






一年来,法制大队工作在县局党委正确领导和市局法制支队的指导下,贯彻落实全国公安机关执法规范化建设阶段总结推进会精神,按照法制工作“为公安中心工作服务,为领导决策服务,为基层执法办案服务”和公安部“三项建设”、“三项重点工作”的要求,以抓好执法规范化建设这条主线,努力提高执法质量为目标的指导思想,以三访三评、 “集中整治影响发展环境的干部作风突出问题”活动为载体,狠抓执法思想、执法主体建设,建立健全执法制度,深入贯彻《公安部关于进一步加强公安法制队伍履职能力建设的意见》,将执法规范化建设工作贯穿于公安执法活动的各个环节,改进执法方式,规范执法行为,在全局民警的共同积极努力下,我局执法质量和公信力逐年提升。今年我局被省公安厅授予“全省公安机关推动执法规范化建设红旗单位”,被市公安局授予“全市公安机关推动执法规范化建设红旗单位”及“全市公安机关执法质量排头兵”荣誉称号,执法质量考评成绩列全市18个县(市)区公安局第一名现将大队全年法制工作总结报告如下: 










公安部制定《公安机关人民警察执法资格等级考试办法》,在全国公安机关大力推行执法资格等级考试制度,对全面提高公安民警执法素质和执法办案水平具有积极而重大的意义。为认真贯彻落实公安部要求,局党委高度重视这一工作,严格按照市局领导提出的“高参考率、高通过率、高优秀率”要求,召开专门会议布置中级执法资格等级考试工作,成立了考务办公室,由法制、督察、警务保障等多警种齐心协力共同组织,广大民警积极学习法律及业务知识、踊跃报名参考。此次中级执法资格等级考试,我局共280人报名参加,占全局民警人数的66 %,参考人数272人,参考率达99 %。由于组织保障有力,安排严密,各类参考信息报送准确无误,我局中级执法资格等级考试得以顺利进行。









1、根据公安部《公安机关执法办案场所设置规范》、省公安厅《20102012全省公安机关执法规范化建设各警种工作任务和责任分工表》和市局《赣州市公安局关于执法办案场所功能分区改造建设的实施方案》,为推动全县执法办案场所功能分区改造建设工作,制定实施了《赣县公安局关于执法办案场所功能分区改造建设的实施方案》,并成立了相应的领导小组。截止1210,我局共建执法办案中心      21个(其中看守所在建,其余均建成),按年初建成20个的要求,超额完成执法办案场所功能分区改造任务。同时,我局在各功能区建立完善各种办案区管理制度、档案、操作规范,办案分区建设成为全市公安机关执法规范化建设的一个亮点和落实从优待警的一个最实举措。





按照上级公安机关《关于开展规范执法警营开放日》活动的要求,主动向局领导汇报, 并结合我局的工作实际,事先安排部署,制定工作方案,于 621日上午,我局邀请县人大、县政协、政法委、县法院、县检察院和辖区的人大代表、政协委员、特邀监督员、企业代表、社会群众及媒体记者100余人在茅店派出举行“警民零距离、携手建和谐”为主题的“规范执法警营开放日”活动。通过举办“警民零距离、携手建和谐”为主题的“规范执法警营开放日”活动,让群众零距离感受到公安执法工作的规范化、服务工作的人性化,了解公安机关在执法规范化建设上所做的努力和取得的成效,进一步畅通了公安机关与社会各界的沟通渠道,推动了和谐警民关系新发展,增进了群众对公安工作的理解、信任和支持,进一步密切了警民关系,为建设实力、宜居、生态、幸福赣县作出新的更大的贡献。


(一)狠抓执法考评,堵塞执法漏洞。今年我们继续坚持除对案件实行一案一评制度,还坚持月评,年中、年末考评相结合的考评机制。在考评中严格执行标准,发现有问题的地方逐案逐条提出整改意见,并登记于执法检查记录,对存在的执法问题及考评结果,予以通报。为进一步落实执法考评结果运用,结合我局实际,制定了《2012年赣县公安局执法质量考核方案》,对执法考评单位进行奖惩。今年,我局共检查行政案件309起、刑事案件76起,反馈整改意见 1930余条。



1、我局开展以整治执法突出问题的执法规范化建设,从抓执法重点环节、重点岗位、重点问题入手,着力整改一批突出执法问题、治安问题和队伍问题,实现以整改促规范、促建设、促管理,有效提升执法公信力。 一是学整结合,以多面教育促执法意识规范。将加强学习贯穿于执法突出问题专项整治的始终,边整改边学习,以学习推进整改、夯实规范执法思想根基。积极组织民警重温执法中常见常用的法律法规和应知应会的岗位技能、学习执法质量考评通报、执法违纪违规典型案例,并开展交流讨论,引导民警认识执法问题背后的深层次根源,防微杜渐在平时、在源头。同时,组织民警从手头案件查起,针对发现的问题,进行查漏补缺式的学习。二是查改同步,以完善监督体系促执法行为规范。突出执法问题整治作为提升执法公信力的有效手段,群众的满意度成为检验整治成效的第一标准。将整治活动与“大走访”开门评警、涉案财物整治、涉案人员非正常死亡问题整治等活动有机结合起来,不断扩大群众知晓度、参与面,丰富执法监督主体,完善执法监督体系。坚持把突出执法问题整治作为提升执法质量的突破口,对办理的案件和警综平台案件信息逐一梳理,让民警人人参与受教育。在专项整治的同时,不断强化法制员的审核审批责任。加强案件审核把关力度,凡案件办理中存在问题的,坚决不予批准,一律退回,直到达标;对问题严重的,下发整改通知书。加强审核把关,并定期开展执法检查评审,不定期开展执法回访,进一步完善执法监督链。





一年来我局法制部门继续认真贯彻落实公安部《公安机关办理劳动教养案件规定》和《关于进一步加强和改进劳动教养审批工作的意见》,严格执行劳动教养审批条件和办案程序规定,增强劳动教养办案程序的公开性和透明度,使每一起案件都做到事实清楚、证据确实充分,法律手续完备,经得起复议或诉讼的考验,确实保护公民的合法权益,有效地利用劳动教养手段惩治违法犯罪活动。截止1210我局共办理劳动教养案件2 4人,所外执行3人。全年,无行政复议、行政诉讼和国家赔偿案件。


2012年局党委高度重视控申维稳工作,确定四名法制大队民警负责控申、维稳工作,认真办理各类信访案件。在工作中法制大队按公安机关的要求,针对我县土地征用、房屋拆迁等方面的突出治安问题,积极预防和有效处置各类信访突出问题,及时发现影响社会稳定的苗头性、倾向性问题,提早介入,超前化解,主动解答群众到访的涉及刑事、治安案件和各类劳务纠纷中存在的矛盾问题,积极做好来访人员的引导疏导劝解工作,为群众提供法律帮助,消除思想疑虑,确保了因涉法涉诉案件而影响社会大局稳定的问题。认真开展重信重访件案件排查,对排查出的信访苗头及进做好化解工作,在处理各项信访事务中始终坚持“三认真”,即认真听、认真查、认真办,把信访接待摆上重要日程,维护好信访人员的合法权益,督促基层把化解群众矛盾常态化,规范化。特别是上半年通过不懈努力,做了大量艰苦细致的思想工作。真正做到了让县委、县政府及上级公安机关放心,信访当事人满意。我局今年截止1210共受理信访案224,其中来信126,群众来访98,接待群众115人次。其中初访177,重访47;信访结案175,结案率为98% ,息诉171,息诉率为96%,确保了十八大期间不发生进京赴省到市上访案件。















Summary of the work of the Legal Team of Gan County Public Security Bureau in 2012
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Summary of the work of the Legal Team of Gan County Public Security Bureau in 2012
Summary of the work of the Legal Team of Gan County Public Security Bureau in 2012
