Wang Shaojun, 60 years old, is from Yongnian County, Handan City, Hebei Province. He used to be the commander of the 38th Group Army of the People’s Liberation Army. In 2008, he was promoted to major general.
Due to its particularity, the Central Guard Bureau is rarely seen in official news reports. However, on the eve of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a news report on the website of China International Television Corporation, a subsidiary of CCTV, provided the outside world with a “window” to observe the Central Guard Bureau at close range.
This news report reads: “On October 23, 2012, Cao Qing, director of the Security Bureau of the Central Office, Li Hongfu, Wang Qing, Liao Caogang, deputy directors, Shi Yafeng, director of the Beijing Security Bureau, and Zhao Guang, deputy director of the Beijing Security Bureau, came to Went to the Media Center to inspect the security work of the residence of the ’18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China’ news center. Wei Dichun, deputy secretary of the Taiwan branch party group and deputy director of the Taiwan branch, Liang Xiaotao, member of the Taiwan branch party group, chairman and president of the head office, and Li Xinyan, director of the Taiwan office , Gao Jinyin, director of the Taiwan Security Department, and Teng Yunping, chairman of the Media Center, accompanied the inspection. Cao Qing listened to the Beijing Security Bureau’s report on the ’18th National Congress’ security plan and the Media Center’s report on the ’18th National Congress’. Report on the security of the news center. Cao Qing said that after listening to the report, he felt that the ’18th National Congress’ news center security plan was meticulous and rigorous, and the preparatory work was comprehensive and in place. Thank you for your efforts to secure the residence of the ’18th National Congress’ news center He further pointed out that, as the press center of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Media Center has a special feature that is different from other residences of representatives of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, that is, it focuses on providing services for the press center of the Congress and Chinese and foreign journalists. In the management of security guards, it is necessary to adapt to this feature, refine the plan, improve the process, and better serve the interviews of Chinese and foreign reporters. The Taiwan leaders who accompanied the inspection expressed their gratitude.”
Cao Qing’s resume:
Cao Qing, male, Han nationality, born in December 1952, from Pingshan, Hebei Province, graduated from Zhongnanhai Amateur University with a university degree.
He successively served as Marshal Ye Jianying’s guard and deputy director of the Central Guard Bureau. In May 2006, he was appointed as the executive deputy director of the Central Guard Bureau. In July 2011, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general.