

《北京犯罪報告10: 丰台》


































































































讯问笔录(第     次)

时间2012年 7 月 15 日 13时10分至2012年7月15日17时 52分

地点  朝阳区看守所                                                            

侦查员姓名、单位         丰台分局刑侦支队重案二队                                            

记录员             单位 丰台分局刑侦支队重案二队                          

犯罪嫌疑人 肖永志                                                         


























































答:2012年7月 12日晚上22时40分许,我从北三环蓟门桥公车站花了1.5元乘坐300路慢车。大概在当晚23时许到丰台区西局附近下的车。接着往北走到一立交桥边西南角的小树林里,找一个外号叫“黑子”的朋友。见到黑子后我就走到小树林西侧的一堵墙边站着,“黑子”就在小树林周边溜达。我在墙边站着的时候,迎面走来了一个男子。那个男子就开始骚扰我、骂我,我就开始反抗。他就拿出刀子划我,我的左胳膊两处被划伤。这时候黑子从我身后过来,具体从哪边过来我不知道。他手里拿着刀,就和那个男子打起来了,那男子就跑了。黑子大概追了他100米左右,在马路边上和那男子又打起来了,厮打在一起。等我过去的时候那个男子已经在地上躺着了,手里拿着刀向我比划着,没说话。然后黑子往马路北边的桥洞跑了。这时候我看到黑子用的那把刀扔在人行道中间,我就跑到桥洞底下朝黑子招手叫他回来把刀拿上。我们回到马路中间,黑子说刀不要了。我捡起刀子拿在手上,黑子向我要钱。我把兜里的钱给了他,自己就剩下二三十元。然后我把刀插进刀鞘拿着刀,和黑子一起向南走了。经过路边的卫生间时,我进里头洗的手和手臂上伤口的血。当时黑子就走了,怎么走的我不知道。然后我一直向南步行至三环路边。后来步行至木樨园到天亮,吃了早点,然后乘坐262路公交车到牡丹园。                                    






答: 黑子左手手背有两处受伤,流了些血,具体受的什么伤我不清楚。                            






答: 我和他是今年5月份在牡丹园认识的,就知道他外号叫“小东北”。他26岁左右,身高1米77左右,体态中等,长方脸,留寸头,常去工体附近的酒吧和牡丹园一带玩,其他情况我就不知道了。                                                  




答: 我不记得了,因为我把他的号码记在了车票上,没有记在脑子里。






答: 2012年7月9日晚上22时许,按照我们上次约好的时间和地点,我们在朝阳区三里屯附近一个名叫“目的地”酒吧见面,一直玩到凌晨3点多我们就离开了。然后“黑子”说去一个朋友家,我就去西单逛街了。分开之前我们约好下午3点在大钟寺寺庙门口见面。当天下午3点半左右我和“黑子”在大钟寺门口见面,然后我们一起逛街。在逛街的时候我花了70元在一个新疆人的摊位上给黑子买了一把刀,之后一直是由黑子拿着这把刀。                                              

问: 你们当时买的刀和黑子用的刀以及你被派出所抓获后被扣押的那把刀都是同一把刀吗?                                         










“7.13” Work Report on the Murder of Xu Qing in Fengtai District West Bureau

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At 1:22 on July 13, 2012, the duty room of our team’s reception team deployed police: Someone fell to the ground with blood on the lawn under the bridge of Liuliqiao, Fengtai District, Beijing. After receiving the report, the investigators of our team, under the leadership of Director Heng Xiaofan and Deputy Director Zhao Leibing of the Sub-bureau, and Captain Wang Zhuo of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, together with the investigators of the technical team of the sub-bureau and the forensic doctor, rushed to the scene to start work. At the same time, Zang Xuemin, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps, Lu Baoquan, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps, comrades from the 12th Corps of the Municipal Bureau, the Intelligence Information Center, the Network Security Department, the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Divisions of the Criminal Investigation Corps, and relevant units of the branch bureau also arrived at the scene.

1. The situation of receiving reports

The caller Wang Qi (male, 29 years old, from Chengde City, Hebei Province, China, mobile phone number: 18310208206) reported that at about 14:00 on July 12, 2012, Wang Qi went to live in a hotel in the southeast of Liuliqiao Coach Station. , ready to take a long-distance bus home on July 13. At about 21 o’clock on July 12, due to a bad mood, he left the temporary residence alone and went for a walk. At about 1 o’clock the next day, when he crossed the third ring side road from north to south to the bridge hole and walked west towards the coach station, he saw a man lying in the grass by the side of the road. Head north and feet south, lying on his back on the ground, with a knife in his right hand, blood on his face and tongue, and a brick on the lower right side of his head. After seeing this, the caller walked around the original road to the inner side of Jingshi Expressway to find a public phone to call the police, and then returned to the scene to wait for the police.

2. On-site investigation and preliminary forensic examination

(1) Basic information of the deceased

After verification, the deceased Xu Qing, male, 49 years old, ID card:, registered address: Room 301, Gate 5, 18th Floor, Kaiyangli 3rd District, You’anmen, Fengtai District, Beijing. Engineer of the Academy Co., Ltd., mobile phone number: 13701271919, QQ number: 425062582.