Over the past year, under the correct leadership of the Party Committee of the County Bureau and the guidance of the Legal Detachment of the Municipal Bureau, the work of the legal brigade has implemented the spirit of the summary promotion meeting for the construction of the standardization of law enforcement by the national public security organs. Serve grassroots law enforcement and handle cases” and the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security’s “three constructions” and “three key tasks”, take the main line of law enforcement standardization and strive to improve the quality of law enforcement as the guiding ideology, with “three visits and three comments “, “Concentrate on Rectifying Prominent Problems of Cadres’ Style of Work That Affects the Development Environment” , The law enforcement standardization construction work runs through all aspects of public security law enforcement activities, law enforcement methods are improved, and law enforcement behaviors are standardized. With the joint and active efforts of the overall police, the law enforcement quality and credibility of our bureau have been improved year by year. This year, our bureau was awarded by the Provincial Public Security Department as “the red flag unit of the province’s public security organs to promote the standardization of law enforcement”, and was awarded the honorary title of “the red flag unit of the city’s public security organs to promote the standardization of law enforcement” and “the vanguard of the quality of law enforcement of the city’s public security organs” by the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Law enforcement The quality evaluation results ranked first in the city’s 18 county (city) district public security bureaus. The summary report of the legal work of the brigade for the whole year is as follows:
1. Construction and training of law enforcement entities
  1. The ideological construction of law enforcement. In order to implement the “Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security on Further Strengthening the Capacity Building of the Public Security Legal Team” (Gong Tong Zi [2012] No. 36) and “On Conscientiously Studying and Implementing the Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security on Further Strengthening the Building of the Capacity Building of the Public Security Legal Team” “Notice” (Public Law [2012] No. 680) as an opportunity, in addition to participating in the collective study organized by the county bureau, the legal brigade insists on organizing the police to study the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China every Monday, learn important expositions of the Scientific Outlook on Development, and learn about public security “Five Prohibitions”, “Eight Disciplines and Four Prohibitions”, “Five Prohibitions for Leading Cadres of Public Security Organs”, “Detailed Rules for Law Enforcement by Public Security Organs”, and “Public Security Organs People’s Police Disciplinary Regulations”, to deepen the education of the concept of socialist rule of law and correct law enforcement thinking , carry out activities of “analyzing cases with cases” and “interpreting laws with cases”, investigate and analyze the problems existing in every law enforcement link and every law enforcement behavior, strengthen the training of law enforcement and case handling skills, and implement the law enforcement responsibility letter at every level, Resolutely investigate and deal with illegal activities such as using power for personal gain, bending the law for personal gain, omissions, and disorderly actions, such as lax law enforcement and unfair law enforcement, to ensure the purity of the public security team. Through education, rectification, and training activities for law enforcement subjects, we will further solve the problem of ideological understanding of “for whom to hold power, for whom to enforce the law, and for whom to serve”, strive to overcome the idea of privilege and local and departmental protectionism, and resolutely put an end to ignoring the suffering of the masses and harming the masses feelings, damage to the interests of the masses and other issues.
2. Carrying out the “Three Visits and Three Evaluations” activities;
