









貴州省公安廳指揮中心編            36











1.金陽新區發生一起撬盜保險櫃案 被盜現金11萬餘元














1.仁懷市發生一起交通事故 1人死亡1人受傷

361450分,張應強(男, 39歲,四川省岳池縣平安鄉柳樹灣村316號)駕駛渝BL8060雙橋卡車滿載石頭。車輛行駛至三合鎮紅旗村天河壩松林坡下坡路段時,偏離公路,沖下70余米山坡。事故造成駕駛員張應強頭部受傷,隨車人員林學亮(男, 43歲,仁懷市二合鎮人)死亡。目前,事故調查和善後工作正在進行中。

















編輯:週一川   審核:周萬澤  簽發:唐宇




Guizhou Public Security Excerpt March 2012
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“Guizhou Public Security Excerpt March 2012”
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Public Security Digest [2012] No. 66
Law and order summary
[2012] Issue 66
Edited by the Command Center of Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department March 6
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mass incident
A small number of veterans from the war against Vietnam in Jiancha Township, Dejiang County petitioned the local government
On March 5, a small number of veterans from the Vietnam War went to the town government to ask for medical insurance and preferential policies. He also said that he would go to Xiaguan, Yunnan Province in late March to mourn the sacrificed comrades. At present, the city and county public security organs are paying close attention to the activities.
Criminal case
1. There was a case of stealing a safe in Jinyang New District, and more than 110,000 yuan in cash was stolen
At about 7:00 on March 6, the safe in the office of the logistics service center of the Guizhou Provincial Banking Regulatory Bureau was stolen, and a total of 118,600 yuan in cash was stolen from the safe.
(Newsletter No. 79 has been compiled and issued)
2. The Liping County Bureau investigated and dealt with a case of illegal sales of controlled knives and imitation guns by Sichuanese personnel
On March 5, the police from the Liping County Public Security Bureau seized 5 people from Sichuan who were wearing ethnic minority costumes, confiscated 39 controlled knives, 4 simulated “May 4th” pistols, 3 simulated “64” pistols, 6 batons, 9 packs of steel ball ammunition. At present, the bureau is conducting education and counseling work on relevant personnel, and the case is being processed.
3. A case of killing one person was cracked in Tianzhu County
Hu Chaoyuan (male, 14 years old), an eighth-grade student at Fengcheng Town Middle School in Tianzhu County, had a dispute with his classmate Wang Shifa. At around 8 a.m. on March 6, Wang Shifa invited his classmates to seek Hu Chaoyuan’s theory at the canteen on campus. During the quarrel, Hu Chaoyuan was stabbed in the chest by Wu Shengyin (male, 14 years old) and died. At present, the suspect Wu Shengyin has been detained. At the same time, the county formed a working group to carry out the aftermath work.
4. Tianzhu County Bureau cracked a case of intentional injury causing death
On March 2, Liu Zhongxin (male, 51 years old), a villager in Zhongzhai Village, Dichu Town, Tianzhu County, had a dispute with Liu Chunen over a dispute. Liu Zhongxin injured Liu Chunen’s head with a wooden stick. At 8 o’clock on March 5, Liu Chunen died after medical treatment failed. At present, the suspect Liu Zhongxin has been under criminal detention, and the case is under further investigation.
security incident
1. A traffic accident occurred in Renhuai City, resulting in 1 death and 1 injury
At 14:50 on March 6, Zhang Yingqiang (male, 39 years old, No. 16, Group 3, Liushuwan Village, Pingan Township, Yuechi County, Sichuan Province) was driving a Yu BL8060 double-bridge truck full of stones. When the vehicle was driving to the downhill section of Songlinpo in Tianheba, Hongqi Village, Sanhe Town, it deviated from the road and rushed down a hillside of more than 70 meters. The accident caused head injuries to the driver Zhang Yingqiang, and the death of the driver Lin Xueliang (male, 43 years old, from Erhe Town, Renhuai City). At present, accident investigation and aftermath work is in progress.
1. An unnatural death occurred in Shazi Town, Qinglong County
  At around 8:00 on March 6, Chen Zuiqian (male, 54 years old), a villager in Group 5 of Shazi Village, Shazi Town, Qinglong County, was found dead in front of his late wife’s tomb. After a preliminary investigation, Chen Zuqian committed suicide by taking a bottle of the pesticide “Dichlorvos” preparation (half a catty, 77.5% active ingredient) because of debts and family conflicts. At present, the family members of the deceased are emotionally stable and have no objection to the cause of death of the deceased, and do not require an autopsy and identification of the cause of death.
2. A student in Jinping County died of injuries after the hospital failed to rescue him
At around 23:00 on March 3, Long Fengying (male, 19 years old, Shangzhai Village, Maoping Town, Jinping County), a student from Grade 3 (12) of No. 1 Middle School in Jinping County, suffered abdominal stab wounds while renting a house in Chixiping, Sanjiang Town. Sent to the county hospital for emergency treatment. At 7:17 on the 5th, Long Fengying died after hospital treatment. Currently, the cause of Long Fengying’s death is under further investigation.
3. The cause of death of a student from No. 1 National Middle School in Qingshan Township, Puan County is under investigation
On the morning of March 6, when the management staff of the boys’ dormitory of the middle school inspected the dormitory, Zhou Sheng, a student in Class 1 (7) of Senior High School, was sleeping on the bed and said he was not feeling well and wanted to rest. At about 12 o’clock, when his roommate returned to the dormitory, he found Zhou Sheng dead beside the bed. At present, the family members of the deceased are emotionally stable, and the cause of death investigation and aftermath treatment are underway.
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Editor: Zhou Zhouchuan Reviewer: Zhou Wanze Issued by: Tang Yu