

《北京犯罪報告10: 丰台》



























根据案发现场附近的一辆黑色起亚牌轿车(车牌号:京PQ2V19),民警确定死者身份。死者叫张海宏,男,34岁,户籍所在地:中国甘肃省镇原县孟坝镇王地庄行政村东庄自然村30号 ,身份证:,在京暂住地:北京市丰台区角门东里86号楼地下一层3号。






































项目组依据访问情况迅速开展工作,核实王刚和“大牛”的基本情况,并围绕二人暂住地、关系人全面开展工作。经工作,发现两名犯罪嫌疑人已在案发当晚逃往外地。项目组随即展开对二人的抓捕工作,后于 2012年7月13日9时许,在中国内蒙古赤峰市长途汽车站将犯罪嫌疑人王刚、陈占强二人抓获。










“7.10” work report on Zhang Haihong’s injury and death in Majiabao, Fengtai District

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At about 21:30 on July 10, 2012, a man fell to the ground by the roadside south of Building 88, Jiaomen Dongli, Majiabao Middle Road. After being diagnosed by 120 emergency doctors, the man had a stab wound on his left chest, left lower abdomen and abdomen, and there were no signs of life. After receiving the report, the duty room of the Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment immediately reported the case to the No. 3 Serious Case Team to continue working.

     1. Basic information of the deceased

According to a black Kia car (license plate number: Beijing PQ2V19) near the crime scene, the police confirmed the identity of the deceased. The name of the deceased is Zhang Haihong, male, 34 years old, registered address: No. 30, Dongzhuang Natural Village, Wangdizhuang Administrative Village, Mengba Town, Zhenyuan County, Gansu Province, China, ID card: Temporary residence in Beijing: No. 86, Jiaomen Dongli, Fengtai District, Beijing No. 3 on the basement floor of the building.

2. Working conditions

According to the clues provided by the masses, the project team determined that Wang Gang (male, 37 years old, ID number: from Gansu, China) and Chen Zhanqiang (male, 21 years old, ID number: from Gansu, China) were suspected of major crimes. Current whereabouts unknown.

3. Case analysis and next work deployment:

After retrieving the surveillance around the scene, it was found that the place where the crime occurred was a blind spot of the camera, and the incident happened could not be photographed. According to the clues currently available, the reason and motive for committing the crime cannot be determined. The next step work arrangement of the project team:

(1) Issuing a notification of assisted investigation.

(2) Continue to do ideological work on the masses who provided clues, and strive for valuable confessions.

(3) Waiting for technical, forensic evidence inspection and autopsy.

(4) Send the deceased’s mobile phone and other items to the technical investigation and network surveillance departments.

(5) Check the information about the deceased’s activities online.

(6) Visiting and investigating relatives of the deceased and their relatives.

(7) Hunt down the two suspects.

Contact person for the case: Wang Dagang, captain of the No. 3 Serious Case Team, 13911357988

                          Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment Serious Case Team Three

                            July 11, 2012

Report on the “7.10” Case of Zhang Haihong’s Injury and Death in Majiabao, Fengtai District

Case number: A1101065700002012070070

At 23:47 on July 10, 2012, the duty room of the Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment answered the phone and informed that a man was beaten to death in Majiabao, Fengtai District, Beijing. After receiving the report, the investigators of the No. 3 Serious Case Team rushed to the scene, and under the command of Zhao Leibing and Wang Dongbin, the deputy directors of the sub-bureau, and Wang Zhuo, the head of the criminal investigation detachment, started the on-site investigation and visit work. After work, the project team arrested the suspects Wang Gang and Chen Zhanqiang at the long-distance bus station in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China at 9:00 on July 13, 2012. After interrogation, the two suspects confessed to the fact that they quarreled with fellow villager Zhang Haihong on the evening of July 10 near Jiaomen Dongli in Majiabao over trivial matters, and that they injured Zhang Haihong with a knife. So far, the case has been solved. The case is now reported as follows:

1. Basic information of the case

(1) Receiving an alarm

At 21:32 on July 10, 2012, Liu Zhanzhong (male, 29 years old, a staff member of the Beijing Office of Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, China) reported to the police that a man was beaten and injured on the east side road of Jiaomenxili, Fengtai District, Beijing. died, and the other party had fled the scene. He then called 911.

(2) Basic information of the deceased

Zhang Haihong, male, 31 years old, unemployed, household registration: Wangdizhuang Administrative Village, Mengba Town, Zhenyuan County, Gansu Province, China, temporary residence: the dormitory of the Finance and Economics Printing Factory, Courtyard No. 52, Sanjianfangpengpolin, Chaoyang District, Beijing, identity Certificate number: .

(3) On-site investigation and victim’s injury

The scene is located on the sidewalk in front of the Yan Hotel on the south side of Building 88, Dongli Community, Jiaomen, Majiabao, Fengtai District, Beijing. The surrounding areas are residential areas and businesses, and the population is relatively dense. The victim was lying on his back on the ground with his head east and feet west, with pools of blood on his chest. On the sidewalk 50 meters northwest of the scene, the victim’s black Kia car (model number: Beijing PQ2V19) was parked, and there was blood stains near the driver’s door of the car. After investigation, the blood pool on the ground in front of the Tobacco Hotel and the blood around the car were extracted and submitted for inspection.