“Three Visits and Three Comments” is a continuation of the public security organs’ in-depth large-scale visits. It is of great significance to strengthen and improve public security work and team building, optimize and improve the level of service to the masses, and realize the scientific development of public security work. It is also the implementation of the party’s mass line , an important measure to build a harmonious relationship between the police and the public. Our brigade held a symposium on February 9 this year. From the achievements and existing problems in various aspects such as team management, work tasks, and disciplinary style development, the “four investigations” were carried out among the police, and the “three evaluations and three visits” were further promoted. “Activity, and put forward five public commitments: first, to improve the work style and improve the efficiency of handling cases; The fifth is to strengthen the construction of party style and clean government. The second is to closely follow the activities to carry out legal consultation. On the morning of March 28, the central urban area of our county launched a comprehensive governance (legal system) publicity day with the theme of “strengthening social management innovation, building strength, livability, ecology, and happiness in Ganxian County”; on December 4th, the legal system publicity day , As a member unit of the activity, our bureau set up a legal consultation service desk, organized the police to take to the streets to publicize the law to the masses, and achieved a very good effect of publicizing the law. The third is to visit and condolences to the needy people. The “three deliveries” work jointly carried out by the police of the legal brigade and each person goes to the grassroots every month to carry out the “three visits and three comments” activities in the form of daily routines. On the morning of April 19, the police from the legal brigade went deep into Hongjin Village, Meilin Town, Gan County, and sent relief materials such as cooking oil and noodles to three impoverished farmers to help them alleviate their current living difficulties. When Deng Jianzhong, head of the Legal Team, visited the home of Lai Honglian, the recipient of the “Three Sendings”, when he learned that due to debt disputes, the taxi he used to make a living was impounded by the court, which caused difficulties in life, he offered legal advice and talked with him many times. The court contacted, and after negotiation, temporarily borrowed Lai Honglian’s taxi for operation, which solved Lai Honglian’s practical difficulties in life. Each policeman of the legal brigade forms a 1+1 assistance with needy households and students, and each policeman donates 600 yuan, and establishes a long-term assistance plan. During the investigation and visits, the police felt the difficulties and sufferings of the common people with their hearts, and solicited and recorded the opinions and suggestions of the masses on public security work. The fourth is to strengthen communication with all sectors of society and enhance the understanding and support of all sectors of society for public security work. Since February, the legal brigade has held or organized 2 symposiums; visited 5 enterprises, units, and schools. In order to fully understand the security situation of the schools in the jurisdiction, collect the opinions and suggestions of the schools on the public security work, and help strengthen and improve the security work around the school, the police from the legal brigade went to the schools in the urban area to carry out the “three visits and three evaluations” activities, and conducted discussions with school leaders and teachers. Discussion. On the other hand, take the initiative to visit the Judicial Bureau, accept their comments on public security law enforcement work, and listen to opinions and suggestions with an open mind; and organize relevant departments to hold law enforcement work coordination meetings to discuss problems existing in law enforcement activities.