(2) On-site investigation

After investigation, the site is located in the triangular green belt under the bridge at the southwest corner of Liuli Bridge, Fengtai District, Beijing. The body was lying on its back with its head in the northwest and feet in the southeast. It was wearing a black vest, light-colored shorts, and sneakers (no socks) on its feet. It held a black pocket knife (with a blade length of 6 cm, marked as a Hongfeng knife) in its right hand. There are many types of footprints around the corpse, including strips, squares, circles, waves, etc. The dripping blood extends about 8 meters eastward from the corpse. Pick up a black Huawei brand mobile phone (13701271919) and a wallet on the spot, which contains RMB 1,082, 3 bank cards (China Merchants Bank: 4391880502797727, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: 5309900056851023, Bank of Beijing: 6029692019851474), and a bus IC card: 10007510316425131.

There is a computer bag more than 20 meters southwest of the deceased, which contains some clothes and sundries, and an ID card, owned by Zhang Pan, male, born on September 4, 1962, ID number: , place of residence: Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China Group 6, Shaliyingzi Village, Balihan Town, Ningcheng County, City, 300 yuan in cash, all 100 yuan.

(3) Forensic medical examination

According to preliminary forensic examination, the deceased had blunt trauma to the head, stab wounds to the left armpit and right thigh, and skin abrasions to the left upper arm. The cause of death and other specific circumstances are subject to further forensic examination.

The crime tool should be a sharp instrument with a blade length of 40cm and a blade width of 3cm. The deceased suffered penetrating injuries to the lungs and heart, and strip-shaped blow injuries to the head.

3. Access work

Huang Jin (male, 30 years old, from Chengkou County, Chongqing City, China, mobile phone number: 13996686339) Response: At midnight on July 13, 2012, after playing billiards with his friends, Huang Jin stopped driving because he was drunk, and was alone in the car. Jogging along the road near Liuli Bridge. At about 1:30, when Huang Jin jogged to the southwest corner of Liuli Bridge, he found a man lying on the lawn beside the road with blood on his face. According to Jin Jin’s recollection, he jogged from west to east along the south side of the auxiliary road of Jingshi Expressway. When he was about 1 km away from Liuli Bridge, he met 6 or 7 men on the side of the road. One of them was holding an iron bar, but he was not sure how many The man was not connected to the man who fell to the ground.

Hong Qinghe (male, 20 years old, from Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China, mobile phone number: 13559496217, 15541222925) Reflected: He left the school on July 10, 2012, arrived in Beijing at 11:00 the next day, and arrived at the “Sofa Lounge” at 18:00 Xu Qing’s home contacted on the website. At about 7 o’clock on July 12, I left Xu Qing’s home to visit various scenic spots in Beijing. At about 20 o’clock that night, when I returned to Xu Qing’s home, Xu Qing was surfing the Internet at home. At about 22:00, Xu Qing left home. After Hong Qinghe returned to Xu’s house on the 12th, Xu Qing pinched Hong Qinghe’s arm with his hands and said that he was in good shape. Later, Xu Qing hugged Hong Qinghe from the front and kissed Hong Qinghe’s neck.

Mother Zhang Hexian (male, 75 years old, from Beijing, mobile phone number: 13521289216) reflected: Xu Qing had a girlfriend when he was in college, but he never had a girlfriend after breaking up. Later, Zhang Hexian persuaded Xu Qing to get married many times, but Xu Qing was very unhappy every time. Four or five years ago, Xu Qing was stabbed by a homeless man with a knife and robbed him of money because he felt sorry for him. On July 12, 2012, Xu Qing called Zhang Hexian’s home landline to check on her health, but hung up after failing to find his sister Xu Jie.

Sister Xu Jie (female, 43 years old, from Beijing, mobile phone number: 13911617869) reflected: Xu Qing has been living by herself after graduating from university. The family has been concerned about Xu Qing’s marital problems, but Xu Qing refuses on the grounds that he can solve them. At about 9 o’clock on July 12, 2012, Xu Qing contacted Xu Jie by phone, but hung up soon after. The last time they met was around noon on July 4th. The brother and sister had dinner together at Xu Jie’s home, and Xu Qing left for work after the meal. Around 2004 and 2005, Xu Qing told Xu Jie that he was robbed by a man who lived in his house, during which there was a fight and Xu Qing was injured.

Ding Mengfeng (male, 51 years old, from Beijing, phone number: 63768385) reflected: Ding Mengfeng is a janitor at the Liuliqiao Pumping Station of the Drainage Group. At about 23:00 on July 12, 2012, I heard a particularly loud “bang” outside the house, thinking it was a thief. Ding Mengfeng looked out from the window of the house, and went back to sleep when there was no one outside the house.

Zhang Yue (male, 30 years old, Beijinger, mobile phone number: 13611327968) reflected: On the evening of July 12, 2012, Zhang Yue drank with more than ten colleagues. At about 21 o’clock, Zhang Yue went back to the dormitory to sleep because he was too drunk. At about 23:00 that night, Zhang Yue heard someone shouting a few times on the small road on the west side of the courtyard. The voice was very urgent and lasted less than 10 seconds, but Zhang Yue ignored it and fell asleep again.