There were six stab wounds on the victim’s body, and the wounds were distributed on the front chest, the outer upper part of the left breast, and the abdomen. Among them, the wound in the middle of the chest went deep to the chest cavity, which was fatal. The crime tool was analyzed as a sharp weapon, and the cause of death should be hemorrhagic shock.

(4) Survey visits

1. According to the reporter Liu Zhanzhong: At 21:30 on July 10, 2012, Liu Zhanzhong saw two men running out of the alley on the west side of the road on the sidewalk of Dongli Road, Majiabao Jiaomen, Fengtai District, Beijing, crossing the road. The victim was chased from west to east in the central route of Jiabao. One of the men stabbed the victim with a tool before leaving the scene northward.

2. Zhou Xihui, male, 44 years old, occupation: nurse at Beijing Bo’ai Hospital, ID number: . The person reflected: On the night of July 10, 2012, Wang Gang went to his home and claimed that there was a fight and he was injured. Wang Gang claimed that he had lost his mobile phone, and took away Zhou Xihui’s mobile phone and the SIM card in it. Later, Zhou Xihui went around the neighborhood and found that there were policemen taking pictures at the scene, and saw Wang Gang’s girlfriend Yanzi sitting on the bed and crying. Zhou Xihui asked Yanzi what was going on, and Yanzi said: In the evening, I was having dinner with Zhang Haihong, Daniu (Chen Zhanqiang), and Wang Gang at the Daosha noodle restaurant, and they had a quarrel for some unknown reason. Zhang Haihong scratched Daniel’s face with a knife, Wang Gang and Daniel chased him out from the restaurant, and Daniel stabbed Zhang Haihong twice with a knife.

2. Case analysis and work deployment

To sum up, this case is a case of injury and death caused by conflicts. The suspects are two men, one of whom stabbed the victim to death with a crime tool, and then fled the scene quickly. According to this the deployment works as follows:

(1) Investigate and interview the people around the scene to find clues.

(2) Retrieve and check the video surveillance footage around the scene, and discover suspicious situations.

(3) Carry out in-depth investigations around the victim and his related persons.

(4) The intelligence, network security, and technical investigation departments carry out their work in combination with their own functions.

(5) Extensively mobilize special intelligence eyes and ears, and the police station sorts out key personnel in the jurisdiction and finds suspicious persons.

3. Case solving

(1) The process of solving the case

The project team quickly carried out work based on the visits, verified the basic situation of Wang Gang and “Daniu”, and carried out comprehensive work around the two people’s temporary residence and related persons. After work, it was found that the two suspects had fled to other places on the night of the incident. The project team immediately started to arrest the two, and at about 9:00 on July 13, 2012, the suspects Wang Gang and Chen Zhanqiang were arrested at the long-distance bus station in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China.

(2) Basic information of the criminal suspect

Wang Gang, male, Han nationality, born on March 3, 1975, a nurse at Beijing Boai Hospital, ID number:, household registration: No. 2 South Street, Pingquan Town, Zhenyuan County, Gansu Province, China, temporary residence: Dongli, Jiaomen, Fengtai District, Beijing The basement floor of Building 86.

Chen Zhanqiang, male, Han nationality, born on November 17, 1990, unemployed, ID number:, household registration: No. 28, Chakou Natural Village, Maozhuang Administrative Village, Guoyuan Township, Zhenyuan County, Gansu Province, China, temporary residence: Dongli, Jiaomen, Fengtai District The second basement floor of Building 87.

(3) Confessions of criminal suspects

After preliminary interrogation, the two criminal suspects confessed: At about 20 o’clock in the evening on July 10, 2012, Wang Gang, Chen Zhanqiang and Zuo Haiyan (female, 25 years old, from Henan, China, Wang Gang’s girlfriend) and a group of four people from Gansu Province Zhang Haihong were in the Eat at the Daosha noodle restaurant near Jiaomenxili, Fengtai District. During the meal, Wang Gang, Chen Zhanqiang and Zhang Haihong quarreled over trivial matters. Zhang Haihong went out from the hotel to get the knife in his self-driving car, and fought with the other party. Later, Wang Gang and Chen Zhanqiang continued to chase and beat Zhang Haihong to the front of Yan Hotel on the south side of Building 88 in Dongli Community, Jiaomen. Chen Zhanqiang stabbed Zhang Haihong with the knife he carried, and the two fled the scene. The two hid successively in Xianghe, Hebei, Chengde, Inner Mongolia, and Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, until they were arrested by the public security organs at 9:00 on July 13.

At present, two suspects have been under criminal detention on suspicion of intentional injury causing death.

Hereby report.

The first team of the fifth brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Fengtai Branch

July 13, 2012