

《四川成都双流文件1: 十八大不稳定因素》









属地 不稳定      因素主体    诱因及主要诉求 诱因    类型 涉及人数 过激的言行          或主要活动 责任落实情况

华阳所河池社区 华鑫装饰材料城商家 华阳协和下街阳光花园小区物管公司因与小区外的华鑫装饰材料城就物业管理一事发生纠纷,物管公司要求华鑫装饰材料城将其物业管理拿入小区物管统一管理,华鑫装饰材料城不同意,物管公司将收取的近三个月的全部电费扣下未缴,电管所于10月18日将小区周边的商业用电停了,致使商铺业主封堵小区大门。 40余人 封堵小区大门,很可能与小区业主发生纷纷而引发群体性事件 已将情况向有关部门报告,并将现场封堵小区大门的商铺业主劝离。并由社区民警协调房管局、建设局、电力、街办等相关部门进行处理。

华阳正东街社区 富民路三段美好家园住户31户 华阳富民路三段美好家园住户与四川益瑞房地产开发有限公司因小区安全和相关配套设施发生矛盾,容易引发群体性事件事群或体性上访。 1-1 31户 已上访 正东街社区

华阳通济桥社区 旧城改造拆迁户112户 华阳街道通济桥社区第四、五组(劝学路)旧城改造项目由于拆迁过渡费问题可能引发群体上访或是群体性事件。 1-1 106户 称要上访或找开发商闹事 通济桥社区

Statistical table of Huayang police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (group)

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Statistical table of Gongxing police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (sample form 1)

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During the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China at the Airport Police Station, the city’s large-scale investigation of high-risk personnel involved in stability (individuals)

Statistical table of the investigation and action of high-risk personnel involved in stability in the city during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of Huayang Police Station (individuals)

Statistical table of Huayang police station’s large-scale investigation of unstable factors during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (group)

Territory Instability Factor subject Inducement and main demands Inducement Type Number of people involved Excessive words and deeds or main activities Responsibility implementation

Huayang Suohechi Community Huaxin Decoration Material City merchants Huayang Xiehe Xiajie Sunshine Garden District Property Management Company had a dispute with Huaxin Decoration Material City outside the community on property management. The property management company required Huaxin Decoration Material City The property management was brought into the unified management of the property management of the community. Huaxin Decoration Material City did not agree. The power went out, causing shop owners to block the gates of the community. More than 40 people blocked the gate of the community, which is likely to cause mass incidents with the owners of the community. The situation has been reported to the relevant department, and the shop owners who blocked the gate of the community were persuaded to leave. And the community police will coordinate with the housing management bureau, construction bureau, electric power, street office and other relevant departments to deal with it.

Huayang Zhengdong Street Community 31 households of Meijiajiayuan in the third section of Fumin Road There are conflicts between the residents of Meijiajiayuan in the third section of Fumin Road in Huayang and Sichuan Yirui Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. due to the safety of the community and related supporting facilities, which may easily lead to mass incidents. Physical petition. 1-1 31 households have petitioned Zhengdong Street Community

Huayang Tongjiqiao Community 112 households demolished for old city renovation The fourth and fifth group (Quanxue Road) old city renovation project of Tongjiqiao Community, Huayang Street may cause group petitions or mass incidents due to the transition fee for demolition and relocation. 1-1 106 households claiming to petition or make trouble with developers Tongjiqiao Community