4. Preliminary investigation

(1) After interviewing the deceased’s unit, Xu Qing’s colleagues did not know whether the deceased was gay or not. He usually has a harmonious relationship with his colleagues and a good social relationship, but he doesn’t know much about his private life. After checking and controlling the computer of the deceased’s unit, no clues were found.

(2) The network security department checked the chat records of the deceased’s QQ number 425062582, and found no news of going out on an appointment during the time of the incident.

(3) The economic and technical investigation department checked and controlled the mobile phone of the deceased, and found no information about going out during the time period when the crime occurred. The deceased left the place of residence at 21:50 on July 12, and arrived at the crime scene at 20:10 on July 12.

V. Case Analysis and Next Step Work Deployment

After investigation and control of the computer in the deceased’s home and the reflections of his family members, it was determined that the deceased should be a homosexual. According to the analysis of the leftover items at the scene, the possibility of seeking money cannot be ruled out, and the case of intentional injury caused by contradictory factors is more inclined.

After listening to the report of the investigators, the project team analyzed and decided to carry out work from the following aspects.

(1) Issue an investigation report to the hospitals affiliated to the city to find out the suspicious persons who went to the hospital for treatment and trauma after the case occurred.

(2) The video team conducts divergent monitoring video collection of the surrounding area of the incident, the residence of the deceased, and the possible passing areas along the way.

(3) Conduct simultaneous visits to the surrounding areas of the site, focusing on interviews with the labor market around the site and the idlers who are mixed in the society.

(4) Arrange special eyes and ears around the scene, labor market and other places to find clues.

(5) Call 116 taxi information from 23:40 to 24:00.

6. Case solving

On July 15, the project team received clues from the Forensic Medicine Center of the Municipal Bureau: the DNA of Xiao Yongzhi (male, 30 years old, from Liaoning Province, China) was found to be the same as the dripping blood extracted at the scene. The person was criminally detained by the Chaoyang Sub-bureau on July 14 on suspicion of a robbery case on June 25, 2012. The project team immediately interrogated Xiao Yongzhi, who confessed that he and another man (Hui nationality, about 35 years old, from Tongzhou, Beijing) stabbed the victim Xu Qing to death near Liuli Bridge at 23:00 on July 12, 2012 .

On the one hand, the project team stepped up the interrogation of Xiao Yongzhi, and on the other hand, it tried its best to find another suspect involved in the case. The man who met the basic conditions was obtained from the public security network for the suspect Xiao Yongzhi to identify. Xiao Yongzhi identified another suspect in this case as Ma Guojian (male, Hui nationality, 35 years old, from Tongzhou District, Beijing). There was a major turning point in the case, and the project team immediately contacted the Zhangjiawan Police Station where Ma Guojian was registered, and learned that this person was a key member of the police station, and obtained Ma Guojian’s mobile phone number. With the cooperation of the 12th Division of the Municipal Bureau, the task force arrested Ma Guojian in Dongdan Park at 11 o’clock on July 17, 2012. After interrogation, the person confessed that he and Xiao Yongzhi were both homosexuals. The two had a dispute with the victim Xu Qing on the day of the crime, and they stabbed Xu Qing to death.

     Two criminal suspects, Xiao Yongzhi and Ma Guojian, have been detained by the sub-bureau, and the case is under further investigation.

                            Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment Serious Case Second Squad

July 17, 2012

Report on “7.13” Xu Qing’s Murder Case in West Bureau of Fengtai District

Case number: A1101067200002012070032

At 1:22 on July 13, 2012, the duty room of our team’s reception team deployed police: Someone fell to the ground with blood on the lawn under the bridge of Liuli Bridge in Fengtai District. After receiving the report, the investigators of our team, under the leadership of Director Heng Xiaofan and Deputy Director Zhao Leibing of the Sub-bureau, and Captain Wang Zhuo of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, together with the investigators of the technical team of the sub-bureau and the forensic doctor, rushed to the scene to start work. At the same time, Zang Xuemin, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps, Lu Baoquan, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps, comrades from the 12th Corps of the Municipal Bureau, the Intelligence Information Center, the Network Security Department, the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Divisions of the Criminal Investigation Corps, and relevant units of the branch bureau also arrived at the scene.

1. The situation of receiving reports

Caller Wang Qi (male, 29 years old, from Chengde City, Hebei Province, China, mobile phone number: 18310208206) reported that at about 1:00 on July 13, 2012, he crossed the third ring side road from north to south to the bridge hole and headed west towards the long-distance bus While walking in the direction of the station, I saw a man lying in the grass by the side of the road. Head north and feet south, lying on his back on the ground, with a knife in his right hand, blood on his face and tongue, and a brick on the lower right side of his head. After seeing this, the caller walked around the original road to the inner side of Jingshi Expressway to find a public phone to call the police, and then returned to the scene to wait for the police.