  3. Legal police education and training;
Improving the quality of police law enforcement is the basic way and fundamental measure to standardize law enforcement behavior and improve the quality of law enforcement. Our bureau attaches great importance to law enforcement training. First, it organically combines law enforcement standardized training with conventional “three mandatory training”, “combat training integration, and rotation training” training activities. List laws and regulations and law enforcement and case-handling regulations as the three important contents of mandatory training and rotation training. During the training, extensive training and education was carried out focusing on law enforcement ideology, law enforcement literacy, law enforcement behavior norms, knowledge of laws and regulations, business skills, and analysis and explanation of typical positive and negative cases that happened around me, and continuously improved the Our bureau’s policemen have the concept and quality of “rational, peaceful, civilized, and standardized” law enforcement. The second is to carry out various characteristic trainings in accordance with the actual law enforcement work and by objects and levels. In order to solve the law enforcement problems that often arise, a “Legal Lecture Hall” has been opened to effectively improve the level of law enforcement by the police. Over the past year, in order to effectively improve the level of law enforcement by the police and promote the standardization of law enforcement, our bureau has organized various law enforcement policemen to study the new “Criminal Procedure Law”, “Administrative Compulsory Law”, and “Implementation Measures for the Evaluation and Evaluation of Law Enforcement Quality of Public Security Organs in Jiangxi Province” , “Public Security Organ Law Enforcement Rules” and other training work. Through the organization of training and examinations, the police have been promoted to study the norms carefully, master the norms proficiently, consciously abide by the norms and implement the norms accurately, and truly achieve the purpose of increasing law enforcement capabilities, improving the level of law enforcement, and improving the quality of law enforcement. The third is to implement the system of observing court trials. Over the past year, our bureau has organized case-handling police officers, legal auditors, and part-time legal officers to observe 12 trials of major, difficult, and complex criminal cases undertaken by public security organs with more than 560 people. Through on-site observation and copying, the police’s awareness of evidence, litigation awareness and procedural awareness have been effectively enhanced.
4. Implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Law.
In order to promote the in-depth study and correct implementation of the revised Criminal Procedure Law by the public security police in the city, and further improve the ability of the public security police to perform their duties in accordance with the law, a strong atmosphere has been formed for everyone to study, discuss and research the new Criminal Procedure Law. We have done the following work to pay close attention to the preparations for the implementation of the revised “Criminal Procedure Law”. The first is to carry out investigation and research on law enforcement software and hardware, venues and guarantees, teams and institutions, etc., to discover and implement unsuitable and unsuitable software and hardware construction and possible problems, and to put forward suggestions and requirements for improvement. The types of police responsible for criminal law enforcement should sort out the revisions related to the type of police, propose countermeasures, and improve the working mechanism to adapt to the new requirements for law enforcement in the revised Criminal Procedure Law. The second is to strengthen education and training. Strengthening study and training so that law enforcement policemen can grasp and understand the spirit and content of the revised legislation is the key to correct implementation. On the one hand, police training is carried out. Each police department formulates learning and training plans, combining centralized training with police self-training; in addition, education and training are carried out. The revised “Criminal Procedure Law” is included in the overall annual training plan as the core course of this year’s training. This year, our bureau has invited experts and professors such as Yu Qiangsheng, the leader of the training group of the Police Officer Training Department of the Ministry of Public Security, and Deng Guoliang, a professor of Jiangxi Public Security College, to teach the new “Criminal Procedure Law” and other laws and regulations to all the police officers of the bureau. The third is to focus on the construction of law enforcement support hardware facilities such as interrogation rooms, interrogation rooms, meeting rooms, audio and video recording facilities and equipment, and criminal technology construction on the basis of investigation and investigation work, scientifically plan the number, and research construction and upgrade plans according to construction standards. The construction will be completed before the implementation of the revised Criminal Procedure Law.
