

《四川成都双流文件1: 十八大不稳定因素》









属地 姓名及      基本信息    诱因及主要诉求 诱因    类型 过激的言行          或主要活动 责任落实情况

大林镇 女,1940年9月7日出生,身份证号,大林镇五台村4组 1963年5月,大林镇五台村4组的村民徐丰清供认盗窃生产队的小麦、干粉等粮食,并交出了盗窃的粮食,至此当时司法机关和政府部门未对其进行处理,没有任何文字方面的记载。徐丰清的妻子张桂英认为徐丰清被冤枉,现要求政府为其平凡,恢复其名誉 22 因反映的问题未能达到张桂英的解决要求,张桂英扬言继续到县、市、省政府上访 派出所已确立稳控小组,村委会布置专人进行管控

During the 18th National Congress of the Dalin Institute, the city’s large-scale investigation of high-risk personnel involved in stability (individuals)

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During the 18th National Congress of the Dalin Institute, the city’s large-scale investigation of high-risk personnel involved in stability (individuals)

Territory Name and basic information Incentives and main appeals Incentives Type Radical words and deeds or main activities Responsibility implementation

Dalin Town, female, born on September 7, 1940, ID number, Group 4, Wutai Village, Dalin Town In May 1963, Xu Fengqing, a villager in Group 4, Wutai Village, Dalin Town, confessed to stealing grains such as wheat and powder from the production team, and handed over The stolen grain came out, and the judiciary and government departments did not deal with it at that time, and there is no written record. Xu Fengqing’s wife, Zhang Guiying, believes that Xu Fengqing has been wronged, and now asks the government to restore her reputation. The village committee assigns special personnel to manage and control