2. On-site investigation and preliminary forensic examination

(1) Basic information of the deceased

After verification, the deceased Xu Qing, male, 49 years old, ID card:, registered address: Room 301, Gate 5, 18th Floor, Kaiyangli 3rd District, You’anmen, Fengtai District, Beijing. Engineer of the Academy Co., Ltd., mobile phone number: 13701271919, QQ number: 425062582.

(2) On-site investigation

After investigation, the site is located in the triangular green belt under the bridge at the southwest corner of Liuli Bridge, Fengtai District, Beijing. The body was lying on its back with its head in the northwest and feet in the southeast. It was wearing a black vest, light-colored shorts, and sneakers (no socks) on its feet. It held a black pocket knife (with a blade length of 6 cm, marked as a Hongfeng knife) in its right hand. There are many types of footprints around the corpse, including strips, squares, circles, waves, etc. The dripping blood extends about 8 meters eastward from the corpse. Pick up a black Huawei brand mobile phone (13701271919) and a wallet on the spot, which contains RMB 1082, 3 bank cards (China Merchants Bank: 4391880502797727, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: 5309900056851023, Bank of Beijing: 6029692019851474), and a bus IC card: 10007510316425131.

There is a computer bag more than 20 meters southwest of the deceased, which contains some clothes and sundries, and an ID card, owned by Zhang Pan, male, born on September 4, 1962, ID number: , place of residence: Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China Group 6, Shaliyingzi Village, Balihan Town, Ningcheng County, City, 300 yuan in cash, all 100 yuan.

(3) Forensic medical examination

According to preliminary forensic examination, the deceased had blunt trauma to the head, stab wounds to the left armpit and right thigh, and skin abrasions to the left upper arm. The cause of death was hemorrhagic shock.

The crime tool should be a sharp instrument with a blade length of 40cm and a blade width of 3cm. The deceased suffered penetrating injuries to the lungs and heart, and strip-shaped blow injuries to the head.

3. Access work

Huang Jin (male, 30 years old, from Chengkou County, Chongqing City, China, mobile phone number: 13996686339) Response: At midnight on July 13, 2012, after playing billiards with his friends, Huang Jin stopped driving because he was drunk, and was alone in the car. Jogging along the road near Liuli Bridge. At about 1:30, when Huang Jin jogged to the southwest corner of Liuli Bridge, he found a man lying on the lawn beside the road with blood on his face. According to Jin Jin’s recollection, he jogged from west to east along the south side of the auxiliary road of Jingshi Expressway. When he was about 1 km away from Liuli Bridge, he met 6 or 7 men on the side of the road. One of them was holding an iron bar, but he was not sure how many The man was not connected to the man who fell to the ground.

Hong Qinghe (male, 20 years old, from Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China, mobile phone number: 13559496217, 15541222925) Reflected: He left the school on July 10, 2012, arrived in Beijing at 11:00 the next day, and arrived at the “Sofa Lounge” at 18:00 Xu Qing’s home contacted on the website. At about 7 o’clock on July 12, I left Xu Qing’s home to visit various scenic spots in Beijing. At about 20 o’clock that night, when I returned to Xu Qing’s home, Xu Qing was surfing the Internet at home. At about 22:00, Xu Qing left home. After Hong Qinghe returned to Xu’s house on the 12th, Xu Qing pinched Hong Qinghe’s arm with his hands and said that he was in good shape. Later, Xu Qing hugged Hong Qinghe from the front and kissed Hong Qinghe’s neck.

Mother Zhang Hexian (male, 75 years old, from Beijing, mobile phone number: 13521289216) reflected: Xu Qing had a girlfriend when he was in college, but he never had a girlfriend after breaking up. Later, Zhang Hexian persuaded Xu Qing to get married many times, but Xu Qing was very unhappy every time. Four or five years ago, Xu Qing was stabbed by a homeless man with a knife and robbed him of money because he felt sorry for him. On July 12, 2012, Xu Qing called Zhang Hexian’s home landline to check on her health, but hung up after failing to find his sister Xu Jie.

Sister Xu Jie (female, 43 years old, from Beijing, mobile phone number: 13911617869) reflected: Xu Qing has been living by herself after graduating from university. The family has been concerned about Xu Qing’s marital problems, but Xu Qing refuses on the grounds that he can solve them. At about 9 o’clock on July 12, 2012, Xu Qing contacted Xu Jie by phone, but hung up soon after. The last time they met was around noon on July 4th. The brother and sister had dinner together at Xu Jie’s home, and Xu Qing left for work after the meal. Around 2004 and 2005, Xu Qing told Xu Jie that he was robbed by a man who lived in his house, during which there was a fight and Xu Qing was injured.

Ding Mengfeng (male, 51 years old, from Beijing, phone number: 63768385) reflected: Ding Mengfeng is a janitor at the Liuliqiao Pumping Station of the Drainage Group. At about 23:00 on July 12, 2012, I heard a particularly loud “bang” outside the house, thinking it was a thief. Ding Mengfeng looked out from the window of the house, and went back to sleep when there was no one outside the house.