5. The situation of planning and preparing for the intermediate law enforcement qualification examination;
The Ministry of Public Security formulated the Measures for Examination of the People’s Police Law Enforcement Qualifications in Public Security Organs, and vigorously promoted the law enforcement qualification examination system in public security organs across the country. In order to conscientiously implement the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security, the Party Committee of the Bureau attaches great importance to this work, strictly in accordance with the requirements of “high reference rate, high pass rate, and high excellent rate” put forward by the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, and held a special meeting to arrange the examination of intermediate law enforcement qualifications. The Examination Office was established, which was jointly organized by the legal system, inspectors, police security and other police departments. The majority of civilian police actively learned legal and professional knowledge, and actively signed up for reference. A total of 280 people from our bureau signed up for this intermediate law enforcement qualification test, accounting for 66% of the total number of police officers. The number of references was 272, and the reference rate reached 99%. Due to the strong organizational guarantee, strict arrangements, and accurate submission of various reference information, the intermediate law enforcement qualification examination of our bureau can be carried out smoothly.
2. Strengthen the construction of law enforcement informatization
(1) Online Law Enforcement and Case Handling
In order to promote the standardization of law enforcement, strengthen law enforcement management, plug law enforcement loopholes, improve law enforcement efficiency, and improve law enforcement quality, our bureau has comprehensively promoted online law enforcement and case handling since 2009. All cases are reviewed and approved through the case event system. During the case review and approval process, Evidence materials in administrative cases and criminal cases can be uploaded in time. In strict compliance with the relevant requirements of the “Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organ Cases Off-line Approval and Reporting Regulations”, all cases were reviewed and approved online throughout the year, and 16 cases of off-network transfers also went through the case reporting procedures. As of December 10, the legal affairs department of our bureau reviewed 634 cases and 934 people in all through the case event system. Among them, 308 criminal cases were reviewed by 377 people, 194 administrative cases were handled by 409 people, and 132 cases were revoked by 148 people, truly realizing 100% network information management.
All cases are subject to online law enforcement supervision, mainly from the aspects of whether the facts of the case are clear, whether the evidence is reliable and sufficient, whether the applicable law is correct, whether the procedure is legal, whether the handling opinion is appropriate, whether the documents are standardized, whether the evidence is uploaded in time, etc., so as to detect problems in time , to correct deviations in law enforcement. In addition, the responsible person and other relevant personnel who refuse to accept law enforcement supervision, unreasonably delay the implementation of supervision decisions, or fail to make rectification as required shall be held accountable.
The law enforcement files of law enforcement units and civilian police are entered in the event record system, and the quantity of law enforcement, law enforcement quality, law enforcement training, assessment results, accountability for law enforcement errors, etc. are fully recorded.
Strengthen online inspections and strictly investigate and deal with extracorporeal circulation cases. Fully implement online supervision and online evaluation, realize the whole-process, real-time, and dynamic supervision and management of law enforcement and case handling, and promote the healthy development of online law enforcement and case handling norms.
Actively carry out online law enforcement services. On June 11, 2012, the Gan County Public Security Bureau’s legal website was opened. The website has columns such as case reviews, laws and regulations, notices, law enforcement supervision, reconsideration and response, reeducation through labor, legal online, etc., involving public security criminal law enforcement and administrative law enforcement. In all aspects, it provides a good learning platform for the general police. The construction of the legal system website has well applied the achievements of scientific and technological information construction to the standardization of law enforcement, and further promoted the legalization and standardization of the work of the county bureau. Over the past year, Legal Online has answered 6 difficult questions from the police.
(2) Promoting the functional construction and standardized use and management of law enforcement and case-handling venues;
1. According to the Ministry of Public Security’s “Specifications for the Setting up of Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites of Public Security Organs”, the Provincial Public Security Department’s “2010-2012 Provincial Public Security Organs’ Law Enforcement Standardization and Construction of Various Police Work Tasks and Responsibilities” and the Municipal Bureau’s “Ganzhou Public Security Bureau on Law Enforcement and Case Handling” In order to promote the transformation and construction of functional zoning of law enforcement and case handling places in the whole county, the “Implementation Plan of Gan County Public Security Bureau on the Reconstruction and Construction of Functional Zoning of Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites” was formulated and corresponding leaders were established. group. As of December 10, our bureau had built 21 law enforcement and case handling centers (including the detention center and the rest), and completed the task of renovating the functional divisions of law enforcement and case handling places in accordance with the requirement of building 20 at the beginning of the year. At the same time, our bureau has established and improved various case-handling area management systems, files, and operating specifications in each functional area. The construction of case-handling zoning has become a bright spot in the standardization of law enforcement by public security organs in the city and the most practical measure to implement preferential treatment of police.
