









貴州省公安廳指揮中心編            35
















 2.清鎮市發生一起交通肇事逃逸案 1人死亡















351820分,田毆陽(男,25歲,印江縣人)駕駛一輛無牌二輪摩托車從印江縣朗溪鎮打鐵坳村向朗溪鎮方向行駛。當行至朗蓮Y0181km 處,與田前途(男,36歲,印江縣人)駕駛的貴D91076號自卸貨車相撞。事故致二輪摩托車上乘車人周左林(男,41歲,印江縣人)當場死亡,田毆陽受傷。目前,田前途已被公安機關控制,田毆陽在醫院醫治,事故調查及善後處置工作正在進行中。
























編輯:劉朝友  審核:陳慶紅  簽發:熊文燦



 Guizhou Public Security Excerpt March 2012

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“Guizhou Public Security Excerpt March 2012”

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Security Digest [2012] No. 65



Law and order summary

[2012] Issue 65

Edited by the Command Center of the Public Security Bureau of Guizhou Province March 5


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mass incident


More than 50 on-duty employees of Ming Fai Industrial Co., Ltd. gathered in the parking lot of Tongda Hotel

At about 11 o’clock on March 5, more than 50 on-the-job employees of Guizhou Minghui Industrial Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Railway Second Bureau First Engineering Co., Ltd. and compensation fees and other issues, gathered in the parking lot of Tongda Hotel. After work, the gathered personnel left at about 18:00.


Criminal case


1. The Liping County Bureau cracked a murder case

On February 28, the Liping County Public Security Bureau received a report that Luo Shiqiang (male, 14 years old, from Hongzhou Town, Liping County), a middle school student in the county’s Hongzhou Town, had been missing for several days. On the afternoon of March 4, the police arrested the suspect Shi Jie (male, 18 years old, from Liping County). The police found out that Shi Jie and Luo Shiqiang had a dispute over Luo Shiqiang’s mobile phone in a fir forest in Yujiachong, Hongzhou Village, Hongzhou Town, on the afternoon of February 20. Shi Jie beat Luo Shiqiang to death with a wooden stick. At present, Shi Jie has been under criminal detention, and the trial of the case is in progress.


  2. A hit-and-run traffic accident occurred in Qingzhen City, killing 1 person

At 23:00 on March 4, a small car killed Jin Shifeng (female, 49 years old, from Liwo Township, Qingzhen City) on the 27-kilometer Ganheba road section from Pingba to Qingzhen, and then fled. At present, the body has been sent to the funeral home, and the accident investigation and aftermath work is underway.


3. Nayong County Public Security Bureau uncovered a series of robberies

On February 28, Nayong County Public Security Bureau arrested suspects Xia Rong (male, 29 years old, from Nayong County), Zhang Long (male, 30 years old, from Dafang County, currently living in Nayong County), Zhou Weiyun ( Male, 17 years old, from Nayong County). It was found that since January 2012, the three people had robbed 58 times in the urban area of Nayong County, robbing more than 20,000 yuan in cash and 19 mobile phones. At present, three suspects have been under criminal detention, and the trial of the case is still in progress.


4. Huangguoshu Public Security Bureau uncovered a series of motor vehicle theft cases

Recently, the Huangguoshu Public Security Bureau arrested 5 suspects and cracked 14 motor vehicle theft cases involving Huangguoshu, Guanling, Puding, Ziyun, Zhenning and other places. At present, 3 stolen vans have been recovered, and the case trial is still in progress.


security incident


1. A traffic accident occurred in Yuping County

At 19:30 on March 5, Wu Yuancen (male, 38 years old, from Yuping County) drove a two-wheeled motorcycle from Tianping Town, Yuping County towards Dalong. Traveling to the S201 line at 161KM+300M, it collided with pedestrian Wu Yinfeng (male, 29 years old, from Gongyi City, Henan Province), causing Wu Yuancen and Wu Yinfeng to be injured. Wu Yuancen died at 20:33 after Yuping County Hospital failed to rescue him. Currently, Wu Yinfeng is being treated in the hospital, and his life is not in danger. The family members of the deceased are emotionally stable, and the aftermath treatment is in progress.


2. A traffic accident occurred in Langxi Town, Yinjiang County

At 18:20 on March 5, Tian Boyang (male, 25 years old, from Yinjiang County) drove an unlicensed two-wheeled motorcycle from Datie’ao Village, Langxi Town, Yinjiang County, towards Langxi Town. When traveling to the 1km point of the Langlian Y018 line, it collided with the dump truck Gui D91076 driven by Tian Qiantu (male, 36 years old, from Yinjiang County). The accident resulted in the death of Zhou Zuolin (male, 41 years old, from Yinjiang County), the passenger on the two-wheeled motorcycle, and Tian Yuyang was injured. At present, Tian Qiantu has been controlled by the public security organs, Tian Boyang is being treated in the hospital, and the investigation of the accident and the aftermath are in progress.




Some retired veterans who participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam in Guiding County plan to organize mourning activities

Some retired veterans who participated in the Vietnam Self-Defense Counterattack in Guiding County have applied for funds to the County Civil Affairs Bureau, and are planning to go to Laoshan and Hekou in Yunnan on March 23 to carry out mourning activities. It was also agreed to hold a larger-scale gathering in May this year, calling for retired veterans from inside and outside the province to participate, and collectively went to the provincial party committee and provincial government to petition and sit in, hoping to improve the benefits of veterans who participated in the war. At present, the public security organs are paying close attention to the dynamics of retired veterans who participated in the war, and are cooperating with relevant functional departments to do a good job of stability control.




1. The Provincial Public Security Department redeployed and re-emphasized on further improving the work of maintaining stability and security during the “two sessions” of the country

On the morning of March 5, Wang Zehong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, held a special meeting to convey and implement the spirit of the important instructions of Wang Fuyu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, on maintaining the stability of the province during the “two sessions” of the country, and to further do a good job in the national During the “Two Sessions” period, social and political stability work in the province was redeployed and re-emphasized.

(See “Guizhou Public Security Special Report” No. 41 for details)


2. A woman fell into a pond and died in Chengguan Town, Dushan County

At about 15:00 on March 5, Luo Xiangqun (female, 50 years old), a villager in Shangyuan Group, Chengdong Village, Chengguan Town, Dushan County, accidentally fell into the pond in front of Yingshan Caotang in Chengguan Town. After receiving the report, the public security organ immediately organized the police to go to the rescue. Luo Xiangqun was dead when he was salvaged. At present, the family members of the deceased are in a stable mood, and the investigation of the cause of the accident and the aftermath are in progress.


3. A man died in Gaolouping Township, Wanshan District

At around 17:00 on March 4, the masses found a dead body in the flood discharge channel of Qingnianhu Village, Gaolouping Township, Wanshan District. After investigation, the deceased was Tian Jie (male, 42 years old, a drug addict), an employee of Wanshan Water Supply Company. At present, external violent death has been ruled out, and investigation and aftermath work is in progress.


4. The Huangping County Bureau successfully resolved a strike incident

On March 2, a butcher in Chengguan Township, Huangping County, refused to slaughter pigs for the market because the pig slaughterhouse raised the fees. After receiving the report, the Huangping County Public Security Bureau, together with relevant departments, had a discussion with the representatives of the butcher, and listened carefully to the opinions of the representatives of the butcher. After work, the representatives of the butchers agreed to organize a pig supply market on March 3. At present, the supply of pork in Huangping County is normal.


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Editor: Liu Chaoyou Reviewer: Chen Qinghong Issued by: Xiong Wencan