Zhang Yue (male, 30 years old, Beijinger, mobile phone number: 13611327968) reflected: On the evening of July 12, 2012, Zhang Yue drank with more than ten colleagues. At about 21 o’clock, Zhang Yue went back to the dormitory to sleep because he was too drunk. At about 23:00 that night, Zhang Yue heard someone shouting a few times on the small road on the west side of the courtyard. The voice was very urgent and lasted less than 10 seconds, but Zhang Yue ignored it and fell asleep again.

4. Preliminary investigation

(1) After interviewing the deceased’s unit, Xu Qing’s colleagues did not know whether the deceased was gay or not. He usually has a harmonious relationship with his colleagues and a good social relationship, but he doesn’t know much about his private life. After checking and controlling the computer of the deceased’s unit, no clues were found.

(2) The network security department checked the chat records of the deceased’s QQ number 425062582, and found no news of going out on an appointment during the time of the incident.

(3) The economic and technical investigation department checked and controlled the mobile phone of the deceased, and found no information about going out during the time period when the crime occurred. The deceased left the place of residence at 21:50 on July 12, and arrived at the crime scene at 20:10 on July 12.

V. Case Analysis and Next Step Work Deployment

After investigation and control of the computer in the deceased’s home and the reflections of his family members, it was determined that the deceased should be a homosexual. According to the analysis of the leftover items at the scene, the possibility of seeking money cannot be ruled out, and the case of intentional injury caused by contradictory factors is more inclined.

After listening to the report of the investigators, the project team analyzed and decided to carry out work from the following aspects.

(1) Issue an investigation report to the hospitals affiliated to the city to find out the suspicious persons who went to the hospital for treatment and trauma after the case occurred.

(2) The video team conducts divergent monitoring video collection of the surrounding area of the incident, the residence of the deceased, and the possible passing areas along the way.

(3) Conduct simultaneous visits to the surrounding areas of the site, focusing on interviews with the labor market around the site and the idlers who are mixed in the society.

(4) Arrange special eyes and ears around the scene, labor market and other places to find clues.

(5) Call 116 taxi information from 23:40 to 24:00.

6. Case solving

On July 15, the project team received clues from the Forensic Medicine Center of the Municipal Bureau: the DNA of Xiao Yongzhi (male, 30 years old, from Liaoning Province, China) was found to be the same as the dripping blood extracted at the scene. The person was criminally detained by the Chaoyang Sub-bureau on July 14 on suspicion of a robbery case on June 25, 2012. The project team immediately interrogated Xiao Yongzhi, who confessed that he and another man (Hui nationality, about 35 years old, from Tongzhou, Beijing) stabbed the victim Xu Qing to death near Liuli Bridge at 23:00 on July 12, 2012 .

On the one hand, the project team stepped up the interrogation of Xiao Yongzhi, and on the other hand, it tried its best to find another suspect involved in the case. The man who met the basic conditions was obtained from the public security network for the suspect Xiao Yongzhi to identify. Xiao Yongzhi identified another suspect in this case as Ma Guojian (male, Hui nationality, 35 years old, from Tongzhou District, Beijing). There was a major turning point in the case, and the project team immediately contacted the Zhangjiawan Police Station where Ma Guojian was registered, and learned that this person was a key member of the police station, and obtained Ma Guojian’s mobile phone number. With the cooperation of the 12th Division of the Municipal Bureau, the task force arrested Ma Guojian in Dongdan Park at 11 o’clock on July 17, 2012. After interrogation, the person confessed that he and Xiao Yongzhi were both homosexuals. The two had a dispute with the victim Xu Qing on the day of the crime, and they stabbed Xu Qing to death.

     Two criminal suspects, Xiao Yongzhi and Ma Guojian, have been detained by the sub-bureau, and the case is under further investigation.

                            Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment Serious Case Second Squad

July 17, 2012

Report on “7.13” Xu Qing’s Murder Case in West Bureau of Fengtai District

Case number: A1101067200002012070032

At 1:22 on July 13, 2012, the duty room of our team’s reception team deployed police: Someone fell to the ground with blood on the lawn under the bridge of Liuli Bridge in Fengtai District. After receiving the report, the investigators of our team, under the leadership of Director Heng Xiaofan and Deputy Director Zhao Leibing of the Sub-bureau, and Captain Wang Zhuo of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, together with the investigators of the technical team of the sub-bureau and the forensic doctor, rushed to the scene to start work. At the same time, Zang Xuemin, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps, Lu Baoquan, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps, comrades from the 12th Corps of the Municipal Bureau, the Intelligence Information Center, the Network Security Department, the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Divisions of the Criminal Investigation Corps, and relevant units of the branch bureau also arrived at the scene.

1. The situation of receiving reports

Caller Wang Qi (male, 29 years old, from Chengde City, Hebei Province, China, mobile phone number: 18310208206) reported that at about 1:00 on July 13, 2012, he crossed the third ring side road from north to south to the bridge hole and headed west towards the long-distance bus While walking in the direction of the station, I saw a man lying in the grass by the side of the road. Head north and feet south, lying on his back on the ground, with a knife in his right hand, blood on his face and tongue, and a brick on the lower right side of his head. After seeing this, the caller walked around the original road to the inner side of Jingshi Expressway to find a public phone to call the police, and then returned to the scene to wait for the police.