2. In order to record the whole process of law enforcement by the police, protect the legal rights of the police, and supervise the law enforcement behavior of the police, our bureau has equipped 150 “law enforcement monitors” for the front-line law enforcement police. This instrument is not only a kind of supervision of the whole process of police law enforcement, but also the most powerful evidence to persuade those who challenge the authority of police law enforcement and question the fairness of police law enforcement. It has greatly reduced the complaints of ordinary people to the front-line law enforcement police.
(3) Actively cultivate and create law enforcement demonstration units
In May of this year, in accordance with the requirements of the “Implementation Opinions on Establishing Law Enforcement Demonstration Units” and in accordance with the standards for the creation of grassroots law enforcement demonstration units, our bureau focused on the construction of law enforcement entities, the implementation of law enforcement systems, the standardization of law enforcement behavior, the quality of law enforcement, and the supervision of law enforcement. The 23 affiliated law enforcement units were evaluated, and Tiancun Police Station, Maodian Police Station, and Jibu Police Station were recommended to apply for law enforcement demonstration units of the grassroots teams of public security organs in the city.
(4) The situation of organizing and carrying out the “Standard Law Enforcement Police Camp Open Day” activities.
In accordance with the requirements of the higher-level public security organ’s “On the Open Day of Standardized Law Enforcement Police Camps”, actively report to the bureau leaders, and combine the actual work of our bureau to arrange deployment in advance and formulate a work plan. On the morning of June 21, our bureau invited More than 100 people from the county people’s congress, the county political consultative conference, the political and legal committee, the county court, the county procuratorate and the people’s congress deputies, members of the political consultative conference, specially invited supervisors, business representatives, the public and media reporters dispatched to Maodian to hold the “police and civilian zero distance, hand in hand” “Building Harmony” as the theme of “Standard Law Enforcement Police Camp Open Day” activities. By holding the “Standard Law Enforcement Police Camp Open Day” event with the theme of “police and civilians working together to build harmony”, the public can feel the standardization of public security law enforcement work and the humanization of service work from a distance, and understand the standardization of law enforcement by public security organs. The efforts and achievements made above have further smoothed the communication channels between the public security organs and all sectors of society, promoted the new development of harmonious police-civilian relations, enhanced the public’s understanding, trust and support for public security work, and further strengthened the relationship between the police and the public. , To make new and greater contributions to the construction of strength, livability, ecology, and happiness in Ganxian County.
3. Strengthen the supervision of law enforcement to ensure the quality of law enforcement
(1) Pay close attention to the evaluation of law enforcement and plug the loopholes in law enforcement. This year, we continue to adhere to the evaluation mechanism that combines monthly evaluation, mid-year and year-end evaluation in addition to the system of one evaluation for each case. Strictly implement the standards in the evaluation, and put forward rectification opinions case by case where problems are found, and register them in the law enforcement inspection records, and report the existing law enforcement problems and evaluation results. In order to further implement the application of law enforcement evaluation results, combined with the actual situation of our bureau, the “2012 Ganxian County Public Security Bureau Law Enforcement Quality Evaluation Plan” was formulated to reward and punish law enforcement evaluation units. This year, our bureau has inspected 309 administrative cases and 76 criminal cases, and feedback more than 1,930 suggestions for rectification.
(2) Strictly check the case review and improve the quality of the case. The focus is on the examination and control of cases and the adoption of criminal coercive measures. Try to correct various problems in law enforcement before making a decision. Before administrative cases are approved by leaders, criminal cases are used and before compulsory measures are changed, administrative cases are not reviewed by the legal brigade, and the leaders do not make rulings. Criminal cases that have not been reviewed by the legal brigade, the leaders do not sign and approve. From January to December 10 this year, a total of 275 people were criminally detained in the county; 169 people were arrested in 136 cases; 255 people were transferred for prosecution in 203 cases; 409 people were imposed administrative penalties and administrative compulsory measures. During the review, the legal department actively raised the problems found by the case-handling unit and carried out follow-up rectification, which plugged the loopholes in law enforcement, improved the law enforcement level of the police, and effectively promoted the rectification and correction of law enforcement problems.