2. On-site investigation and preliminary forensic examination

(1) Basic information of the deceased

After verification, the deceased Xu Qing, male, 49 years old, ID card:, registered address: Room 301, Gate 5, 18th Floor, Kaiyangli 3rd District, You’anmen, Fengtai District, Beijing. Engineer of the Academy Co., Ltd., mobile phone number: 13701271919, QQ number: 425062582.

(2) On-site investigation

After investigation, the site is located in the triangular green belt under the bridge at the southwest corner of Liuli Bridge, Fengtai District, Beijing. The body was lying on its back with its head in the northwest and feet in the southeast. It was wearing a black vest, light-colored shorts, and sneakers (no socks) on its feet. It held a black pocket knife (with a blade length of 6 cm, marked as a Hongfeng knife) in its right hand. There are many types of footprints around the corpse, including strips, squares, circles, waves, etc. The dripping blood extends about 8 meters eastward from the corpse. Pick up a black Huawei brand mobile phone (13701271919) and a wallet on the spot, which contains RMB 1082, 3 bank cards (China Merchants Bank: 4391880502797727, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: 5309900056851023, Bank of Beijing: 6029692019851474), and a bus IC card: 10007510316425131.

There is a computer bag more than 20 meters southwest of the deceased, which contains some clothes and sundries, and an ID card, owned by Zhang Pan, male, born on September 4, 1962, ID number: , place of residence: Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China Group 6, Shaliyingzi Village, Balihan Town, Ningcheng County, City, 300 yuan in cash, all 100 yuan.

(3) Forensic medical examination

According to preliminary forensic examination, the deceased had blunt trauma to the head, stab wounds to the left armpit and right thigh, and skin abrasions to the left upper arm. The cause of death was hemorrhagic shock.

The crime tool should be a sharp instrument with a blade length of 40cm and a blade width of 3cm. The deceased suffered penetrating injuries to the lungs and heart, and strip-shaped blow injuries to the head.

3. Access work

1. Huang Jin (male, 30 years old, from Chongqing, China, witness) reflected: at about 1:30 on July 13, 2012, when he was jogging to the southwest corner of Liuli Bridge, he found a man lying on the side of the road with his head north and feet south On the lawn, with blood on his face. He also recalled that when he jogged from west to east along the south side of the side road of Jingshi Expressway, he met 6 or 7 men on the side of the road when he was about 1 km away from Liuli Bridge. One of them was holding an iron bar, but he was not sure which Whether the man is related to the man who fell to the ground.

2. Hong Qinghe (male, 20 years old, from Fujian, China, friend of the deceased) reflected: Xu Qing was gay.

3. The deceased’s mother Zhang Hexian (female, 75 years old, from Beijing) and the deceased’s younger sister Xu Jie (female, 43 years old, from Beijing) both reported that Xu Qing had a girlfriend when she was in college, but she never had another girlfriend after breaking up . Later, Zhang Hexian persuaded Xu Qing to get married many times, but Xu Qing was very unhappy every time.

4. Preliminary investigation

(1) After interviewing the deceased’s unit, Xu Qing’s colleagues did not know whether the deceased was gay or not. I usually have a harmonious relationship with my colleagues and have a good relationship with them, but I don’t know much about his private life. After checking and controlling the computer of the deceased’s unit, no clues were found.

(2) The network security department checked the chat records of the deceased’s QQ number 425062582, and found no news of going out on an appointment during the time of the incident.

(3) The economic and technical investigation department checked and controlled the mobile phone of the deceased, and found no information about going out during the time period when the crime occurred. The deceased left the place of residence at 21:50 on July 12, and arrived at the crime scene at 20:10 on July 12.

V. Case Analysis and Next Step Work Deployment

After investigation and control of the computer in the deceased’s home and the reflections of his family members, it was determined that the deceased should be a homosexual. According to the analysis of the leftover items at the scene, the possibility of seeking money cannot be ruled out, and the case of intentional injury caused by contradictory factors is more inclined.

After listening to the report of the investigators, the project team analyzed and decided to carry out work from the following aspects:

(1) Issue an investigation report to the hospitals affiliated to the city to find out the suspicious persons who went to the hospital for treatment and trauma after the case occurred.

(2) The video team conducts divergent monitoring video collection of the surrounding area of the incident, the residence of the deceased, and the possible passing areas along the way.

(3) Conduct simultaneous visits to the surrounding areas of the site, focusing on interviews with the labor market around the site and the idlers who are mixed in the society.

(4) Arrange special eyes and ears around the scene, labor market and other places to search for clues.

(5) Call 116 taxi information from 23:40 to 24:00.

6. Case solving

On July 15, the project team received clues from the Forensic Medicine Center of the Municipal Bureau: the DNA of Xiao Yongzhi (male, 30 years old, from Liaoning Province) was identified as the same as that of Xiao Yongzhi (male, 30 years old, from Liaoning Province). The person was criminally detained by the Chaoyang Sub-bureau on July 14 on suspicion of a robbery case on June 25, 2012. The project team immediately interrogated Xiao Yongzhi, who confessed that he and another man (Hui nationality, about 35 years old, from Tongzhou, Beijing) stabbed the victim Xu Qing to death near Liuli Bridge at 23:00 on July 12, 2012.

On the one hand, the project team stepped up the interrogation of Xiao Yongzhi, and on the other hand, it tried its best to find another suspect involved in the case. The suspect Xiao Yongzhi identified a man who met the basic conditions from the public security network. After identification, Xiao Yongzhi identified another suspect in this case as Ma Guojian (male, Hui nationality, 35 years old, from Tongzhou District, Beijing). There was a major turning point in the case, and the project team immediately contacted the Zhangjiawan Police Station in Tongzhou District, Beijing, where Ma Guojian was registered, and learned that the person was a key member of the police station, and obtained Ma Guojian’s mobile phone number. With the cooperation of the 12th Division of the Municipal Bureau, the task force arrested Ma Guojian in Dongdan Park at 11 o’clock on July 17, 2012. After interrogation, Ma Guojian confessed that he and Xiao Yongzhi were both homosexuals. Because he had a dispute with the victim Xu Qing on the day of the incident, he stabbed Xu Qing to death.

Two criminal suspects, Xiao Yongzhi and Ma Guojian, have been detained by the sub-bureau, and the case is under further investigation.

                            Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment Serious Case Second Squad

July 17, 2012

Interrogation transcript (time)

From 13:10, July 15, 2012 to 17:52, July 15, 2012

Location Chaoyang District Detention Center

Investigator’s name, unit Fengtai Branch Criminal Investigation Detachment Serious Case Second Squad

Recorder unit Fengtai Branch Criminal Investigation Detachment Second Squad of Serious Cases

Suspect Xiao Yongzhi

Question: We are investigators from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Beijing Fengtai Branch. We are interrogating you now. I hope you will truthfully explain the matter.

Answer: Yes.

Question: Have you read the “Notification of Criminal Suspect’s Litigation Rights and Obligations”?

A: I have read it and know my rights and obligations.

Q: name?

Answer: Xiao Yongzhi.

Q: Gender?

Answer: Male.

Q: ID number?


Q: Do you have an alias or nickname?

Answer: No.

Q: Date of birth?

Answer: January 22, 1982.

Q: Nationality?

Answer: Han.

Q: Education level?

Answer: The first grade of junior high school.

Q: Native place?

Answer: Heilongjiang.

Q: Where is the registered permanent residence?

Answer: No. 21, Bianliyingzi, Ertuyingzi Village, Jianshe Town, County Fuxin Mongolian Autonomous Region, Liaoning Province.

Q: Current address?

Answer: A rental house at No. 129, Pingxi House, Changping District.

Q: Occupation?

Answer: Unemployed.

Q: Family members?

Answer: Father: Xiao Dequan, 59 years old, has been missing for more than 20 years.

Brother: Xiao Yongming, works in his hometown, phone number: 15241899052.

Brother: Xiao Yongsheng, 19 years old, served in the Harbin Armed Police Force.

Q: Resume?

Answer: I went to school since I was a child, and came to Beijing to work in 2009.

Q: What is your contact information?

Answer: I used to have a mobile phone (imitation of Motorola), the mobile phone number is: 15910342979, probably in the middle of May this year, I lost my mobile phone, until now there is no other way of contact.

Question: Have you been dealt with by the public security organ?

Answer: In 2011, he was sentenced to criminal detention by the Chaoyang District People’s Court for theft.

Question: Do you know why you were detained in the detention center this time?

Answer: Yes, I was arrested by the Anzhenli Police Station for robbery.

Q: How were the two injuries on your left hand caused?

Answer: Silence.

Question: Through patient education, talk about policy?

Answer: The wound on my hand was scratched by a strange man with a knife on the green belt near the roadside West Bureau, Fengtai District, Beijing on the night of July 12, 2012.

Q: Why did the man cut you with a knife?

Answer: Because he harassed me, he came to me and pulled my belt, put his left hand around my neck and held on, and then I resisted, and he scratched me with a knife.

Question: Can you tell us about the situation after a strange man scratched you?

A: After the man scratched me, a friend of mine got into a fight with him.

Question: Can you tell us about the physical characteristics of the man who scratched you with a knife?

Answer: The man was about 40 years old, about 1.75 meters tall, with a medium build, wearing a dark short-sleeved T-shirt, and holding a knife about 20 cm long in his hand. I can’t remember anything else.

Question: What did you do near the West Bureau of Fengtai District?

A: I am looking for a friend of mine.

Question: Tell me about the basic situation of the friend you are looking for?

Answer: What is the man’s name “Ma De”? I only know that everyone calls him “Heizi”. He is of Hui nationality and a native of Tongzhou, Beijing.

Q: Tell me about Heizi’s clothes at that time?

A: Heizi was wearing a dark short-sleeved T-shirt, dark pants, dark leather shoes, and a watch on his feet. I don’t know which hand he was wearing.