(3) Information on the implementation of special campaigns for “rectification of outstanding law enforcement issues” and “handling of separate cases”;
1. Our bureau carried out the standardized construction of law enforcement to rectify outstanding problems in law enforcement. Starting from focusing on key links, key positions, and key issues in law enforcement, we focused on rectifying a number of outstanding law enforcement issues, public security issues, and team issues, so as to achieve standardization and construction through rectification , Promote management, and effectively enhance the credibility of law enforcement. One is the combination of learning and integration, and promote the standardization of law enforcement awareness through multi-faceted education. Strengthen learning throughout the special rectification of prominent law enforcement issues, and learn while rectifying and reforming, so as to promote rectification and reform through learning and consolidate the ideological foundation of standardizing law enforcement. Actively organize the police to review the common laws and regulations in law enforcement and the job skills they should know and understand, learn the quality of law enforcement evaluation and notification, and typical cases of law enforcement violations of discipline and regulations, and carry out exchanges and discussions to guide the police to understand the deep-seated root causes behind law enforcement problems, so as to prevent erroneous events In normal times, at the source. At the same time, organize the police to investigate from the case at hand, and conduct a study of checking for omissions and filling vacancies for the problems found. The second is to check and reform simultaneously to improve the supervision system and promote the standardization of law enforcement behavior. Highlighting the rectification of law enforcement issues is an effective means to enhance the credibility of law enforcement, and the satisfaction of the masses has become the first standard for testing the effectiveness of rectification. Organically combine rectification activities with “big visits” to open doors to appraise the police, rectify property involved in cases, and rectify abnormal deaths of persons involved in cases, etc., continuously expand public awareness and participation, enrich law enforcement supervision entities, and improve law enforcement supervision systems. Adhere to the rectification of prominent law enforcement issues as a breakthrough to improve the quality of law enforcement, sort out the cases handled and the case information on the police comprehensive platform one by one, and let everyone participate in the education of the police. At the same time as the special rectification, the review and approval responsibility of the legal system personnel has been continuously strengthened. Strengthen case review and control. If there are problems in the handling of the case, it will not be approved and will be returned until the standard is met; if the problem is serious, a rectification notice will be issued. Strengthen review and checks, regularly carry out law enforcement inspection and review, and carry out law enforcement return visits from time to time to further improve the chain of law enforcement supervision.
2. Conscientiously carry out the clearing up of the “separate case handling” cases investigated and handled by the unit from September 1, 2011 to August 30, 2012. After checking the arrest report and indictment of the brigade for one year, they will go to court one by one and review again. The brigade takes overall responsibility for the overall clean-up work, and guides and supervises the responsible units. At the same time, special personnel were implemented to strengthen communication and coordination with the procuratorate to ensure that the special clean-up work was carried out in an orderly manner, and to reduce the occurrence of cases being supervised by the procuratorate. In accordance with the clean-up requirements and the principle of whoever sponsors is responsible, and whoever reviews is responsible, the responsibility is conscientiously implemented, and no one is missed. Through the special inspection of “handling another case”, the police have further deepened their understanding and understanding of the functions of investigation and supervision, promoted the standardization and institutionalization of the management of “handling another case”, and enabled the procuratorial organs and public security organs to standardize the handling procedures and improve The quality of case handling has been significantly improved.
    4. Actively carry out the selection activities of high-quality and low-quality cases
The “Huang Laogu’s Fictitious Facts Disrupting Social Order Case” handled by the Tiancun Police Station of our bureau was rated as one of the top ten high-quality cases of the Provincial Department in 2011. This is the three consecutive years since 2009 that our bureau has won the top ten high-quality cases in the province. In accordance with the provisions of the “Implementation Measures for the Evaluation and Appraisal of Law Enforcement Quality of Public Security Organs in Jiangxi Province”, our bureau also conducts the selection of high-quality and low-quality cases on a global scale, and selects the top ten high-quality and low-quality cases in the world, rewarding the good and punishing the bad. Handle more cases and handle them well.
V. Handling of reeducation through labor and reconsideration cases
Over the past year, the legal department of our bureau has continued to conscientiously implement the Ministry of Public Security’s “Regulations on the Handling of Reeducation-through-Labor Cases by Public Security Organs” and “Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving the Approval Work of Re-education through Labor”, strictly enforced the conditions for the approval of re-education through labor and the procedures for handling cases, and strengthened the re-education through labor The openness and transparency of the case-handling procedures ensure that each case has clear facts, sufficient evidence, complete legal procedures, can stand the test of reconsideration or litigation, truly protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, and effectively use reeducation through labor to punish law-breakers. criminal activities. As of December 10, our bureau has handled 2 cases of reeducation through labor involving 4 people, and 3 people have been executed outside the prison. Throughout the year, there were no cases of administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation and state compensation.
6. Complaint work
In 2012, the Party Committee of the bureau attached great importance to the work of prosecution and maintenance of stability, and appointed four policemen from the legal brigade to be responsible for the work of prosecution and maintenance of stability, and carefully handled various petition cases. During the work, according to the requirements of the public security organs, the legal brigade actively prevents and effectively handles various outstanding issues of letters and visits in response to the outstanding public security issues in the county’s land expropriation, house demolition, etc., and timely discovers signs and tendencies that affect social stability. Intervene early, resolve in advance, actively answer the contradictions in criminal, public security cases and various labor disputes that people visit, actively do a good job in guiding and persuading visitors, provide legal help for the people, eliminate ideological doubts, and ensure Issues affecting the stability of the overall social situation due to legal-related and litigation-related cases were resolved. Seriously carry out the investigation of heavy letters and revisited cases, and do a good job of resolving the signs of letters and visits that have been found out. Put important agendas, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of petitioners, and urge the grassroots to normalize and standardize the resolution of mass conflicts. Especially in the first half of the year, through unremitting efforts, a lot of hard and meticulous ideological work has been done. It really made the county party committee, the county government and the higher-level public security organs feel at ease, and the parties involved in the petition were satisfied. As of December 10 this year, our bureau has accepted a total of 224 letters and visits, including 126 letters, 98 visits from the masses, and 115 visits from the masses. Among them, 177 were initial visits and 47 revisits; 175 petitions were closed, with a settlement rate of 98%, and 171 cases were dismissed, with a dismissal rate of 96%. .
7. Legal research and information work
1. Around the work of the public security center, organize and conduct legal research three times. Wrote three investigation reports, “Current Status, Causes and Preventive Measures of Rural Left-behind Children’s Crimes”, “Study on the Defects and Improvement Measures of the Re-education Through Labor System”, and “On the Rule of Law Society and Improvement of Public Security Law Enforcement”.
2. Legal information work: The legal department of our bureau uploaded 60 pieces of information to our local area network, and adopted 52 pieces; uploaded 43 pieces of information to the legal network of the municipal bureau, and published 37 pieces; published 25 pieces on the homepage of the municipal bureau, and published them on the homepage of the provincial department’s intranet 3 articles, and 1 article published on the extranet of the Ministry of Finance.
8. Work plan for next year
Next year, our bureau will closely focus on the relevant requirements of higher-level law enforcement standardization construction, learn from the good experience and practices of brother units, and combine its own reality, tailor-made a standardized law enforcement system covering all fields of public security law enforcement, and pay close attention to implementation to standardize law enforcement. The tentacles have penetrated into various units and police types.
1. Continue to carry out in-depth standardization of law enforcement. It is necessary to organize special forces, carefully deploy them, and comprehensively promote the standardization of law enforcement. By innovating the concept of law enforcement, promoting the construction of law enforcement informatization, improving law enforcement methods, perfecting law enforcement norms, and strengthening law enforcement management, the law enforcement thinking will be further corrected, the degree of law enforcement information will be further improved, the law enforcement entities will be further standardized, the law enforcement system will be further improved, and law enforcement behavior will be further standardized. , Law enforcement supervision is further effective to ensure strict, fair, civilized and rational law enforcement.
2. Further promote the construction of legal information. Make full use of the effective means of informatization, actively promote online process management, online approval, online supervision and online evaluation of law enforcement and case handling, infiltrate information technology into all aspects of law enforcement and case handling, strengthen the construction of legal web pages, and use legal information websites to strengthen Online law enforcement guidance and services improve law enforcement efficiency and save law enforcement costs.
3. Pay close attention to the performance evaluation of legal work. It is necessary to give full play to the functional role of the legal department, decompose and quantify the legal business work, refine the assessment, highlight the role of legal work in the organization, planning, coordination, and promotion of law enforcement, strengthen capacity building, and play its due role in law enforcement .
4. Strengthen law enforcement supervision. Increase the intensity of daily evaluation, review and make adjustments at the same time, continuously improve the level of standardized law enforcement, and take measures to continuously improve the consciousness of daily evaluation at the grassroots level. Our brigade will adopt the method of random sampling, centralized evaluation by police category, and ranking notification, and do a good job in the evaluation of law enforcement quality, and conduct comprehensive evaluations in connection with cases of prosecution, letters and visits, and news media exposure.
5. Strengthen the self-construction of the legal team. Strictly supervise the management of team education, further improve the overall quality of the public security legal front team, and establish a learning, innovative, and research-oriented legal team to provide legal protection for the healthy development of public security work.
                                     Gan County Public Security Bureau
                                 December 2012