Q: Tell me about your clothes at that time?

Answer: That night I was wearing a white round neck T-shirt, white slacks and green casual shoes.

Q: Can you tell us about the details of the fight that day?

Answer: At about 22:40 on the evening of July 12, 2012, I took the local bus No. 300 for 1.5 yuan from the Jimen Bridge bus station on the North Third Ring Road. At about 23 o’clock that night, I got off the car near the West Bureau of Fengtai District. Then go north to a grove in the southwest corner of an overpass, and find a friend nicknamed “Heizi”. After seeing Heizi, I went to stand by a wall on the west side of the grove, and “Heizi” was strolling around the grove. While I was standing by the wall, a man walked up to me. That man started to harass me and scold me, and I started to resist. He took out a knife and slashed at me, and my left arm was scratched in two places. At this time, Heizi came from behind me, but I don’t know exactly where he came from. With a knife in his hand, he got into a fight with the man, and the man ran away. Heizi chased him for about 100 meters, and fought with the man again on the side of the road, and they fought together. When I passed by, the man was already lying on the ground, gesturing at me with a knife in his hand, without saying a word. Then Heizi ran to the bridge hole on the north side of the road. At this time, I saw the knife Heizi was using thrown in the middle of the sidewalk, so I ran to the bottom of the bridge and waved to Heizi to come back and take the knife. When we got back to the middle of the road, Heizi said he didn’t want the knife anymore. I picked up the knife and held it in my hand, and Heizi asked me for money. I gave him the money in my pocket, and I only had twenty or thirty yuan left. Then I put the knife in the scabbard, took the knife, and walked south with Heizi. When I passed the bathroom on the side of the road, I went in to wash my hands and the blood from the wound on my arm. Heizi left at that time, I don’t know how he left. Then I walked south all the way to the third ring road. Later, we walked to Muxi Garden until dawn, had breakfast, and then took bus No. 262 to Peony Garden.

Question: What did Heizi say when he separated from you in the toilet?

Answer: Before Heizi and I parted ways, he told me that he could no longer hold this knife, so he should dispose of it quickly.

Q: Did you dispose of the knife?

Answer: I was arrested by the police from the Anzhenli Police Station before I had time to deal with it. The knife and belongings were all seized by the police station.

Q: Was Heizi injured?

Answer: Heizi had two wounds on the back of his left hand, and some blood flowed out. I don’t know the specific injuries.

Q: When did you and Heizi meet?

A: We have known each other for about two months.

Q: How did you meet Heizi?

A: We met through a person nicknamed “Little Northeast”.

Q: Tell me about the basic situation of Xiaodongbei?

Answer: I met him in Peony Garden in May this year, so I knew his nickname was “Little Northeast”. He is about 26 years old, about 1.77 meters tall, of medium build, with a rectangular face and cropped hair. He often goes to bars near Gongti and the area around Peony Garden. I don’t know anything else about him.

Question: How did you meet Heizi?

A: The first time we met was at Yuandadu Ruins Park. Heizi left me a mobile phone number. I wrote down my mobile phone number on one of my tickets and carried it with me. When we want to meet up, we will contact by phone. Usually I call Heizi through the public phone, or I make an appointment for the time and place of the next meeting after the last meeting.

Question: Could you tell me about Heizi’s cell phone number?

A: I don’t remember because I wrote his number on the ticket and didn’t remember it in my head.

Question: Where is the train ticket with “Heizi”‘s cell phone number on it that you carry with you now?

Answer: On the evening of July 13, 2010, after I was arrested by the Anzhenli Police Station, my belongings were confiscated by the Anzhenli Police Station.

Question: On the evening of July 12, 2012, how did you make an appointment to meet?

Answer: The meeting on the evening of July 12, 2012 was an appointment when we met at Dazhong Temple at 3:00 pm on July 10, 2012.

Question: What did you go to Dazhong Temple for?

Answer: At around 22 o’clock in the evening on July 9, 2012, according to the time and place we made an appointment last time, we met at a bar named “Destination” near Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, and we played until 3 o’clock in the morning before we left up. Then “Heizi” said to go to a friend’s house, and I went shopping in Xidan. Before we parted, we made an appointment to meet at the entrance of the Dazhong Temple at 3 pm. At around 3:30 in the afternoon, “Heizi” and I met at the gate of Dazhong Temple, and then we went shopping together. When I was shopping, I spent 70 yuan to buy a knife for Heizi at a Xinjiang stall, and Heizi has been holding the knife since then.

Question: Is the knife you bought at that time the same knife as the knife used by Heizi and the knife that was seized after you were arrested by the police station?

Answer: Yes, all three knives are the same.

Q: Where is this knife now?

Answer: The knife is currently being seized by the Anzhenli Police Station.

Q: Can you tell us about the characteristics of the knife?

Answer: The knife is about 50 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide, with a sharp edge on one side and a brown leather scabbard.

Q: Is there anything else to add?

A: Let me think about it again. I haven’t had a good rest in the past two days.

Question: Are the above statements true?

Answer: Yes.